Artificial waterfall for home and real for summer cottages

Artificial waterfall for home and real for summer cottages
Artificial waterfall for home and real for summer cottages

A tabletop waterfall or a floating cup will be the decor for an aquarium or room. On the garden plot, you can make a waterfall in the country. The waterfall allows you to turn a corner of an apartment or summer cottage into a natural one. It's nice to watch how a man-made stream runs, to listen to its murmur. If you do not have a summer cottage, but you have an aquarium, then knowledge regarding how to make a waterfall in it will be useful to you. Anyone who has their own hacienda can still first practice creating a small device, and then make a waterfall in the country.

Decorative waterfall for aquarium

It is not for nothing that this subtitle has such a name, because a home stream is a worthy decoration for an aquarium.

Look at the principle of such a waterfall. As you can see, it consists of simple items. Due to the circulation of transparent and fine white sand, which drives the compressor, a very interesting effect is created.

The principle of the device of the waterfall
The principle of the device of the waterfall

To make such a decor for an aquarium with your own hands, you will need:

  • plastic bottle - volume 1.5 liters;
  • dropper;
  • plastic bottle - volume 0.5 liters;
  • silicone sealant;
  • plastic water pipe diameter 370 mm;
  • water supply rubber hose, diameter 120–300 mm;
  • narrow tape;
  • compressor;
  • knife.

To make a support for the future waterfall, cut the water pipe lengthwise into three parts, bend them.

Support scheme for the device of the waterfall
Support scheme for the device of the waterfall

Use sealant to glue the hose to the tube. Step back 3 cm from the bottom of the hose, make an oval cut 2 cm deep, 1 cm wide with a sharp knife.

Bonding the hose with sealant
Bonding the hose with sealant

The turn of a bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters came up. Cut off the threaded throat from it, then the next part just below the shoulders. You have a kind of bowl. Put it on the rubber tube, securing it at the incision.

Bottle holder
Bottle holder

Next, you need to bend the 3 ends of the plastic water pipe, fix them in this position with adhesive tape, winding it up.

Blank from folds of a plastic bottle
Blank from folds of a plastic bottle

Now you need to well glue the joint between the hoses and the bowl with a sealant, then step back from work, wait for the solution to dry completely. After that, you can proceed to the next stage. At the top of the hose, make an oval diagonal cut that is 2.5 cm deep and 1 cm wide.

Attaching the hoses to the bowl
Attaching the hoses to the bowl

Glue the plastic drip tip to the bottom of the tube, you need to be patient and wait for the solution to dry completely.

Attaching the plastic tip
Attaching the plastic tip

Only then can the dropper tube be put on the plastic tip, and the other end of the tube must be connected to the compressor.

Compressor connection
Compressor connection

At this stage, you need to check if everything is working correctly by turning on the compressor. If you are satisfied, we continue to create. To make a visor cap, you need to cut off the top of a 500 ml plastic bottle, remove the neck with a knife. You should have a funnel that is 3 cm high.

Funnel making
Funnel making

Make a cut on the side of it, attach this element to the top with sealant and narrow tape.

Please note that the visor from a small plastic bottle should not cover the upper section of the hose; air bubbles will subsequently escape through this hole.

Visor formation
Visor formation

It remains to decorate the waterfall by attaching pebbles to it with a sealant. Here's what you get.

Decorating a waterfall with pebbles
Decorating a waterfall with pebbles

To make a lasting impression on your aquarium decor in the form of flowing sand, you can purchase colored artificial sand. If this fails, choose the usual one such that it is not too small or large. In the first case, it will become too sprayed in different directions, and in the second, grains of sand can create a traffic jam and make it difficult for the waterfall to work.

Small stone stream with your own hands at home

Check out another way to make a waterfall. So it can turn out as a result.

Stone stream from a jug
Stone stream from a jug

To do this, you need to acquire the following:

  • small stones;
  • sand;
  • a platform, which may well be a cover from a small plastic bucket and even from a jar of herring, a plastic saucer;
  • tile glue;
  • liquid nails "Fix All" or Titanium glue;
  • a small decorative jug;
  • knitting needle;
  • tile glue.
Materials for making a stone stream
Materials for making a stone stream

It is not necessary to buy stones, if you go for a walk with a non-snowy season, watch your step. Sometimes very beautiful specimens can be found near the road, paths. After you come home, wash them well, lay them out on a towel to dry, and at this time do another stage of the work yourself.

Apply glue to the lid, sprinkle it with sand so that it sticks here. In this case, it is necessary to design this way not only the upper part of the lid, but also its rim.

If you use, for example, a plastic saucer, then you do not need to cover its sides. Carry glue on top of the sand, attach pebbles here. From those that are larger, make a semblance of a rock. Place a small decorative pitcher on top, attaching it in the same way.

Blank on a plastic saucer
Blank on a plastic saucer

Let the tile glue dry, then pour Titan glue here. Pour it into a jug too, wait 10 minutes. This is necessary for him to "grab". By winding its solidifying fibers around the knitting needle, give the waterfall the desired shape.

If you are using liquid nails, then first cut the water template out of paper, then cover it with this mass, wait until it dries. Then you can attach the falling water to the top of the work.

Falling water mount
Falling water mount

It seems as if it is really water, and air bubbles give the work more credibility.

If you brought shells from the sea, then use those for your craft. See how you need to place them, where to attach the artificial greenery. Liquid nails or glue will give the impression of falling water.

Another version of the brook
Another version of the brook

If you don't have sand, then make the foot of the waterfall with clear blue water. Place the cut out piece of oilcloth or other rubberized material of this color on the selected round container. Fill the top with glue, which will soon create the effect of an exotic lake.

Rock for waterfall
Rock for waterfall

If you want to make a rock for a waterfall, then take for this:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • sharp construction knife;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue Titanium;
  • sand.

Squeeze the foam onto the selected container. Shape it into a rock. Wait until this substance hardens, then use a knife to draw a drawing to create the illusion of a mountain.

Mountain blank from polyurethane foam
Mountain blank from polyurethane foam

Now paint it with light brown paints, leaving free space where the jets will flow. Fill these places with blue paint. Glue the sand to some areas of the rock after the paint has dried. When the glue is completely dry, then you need to make falling water from liquid nails or Titanium, and another tabletop waterfall is ready.

Coloring and sand shaping
Coloring and sand shaping

Place a candy goldfish next to it to create a nautical-themed corner in your home.

If you have a suburban area, then there will certainly be a place to create a waterfall. Here you can have a great rest, enjoy the murmur of a man-made stream.

How to make a waterfall in the country?

Step-by-step instructions and photo illustrations to it will help you understand the principle of its device. The checklist will facilitate the task of self-selection of information. For this to work, use:

  • sand;
  • pebbles;
  • quartzite;
  • cement;
  • grain screening;
  • PVC film or fiberglass;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • water pump;
  • rubber hose.

You will need the last item to determine the shape and size of the pond where the water will drain. Lay it out in the chosen place, give the desired shape.

Preparing a place for a waterfall in the country
Preparing a place for a waterfall in the country

Now you can pick up a shovel and dig a pit. But since you will be making a waterfall in the country, you need to build a hill. You will create it from the dug earth. To strengthen this slide and create a cascade, design it as the gallant altruists do in the photo.

Pit for a waterfall in the country
Pit for a waterfall in the country

Make a pit that is deep enough. If you want to subsequently breed fish there, then it should be at least a meter so that the water does not freeze in winter. When constructing a deepening, keep in mind that it will need to be covered with 10 centimeters of sand. It is spilled, tamped. Now you can lay the waterproofing from the material of your choice on top.

Pit waterproofing
Pit waterproofing

The film should be enough so that it goes well onto the banks. Press it down here with stones. When digging a pit, you need to make another small indentation where you put the plastic pipe.

If you want the bottom of the waterfall to be a strong film that does not tear, then place a reinforcing mesh here, put a concrete solution 12-15 cm high on top. Let the lake bowl dry properly.

Now see how the water system will be arranged.

Water system
Water system

As you can see, there is a pump at the bottom, the cable and hose are brought to the surface. The cable will be connected to the network, the hose will need to be laid between the stones of the slide so that the water can rise, then drain down.

To do this, lay flat sandstone, pebbles in the form of a slide. This is what a beautiful cascading waterfall is.

Laying flat sandstone
Laying flat sandstone

If you do not want to lay a film on the bottom of the trench, concreting the bowl, then use a ready-made container for ponds. But first, you also have to dig a ditch, then put a bowl here, close the junction of the reservoir with the soil outside with the excavated earth, in order to close the boundaries of the lake.

Tank for ponds
Tank for ponds

Also place a pump here, bring a hose to it, the upper edge of which needs to be raised to a sufficient height, draped with stones to make a waterfall. You can put a garden fountain, you get a very cute pond.

A pond from a container with a rock for a waterfall
A pond from a container with a rock for a waterfall

You can plant aquatic plants here in plastic pots. If you want, turn this place into an alpine slide, combining stones with unpretentious mountain vegetation, then the principle of creation can be the same as in the next photo.

Organization of a waterfall with an underground system
Organization of a waterfall with an underground system

The following diagram will certainly be useful to you, where it is indicated in detail what an artificial waterfall consists of.

Waterfall scheme
Waterfall scheme

Do-it-yourself floating cup

If the previous work seemed difficult to you, see how to make a waterfall so that it is in the apartment. Moreover, looking at some samples, you will see not only flowing water, but also soaring flowers and even mouth-watering chocolate-coffee icing that will pour out of the container onto a piece of cake.

Let's continue the topic we started, let's see how a floating cup is created with our own hands, from which an inexhaustible stream of water seems to flow.

Floating cup
Floating cup

To create such beauty, you will need:

  • plate;
  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • Cup;
  • glue Titanium;
  • scissors.

Use a cutting tool to separate the bottom and neck from the bottle, these parts can be thrown away. Cut the remaining canvas in half.

Blanks from bottles
Blanks from bottles

Now, in turn, bring these parts to the burner flame to give this interesting shape. Flat petals should remain above and below, which will then need to be glued to the cup and plate.

Petal preparation
Petal preparation

To do this, generously grease the half of the bottle with Titanium glue, glue it to the inside of the cup. Shape the other half of the plastic bottle in the same way, glue it to the outside of the cup.

Now you need to fix the workpiece with the help of auxiliary objects in the desired position so that it dries completely within two days. Here's what happens.

Cup over a saucer
Cup over a saucer

Now you need to cover the blanks from plastic bottles with Titanium glue again. It is better to leave it in the air for 10 minutes at first, let it become a little thicker. But if there is still a lot of glue in the bubble, then it's a pity to leave it dry like this. In this case, you will need to pour Titanium onto the top of the plastic bottle, and what flows down, lift it up again with a spatula.

If you want the water to have a blue tint, add a little dye of that color to the glue. Until the solution is completely dry, line the plate with shells, colored pebbles. In the same way, you can decorate the cup itself to get such a homemade artificial waterfall.

Decorated home waterfall
Decorated home waterfall

Not only water can fall from such a container, let flowers, as it were, pour out of it.

Home color fall
Home color fall

So that you can put this waterfall on your desktop, admire it, take:

  • a coffee pair consisting of a saucer and a cup;
  • glue gun;
  • thick wire in the winding, segment length 20 cm;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • artificial flowers;
  • for decoration: butterfly, beads, beads.

Using pliers, cut the wire and bend it in the form of an English letter S. Glue the upper end inside the cup, the lower end on the saucer. Make sure that the structure is stable, if not, tilt the cup so that it keeps balance well.

Forming a base from a cup and saucer
Forming a base from a cup and saucer

From artificial plants, their flowering part is cut off, starting from the bottom of the cup, glue them here first.

Artificial flower blanks
Artificial flower blanks

Next, we decorate all the wire and the saucer. You can glue some embellishments here if you like.

Decorating wire and saucers
Decorating wire and saucers

If you want coffee to smell delicious at home, use the grains of this tree for this. But first, it is better to decorate the mug and cup with a jute rope, gluing it to these objects in a spiral.

Also connect the coffee pair with the thick wire wrapped around it, then glue the coffee beans here. Also, cinnamon sticks will be appropriate here, with which such a fragrant artificial waterfall is decorated.

Coffee mini waterfall
Coffee mini waterfall

Let's develop such a tasty topic further. After all, this active stream can fall down, creating a chocolate cake. The first stages of work are similar to the previous master class, so we will not list them again. But the creation of a small cake can be done in more detail.

For it, you need styrofoam, insulation, or something similar. Put a cup shape here, cut out equal circles. To get a bevel, as if they had already started eating the cake, they took a piece with a spoon, in each you need to cut holes, alternating them in size.

Blanks for chocolate cake
Blanks for chocolate cake

Put the blanks in a pile, if the cut is uneven, fix it at this stage.

The sweetness consists of alternating soufflé and chocolate cakes, to show this, paint the edges of the white blanks with black acrylic paint.

Alternating cakes
Alternating cakes

Glue the layers together. Then this cake can be covered with putty, sandpaper or glue a napkin to it. Then the paint will not be absorbed into the porous structure of the material and will lie flat. Apply dark acrylic paint to the sweetness.

Forming a cake from blanks
Forming a cake from blanks

Now you need to stick the second end of the wire that holds the cup into the cake, bend it from the back side in the form of a loop. To hide this auxiliary attribute, make a notch on the back of the cake, you will put a piece of wire there.

Cake decorating
Cake decorating

The cake will be even more appetizing if you cover it with a layer of acrylic lacquer and sprinkle with coconut on top. If you want the plate to be decorated like in a restaurant, then draw brown acrylic paints into a syringe, apply a line of strokes. Glue the bottom of the wire that is under the cake to this plate.

Forming a saucer for a cake
Forming a saucer for a cake

Attach the bottom of the cake to this dish in the same way. Now, using a glue gun or glue, Titan needs to be glued to the flowing waterfall of coffee beans. If you are using a glue gun, be very careful as the silicone escaping from it is hot.

Coffee bean waterfall
Coffee bean waterfall

To make the under construction chocolate frosting, dilute one to one acrylic varnish and brown acrylic paint. Cover the spaces between the coffee beans and themselves with this substance. When all this dries up, you can admire the results of the wonderful work.

The finished waterfall
The finished waterfall

Here's how much fun you can do about a waterfall. If you want to make it in the country, then watch the video tutorial. From it you will learn some of the subtleties of the process, for example, you will learn how to glue flat stones.

The second plot is useful for those who do not have a personal plot, but have a desire to make a waterfall.

The third will reveal the secret regarding how to make a floating cup with your own hands.
