The following recommendations will tell you how to care for a Schlumberger, propagate and feed her, fight diseases, pests. Schlumberger, zygocactus, Decembrist is the name of the same plant, which belongs to the genus of epiphytic cacti. In nature, the Decembrist is widespread in the tropical forests of the southeast of Brazil and can reach a height of 2 meters 80 cm. European flower growers owe the appearance of the plant as a cultivated species to Allan Cunningham, who brought zygocactus here in the early 19th century. Like many members of the Schlumberger genus, this epiphytic cactus grows in its homeland on tree branches in tropical forests.
Caring for a home Decembrist

Despite the fact that it is a species of cactus, Schlumberger prefers conditions completely opposite to cacti. She loves water and does not want to grow in a place that is strongly illuminated by the sun.
Therefore, the plant will feel great on the windowsills shaded on a hot afternoon. For this, those that face the east side are ideal. Schlumberger likes sufficient watering with non-cold water. It needs to be sprayed periodically, especially during the hot season. You can increase the humidity in another way. Put pebbles in a spacious tray, pour water into it, put the plant on this pedestal.
This is the kind of care that Schlumberger requires. She loves:
- sufficient air humidity;
- watering;
- grow on eastern windows, or at least not under the bright rays of the sun.
Speaking about which Decembrist flower is demanding or not demanding on the air temperature, we can say that this indicator is not critical for him. Subject to other conditions, it will grow equally well at +16 and + 25 ° С.
In the summer, during the period of intensive growth of the stems, the zygocactus prefers to be in the fresh air, but so that the hot rays of the sun do not burn it. Therefore, the place should be in light shade. At the same time of the year, he is not averse to taking Schlumberger's water treatments. Taking care of your plant during the summer months also includes a refreshing shower. To do this, take the flower to the bathtub, cover the ground with foil and wash it with cool water from the shower head. If this is not possible, then do not forget to spray the zygocactus, take care of it, gently wiping the leaves with a damp soft cloth. Here is such a simple care that Schlumberger requires.
Schlumberger feed

Decembrist is a plant whose growing season begins in March. Since that time, it has been fed once a month. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers intended for flowers, but 2 times lower concentration.
Since the beginning of June, feeding is done twice a month, this is done throughout the summer. Since September, they stop fertilizing the Schlumberger.
What to do for the Decembrist bloom?

This will be helped by all of the above measures for caring for the zygocactus. At the end of June, you need to prune. Parts of shoots that are too long and those that do not grow properly are unscrewed by hand to give the Schlumberger a beautiful appearance. This will also help abundant flowering.
For this to happen on time, the Decembrist must first provide a period of rest. At the end of September, reduce watering, stop feeding the plant, place it in a cool room. In such conditions, it will grow until the end of November. During this period, bring it to a warm room where there is ample light. Water the Schlumberger enough, turning the pot periodically so that it grows evenly.
When you see that the buds have begun to form, in no case do not rearrange the pot with the zygactus, do not turn it over. If you do not follow these recommendations during this period, there is a very high probability that the plant will shed its buds.
Transplant Schlumberger

This should be done at the end of flowering. Young plants are transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil every year, and adults every 4–5 years. Since the root system of the Decembrist is shallow, shallow, so the pot should be low and wide. It is filled by a third with drainage, soil is poured on top. It is prepared from:
- 2 pieces of leafy land;
- 1 part sand;
- 1 part of turf land.
To make the soil more permeable, add a little expanded clay to it. A small amount of crushed coal will help disinfect the soil. Stir all ingredients, carefully transplant to Schlumberger.
How to propagate a Decembrist?

This is very easy to do. Inspect the strongest shoots, unscrew from them the extreme part, consisting of 2-3 links. Root Schlumberger in water or soil. If you want to use the first method, place the sprout in a small container with some water. Place the dish in a bright place where the temperature is +20 - + 25 ° C. After a while, roots are formed, then the cutting is ready for transplantation.
If you want to use the first method and so multiply the Decembrist, then dry the unscrewed part for 3-4 days. Then plant it in a pot of moist soil, cover the top with a plastic bottle and a glass jar to maintain moisture. The container should be placed in the shade, where the air temperature is about + 20 ° C and periodically ventilated.
You can use the shoots that you left after pruning to root the Decembrist.
Schlumberger diseases and pests

One of the pests that can annoy this plant is the spider mite. If you look closely, you can see these insects. They are very small and can be yellow, brown, reddish in color. The most common cause of this pest is dry air. If you see a spider mite on a Decembrist, treat the plant with one of the following preparations:
- Fitoverm;
- "Neoron";
- "Aktellikom".
After processing, increase the humidity by spraying or placing the plant in a tray with wet pebbles.
Another pest that sometimes settles on the Decembrists is the mealybug. Lumps of white color lying between the shoots will help to detect it. Seeing such a sign of the appearance of a pest, spray the zygocactus with Aktara.
Fungal diseases that can weaken and destroy the Decembrist are:
- late blight;
- fusarium;
- phytium.
The virus enters the root collar of the plant, it turns pale, parts of the stem segments wither, fall off. Drugs will help to cope with this disease:
- "Topaz";
- "Vitaros";
- "Maksim".
Problems encountered in the cultivation of Schlumberger

The first, and very important, is the absence of flowering. If the Decembrist is not blooming, read the tips given above and apply them. In short it is:
- trimming by unscrewing excess trunk links;
- ensuring the rest of the zygocactus from the end of September to the last days of November;
- placement from the end of November in a bright place.
And the most important thing - do not rearrange or move the pot when the Decembrist began to release buds. This rule is valid until the end of flowering.
The next question that worries flower growers: why do Schlumberger leaves fall? One of the reasons for this may be a spider mite. Take a close look at the plant, if you see pests, then you made some mistake in caring for the Decembrist. Leaves can also fall off:
- too dry air;
- irregular watering;
- rare top dressing.
To correct the situation with the subcrust, buy a special fertilizer for epiphytic cacti. Dilute according to the instructions, making the concentration 2 times lower than the suggested one. Pour the Decembrist under the root with this solution or spray it.
If this does not help, then change the soil to a new one. Also, the reasons why the leaves of the Decembrist fall can be:
- draft;
- sudden changes in temperature;
- placing the plant in a new place to which it has not yet adapted.
Another possible problem is that the Decembrist leaves wither. This can lead to:
- watering with cold water;
- low air temperature;
- excess sun rays;
- high dose of fertilizers.
Any of these factors can lead to a disease of the root system, as a result of which parts of the plant cease to be resistant, sway, and do not have the same strength.
Having familiarized yourself with the recommendations for proper care, you can avoid mistakes, and the home Schlumberger will delight you with its healthy appearance, delicate flowers for 15–20 years.
For more information on how to make a Decembrist bloom, you will learn from this video: