The end of summer and the beginning of autumn are plum time. If you have not yet baked a plum pie, then I am sharing a step-by-step recipe with a photo of caramelized plums for filling in baked goods. Video recipe.

Plum baked goods are especially tasty. Moreover, even those who do not like to consume this fruit on its own, pies, rolls, buns and other products with plum filling simply adore. However, for the baked goods to be really tasty, it is not enough just to put plums in the dough, because they need to be properly prepared. Then the products will have an amazing taste. For this, plums are caramelized in sugar syrup with butter. The combination of the sweetness of caramel and the sourness of the plum creates a very special taste and aroma. This is a real delicacy that absolutely everyone will like. By the way, such plums can be used not only for baking, but also used on their own or supplemented with a scoop of ice cream.
For this recipe, you need a plum of sweet and sour varieties, with dense pulp, for example, Hungarian or Ugorka. With it, you will get original and delicious pastries. During caramelization, the fruits will not fall apart, they will keep their shape, while they will become soft. Such a plum in the dough will sound bright, with a strong taste, incredible aroma and attractive color. Nobody can resist such baking, because during cooking, the plum will turn into almost a thick sauce, which will saturate and transform the dough.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 295 kcal.
- Servings - 300 g
- Cooking time - 20 minutes

- Plums - 300 g
- Sugar - 50 g or to taste
- Butter - 30 g
Step by step preparation of caramelized plums for filling in baked goods, recipe with photo:

1. Take plums that are dense and firm, without spoilage and rot. Wash them under running water and dry with a paper towel.

2. Using a knife, carefully cut in half and remove the bone. Plums can be kept in halves or cut into smaller wedges or cubes.

3. Melt the butter in a cast iron or heavy-bottomed skillet. Make sure it doesn't burn. The oil should just melt.

4. Place plum oil in a skillet.

5. Sprinkle sugar over the plums and stir. Fry them over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the sugar begins to melt and covers the fruit with a thin caramel crust, remove the pan from the heat. Do not overexpose plums on the stove for a very long time, so that they do not turn into a shapeless mass. Use ready-made caramelized plums for filling in baked goods as intended for baking pies, rolls, rolls and other sweets.
See also the video recipe on how to make caramelized plums.