Historical data on the origin of the Akita Inu, criteria for external parameters, features of the dog's behavior, care, training, interesting facts. Purchase price. Wide bone, large head, unusually erect ears. Possesses enchanting power, and at the same time, the appearance of a plush toy. But despite this, he behaves with dignity and grace. Each movement is thoughtful and royally restrained. Being around this dog, you have a double feeling. I want to come up and cuddle a charming creature, but at the same time, something inside stops.
The person did not change her much. She will obey you only if she is sure of the correctness of your actions, otherwise she will make her decision. This is a dog for people who appreciate the strength of the spirit in the animal, their own point of view, absolute devotion and affection only for family members.
Historical data on the origin of the Akita Inu

It is included in the 14 oldest canine breeds. Turning to the research and conclusions of archaeologists, Akita Inu are akin to the Spitz-like canines, whose life has been known since the second millennium BC. This is the most revered Japanese breed. She was honored to bear the status of a natural monument. In her native land, she is considered an achievement of national culture and is called the "pearl of Japan". The species takes its roots from the Akita province in the northwest of the main Japanese island of Honshu. The ancestors could be Chinese Spitz and mountain dogs crossed with mastiffs. Of the Spitz-like, Akito Inu is considered the largest.
Their ancestors were involved in hunting and were called "matagi-ken". The word "matagi" in Old Japanese means: big game hunter or bear bug. "Ken", like the word "inu", means a dog, but it is used only in a phrase. For a long time, dogs have been used for hunting big game. Such as: wild boar, deer and bear. These are gregarious animals, so they hunted in groups. Physically very strong and enduring. Moreover, they swim well, having the so-called "cat paws" with membranes, and wool with a non-wet undercoat.
In fact, these are versatile dogs that were used not only for catching various types of animals, but also for protecting property. For the most part, they were pets of commoners, and their assistants in many matters. Gradually, the Akita Inu won the love of high-ranking officials, and it could already be seen at the court of the emperor. It is known that a ceremonial was developed for feeding and walking them. So the beloved breed became the property of Japan and was considered a sacred animal.
During the Second World War, they were forgotten, since mainly border dogs were involved in hostilities. In these difficult times, people suffered from various disasters and there was no one to deal with Akitas. Fans of the breed, in order to somehow preserve it, began to knit Akita Inu with German shepherds. Similar puppies were left, and the rest were sent to the front to help people. During that time period, the Akita Inu livestock practically died out. There remained a few dozen purebred individuals who tried to save. Subsequently, the breed was restored from them.
In the postwar years, American soldiers returned home with adorable Japanese Akita puppies. Since then, in the United States, dog breeders have improved and developed the breed. Taking into account the language difficulties, as well as the not too strong desire of the Japanese to share information about the Akita Inu, it becomes clear how difficult it was to develop this breed in Europe. As a result of work on different continents, two types of dogs of the same breed were bred. But the Japanese and American dog breeders did not agree with such a division, and then the larger variety was called the American Akita or the large Japanese dog, and the lighter version of these dogs from Japan was called the Akita Inu. The Japanese "kenel club" officially recognized it in 1948. The first post-war exhibition was held in 1949. In 1963, the breed standard was introduced.
Now the attitude has changed and the Japanese have established friendly relations with Western dog breeders, who have developed quality lines of the breed. Many people choose these dogs because of their love for oriental culture. Akita is held by adherents of martial arts. Many consider them to be works of living art.
Description of the criteria for the external parameters of the Akita Inu

Expresses dignity, power and simplicity at the same time. The height at the withers in males ranges from 64 to 75 cm, weight 35–40 kg, and in bitches 30–40 kg:
- The head is in the form of an obtuse triangle. Harmonious, correctly proportioned to the body. The frontal part is large, open and smooth. There is a frontal fold. Cheekbones are not prominent.
- Muzzle - pretty strong, strong. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly visible. Thicker at the base. Slightly over average in length. Lips tightly, black pigmentation. Powerful, white teeth with a scissor bite.
- Nose. The bridge of the nose is straight and wide. The nose is well developed, with black pigmentation. Light-colored individuals may be pink, flesh-colored, or brown.
- Eyes the Akita Inu is small in size, triangular in shape. Planted not far away and not close. Eye color from light chocolate to rich black chocolate. The darker pigmentation of the eyeball is appreciated.
- Ears. Set on high, close together. Small in size. Erect, with dense cartilage. Have a slight forward inclination. Triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the ends.
- Neck strong, of medium length, widens towards the body, the nape is clearly visible.
- Frame - powerful, elongated, with a strong flat back and slightly sloping croup. The chest is of good volume. The ribs are slightly prominent. The belly is well tucked up. The whole body gives the impression of great power.
- Tail high rise, rather thick, wider at the base. It is twisted into a ring, lies on its back or slightly on its side. Covered with thick, abundant hair, which creates a very elegant look.
- The limbs have strong bones. They stand exactly in relation to each other. Thighs with mesomorphic muscles and developed lower legs.
- Paws - powerful, with dense pads. Round paws, lumps. Have webbing between the toes. Strong black pigmentation claws.
- Wool cover. Sufficiently rigid in structure, smooth. The very dense coat has a thick, non-soaking undercoat. The shortest hair on the face. The body and legs are covered with medium hair. Slightly longer than hair on the back and thighs. Longer guard hair on the tail.
- Color. Three colors are allowed. Red with a white color on the inner surface of the paws, chest and muzzle. Brindle with white "uronjiro". Solid white, no blotches. A black mask is considered a defect.
Characteristic features of the Akita Inu behavior

Owners of impeccable manners, which makes them great family pets. They are independent of the circumstances. Very loyal to the owner. This can be judged by watching the feature film "Hachiko", based on real events, where the dog had been waiting for its owner for nine years, who died. They are noted as silent dogs that show their voice only when needed. Often, fans of the breed say that Akita gives a feeling of peace and confidence, therefore, it has a beneficial effect on people under stress.
Very gentle dogs, but not intrusive and independent. When they greet you after a day of work, they are cute creatures. The pets are happy and behave like you've been away for a month. And after a short period of time, they step aside and observe the life of their family. Not a single detail escapes their ostentatious indifference. If they are bored, they will bring you a toy with great desire, but they will play as long as they want. Being the initiators of the pampering, they themselves will finish the merrymaking.
In addition to their loyal and wonderful character, they are notable for their neatness. Breeders identify them with felines, due to the fact that they are devoid of a specific smell, look impeccable and well-groomed. Very seasoned and loyal. They are great for children. They guard them tenderly and tenderly. Let them do whatever they want with them. They are very patient. Even if a child eats, they will never take a sandwich away from him, no matter how hungry they are.
If a tense situation arises, the teeth will not be applied. Akitas will psychologically crush the enemy. So they rarely initiate a serious fight. But if someone takes a risk and offends them, or their family members for real, they will prove themselves worthy fighters. Very loyal and powerful protectors, which makes them good watchmen.
Possess possessive and hunting instincts. It is advisable to socialize them from puppyhood, teaching them to communicate with other animals. Akita Inu who grew up in the same family with cats and their fellows will get along well with them in the future. Without appropriate life practice, they can be hostile to them.
Intelligent and humble, but at the same time independent gentlemen of the position, distinguished by purposefulness. Therefore, her training is not easy. This breed is best suited for people with experience of socializing and keeping large dogs. They can be very adamant and persistent. If they do not receive appropriate physical activity, they become depressed, irritable or difficult to control.
Akita Inu Breed Health

Akitas are robust animals with good health. Life expectancy is approximately 12 years. Since there were mastiff-like dogs in the genus of these dogs, they have a number of genetic diseases inherent in "heavy" breeds. For example, problems with the bone apparatus: hip dysplasia. To detect the disease in the early stages, even in adolescence, you need to take an X-ray. So you can intervene in time and cure the disease faster.
Akitas have a tendency to volvulus. To prevent this from happening, you just need to feed the dog after the walk and monitor its diet. Canines, like all carnivores, have short intestines and need to lie down to digest their food.
White-colored individuals may be deaf from birth. Some dogs suffer from a lack of immunoglobulin A. This can result in various dermal diseases such as seborrheic adenitis, atopic dermatitis, pemphigus foliaceus. Also common among this breed are eye diseases: eyelid volvulus, progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma, cataracts. Therefore, the condition of the eyeballs should be monitored regularly. Quite rarely, but the endocrine system can also suffer, which is expressed in hormonal imbalance and unpleasant consequences. If detected, drug treatment is prescribed and its results are effective.
Dog Grooming Tips

- Wool. Their wool does not need to be dried with a hair dryer, often washed, braided, trimmed. It does not fall off as it grows back. It is enough to walk on the Akita fur coat with a brush once a week to give it a natural shine. During the moulting season, they are combed out more often: from three to four times a week, helping the dog to quickly get rid of the dying undercoat.
- Ears. It is necessary to periodically check the auricles. If problems arise, clean them immediately or contact your veterinarian.
- Eyes. Since Akita Inu have a genetic predisposition to eye diseases, check them regularly. If you have the slightest suspicion, immediately contact your veterinary clinic.
- Teeth. To keep your dog's teeth free of plaque, let him chew bones compressed from natural veins. If she eats natural food, feed dry food from time to time. Its particles massage the gums and remove unnecessary deposits from the teeth.
- Claws. Usually they walk a lot with Akita Inu and their claws grind off themselves. But there are nuances in which they need to be cut.
- Feeding. As a rule, Akita Inu is eaten from one to two times a day. If the pet refuses to eat, in order to educate him, after thirty minutes, take the plate and give food only at the next meal. There are two options for the composition of food: ready-made concentrate or natural home-made food. Dry food is balanced and therefore very convenient. You do not need to think about the ratio of vitamins and minerals. The main difficulty is to understand the variety of feeds and their categories. Learn to read labels, avoid ambiguity. If the composition says: poultry, offal and grains, you will not know what exactly you put in your dog's food. Do not buy feed by weight in questionable stores, especially packaged not in your presence. Store the unopened bag closed in a dry place. Don't buy large packs. You want the dog to eat the bag in a month. Dry concentrate, contrary to popular belief, deteriorates from contact with oxygen. Remember, if your pet eats dry food, it should always have free access to water. When feeding your pet "natural", remember that the food must be fresh and warm. Meat is not your main food. From an excess of it, protein intolerance can begin. Grains, fruits, vegetables (fiber and carbohydrates) are essential in a dog's diet. Raw meat must be frozen. Fish is introduced into the diet twice a week, and only sea fish. Do not get carried away with fatty, dairy products. Dairy and meat products are not mixed in the same feeding. It should be remembered about vitamin and mineral supplements, adjusting them according to age. Do not forget to let your dog chew on the cartilages and bones from the pressed veins. Delight them from time to time with berries and fruits, these dogs love them very much.
- Walking. Akitas are not suitable for those who want to have a pet. They are serious dogs with a hunting instinct that needs to be developed. They need physical activity. Of course, they don't spend the whole day on the street with her. But in the morning and in the evening you need to walk for about an hour. Otherwise, it can affect the locomotor system of the animal and lead to weakness of the ligaments.
Akita Inu training

In training, it is important that the Akita Inu, from the moment it appears in your house, knows who its owner is. Dogs have a strong will and need the same owner. A submissive or timid breeder may not cope, and the Akita will dominate him. Thus, special attention must be paid to obedience training. In the house, there must be strict rules that the dog must strictly adhere to. Establishing and maintaining a dominant role over the Akito Inu may be difficult for some people, but they are smart and quick to learn.
Interesting facts about the Akita Inu and the price when buying a puppy

In the Japanese city of Odate, a monument to loyalty to the Akita Inu named "Hachiko" was erected, which had been waiting for its owner for 9 years after his death.
Feel free to be meticulous when choosing a puppy. Ask breeders not only for documents and parental titles. Ask all the questions that interest you. If the pedigree names don't tell you personally, look at the parents' dates of birth. When a stud dog is 12-15 months old, you are at risk. It is not yet fully tested for health, because many tests are carried out at the age of one and a half years. Previously, it was impossible to reveal the true picture. A decent breeder will always provide documents for the examination of their animals for the absence of genetic diseases. The average price for an Akita Inu puppy is from $ 800 to $ 15,000.
For more information on the Akita Inu, see this video: