How to care for a Czechoslovakian wolf dog?

How to care for a Czechoslovakian wolf dog?
How to care for a Czechoslovakian wolf dog?

Data on the appearance of Czechoslovakian wolf dogs, appearance, characteristic behavior and health, care: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. From the Czechoslovakian wolf dogs, some kind of ancient, hidden power emanates. They return to childhood when we read stories by Jack London and Seton-Thompson, "White Fang" and "Winnipeg Wolf". In their behavior, dogs are kind, open, sweet. But to become, physical health, demeanor - like a wolf.

Every boy dreams of such a friend. Imagine what it would be like to make friends with a wolf! Probably this childhood dream was owned by Border Guard Lieutenant Colonel Karl Hartl when he made this bold decision to create a wolfdog. Moreover, all other experiments ended in failure in principle.

Data on the appearance of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog breed

Czechoslovakian wolf dogs
Czechoslovakian wolf dogs

In 1955, Karl Harton crossed a she-wolf with a male German shepherd. From that moment, the history of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog or Czechoslovakian Wolfdog began. And the name of its creator has become for all dog lovers as legendary as the names of Max von Stefanitz and Ludwig Dobermann. It was Karl Harton who brought to Russia the first Newfoundland, Rottweiler and Giant Schnauzer, which became the progenitor of our black terriers.

The first puppies were not easy to get. The she-wolf did not allow any of the males to come near her. Karl chose a choleric German Shepherd male. The dog nevertheless took over the she-wolf and covered her. At first, Karl Harton had no idea of creating a new breed. It was a unique biological experiment. He just wanted the frontier dogs to be healthy and hardy, and the result was a new breed of canine.

Further, the selection took into account the temperament, flock instinct, good learning ability of the German shepherd, the strength, structure and endurance of the wolf. Such dogs were needed to participate in military specialized operations. Subsequently, such dogs were used in search and rescue and protective guard duty. Also, the Czechoslovakian wolfdogs were used for tracking and herding work, hunting, in sports competitions in agility and towing.

Breeding these dogs is extremely difficult. For some reason, many believe that the wolf and the dog are very close in DNA structure, but this is not so. Dogs are much closer in this indicator to jackals. The wolf and the dog are completely different animals, there is an abyss between them. The dog is always drawn to the person, and the gray brother avoids meeting him. In wildlife, the wolf keeps, first of all, caution. This feature must be taken into account when breeding. After all, this is a big and difficult job.

After ten years of selection since 1965, they were bred as a single breed. 1982 - the year of recognition of the species in Czechoslovakia as national. But the official international cynological recognition, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs received only in 1999. Gradually, these dogs were recognized at exhibitions and competitions, where they showed preferably excellent results. To date, the variety remains uncommon.

Description of the appearance of the Czechoslovak wolf dog

Appearance standard of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog
Appearance standard of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog has a larger than average size and a rectangular body. Height at the withers in males 60–66 cm and bitches 56–61 cm. Weight in males 22–26 kg and females 18–21 kg.

  1. Head perfectly formed in proportion to the general structure, in the form of a blunt wedge. The skull is arched.
  2. Muzzle - strong, slightly widened, tapering towards the nose with a blunt tip. The bridge of the nose is flat and wide. The stop is moderate. The lips are tight. The canines are large.
  3. Nose the dog is developed, oval, black.
  4. Eyes of the Czechoslotats wolfdog of medium landing, on the front line, just above the muzzle, amber.
  5. Ears - stand high, triangular, sharp at the ends.
  6. Neck long enough for the animal to sniff the ground freely.
  7. Frame rectangular, strong, muscular, slightly sloping towards the croup. The chest is pear-shaped. The loin is strong. The croup is strong, almost even. The belly sinks slightly on both sides.
  8. Tail - located high. Natural size is medium.
  9. Front legs - on all sides with firm bones and strong muscles. The set is narrow enough. The hind ones are parallel to one another, with powerful bones and muscles. The thighs are developed. The legs are strong and long.
  10. Paws widened on the forelimbs, in the form of a vault. Turn slightly to the outside. The legs on the hind legs are slightly narrower and smaller than the front ones.
  11. Coat Czechoslovakian wolfdog grows densely, has an undercoat. The guard hair is straight. Its condition is different in winter and summer. In cold weather, the undercoat and guard hair are much thicker.
  12. Color it is yellow-gray, silver-gray with a mask of light tone. Blond hair covers the inside of the neck and the front of the chest. Possible dark gray color with a light mask.

Typical behavior of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog

Czechoslovakian wolfdog color
Czechoslovakian wolfdog color

Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs attract attention with themselves not only for their unusual appearance, but also for their behavior. They have a stable nervous organization. Dogs are smart and quick-witted. Pets are great learners, but you need to behave with dignity. Vlchaks must be respected and at the same time show that you are a good leader.

In appearance, manners and some manifestations, these dogs are similar to their close ancestors - "gray brothers". Best of all, this similarity stands out when you observe their manner of communication. Czechoslovakian wolf dogs are not at all prone to dog barking. But they can wonderfully vary their voice, howling in various ways. Teaching pets to bark is not an easy task. But watching their manner of communicating with each other is a real pleasure. They make various grimaces to each other and even communicate with the help of facial expressions.

The flock was protection and support for the wolf. Animals are very attached to their owner and are wary of strangers. In the family, these are affectionate animals. They will never offend a child. They will be careful and careful with him. The existence of numerous legends and stories about the tender relationship between the mother of a she-wolf and the child is confirmed in the manifestations of the Czechoslovakian wolf.

With other animals, these dogs can coexist perfectly if they are taught to do this from an early age. If there are farm animals nearby, then of course the instinct of a hunter can wake up in the Czechoslovakian wolfdogs. In their application, they are quite versatile dogs. They can be taught a lot.

Czechoslovakian wolfdog health

Czechoslovakian wolfdog running
Czechoslovakian wolfdog running

As the creator of the Czechoslovakian wolf dogs dreamed of, their immune system is excellent. These dogs are long-lived. Breeders note that at the age of fourteen, almost all wolfdogs work no worse than young dogs. Some breed individuals lived to be seventeen years old.

Genetic diseases for the entire time of their existence in dogs did not appear. Local breeders are convinced that the wolfdog should work to a ripe old age, and not just grow old and decrepit on the couch. To prolong life and preserve their excellent qualities, dogs are harnessed to a sled or a bicycle, that is, they are given constant, metered loads.

No matter how excellent your dog's health would be, all breeders are obliged to vaccinate their wolf dogs on time. This will prevent infection of the animal with many diseases. Do not forget about antiparasitic procedures. After all, these little "pests" cause irreparable harm, parasitizing the animal. Helminths of fleas and ticks are driven away once every three months.

Criteria for caring for a Czechoslovakian wolf dog

Czechoslovakian wolfdog puppies
Czechoslovakian wolfdog puppies
  1. Wool Czechoslovakian wolfdog has a characteristic feature. It is self-cleaning. If the pet even fell out in the mud in bad weather, then after a while this layer of mud dries out and completely falls off. And the appearance of the dog creates confidence that it has just been redeemed. When changing the coat, the hairs do not fall to the ground. The underpads come out in neat pieces, and the pieces do not stick out of the dog's "coat". So, you need to comb them at the usual time once every two weeks. When the dog sheds, it is done every other day, during the walk, until the end of the change of coat. This is done with a slicker, or even better with a furminator. This tool will allow you to brush your pet less often, as it captures and evenly pulls out more hair at a time than a slicker. Dogs are bathed no more than twice every month, using shampoo and conditioner. All cosmetics must comply with the characteristics of the pet's coat, that is, be typed. After all the concentrates, the pet must be rinsed as thoroughly as possible. If you do not dry the dog with a hair dryer, then it should dry in a warm room. When drying with a hairdryer, a gentle mode is set so as not to dry out the coat and the air is directed along the hair growth.
  2. Teeth Czechoslovakian wolfdog should be cleaned if excess plaque accumulates. From an early age, the pet should get used to and allow you to do this procedure. If your pet does not resist you, then cleaning them is not at all difficult. Soft brushes are put on a person's finger, which is very convenient, and meat-flavored pastas will lure the dog. Prophylactic manipulations may include eating dry food or chewing hard veins.
  3. Ears - they are cleaned only when sulfur accumulates with the help of products purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. All of them have not only a preventive effect, but also a caring composition. Once again, you do not need to irritate the ear canal. This can lead to the opposite consequences.
  4. Eyes - it is necessary to systematically inspect. If redness occurs, they need to be wiped off and dripped with plant drops. For more serious problems, don't try to heal yourself. Most likely, your diagnosis will be incorrect and complications will arise that will be more difficult to correct later.
  5. Claws - cut as soon as the horny plate grows back, so that it does not interfere with the dog's movement. The claws are shortened using a specialized tool. These can be claws for cutting the nail plate or a regular file for cutting. Walking the pet on a hard surface, contributes to the independent grinding of the claws.
  6. Feeding Czechoslovakian wolfdogs, like all predators, primarily meat and fish, which should be lean. Pork is very fatty and unsuitable for a dog's diet. These dogs love to feast on by-products: liver, lungs, kidneys and heart. All meat products do not need to be cooked. To avoid infection with worms, meat can be frozen or scalded with boiling water. Porridge, on the other hand, needs to be cooked. It can be rice and buckwheat. You can only steam oatmeal. The content of croup in the dog's diet should be no more than fifteen percent. You can diversify your food with cottage cheese, kefir and sometimes boiled chicken and raw quail eggs. With a natural diet, vitamins and minerals are indispensable. But, dogs are not such "gourmets" as you think, the main and main delicacy for them is, of course, raw meat. In professional, ready-made feed, a vitamin and mineral complex is already laid, but it is necessary to select among them. Not all concentrates are suitable for dogs, as they should have light eyes on the exterior, and some concentrates contribute to their darkening. That is, their composition ensures the accumulation of a darker pigment, due to which the coat and eyes acquire a richer color. Therefore, if your wolfdog participates in exhibitions, do not experiment, but rather consult with the breeder from whom the dog was purchased, or with the treating veterinarian.
  7. Walking - these dogs are long-lasting and physically active. With them, you need to constantly deal with almost every walk. You can go jogging with the Wolfdogs. Harness the dogs to the bike, and in the winter to the sleigh. Bring your pets to the dog training grounds. Each walk in time should take at least an hour and a half. Representatives of this breed are best kept in private houses, in spacious open-air cages on the street. The genetics of the wolfdog requires freedom, and its abundant fur is not afraid of cold weather.

Czechoslovakian wolfdog training

Three Czechoslovakian wolf dogs
Three Czechoslovakian wolf dogs

In the dogs of the saarloos, in the Canary labito and in our wolf-dogs, wolf blood won out. It is almost impossible to become their friend. But with the Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, you can not only make friends. You can also work with them, which is the most amazing thing, paying attention to their socialization.

During training, the pet is very close to the trainer and a stranger. They can shake hands and the dog reacts very calmly. He stays in one place and in no case reacts aggressively to another person. When the handler is moving, at a change of pace, the dog should not lag behind or pull forward. It should always follow the trainer's left leg.

These strenuous activities should be interspersed with playful elements to defuse the pet. Always for each correct command performed, it is necessary to praise the dog, give him a treat. The Czechoslovakian wolfdog cannot be punished for mistakes. You can demonstrate by voice that you are unhappy or play up the situation.

For some reason, many believe that it is not necessary to teach a dog defensive skills. That such things are handed down by inheritance and the commands "stranger" and "face", the dog knows from birth himself. But this is not the case. The dog must be taught everything. First, general obedience, then defense and attack.

First, it is a test that checks how strong a dog's nervous system is. Secondly, it is an excellent physical activity. And finally, the breed affiliation is verified. After all, the ability to stand up for its beloved owner is a distinctive feature of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog. These are of course serious dogs with a strong grip. But, now such "defensive" exercises are mainly sports oriented and are based, first of all, on the game.

The most important thing in working with these dogs is to understand their individual characteristics. Only then can you start learning. However, there is nothing special about this approach. They work in the same way with German Shepherds and Malinois.

Interesting facts about the Czechoslovakian wolf dog

Czechoslovakian wolfdog on a walk
Czechoslovakian wolfdog on a walk

The Czechoslovakian wolfdog is able to run over one hundred kilometers, at a speed of twelve kilometers per hour. This is incredible! There are even special dog marathon competitions. This is exactly what their creator, Lieutenant Colonel Hart, dreamed of. He wanted the dogs that serve on the border to have the health and stamina of a wolf.

The Czechoslovakian wolfdog moves easily and harmoniously with long strides. But many Czech wolf dogs are pacers. This means that they rearrange their paws unilaterally, which is inherent in the "wolf tribe".

Czechoslovakian wolfdog price

Czechoslovakian wolfdog puppy
Czechoslovakian wolfdog puppy

The breed is not widespread in Russia, but there are still nurseries. It is very important to find responsible breeders who select their dogs for psychological inclinations and, of course, external data. Imagine an unbalanced dog. While the puppy is small, you still somehow cope with it, and when it grows up, it can become a big problem for you. Sometimes, such aggressively unbalanced dogs from would-be breeders, it is sadly necessary, to euthanize. Responsible people do not introduce such wolf dogs into breeding. The price of a puppy is $ 400-1200.

For more information on the maintenance of Czechoslovakian wolf dogs, see below: