How to use Levomycetin for acne?

How to use Levomycetin for acne?
How to use Levomycetin for acne?

Composition and form of antibiotic release. Useful properties and contraindications. Ways to use Levomycetin for acne, real reviews.

Levomycetin for acne is an antibacterial agent that allows you to fight purulent rashes, acne. And although such a method of application is not indicated in the instructions for the drug, people have long been using pills to eliminate skin problems.

What is Levomycetin?

Levomycetin tablets for acne
Levomycetin tablets for acne

In the photo Levomycetin in tablets for acne. Price - 100 rubles.

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol. It disrupts the process of protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms. The substance is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, meningococcal and hemophilic bacteria, with purulent infections. Chloramphenicol is almost insoluble in water, but it is highly soluble in alcohol.

The drug is produced in the following forms:

  • tablets of 200 and 500 mg (price - 100 rubles);
  • alcohol solution of Levomycetin 1% (50-100 rubles);
  • eye drops (50-70 rubles);
  • external ointments (50-100 rubles).

To eliminate acne, tablets or an alcohol solution are suitable, with which talkers are prepared. Levomycetin in the form of an ointment for acne can be used independently: it is used to lubricate the affected area.

However, talkers are more effective for drying purulent acne. Levomycetin is combined with various additives:

  • boric acid;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • metronidazole;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • aspirin;
  • streptocide and others.

Important! The antibiotic is combined with other antiseptics that enhance its effect. Thanks to these funds, it is possible to get rid of inflammation in 2-3 days.

Useful properties of Levomycetin for acne

Levomycetin in solution for acne
Levomycetin in solution for acne

Photo of a solution of Levomycetin for acne. The price is 50-100 rubles

Cosmetologists claim that Levomycetin against acne can be very effective.

Why the drug is useful:

  • dries up;
  • has a peeling effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • whitens the skin;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • destroys microorganisms that provoke the formation of acne;
  • accelerates the healing of skin lesions;
  • reduces skin oiliness.

The drug is used pointwise, lubricating acne and problem areas with rashes with a talker or a solution of Levomycetin, and not the entire skin of the face. With extensive skin inflammation, you can combine oral antibiotic with external use.

Contraindications and harm of Levomycetin

Pregnancy as a contraindication of Levomycetin for acne
Pregnancy as a contraindication of Levomycetin for acne

When used externally, Levomycetin has few contraindications. It is not recommended to use the medication for eczema and psoriasis, pathology of blood cells, allergies to the drug.

Children under 12 years old, pregnant women and people with liver and kidney pathologies need to be careful with medicine or look for other ways to eliminate acne.

Doctors recommend using the medicine no more than 2 times a day. If you abuse the medication, side effects may occur:

  • redness;
  • dryness;
  • peeling of the skin.

With frequent wiping of acne with an alcohol solution of Levomycetin, the skin dries out. The sebaceous glands begin to work harder and secrete more secretion. As a result, the skin becomes oily, the risk of new acne increases against the background of the development of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms.

Ways to use Levomycetin for acne

To eliminate the rash, the antibiotic is used as part of masks, talkers, lotions. Recipes with Levomycetin for acne contain other components, depending on the task that the remedy should solve. Before use, thoroughly cleanse the skin by washing with soap or wiping with micellar water. The product is used to lubricate previously cleansed skin.

Acne talker

Chatterbox with Levomycetin for acne
Chatterbox with Levomycetin for acne

The photo shows how to use a talker with Levomycetin for acne

A chatterbox is a suspension that includes tablets crushed into powder, alcohol solutions and acids. The agent is applied pointwise to the rash 1-2 times a day. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator in a dark glass container.

Effective talkers for acne with Levomycetin:

  • With salicylic acid … Take 1 tablet of Levomycetin and Metronidazole, 4 ml of salicylic acid and 1 ml of boric acid. Rub the tablets into powder. Mix both types of acid. Insert tablets and shake well. With the obtained remedy with Levomycetin and salicylic acid from acne, wipe the rash.
  • With calendula … Like Levomycetin, it has antiseptic properties. Grind 1 tablet of salicylic acid and Levomycetin into powder. Mix the resulting product with 15 ml of calendula tincture. Wipe acne with this suspension with Levomycetin and calendula twice a day.
  • With Streptocide … 5 tablets of Levomycetin and Streptocid, 3 tablets of salicylic acid, grind into powder. Dilute this product with 50 ml of camphor alcohol. Stir the ingredients and use this chloramphenicol recipe for acne 1-2 times a day.
  • With salicylic acid and streptocide … For preparation, you will need 2 g of Streptocide powder, 2 tablets of Levomycetin and a bottle of salicylic acid. Pour Streptocid powder into a bottle, add Levomycetin, crushed into powder, here. The tool is used at night, wiping clean skin of the face with a cotton pad moistened with a talker.
  • With aspirin … In one bottle, combine 25 ml of alcohol Levomycetin for acne, 40 ml of calendula tincture, 2 aspirin tablets, crushed into powder. Wipe the face skin with a talker 2 times a day.
  • With boric acid … In equal amounts, combine boric, chloramphenicol and salicylic alcohol in one bottle. Add the same amount of calendula tincture and shake. Lubricate acne with Levomycetin and boric acid twice a day.
  • With Trichopolum … Crush 2 tablets of Trichopolum to a powder. Add it to the bottle with chloramphenicol. Wipe acne on the face with the obtained remedy with Levomycetin twice a day.
  • With gray … To prepare the product, you will need 10 tablets of Levomycetin for acne and 7 g of sulfur powder. Grind the tablets into powder and mix with sulfur. Dilute 50 ml of salicylic acid with the same amount of boric acid and mix with powder. Wipe pimples 1-2 times a day, after treating the skin, rinse your face with chamomile infusion.
  • With essential oils … Add 2-3 drops of lavender, tea tree, basil essential oils to the bottle with chloramphenicol. Wipe your face 1-2 times a day.

Important! Chatterboxes with Levomycetin can be used within 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break, otherwise the pathogenic flora becomes addicted to the antibiotic. With prolonged use of the drug, its effectiveness is lost.

Face masks

Mask with Levomycetin for acne
Mask with Levomycetin for acne

Unlike chatterboxes, face masks are designed to be used 2-3 times a week. These are potent agents that, after being applied to the skin, are kept for 10-15 minutes and washed off with a herbal decoction. The mask is applied to clean skin. The composition of the funds may include food, herbal decoctions, medicines.

To prepare a mono-remedy, you will need only 2 tablets of Levomycetin and warm water. Crush Levomycetin into powder and dilute with 1 spoon of warm water. Apply the mass on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Effective recipes for masks with Levomycetin against acne and additional components:

  • With cosmetic clay … To prepare the mask, take 3 tablets of Levomycetin and mix with 2 liters of decoction of calendula flowers. Add 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay. Align and apply to clean skin. Soak for 15 minutes and wash off with water or herbal decoction.
  • With zinc paste and honey … Crush 3 tablets of Levomycetin and Aspirin into powder. Mix with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. zinc paste. Apply the composition to the skin and soak for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with water. The mask softens and nourishes the skin of the face, while drying and disinfecting it.
  • With aloe juice … To prepare the mask, crush 3 tablets of Levomycetin into powder. Mix with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. aloe juice. All components have a disinfecting effect and are suitable for sensitive skin. Apply the composition to the skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water.
  • With chamomile infusion … Grind 2 tablets of Levomycetin into powder. Pour 3-4 tbsp into a separate bowl. l. dry chamomile flowers and pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool. Strain. Pour 2 tablespoons of broth to the powder from the tablets and mix. Apply the product to the skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse it off. The composition can handle large areas of rashes.
  • With talc and starch … Mix 1 tbsp. l. blue cosmetic clay, baby talcum powder, and potato or cornstarch. Mix 2 tablets of Levomycetin with 1-2 tbsp. l. decoction of a series, after grinding the antibiotic into powder. Stir the ingredients until gruel. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse off.
  • With aloe vera gel … Crush an antibiotic tablet into a powder. Add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and aloe vera gel. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse. The product relieves inflammation, tones and moisturizes.
  • With talc and hydrogen peroxide … Grind 3 antibiotic tablets into powder. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. white clay. Enter 2 tbsp into the mixture. l. baby talc and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Apply the mixture to the skin for 10 minutes and rinse. The mask dries acne and whitens the face. If you feel a burning sensation, wash off the product earlier than prescribed.

These recipes for masks are effective and can affect the skin in different ways. Choose the components that are suitable for you, check if you are allergic to them.

Levomycetin ointment

Levomekol ointment with Levomycetin for acne
Levomekol ointment with Levomycetin for acne

Photo of Levomekol ointment with Levomycetin for acne

In the pharmacy, you can buy ointments with Levomycetin under different names:

  • Levosin;
  • Levomycetin liniment;
  • Levomekol.

The agent is traditionally used to heal wounds and prevent infection. But the reviews of doctors about the use of ointment with Levomycetin against acne are ambiguous. They consider it comedogenic, i.e. provoking the appearance of acne and blackheads. The ointment is thick, greasy, so it can clog pores, despite its antibacterial effect.

Ointments Levosin or Levomekol should be used if wounds or ulcers that require healing appear on the acne site. Also, the product is suitable for dry skin and pronounced irritation. The drug quickly heals, moisturizes the skin and prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Real reviews of Levomycetin for acne

Reviews about Levomycetin for acne
Reviews about Levomycetin for acne

Users who have used the drug against rashes on the face respond positively to its effect. They argue that talkers with antibiotic pills quickly dry acne, eliminate inflammation. Another plus is the rare reappearance of acne and acne after using the product. Here are real reviews about Levomycetin for acne.

Marina, 28 years old

She suffered from skin rashes since the age of 15. I tried various cosmetics and folk remedies. On the Internet, I came across a recipe for a chatterbox with Levomycetin and salicylic acid. I mixed the indicated components, applied the gruel to the face 2-3 times a week. After a month, the pimples were almost completely gone. Today I enjoy clean skin. And if I feel that a pimple is threatening to appear, I immediately lubricate this place with a talker.

Anna, 34 years old

In her youth, she did not suffer from rashes on the skin. But after pregnancy, acne began to appear, probably due to hormonal changes. I tried various remedies, including hormonal ones, but it only got worse. The dermatologist advised the antibiotic acne talker. I bought Levomycetin, pounded it and diluted it with water. I applied the product to the skin twice a week. The pimples began to disappear and disappeared after a month. Now I don't even remember them.

Elena, 23 years old

Acne appeared at the age of 16. Parents said that it was a teenager, and persuaded to wait until it passed by itself. But it was terrible and had not passed by my age. I began to look for ways of treatment myself. Grandmother-neighbor, once seeing me, advised Levomycetin. She once worked in a polyclinic and often heard from colleagues about this tool. I began to apply moisturized powder from antibiotic tablets to my face. The acne did not go away immediately, but it became smaller and appeared less frequently.

How to use Levomycetin for acne - watch the video:
