Historical data about Shiba Inu, parameters of appearance, characteristic behavior, criteria for leaving: walks, meals, procedures, interesting facts. Puppy price. This is an amazing and very Japanese breed of dog. It strikes and touches at first sight. There is amazing strength of mind in animals. These are samurai dogs with a strong character in a small body. They are devoted, loyal and energetic. The Japanese consider dogs to be a national treasure. People appreciate them for being quiet and clean.
Historical data on the origin of the Shiba Inu breed

Thousands of years ago, the ancient lycoid progenitors of the Shiba Inu and other Japanese canines penetrated Japan along with waves of immigrants. First with the Ainu hunters, and then in the third century BC with semi-mythical horsemen from Korea. This ancient breed is essentially endemic and associated with Japan, as it was born on the island of Honshu about two and a half thousand years ago. Representatives of the species are aboriginal dogs. That is, people did not interfere with their selection.
In the middle of the 18th century, when Japan was opened to foreigners, local breeds were in danger of being swallowed up by Western canines. Shiba Inu was on the verge of extinction, but in 1929, the newly formed society took measures to preserve them. Serious work has begun on the selection of dogs of local origin. These dogs were not exported from the Japanese islands for a long time on pain of death. Perhaps that is why the breed criteria, regardless of their ancient origin, were approved relatively recently, only in 1934. At the same time, this type of dog was officially recognized as the national treasure of Japan.
However, the Shiba Inu still spread throughout the globe and has survived to this day in its original form. The name of the breed, if translated from Japanese, sounds like a song - a small dog from forests full of bushes. The dogs were intended for hunting in dense undergrowth. For a long time they were used for hunting small birds. Despite their small size, the dogs could find a large animal, "raise" it and wait for a group of hunters, that is, they were quite versatile.
Nowadays, mostly in modern Japan and other countries, these are companion dogs. Of course, their working qualities are preserved at the genetic level. They can be returned if desired. Many people, while hunting, restore and reinforce the innate criteria in Shiba Inu.
Since these dogs are very unusual and spectacular, their owners successfully exhibit them in contests as show pets. The variety is not numerous in Russia and the countries of the former USSR, therefore it attracts the attention of viewers and experts. The breed has a number of distinctive features, and its representatives almost always take prizes. Shibo Inu is often selected for best-class contests because the dogs are entertaining and socially focused.
Description of the appearance of the Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu have a spectacular appearance. Dogs are small in stature. The dogs are well balanced, compact and proportional. They are covered with thick hair. They have a well-developed, knocked-down skeleton and strong mesomorphic muscles. They are distinguished by good endurance and adaptability to cold climates. Shiba Inu are used as versatile working and companion dogs.
"Shiba" are attached to the owner and, with good contact, obey him unquestioningly. They have a balanced nervous organization, as well as a lively, restless active-energetic temperament. They are fearless and courageous. Evil and fearful individuals are discarded.
According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 37.5 cm to 40.9 cm, in bitches from 35.4 cm to 37.9 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1-3 cm. The weight of breed specimens in males reaches from 8, 9 kg to 15 kg, and in bitches 7, 9 to 12, 9 kg. The stretch index in bitches is slightly higher due to physiological characteristics (fertility). Also, females have lighter bones than males. They move quickly, freely and beautifully.
- Head medium in size, looks harmonious in relation to the body. The frontal part in the upper zone is rounded flat, widened between the ears. The furrow on the forehead is insignificant. Cheekbones well defined, pronounced. The brows are not high, smoothed. The bump on the back of the head is not pronounced. The bones at the temples are flat. The skull is well filled under the eye sockets.
- Muzzle - parallel to the line of the skull, as well as equal to it in length. It is elongated-pointed, strong, full-bodied. The bridge of the nose is straight. The stop is distinct. The lips are tightly filled, compressed, perfectly closed, black pigmentation. Scissor bite. The flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. The jaws are well developed. The teeth are powerful, white, with perpendicular incisors.
- Nose - voluminous, with dilated nostrils. Lobe pigmentation is coal-black.
- Eyes Shiba Inu of medium landing, located on the front line. They are of medium size, round-almond-shaped. Their color ranges from dark brown to coal black. The darkest shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry, dark. Animals look with an intelligent and attentive, lively gaze.
- Ears - posted high. They are erect, medium in size, triangular in shape, with sharp ends. Cartilage is volumetric, dense. The auricles have a slight forward tilt. When alert, the dog directs them forward more.
- Neck of moderate length, oval in shape, with strong muscles. It is beautifully curved, gradually merging into the shoulders. Set harmoniously high in relation to the skull and body. The withers are well developed, there is no dewlap.
- Frame square-compact format, knocked down, with dense muscles. Chest: Moderately widened, roomy, oval in shape, reaching to the elbows. The back is in a straight line, muscled. The loin is widened and voluminous. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are well developed and arched. The belly line is perfectly pulled up to the croup.
- Tail thickened at the beginning of growth, narrower towards the end. Its shape resembles a ring. Set on high, covered with thick hair that adds volume. When moving, the dog raises it above the level of the spine and lays it on its back.
- Limbs Shiba Inu front - erect, in one parallel with each other, with a dry system of muscles and strong bones. The shoulders close to the body are strong. The elbows are close to the ribcage. The forearms are vertical. The pasterns are slightly tilted. The hindquarters, when judged from the rear, are parallel to each other, even. On the long thighs, prominent, strong musculature, sloped. The lower leg is much shorter than the thigh. The hock joints are harmoniously arched, the knee joints are strong. Metatarsus vertical. Feet - tight, round. Curved toes, with firm, pressed claws. The nails are pigmented black. The pads are dense and voluminous.
- Coat Shiba Inu of uniform, rigid and straight structure. It grows thick, short. The outer hair covers the body of the animal abundantly. The undercoat is padded and fluffy. The hair on the tail is thicker and slightly longer, which makes it more voluminous.
- Leather - tight, fits the body well.
- Color - there are several types: bright red, black and tan (rich black background and a kind of white and red pattern on the chest and on the body), sesame or sesame (black endings on the guard hair), white (in some countries it is not recognized). All specimens have a peculiar “uranjiru” pattern on the body. This translates to the wrong side or tan. Part of the cheeks, the lower part of the paws, the lower abdomen and the tail are painted in a lighter color.
Shiba Inu characteristic behavior

Since the animals are not large in size, they are very convenient for keeping in an apartment. But "shiba" feel great living in an open-air cage on the street. Dogs are distinguished by an independent character, it may even seem that they are stubborn. Still, these dogs are partners. If you want to get yourself a pet that will obey unquestioningly, then this is not the case. Shiba Inu is not a servant dog, but a master dog.
But, if a person is interested in harmony with his pet, in constant communication and dialogue, then yes, such a pet should be started. First of all, Shiba Inu is a philosopher in the world of canines. They are fixated on one owner. The dogs communicate closely with him, work and collaborate. If these dogs see the target, they go to it and it is extremely difficult to stop them.
It is a great joy for the Shiba Inu family, since she treats all its members with a huge positive. For small children, a dog is not suitable, as they unconsciously can mutually injure each other. But for teenagers, pets are ideal companions in their active games and walks.
Many breeders name and compare them to cat dogs. Shiba Inu can play with themselves, with you and with anyone. They differ in cleanliness - they lick themselves constantly. Dogs will lick both you and your friends. They are hardy, agile and inquisitive. They love to sit on the window and watch what is happening on the street or run after the owner's tail and watch what he is doing.
When the owners return home, the dogs greet them with a smile, showing violent emotions. But at the end of the greeting, the "seboa" will go about their business, showing that they do not need you much. That is, the dogs are not annoying. If you feel like it, you call them, play, and later disperse to your studies. Pets are not talkative. They only bark when they sense danger.
Shiba Inu Health

The Shiba Inu has an excellent immune system. These aboriginal dogs are distinguished by good health and longevity. They live from eighteen to twenty years. For your dog to be healthy, you must properly feed and physically load it. It is important to vaccinate "shiba" and treat against parasites. Some individuals are prone to cataracts. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly conduct special testing for the presence of this disease. Such a terrible disease as hip dysplasia does not threaten the breed.
Shiba Inu care criteria

These canines are not at all difficult to care for.
- Wool they are self-cleaning and therefore bathe the dog infrequently or as it gets dirty. Bathing shampoos are diluted with warm water so that the pet does not have dandruff. It is important to use conditioner for extra volume and softness. All chemical soap products are thoroughly washed. It is necessary to use a hairdryer after the "bath" so that the dense hairline of the "shiba" is not pretreated. Dry the pet with the warm air of a hair dryer, in the direction of hair growth, while constantly combing. The only inconvenience is that the dog sheds twice a year. Therefore, during such a period, it must be combed out every day with a slicker or furminator. Usually they are brushed once a week. All manipulations to free the animal from old, dead hair are best done outdoors. This is done in order to avoid unnecessary cleaning in the apartment. Who wants to "crawl" around the apartment once again with a rag and a vacuum cleaner?
- Teeth four-legged pet will be in wonderful shape if you teach him to constantly clean them. When this is not done, tartar will be deposited over time. Its presence leads not only to the destruction of dental tissues, but also to inflammation of the mucous membrane in the dog's mouth. Zoological pastes and brushes are purchased for the procedures. Buy edible bones and special toys for your Shiba Inu from the store. This will serve as an excellent prevention of dental plaque.
- Ears in such dogs they have a standing shape and, it would seem, should be well ventilated. But thick hair grows inside the auricle, so it will be good to thin it at least a little (trim). Timely cleansing with lotions will also help keep them in top condition.
- Eyes Check your pet after walking and going out into the forest or park area. When foreign particles get into them, it can cause redness and infection. And mechanical injuries cause more serious illnesses. If you are in doubt about the diagnosis, do not risk it, take the animal to the veterinarian.
- Claws need to be cut regularly using clippers.
- Feeding Shiba Inu is an important part of their life. Natural food is meat, offal, cereals, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits. The dog must receive vitamins and minerals constantly. When the pet's diet consists of ready-made feeds, the animal will be saturated with all the substances for a wonderful form.
- Walking must be active enough. Pets are lively, agile and quick-witted. Shiba Inu needs to be loaded physically and mentally. These dogs are very convenient for keeping in a small apartment. But if they are kept on the street, in an aviary, then the Shiba Inu respond well to this. Dogs perfectly tolerate a rather frosty climate and do not suffer in any way. On the contrary, they feel in great shape. That is, "Shiba" are universal pets in this regard. With animals from eight months to one and a half years, they go out three times a day, and then twice.
Features of upbringing Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu are quite freedom-loving and independent. Therefore, from puppyhood it is necessary to train them in a timely manner to a collar and a leash. It is not uncommon to observe how some specimens that have come to the street for the first time, lie on the ground and do not want to walk on a leash. Leash in urban conditions is extremely important, as dogs are fearless and can compete with very large individuals, despite their disproportion with them. Also, the roadway is very dangerous for animals.
Shiba Inu is taught only on positive and positive reinforcement. Like a shepherd dog, the dog will not obey commands unquestioningly. He will do everything only when he wants to. Therefore, the animal must be interested during classes. When he is interested, then the animal will listen to you.
They do an excellent job with the general course of training, agility or handling. If the classes are interesting to the owner and the pet, then the dog works with great pleasure. All lessons are learned first of all in the process of playing, close communication and contact with the owner, because the Shiba Inu is immensely devoted to him.
Interesting facts about Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu are very caring mothers. But if something is wrong and the puppies are naughty, then they bring them up tough. For insolence, the bitches tightly press the carriage to the ground and hold until they calm down.
Representatives of the breed are able to make peculiar guttural sounds. Some specimens even manage to speak non-complex human words.
Breeders point out that the distinctive feature of Shiba is their individuality. Each dog is unique in its own way. It is difficult to compare even two dogs of this breed in character.
Purchasing a Shiba Inu puppy

Shiba Inu requires a lot of patience and love, but in return you will receive a sea of positive emotions and amazing discoveries. If you want such a pet, be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait a while and lay out a "tidy" sum, since the breed is not widespread and quite rare. Approach the purchase of a puppy responsibly. Talk to breed experts first. The most detailed consultations will be provided to you at the kennel club. Buy shiba inu nurseries. The cost for a puppy ranges from $ 1100 to $ 1500.
For more information on the Shiba Inu breed, see below:
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