External parameters of the Alapakh purebred bulldog, manifestations of the character of the dog and the nuances of its health, requirements for the care of the breed. Puppy price. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a relatively modern breed that carries the idea of preserving or replicating the original dog of the old American South. The actual origins and origins of the breed are disputed among various organizations that sell or claim to have the only “pure” version of the variety. The breed is known to have been so named in 1979 for the Alapaha River that flowed near the home of Lana Lou Lane, a Turner County, Georgia dog breeder.
External parameters of the Alapakh purebred bulldog

The representative of the breed is a dense, athletic strong animal, of medium size, without overweight, like some other breeds of bulldogs. In action, he is strong and determined for his size. The dog is muscular, but not stocky, long-legged and bright in appearance. Alapakha has a square skull, an extended chest and a pronounced muzzle.
He was taken out mainly for catching large animals. It is a proven fact that a dog of average parameters is the most effective for this task. Height and weight should be in proportion. Males - from 50, 8 cm to 60, 95 cm at the withers and weighing 31, 8-40, 9 kg. Bitches - from 45.7 cm to 55.8 cm at the withers, weighing 25–34 kg.
- Head - in the shape of a square, almost the same in length and width with pronounced muscular cheeks. The top of the skull is flat, but covered with powerful muscles. There should be a clear furrow between the eyes. The transition from muzzle to forehead is sharp and deep.
- Muzzle - medium in length, square, widened with a powerful lower jaw. Lips (lips) are full, but not tiny. Presence of teeth from 36 to 42. Definite overshot is preferable.
- Nose Alapakh purebred bulldog pronounced, flatish with dilated nostrils, a shade of black or hepatic. Individuals with a black lobe have black lips with a permitted pink tint.
- Eyes - medium parameters and any colors. The white eye socket should not be visible. Black eyelids are preferred for white colored alaps, while pink ones are considered a cosmetic mistake.
- Ears - V-shaped or folded back, placed at a wide and high level with the back of the head, which gives a square appearance to the skull, and is most important. They should be small and the beginning of the ear flat. Bulldogs with rosette ears are disqualified. Cropped ears are not allowed in the show ring.
- Neck - well muscled, medium in length, slightly curved, tapering from the shoulders to the skull, for example a small dewlap. The neck is where the dog uses its strength against its opponent. She needs to be muscular and strong to get the job done.
- Frame - square, sturdy and powerful. Alapaha is an extended dog, but not overly. The chest is deep with good springy ribs. The back is medium in length, strong, broad and powerful. The loin and croup are strong.
- Tail - of sufficient length to reach the point of the connecting joints. Moderately thick and powerful, expands from the spine. When moving the alapahi, the tail is carried above the back.
- Front limbs - strong and straight, with heavy bones. They should not be located close or far from one another. The shoulders are short, muscular and well placed with the forelegs. The hind legs are in proportion to the front ones, with wide powerful hips. They must not have visible joint corners.
- Paws - rounded and compact in size, the fingers are slightly separated from each other. The pads are thick.
- Coat Alapakh Purebred Bulldog is short, close-fitting, glossy and tough to the touch.
- Color - the preferred color palette has at least 50% base white with multi-colored spots. Mostly colored alapakhs with white areas of color are appreciated. Colored patches can be of any pattern (merle, brindle, solid blue, black, chocolate, red, fawn, seal, or tricolor). Any white is also permitted, but care must be taken to have the correct skin pigment to ensure that there are no hereditary defects (eg deafness, blindness or problem skin).
Manifestations of the character of the Alapakh purebred bulldog

Similar dogs from South America are intelligent, well trained, obedient and attentive dogs. Alapakhs are also exceptionally loyal animals. They are the natural guardians and protectors of the home who will fight to the death to protect their owners and their property. While not a specially bred aggressive breed, they also tend to be very well mannered and obedient.
Alapahs are known as "sweet and sensitive" dogs with a huge heart. The breed is also good for children. They demonstrate a real ability to distinguish between younger children and older children, and to play and act according to their age. Naturally, endurance and athletic ability also means they can play for hours.
The breed's loving demeanor and desire to be a devoted family companion means that Alapakh Purebred Bulldogs tend to get lost in situations of prolonged loneliness. Unlike individuals that are kept by breeders in a nursery that are fenced off from their family. Like many breeds that seek close relationships with family members, prolonged loneliness is stressful for dogs. This, in turn, can become a disorder that manifests itself in a variety of negative behaviors such as barking, howling, digging, aggression, hyperactivity, or uncontrolled territorial behavior.
This is a breed that, due to its strong devotion to all households, should be part of this family. Alapakha cannot be simply left outside the house and ignored on the assumption that it will autonomously protect property without interfering with human concerns.
Health nuances of the Alapakh purebred bulldog

Representatives of the breed are considered to be relatively healthy animals that are hardy and resistant to diseases. The deliberate overlap of different types of bulldogs and the lack of standardization associated with the different lines of the Blue Blood Alapah Bulldog mean that one has to look at a wider range of issues that usually affect dogs in general. The most common of these are: bone cancer, ichthyosis, kidney and thyroid disorders, hip dysplasia, cherry eye, elbow dysplasia, eyelid entropion and ectropion, and neuronal lipofuscinosis.
Additional congenital health defects in Alapakh Purebred Bulldogs can be found in certain genetic lines that may not be indicative of the breed as a whole. The wonders of modern technology have provided breeders with the ability to test the DNA of breeding animals for diseases such as NCL (Neuronal Lipofuscinosis and Ichthyosis). Animal Orthopedic Foundation tests are recommended for all potential breeding animals.
Requirements for the maintenance and care of the Alapakh purebred bulldog

- Wool the alapahi is short and does not require complex manipulations to keep the animal at its best. Periodic combing of his "fur coat" is necessary. This requires a brush to remove dead hair and evenly distribute the natural secretion secreted by the dog. The brushing tool should be made of rubber or silicone materials that will pull out the coat better. It can be in the form of a brush or a mitten, which, in addition, will create an excellent massage of the animal's body. Everyday combing is necessary only during the period when the old coat is replaced with a new one. Bathing should be carried out no more often than every week, so as not to wash off the layer of natural lubricant from the coat and skin. In order for the skin and coat not to dry out, you need a professional, not "aggressive" shampoo. After using it, the dog must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and blotted well with a cotton towel. The dog is left to dry completely on a litter indoors without drafts, signs of cold and dampness.
- Teeth Alapakh purebred bulldogs have an unusual bite, that is, undershot. When chewing food, a dog's teeth, especially on the lower front teeth, quickly accumulate plaque. Therefore, in order for your pet to eat normally for the rest of its life, and he does not have dental troubles, you must clean his dentition every day.
- Ears alapakhs are quite closed, therefore they have a predisposition to infections. You should be worried about their condition with the following symptoms: the pet constantly shakes its head, the ear is red from the inside, has dark discharge and an unpleasant odor. These may be symptoms of otitis media or ear mites that need to be treated. If you have ear mites, your veterinarian will prescribe antiparasitic drops to be instilled according to the scheme assigned to them. Procedures for other problems are prescribed purely individually, depending on the manifestations of a particular disease. Inflammation of the ears of dogs, contributes to the excessive accumulation of sulfur and dirt in the ear. Therefore, once a week, you are obliged to inspect and clean them. The procedure is not difficult to carry out. For her, you need to purchase a preventive herbal lotion that softens sulfur deposits. The auricle is filled with the agent, holding the head of the dog, and by means of a light massage they achieve its better penetration into the ear canal. After a short period of time, the dog shakes itself off and all unnecessary is separated from his ears. Wipe off dirt with a clean and soft natural cloth.
- Eyes Alapakh Purebred Bulldogs have a slight predisposition to contamination as their eyelids are not so tight. Check their condition constantly. Redness indicates the presence of small foreign particles in the eyes, such as dust or plant fragments. You can solve the problem by wiping the dog's eyes with a sedative, antiseptic. If you observe suppuration in the eyeballs, it may be an infectious disease. All your doubts and fears will be dispelled only by a veterinarian after examining the pet.
- Claws excessive length always have a negative effect on the condition of the paws and gait of the alapahi. To prevent the dog's fingers from curving, they need to be cut off systematically, as they grow back. When using nail clippers, you need to be careful, since the nail plate has a living layer, touching which you will hurt the dog. When cutting the claws with a special file, the manipulation will be longer, but safe.
- Feeding Alapakh purebred bulldogs must be controlled. First, it is best to discuss its composition and dosage with your veterinarian. Since the animal's body is obliged to receive everything it needs, and these dogs (especially white) are prone to allergic manifestations. Alapaha should not overeat. These are quite overweight dogs, and being overweight will create big health problems, and in different areas. Large portions of food can lead to volvulus, which large dogs are prone to. A carefully selected diet guarantees excellent health, vigorous health and an excellent appearance of the dog. Natural food is not easy to balance and takes time to prepare. Commercial dry food provides all the needs of your four-legged friend.
- Walking. As an energetic and athletic breed, Alapakh Purebred Bulldogs require regular play exercise and extended walking to stay happy and healthy. Living indoors, they tend to be rather inactive and inactive. Therefore, apartment life may be suitable for this large breed, provided it is regularly walked and provided with active play or other physical activity. The best place to keep such a dog would be a home that includes at least a free-range backyard.
Alapakh Purebred Bulldog Training

As a working breed and protector, he displays a certain degree of independence and stubbornness that is not at all unexpected. As such, the pet is probably not a good choice for owners who have a dog for the first time or do not know how to show themselves as a solid leader. It is known that this breed begins to establish its territory and leading role in the pack from a very early age. Despite its high trainability and skill, the overall goal of training this breed should be to create a skillful subordinate relationship that provides stability, allowing the dog to know its place in the family hierarchy.
Alapakh Purebred Bulldogs who have been subjected to healthy guidance and training from an early age are known to excel in obedience. They adapt easily to rides and, with proper training, tend to walk well on a leash. Like all breeds of bulldogs, early socialization of the alapakhi is a must if there is a desire to eventually have other four-legged breeds in the house. Geographically, by nature, it can act aggressively towards dogs of the same size of the same sex, although they tend to get along well with individuals of the opposite sex.
Any introduction of adult dogs must be carefully monitored to prevent fighting as each dog tries to establish its own hierarchical role in the pack. Struggle for the position of leader can be greatly minimized if the owner is the undisputed leader of the pack. Then the Alapakh bulldog, determines the need for obedience to establish the rules of order between the members of the pack.
Interesting facts about the Alapakh purebred bulldog

Alapaha is bred for work duties, not for a standardized appearance. The primary breeding decisions were that the dog had the size and strength needed to handle large cattle. Her speed and athletic ability allow her to chase, catch and hold wild pigs. This is a highly functional bulldog.
Due to the different published standards of the three major organizations, (ARC) Animal Research Center, (ARF) Animal Research Foundation, (ABBA) Blue Blood Alapaha Bulldog Association, some confusion has been introduced into the species criteria.
Alapakh purebred bulldog price

Not everyone can keep these bulldogs. They must be able to educate, monitor their nutrition and physical activity and not be left alone. It is always necessary to devote a sufficient amount of time with the breeder, researching the genetics of its producers, before deciding to buy an Alapakh purebred bulldog. It helps you have a happy and healthy pet that will provide years of hassle-free devotion, love, and protection for your family. The price of an alapahi puppy is $ 500–1800.
What a dog looks like, see the video below: