Leopard dog Catahula: rules of maintenance and care

Leopard dog Catahula: rules of maintenance and care
Leopard dog Catahula: rules of maintenance and care

The history of the emergence of the Catahula leopard dog, external norms, character and health, care: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. The Leopard dog Katahuly originated in northern Louisiana, near Lake Catahuly, and is the result of crossbreeding between local dogs and other canines brought to the area by Spanish explorers from around the world. Before the land was taken over by white settlers, the Indians of the area used similar animals for hunting.

Catahula is officially named the state dog of Louisiana and remains, to this day, the most popular working dog. The Catahula is a unique dog with a rich heritage and excellent working ability. Such pets are not suitable for life in every family. But, when you take on the obligations of its maintenance and associate your life with it, then you will have a staunch defender and a wonderful companion.

How did the Catahula leopard dog come about?

Adult Catahula Leopard Dog and Her Puppy
Adult Catahula Leopard Dog and Her Puppy

One of the theories about the origin of the breed claims that the Catahula leopard dog descended from mastiffs and greyhounds, brought to Louisiana by the Spanish navigator, conquistador Hernando de Soto in the 16th century. The animals left by the explorer were mixed with local aboriginal and domestic canines.

The version that Native Americans bred their dogs by crossing them with red wolves is not supported by DNA studies of the leopard dog. Recent studies have looked at prehistoric remains from American archaeological sites, and each has indicated that the genetics of prehistoric American dogs are similar to European and Asian domesticated dogs, not wild animals. In fact, these studies show that Native Americans brought with them several breed lines of already domesticated dogs from countries in Asia and North America.

There are many published sources detailing pets found in prehistoric archaeological excavations. It is clear that the red wolf was not the only wild canine in the Mississippi Valley before the arrival of the Europeans. Foxes and gray wolves lived there, as well as various domesticated Indian dog breeds.

In the 1800s, French settlers arrived in Louisiana with their Beauceron canines. The French talked about strange dogs with intent glass eyes, which the Indians used to hunt in the swamps. American Indians and later white settlers used leopard dogs as hunting dogs, especially when the number of wild pigs that roamed the forests in the area increased dramatically.

From here the Catahouls got the nickname - pig dogs. This new breed was useful for herding. She not only guarded cows or pigs, but also drove them, helping the shepherds. It is believed that the blood of beauceron, red wolf, mastiff and greyhound were mixed to breed catahula.

It is likely that the word catahula is actually a combination of the two words ohata, which means lake, and hullo, which means beloved. The word catahula actually comes from the dialect of the Taensa tribes. Katahula means the name of the lake. Later, the French transformed these Indian words for their language and pronounced them coot-ha-oo-goo-la.

It is reported that Jim Bowie and his brother Rezin Bowie, who spent most of their youth in the Catahula parish, owned a pair of these pets. It was said that these dogs slept at their feet. In the early 1900s, Teddy Roosevelt used the Catahula while hunting. Louisiana Governor Earl K. Long took an interest in the breed and bred leopard dogs. This interest resulted in the organization of an annual competition called Uncle Earl's Pig Dog Trials.

The Louisiana Breed Club was formed in 1976, and in 1977 by the National Catahula Association. Other organizations, the Leopard Dog Breeders Association, and the American Catahula Association, are working to develop and support the breed. This is manifested by participation in exhibitions, sports, work tests. Breeds are clinically tested and certified testing.

In 1979, Governor Edwin Edwards signed a bill making the Catahula the official state dog of Louisiana in recognition of their importance in the history of the region. The United Kennel Club, which recognized leopard dogs, registered them in the breed book for the first time in 1995. Catahula entered the fund of the American Kenel Club, which keeps records of rare breeds in 1996. In 2007, leopard dogs were recognized as the school mascot of Louisiana Centenary College.

External norms of the Catahula leopard dog

Catahula leopard dog side view
Catahula leopard dog side view

Catahoulas were bred as working dogs, not because of their beautiful appearance. As a result, their physical characteristics are somewhat variable. Height at the withers in males 56–66 cm and females 54–60 cm. Weight in males 42–51 kg and females 23–40 kg.

  1. Head - elongated. The skull is slightly widened between the ears. The brows are moderately expressed.
  2. Muzzle - long, square, slightly narrower towards the nose. Stop is not manifested. The bridge of the nose is smooth or humped. The lips are tight. Scissor teeth.
  3. Nose a leopard dog is large, the color is different, depends on the color, it can be uneven.
  4. Eyes are bluish-white with cracked glaze, and are called "glass eyes". Catahula also have different eyes: one eye is blue and the other is amber or brown. There are glass eyes, which also have internal veins of blue, which are called "cracked glass eyes."
  5. Ears triangular, hanging on cartilage.
  6. Neck The catahula is quite long, strong, and muscular.
  7. Frame - stretched format. The withers stand out, the back is straight. The chest is well developed. The loin is strong. The croup is slightly sloping. Ribs do not bulge. The bottom line of the body is perfectly tucked up.
  8. Tail - can be long and whip-like.
  9. Front limbs - long, erect, with strong bones. The hind legs are parallel, strong.
  10. Paws - vaulted and webbed.
  11. Coat There are three types: short (well-fitting to the skin), medium (coarse structure with feathers on the tail, back of the legs and lower abdomen), double (long-haired with a thick undercoat).
  12. Color with an endless variety of colors and patterns. It can be seen in any color combination. Basically, it is: solid color, brindle, leopard or speckled patterns.

Distinctive behaviors of the Catahula leopard dog

Catahula leopard dog face
Catahula leopard dog face

Correctly brought up Katahula, not aggressive towards people. He is afraid of strangers, but never shy in front of them. He loves and protects all family members. Male dogs can be aggressive towards other male dogs.

In general, Catahoulas work quite tough when the behavior of pigs or cattle is erratic. Their instinct is to track stray animals and knock them into a herd, and if not, then they need another source of outlet for their energy. Leopard dogs are excellent watchdogs and will warn their owners differently when strangers are approaching.

Treat them firmly but fairly. Dogs do not tolerate abuse or physical abuse. Catahula needs to be introduced to the outside world as early as possible. The behavior of different breed individuals depends on a number of factors, and includes genetic data, upbringing and socialization.

Catahula leopard dog breed health

Catahula leopard dog looking up
Catahula leopard dog looking up

Leopard dogs usually have excellent immunity, but they are so perfect. Canines can have certain genetic diseases. Of course, not all specimens of the breed are subject to them, but future owners are better off being aware of what his pet may be sick with.

The following problems can arise in the breed:

  • Hip dysplasia - An inherited condition in which the femur is not firmly attached to the hip joint, ultimately causing lameness or arthritis. An x-ray will help identify it. Dogs with hip dysplasia should not be bred.
  • Deafness occurs because leodard dogs carry a gene for merle coloration that can cause hearing loss. It can be one-sided and two-sided. Complete hearing loss causes restless behavior in the breed. Test your puppy's hearing before purchasing. This can be done by standing behind him and clapping your hands loudly or making some other unexpected, harsh sound. Notice if the puppy reacts to it. You can also check your dog's hearing with a hearing aid with your veterinarian.

Catahula leopard dog care rules

What a Catahula leopard dog puppy looks like
What a Catahula leopard dog puppy looks like
  1. Wool these canines are of short and medium length. Basically, they are combed out every day during the period of its change, with a rubber brush or furminator. You need to bathe Catahula a couple of times a year, with the help of typed concentrates, which are thoroughly washed off with water.
  2. Teeth Clean daily to avoid gum problems and bad breath created by bacteria inside tartar.
  3. Ears your pet should be free of scratches, smell, and redness. Cleanse them once a week by placing herbal lotion in your ear and then wiping off the outside of the ear.
  4. Eyes a pet should not be deprived of your attention. At the very least, you should check that they are clean and not red. Your vigilance will prevent many problems.
  5. Claws Catahoulas need to be trimmed a couple of times a month. When the dog walks a lot, he washes them himself. You can trim the excess length with claws or file it with a nail file.
  6. Feeding your pet should be individual. Not all foods are suitable for every dog. Be prepared to try different foods until you find a food that is acceptable to your pet. His bright eyes, shiny coat and healthy, energetic appearance will serve as an indicator of the right diet. Commercial, dry food is very convenient. Dry food is sold freely and has a long shelf life. It will serve as a preventive measure against dental plaque. It is difficult to get the right balance by opting for natural food. You may not always be able to combine the right concentration of cereal meat and other foods in the belief that it will satisfy your dog's needs. It also takes much longer to prepare food for consumption. It is best to consult a veterinary dietitian. Dogs that eat natural foods can live long, but if you give them enough protein, all the vitamins and nutrients they need. About a quarter of the diet should come from cereals, and the other half should be a mixture of protein and fiber. To prevent gas from the stomach, also known as bloating, do not give food or water immediately after vigorous exercise. Food is offered to the dog for at least an hour.
  7. Walking Catahula should be active and include a lot of physical activity. This is not a dog that can be kept as a yard, leaving her upbringing to herself. She needs partnerships and daily exercise. Your yard should be well fenced. If a leopard dog sees another dog approaching its territory, then the absence of a reliable barrier can lead to a serious fight. Try to get your pet at least an hour of exercise daily. Engage his mental activity in interesting, extraordinary, or amusing activities.

Catahula leopard dog training

Catahula leopard dog stuck out its tongue
Catahula leopard dog stuck out its tongue

Start training this Catahula the day you bring your puppy home. The breed is very smart and quick to learn, but they need a strong leader. To achieve the highest grade of learning, be patient, firm and consistent in your actions. This will create close contact with your pet.

The dog needs to know what you expect from him, and then follow the commands. Always reward him for excellent behavior instead of punishing him for disobedience. An overhaul of a dog can be detrimental in terms of its self-confidence as a person. Regular exercise and social interaction will help you live happily together.

When Catahula is bored or lonely, he will become destructive in his attempts to entertain himself. If you unscheduled leave the puppy alone, then put him in a special cage. Then, he will chew his toys, and not what is not supposed to. This will keep him out of trouble when you can't control the dog. The cage will serve as a resting place for him and in your presence. Never use a cage as a punishment site.

It is important to train a leopard dog to walk on a leash, especially since an adult Catahula is a very strong animal. Leash and walk training is essential for your pet's comfort and safety. Never walk with your dog in areas where he may collide with unknown dogs or other animals, or drive him with a muzzle. He has a very developed rivalry and hunting instinct. Early and constant socialization is a must for this breed, especially if you want your Catahula to be friendly towards other animals and other canines, or at least remain tolerant. Puppy socialization classes are a great start, but they shouldn't end. Do not lock your pet in an aviary. He must see as many people and animals as possible. The dog must know how to behave in various situations. With proper training, alignment and socialization, your leopard dog will be a wonderful family member, protecting and loving you unconditionally.

Interesting facts about the leopard dog

Catahula leopard dog look
Catahula leopard dog look

For Catahula, the typical eye color is not typical. The breed can have eyes, which are called "cracked glass" or "marble glass" (heterochromia). In this case, both colored and glass parts are present in one eye. Cracks, or marble eyes, are blue or blue-white in color. The eyes of leopard dogs with cracked or marbled, glassy eyes are often referred to as double glass eyes.

In some cases, the glass eye has darker, colored sections, and vice versa. Cracked eyes can be half one color and half another. They have not only stripes, but also spots of a different color. Gray eyes are usually cracked and are composed of blue and green, giving them their grayish tinge. The eyes can be of the same color or each of a different color and pattern. Eye color can also be icy, brown, green, gray, or amber. Some specimens are known to have half of one eye adorned with a marble pattern.

Catahula leopard dog puppies price

Three puppies and an adult Catahula leopard dog
Three puppies and an adult Catahula leopard dog

Since some health problems do not appear until the dog reaches full maturity, medical permits are issued to dogs after two years. Look for a breeder who only mates breeders after two or three years of age. He must have medical breeding permits for male and female dogs to test for hip dysplasia, eye problems and deafness. The price of a puppy is 2000-3000 $.

More about the breed in the following story:
