Home breeding clusion

Home breeding clusion
Home breeding clusion

Description of the characteristics and types of the clusion, the choice of location, advice on care: watering, fertilization and reproduction, problems with growing, diseases and pests. Clusia. The plant looks like a shrub or a full-fledged tree, lives for many seasons and does not change the color of the leaves. Clusia belong to the family called Clusiaceae or Guttiferae. It got its name thanks to the research of a Dutch scientist studying plants Carolus Clusius (XXVI century). Tropical and subtropical areas of both Americas are considered the birthplace of the clusia.

It can grow in natural conditions up to 9 m in height, but in conditions of home care it stretches only up to a meter. Since the seeds of the clusia are easily carried by birds, sometimes these plants can be seen growing in the crevices of the trees or in their branches, like a parasitic plant. In the process of growth, roots appear, which, elongating in the air, can reach the ground. Because of these roots and the rapid growth of the "occupier", the tree on which the clusion grew may gradually wither away. Like the banyan ficus in the clus, which grew on soil, there are also roots that are not buried in the ground.

The shoots of the clusion branch in pairs, and as they stretch out, the length of the new branches is the same. At first, young shoots of the plant have the properties of succulents, they are juicy, round, smooth to the touch, accumulate moisture in themselves. As they grow, the stems will become harder and will be covered with a bark with a gray-green tint.

The leaf plates have wrinkles, are quite elastic and thick, have a thick grassy color and short petioles. Every two leaves are located at the clusion perpendicularly in the plane to the next pair. Leaf shape is oval with elongation at the base. A vein is clearly visible in the center of the plate.

In the warm season, the bloom of the clusion begins. The flowers at the clusia are shaped like a regular circle. There are 4-9 petals, which also resemble an elongated egg, with their elongation they are attached to the rim. There are some similarities with magnolia flowers. The color of the petals of the clusion is varied: light pink, slightly yellow, white-green. The buds begin to bloom with the arrival of the night and hold out almost until lunchtime, if there is no sun on that day. After flowering, large pomegranate-like fruits appear, reaching up to 8 cm in diameter, which, when fully ripe, will turn brown and open in the shape of a star. Seeds can also be confused with pomegranate - the same red and fleshy, but not suitable for consumption. If the seed juice comes into contact with the skin, it may cause slight irritation.

The peculiarity of the clusion is that its leaf blades are covered with a thin film on which an inscription can be made and it will last for a long time.

Types of clusion

  • Clusia lanceolate (Clusia lanceolata). The height of this species varies from 2, 4 to 3 m. It can take the form of a bush or a small tree. The leaves, which are elongated, have the shape of knives and can reach 7.5 cm. Flowers can be up to 5 cm in diameter, the petals look like wax products, the color is very rich, there are dark red tones in the center. The fruits grow small and round.
  • Clusia large (Clusia major). This clusion is sometimes called the Balsamic Apple. It can grow in the form of a small tree or shrub, the height of which reaches 3 m, the crown in diameter is close to 1, 2 m. It can lead a semi-parasitic existence on other trees. The leaves, elongating, grow in length up to 18 cm. The peduncle has the form of a brush and is assembled from flowers with pastel shades: pink, cream, white.
  • Clusia pink (Clusia rosea). It is the most common indoor plant. The native habitat is the lands of the Caribbean region.

Basically, it begins its existence as an epiphyte, using for this the cracks in the bark of the tree, where its seed was brought. The tree cover of the "owner" of the clusion is rich in decayed leaves and humus, which is a fertile soil for the rapid growth of the young "guest". The branching head root begins to penetrate deep into the bark and nourish the developing sprouts. In the course of a short time, many lateral root processes begin to appear, which tightly press the young clusion to the trunk or branches of the host tree. But the process of growth of the root system does not end there, some of the roots, stretching downward, strive to reach the ground and the clusion begins to receive food in large quantities. Under the weight of the root system of its "occupant", the host tree begins to gradually die, losing vitality and nutrients. The trunk, almost completely entwined with the roots of the clusion, dies off, leaving only a tube made of bark, while the "conqueror" herself already exists as an independent tree.

In nature, the pink clusia stretches to a height of 20 m. The leaf plates are large enough, with wrinkles on the surface, shiny. They can reach a length of up to 12 cm and a width of up to 8 cm. The shape of the leaf resembles an oval with one elongated edge, which attaches the leaf plate to the trunk. When opened, the flowers reach up to 8 cm in diameter and have up to 8 petals. The shape of the petals is round and looks like a waxy product. The color of the petals is white with pale pink tints. The flowers have a rich aroma.

Clusia grows very slowly at home, looks decorative because of its evergreen crown. Since it can easily tolerate short-term drought, it is often used to decorate offices. The shape of the flowerpot by cutting off excess branches can be given the most diverse.

Clusage care at home

Pink clusia flower
Pink clusia flower

Growing a clusion in a home or office is not very difficult. It is important to follow some simple rules.


Since the clusia is a resident of humid and warm forests, and mainly the place where the crowns and trunks of other trees grow, it prefers bright, but diffused sunlight. If you put the clusion on the north window, then it must be supplemented with special lamps. Due to the lack of sunlight in the plant, the stems are very elongated and thinner, and the leaves almost do not grow on them. On the south window, it is necessary to hide the clusion from the scorching rays using light curtains or gauze. On the windows of this direction, the clusia will feel very comfortable in the winter months, since the sun is no longer so active. Sunbeams of sunset and sunrise are preferred for the clusion. Content temperature. It is best for the clusion that there are no temperature fluctuations. It is important to create a constant warm atmosphere. The thermometer should show no higher than 25 degrees, but in cold months it may drop to 20 degrees. If this condition is not met, the clusion may begin to shed the deciduous mass. In the warm season, it is recommended to put the clusion in an open area (garden or balcony), but you need to be careful so that the midday rays do not fall on it. Even in a room, the clusion loves frequent airing, but you need to protect it from drafts.


So, although the clusion is a resident of the tropics, it is important to remember that its numerous roots are above the ground and therefore it will not tolerate a too moist substrate. The plant is more likely to tolerate a little drying of the topsoil in a pot than stagnant water. Otherwise, this can lead to rotting of the root system and even the stem itself. Watering should be moderate, but abundant. It is constantly necessary to monitor and pour out the moisture that is glass from the pot into the pallet. Spraying the plant and the air next to it is also useful, especially if the temperature indicators have become above 25 degrees. Water for irrigation is taken soft, for this it is defended for some time - at least a couple of days.

Air humidity

It is necessary to create sufficient humidity for the clusion. You can use spraying, or placing containers with water next to the pot, which evaporates and will raise the humidity. You can also put the pot on pebbles or expanded clay, which must be periodically moistened. In this case, the roots will not touch the water and they will not be threatened with decay, and the air will be saturated with moisture.

Top dressing of the clusion with fertilizers

When the clusion begins to develop actively, and this is the time of spring and summer, then it is necessary to start feeding the plant. You can carry out this procedure only once every fortnight. Fertilizers must be chosen both for complex and for flowering plants. But the dosage should be half as much as indicated by the manufacturer. During the period of autumn and winter time, the clusion may not be fed. But if the shoots began to develop, then they feed them once a month.


Since the clusia has a superficial root system, the composition of the soil for it should be very light with high water and air permeability. For this, a soil mixture is made from such components in proportions (2: 2: 2: 1: 1):

  • leafy land;
  • matted coniferous needles;
  • peat land;
  • coarse sand;
  • vermiculite (perlite, agroperlite).

Some growers take the same ingredients, but in equal parts.

Ordinary purchased soil for indoor plants can also be suitable for clusia, the only thing that needs to be lightened by adding a third of the entire soil of coarse sand or fine expanded clay.

In the pot in which the clusion grows, it is necessary to make very good drainage so that the excess moisture would easily and quickly go away. You can fill a wide pot by a third with a layer of fine expanded clay or finely crushed brick. Transplant clusion. Clusia does not like transplants very much, and if there is no need, then it is better not to disturb her. The transplant is performed for young plants annually, but adults only when the pot has become very small. This procedure is performed very carefully, using the transshipment method, in order to disturb the roots least of all. They try not to shake the earth from them. A new pot is only picked up a little larger.

Pruning a clusion

In order for the shape of a tree or bush to look as intended, it is necessary to pinch young stems during the period of activation of shoot growth. If it is necessary to cut off an old branch for pruning, then you will have to put up with a thick stump of a branch.

Reproduction of the clusion at home

Clusia after breeding
Clusia after breeding

For reproduction of the clusion, seed material, cut cuttings and air layers are used.

When using clusia seeds, it is necessary to sow them in a soil mixture, which is made up of equal parts of sand and peat. The dishes for planting are chosen flat, and after the seeds are placed in the soil, a plastic bag is put on the dishes, or they are covered with a piece of glass to create greenhouse conditions. The seed pot must be constantly illuminated with fluorescent lamps and heated so that there is always a constant temperature of 25-30 degrees.

In order to propagate the clusion by cuttings, it is necessary to cut the cuttings from the tops of the shoots. This process is performed during the period of active plant growth. The substrate for planting cuttings is the same as for seeds. The cuttings are dipped in a rooting agent - a growth stimulator (like a root), planted in prepared soil and create the same greenhouse conditions as for seeds. Constant heating of soil and air temperature in a mini-greenhouse - not lower than 25 degrees.

In order to make an air layering, choose a branch of the clusion, which is located at the very bottom of the trunk. It must be gently bent down, fixed in the soil, for example with a hairpin and sprinkled with a damp substrate. It is incredibly difficult to get a good young sprout of the clusion at home, since the plant is very difficult to root. Once the temperature drops slightly, root formation will not occur.

Difficulties in growing a clusion, pests and diseases

Drying out of the leaves of the clusion at high temperatures
Drying out of the leaves of the clusion at high temperatures

Spider mites, scale insects and mealbugs pose the most problems for the clusion. The first and second can appear at low air humidity in the apartment, and the worm appears when the root system decays. When fighting a spider mite, it is necessary to spray the air around the plant. If this does not help, then you will have to treat the plant with insecticides. Boric alcohol or cologne can be used to combat the scabbard. After moistening a cotton swab in a liquid, it is necessary to wipe the sheet plates on both sides. But in general, the clusion is very rarely uncomfortable with these pests.

Most often, there are problems with decay of the root system of the clusion. This is due to frequent watering when the room temperature drops. Then watering must be stopped.

If the leaves of the clusion began to fall off en masse, this means that the ambient temperature has become too high and the pot with the plant needs to be moved to a cooler place.

More details about the clusion in this video:
