Perm wolf dog: rules of care and maintenance

Perm wolf dog: rules of care and maintenance
Perm wolf dog: rules of care and maintenance

The appearance of the Permian wolfdog, appearance, characteristic animal behavior and health, walking the pet, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy cost. The Perm Volkosob is one of the secrets of modern Russian cynology. In the border units of Russia, such animals are considered secret weapons. The endurance and intelligence of wolf dogs allows them to cope with the difficult tasks of the border service and survive in extreme conditions. Such a purposeful "rattlesnake" mixture of wolf and dog, combining the habits of a wild beast and loyal display of behavior with people is very unique.

The appearance of the Permian wolf breed

Two Perm wolfdogs
Two Perm wolfdogs

The work on breeding the Permian wolfhound or permian wolfhound was started about ten years ago, at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the city of Perm. A she-wolf named Naida, the former owner, almost sold it to some wealthy people for a stuffed animal. The fact that she survived and ended up at the disposal of Professor Vyacheslav Kasimov, in the nursery of the Perm Military Institute, was a great miracle.

Wolves are naturally distrustful and aloof. Unlike all other "gray brothers", Naida completely trusted and obeyed the professor. The she-wolf unquestioningly overcame the same obstacle course on which border dogs are trained. A groom, a black shepherd dog, was picked up for the female. As a result, after a while, Naida got puppies. The kutyata had a rather strange, lean appearance.

Officially, these animals are called wolf-dog hybrids, and not officially, "wolfdogs". They work with them, train them and train them. They inherited many strong qualities from the wolf family. Their scent is especially unique. The wolf tribe is capable of taking a trail even three days ago. For comparison, in an ordinary dog, the same indicator is only eight to ten hours.

The only ancestor of the dog today, according to almost all dog handlers, is the wolf. The approximate dating of the discrepancy between the wolf and the domestic dog is one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. The wolves of those times and the modern "gray brothers" are, of course, different animals. Such a time period, a very long period for selection.

Vyacheslav Kasimov, a professor at the Perm Military Institute, became curious whether there are individuals in the modern population of a wild beast, a wolf, that are carriers of behavioral properties, on the basis of which rapprochement with a person is possible? And then, a good opportunity presented itself.

Kasimov was offered to look at the she-wolf Naida. When the professor saw her, he had no plans to deal with the wolf. He satisfied purely his curiosity, whether she had such inclinations or not. After talking with the she-wolf for a little longer, Vyacheslav Kasimov realized that this is the very specimen, which is unique in its behavioral inclinations, on the basis of which “something” can be formed.

Now it is no longer a secret that experiments with dog-wolf hybrids are being carried out, and of course under great secrecy. Basically, such studies were carried out by the armies and special services of many countries, but not all of them were successful. A promising result was obtained by Professor Kasimov. Until now, all attempts ended with a cross between a wolf and a dog inheriting the worst qualities of the first: selfishness, distrust, wariness, deceit. All the work of dog handlers went, as they say, "down the drain."

On the territory of the institute, there are training grounds for searching the area with dogs. Fifty caches are located on the site, imitating shelters where the intruder should hide. According to the standards, the dog is given up to six minutes to search this site, and the gifted dog is given about one minute. The hybrids obtained from the she-wolf Naida kept within twenty seconds, exceeding the standard many times. During this time, they found not one, but two or three offenders.

Experiments to create new breeds continue to this day. In 1971, the Pentagon supplied its scientists with one billion dollars to conduct research on breeding a super-dog. Further, neither the press nor the special literature mentioned anything about these experiments. So, to this day it is not clear how the work of American canine scientists ended.

As for Russia, many military scientific projects on the use of dogs, dolphins and other animals have not yet been classified as classified. But, judging by the successful experiments with wolf dogs, the results of the work of breeders are progressing successfully. At this time, the work of dog handlers on these wolf dogs is not finished, but only gaining momentum.

Description of the appearance of the Permian wolfdog

External standard of the Permian wolfdog
External standard of the Permian wolfdog

The wolf-dog is a rather large, hardy animal, similar to a wolf. Height at withers in males 61–68 cm and females 58–62 cm. Weight in males 36–46 kg and females 33–37 kg.

  • Head wedge-shaped, with strong, widened between the ears and flat forehead. The furrow on the forehead is moderate. The brow ridges are not prominent.
  • Muzzle rectangular, long in shape, gradually tapering towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop is smooth. The jaws and teeth are strong and strong. They are connected mainly like scissors or pincer.
  • Nose dogs developed with dilated nostrils, only black.
  • Eyes Permian wolfdog are on the front line, oval-almond-shaped, yellow, amber or brown. The look is alert, attentive.
  • Ears grow high, erect, triangular. Cartilage elastic, densely pubescent inside.
  • Neck - medium in length, and set high enough. Abundant hair grows on the neck.
  • Frame - stretched, dry, muscular. The chest is moderately developed. The ribs stand out a little. The back is straight. The loin is strong. The croup is sloping. The bottom line is slightly raised. The belly sinks slightly from the sides.
  • Tail - medium placement, long. Well decorated with thick guard hair. Bends slightly when moving.
  • Front limbs - with strong ligaments and tendons, long with large pasterns. The hind legs are parallel, strong, with developed hips.
  • Paws - medium in size, in a ball.
  • Coat wolfdog dense, with a good dense and softer undercoat. It perfectly protects against bad weather. The thickest hair is in the neck area along the lower body on the hips and tail.
  • Color mostly wolfish (zone-gray, with ring-shaped distribution of pigment), but may be unevenly monochromatic black.

The characteristic behavior of the Permian wolfdog

Perm wolf dog with a mistress
Perm wolf dog with a mistress

Volkosobov is not embarrassed by absolutely nothing. They are very brave. It doesn't even smell like shyness. No loud and harsh sounds, shots, and so on, have absolutely no effect on them, but ordinary dogs are completely lost. That is, the Permian wolf dogs have a very stable psyche. They love the owner and his family.

Wolfdog puppies quickly get used to the owner. But, a person must find a common language with them and educate them correctly. First you need to give a treat, that is, to interest, to win over. And then, without unnecessary pressure, show who is the leader of the pack. Such a pet cannot be allowed to take its course, otherwise it will not be realistic to cope with it later.

Permian wolfdog health

Perm wolves for a walk
Perm wolves for a walk

A wolf-dog hybrid usually has excellent health data. Some experts claim that wolf dogs can live for eighteen years. Such dogs have practically no hereditary diseases. At the very least, they are reduced to a minimum than other canine breeds. Their immune systems are so strong due to the inheritance of a certain combination of wolf and dog genes. The basis for breeding wolf dogs was precisely the improvement in the quality of health and endurance.

The result of breeding a dog and a wolf can be puppies with a non-standard appearance. They are not wolf-like and not quite dogs. Some are born with congenital abnormalities. That is, the limbs from the dog, and the ligaments with the tendons from the wolf, which is not a very suitable combination. It happens that the jaws do not develop correctly. For example, the top one is from one parent, and the bottom one is from the other. The result is an incorrect bite, overshot or undershot. All these flaws cannot be corrected.

Diseases of the bone apparatus are mainly obtained by wolves not genetically, but as a result of traumatic accidents. If such a nuisance occurs, the pet should take an X-ray to determine an accurate diagnosis. This could be a dislocated hip or patella. Only after this, the veterinarian will prescribe a therapeutic or surgical treatment. During the rehabilitation, recovery period, try not to overload the wolf-dog physically. You need the right diet. Being overweight will be a disservice.

Content and rules for the care of the Permian wolf dog

Perm wolf dog with puppies
Perm wolf dog with puppies

All procedures with the Permian wolf dog should begin with his accustoming to them. The animal is very serious and strong. If you do not teach your pet to allow you to carry out hygiene procedures with him from childhood, then when the dog grows up, it will be almost impossible to do this.

  1. Wool in a wolf dog with a very thick undercoat. Therefore, the biggest problem is the period of hairline change. If the pet is not combed out, then it takes on an inappropriate appearance. Tufts of wool are hanging in one place, other areas have already faded, resulting in a peeled "fur coat". So, during the molting period, it is better to help the animal get rid of dead hair. It will be easier for the wolf-dog and it will look great. For the procedure, you will need a slicker or furminator. The slicker should be coated on the tips of the teeth so as not to scratch the skin of the animal. This tool will work, but it is less effective than the furminator, which evenly, in one stroke, captures more wool without tearing or cutting off the guard, new wool. Wolfdogs are rarely bathed, especially if the pet lives in an aviary. His coat serves as his protection and once again, buying a dog, we can wash off the protective grease. It is best to wash the wolf dogs in the spring and summer. Firstly, it will be warm outside and the pet will dry out faster, and secondly, the dead layer of hair will go away faster. Of course, if the animal lives in an apartment, it is bathed more often so that it does not smell like a dog. All soap concentrates must be diluted with water so as not to disturb the PH-balance of the pet's skin.
  2. Teeth Permian wolfdog are very strong, but they also need to be cleaned to keep them healthy. This should be done at least once a week. Timely oral hygiene will relieve your dog of gum problems. Moreover, the pastes for hygiene procedures are edible. They have different tastes, for example, chicken, meat, fish, liver and so on. You can pick up what your pet loves. This will interest the wolfdog and will gladly let you clean your teeth. Pastes have excellent bactericidal properties that remove odor from the mouth and prevent the formation of stones. These dog / wolf hybrids have a genetic predisposition to chew on something constantly. Watch out for what fell into the mouth of your four-legged friend. Sticks and pieces of wood are not desirable, since with mechanical action with them, the animal gradually grinds off the enamel from the teeth. Many give ordinary bones. This is absolutely impossible to do. Bones clog the intestines of the animal, and the tubular bones of birds have sharp chips that cut the intestines like a knife. After such "delicacies", your wolfdog probably won't need anything … It is better to buy bones of their pressed cattle veins, dried ears, lungs and the like at a zoological store.
  3. Ears check your pet regularly. Only in case of excessive accumulation of sulfur and mud deposits, they should be cleaned with herbal-based products. They not only soften dirt, but also create a bactericidal and caring effect. The tools are simple to use. Basically, they are in the form of drops that are buried in the ear canal, and after a while they wipe off all excess.
  4. Eyes require intervention only if dust gets into them or mechanical injuries are detected. Dust can be lightly wiped off with a damp cotton pad, but do not heal injuries yourself. See your veterinarian to avoid complications.
  5. Claws shorten, if they are branches longer than the prescribed length, with clippers. You can cut off all unnecessary with a file or a file.
  6. Feeding all carnivores consist of meat and offal. In nature, the wolf does not eat porridge; it can eat some plants in small quantities for treatment. Be sure to give fish oil and vitamin-mineral complex separately. You can also feed ready-made concentrates. Dry food has everything you need and is easy to use.
  7. Walking Volkosobov is, first of all, increased physical activity. It is better to keep such dogs in an open-air cage on the street. Moreover, pets are not whimsical. Breeders note that even in winter, they do not sleep on beds. They have excellent immunity and protective properties from birth. If wolf dogs are kept in apartments, then their physical activity and walks must be long, otherwise the pet will get bored. It can become inadequate and destructive.

Permian wolfdog training

Perm wolf dog with the owner
Perm wolf dog with the owner

There is an opinion that almost all such dogs have natural aggressive behavior. Recently, this data has been challenged by breeders and fans of breeding such animals for home keeping. Fans of wolf dogs argue that the more genes from a wolf in such a hybrid, the more timidly and aloof the dog behaves. But, nevertheless, many wolf dogs become wonderful friends and companions for humans. The only thing I must say is that the socialization and training of such a pet should begin, as they say, "from the cradle."

It is noted that if the behavior of a pet is even close to that of a dog, then the manifestation of some habits of a wolf takes place. For example, digging beds and shelters in the courtyard, an increased degree of chewing on the owner's property, almost unhindered overcoming fences and hills. Subsequent litters of wolf dogs gradually lose such abilities.

Interesting facts about the Permian wolfdog

The muzzle of the Permian wolfdog
The muzzle of the Permian wolfdog

Calmer wolf dogs are used to search for drugs and explosives, as well as search work in the border troops. Several Perm wolf dogs are currently serving in the Trans-Baikal Border District.

Perm wolf dog named "Gray" has been serving at the border for a couple of years. He has a very keen sense of smell, excellent physical endurance, stable psychological data and a high level of intelligence, which distinguishes him from ordinary canines. For example, the data of the German Shepherd allows you to overcome the distance of twenty to thirty kilometers with a respite, and the makings of a wolf dog make it possible "on an empty stomach" per day, to overcome one hundred fifty to two hundred kilometers.

Cost of a Permian wolfdog puppy

Permian wolfdog puppy
Permian wolfdog puppy

Crossed specimens - dogs with a wolf, are not always stable in behavior and conformation. It is impossible to predict for sure the result of such a mixing. The resulting puppies may have an unstable psyche. They are wary and withdrawn, fearing people and other animals. The manifestations of aggressive behavior are not excluded, which is problematic to correct. So, choose the wolfdog carefully. The price for puppies is $ 200-400.

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