How to do anti-aging makeup

How to do anti-aging makeup
How to do anti-aging makeup

To look younger, it is not necessary to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, sometimes it is enough just to put on the right makeup. The rejuvenating makeup technique is described in detail in this article. With makeup, you can easily shed a few years and look younger. However, for this it is necessary to use only high-quality modern cosmetics.

The main rules for creating anti-aging makeup:

  • It is necessary to abandon saturated and very bright shades, the use of shadows of purple and green colors.
  • Experienced make-up artists do not advise choosing lipsticks of defiant shades, since bright colors will only highlight the existing wrinkles on the lips, making them much more noticeable. Lipstick of chocolate, cherry and burgundy color is not suitable.
  • Eyes can be highlighted with a pencil or eyeliner, but the lines should be thin and almost invisible. Lines that are too thick will only add age.
  • Powder or foundation should be applied only in a thin layer so that it is not noticeable.
  • Before starting to create a youthful makeup, you need to properly prepare the skin - in adulthood, the skin of the face needs additional moisture. If you ignore this advice, there is a risk of irritation.
  • It is necessary to regularly use a scrub to remove dead skin particles.
  • For moisturizing, it is recommended to use a cream that has an additional tightening effect.
  • Instead of foundation, you can use modern foams with an airy texture, with a light pearlescent effect.
  • With the help of a corrector, it is necessary to mask visible skin defects.
  • Foundation or powder should be as close as possible to the natural shade of the face.

Before you start creating anti-aging makeup, you need to know what to pay attention to first. Who are they, these "traitors" who speak without words about the true age of a woman?


How to do anti-aging makeup
How to do anti-aging makeup

Particularly noteworthy is the skin of the face, which should always be well-groomed. If you only pay attention to her sometimes, the age will be "written" on the face. The skin will start to look old, and the woman will always seem tired. With special attention it is necessary to start caring for the face after overcoming the 30-year barrier. Be sure to use special creams containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, a small amount of whitening particles, as well as peels.


It is the eyes that are able to tell about the age of a woman. Sagging eyelids, severe swelling, swelling, wrinkles and black circles are the main signs of years gone by. All these flaws can be masked with decorative cosmetics, but this is not always enough.

In order not to face such a problem, you should always get enough sleep, lead an active lifestyle, try to exercise regularly, eat right and balanced and not sleep on your face. Very often, the appearance of edema under the eyes depends on the position in which the woman sleeps. If you follow these simple tips, you can hide age-related changes with a light makeup.


This is one of the most important factors in determining a woman's age. Over time, they lose their natural shine, natural swelling and splendor, a gradual lowering of the corners of the lips begins. There are times when such changes occur asymmetrically, which visually does not look very attractive. In the most advanced cases, simple makeup will not be enough, and you will have to resort to anti-aging injections.

Anti-aging makeup technique

How to do anti-aging makeup
How to do anti-aging makeup

If you want to look a few years younger, try to stick to the following guideline as closely as possible:

  • Peeling is used to cleanse the face, then a moisturizer or nourishing cream is applied. The next stage is a make-up base, which should contain reflective particles that mask enlarged pores and mimic wrinkles. Thus, the oval and complexion are leveled, the effect of tightening the skin is created.
  • A tonal base is taken, the main thing is that it is of a natural shade. For application, a special wide brush or sponge is used, thanks to which the product is evenly distributed over the skin. A darker shade is applied to the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, a lighter shade is applied to the cheekbones. All lines should be well shaded so that there are no abrupt transitions. At the same time, the neck area and the area near the ears are necessarily captured so that the mask effect is not created.
  • Powders, creams, foundations should be applied exclusively along the massage lines, in an upward direction. This technique makes it possible to reduce the effect of gravitational forces.
  • To create rejuvenating makeup, experienced makeup artists advise women to use a special loose mineral powder containing reflective pigments. It is this remedy that perfectly masks visible age-related imperfections, has a caring effect for aging skin, restores natural radiance and youth to the face. It is necessary to apply powder to all areas of the face, including in the area under the eyes.
  • With age, the nasolabial folds become more visible. To disguise them, make-up artists advise resorting to the help of a corrector of light shades. The product is applied strictly along the contour of the visible folds, making them almost invisible.
  • Be sure to constantly look after your eyebrows. If they look sloppy and have an unkempt appearance, it will not be possible to create beautiful anti-aging makeup, and not a single expensive cosmetic product will help.
  • To emphasize the beautiful line of the eyebrows, it is recommended to use not a pencil, but shadows that match the tone. It is necessary to apply shadows strictly to the base of the eyebrows, otherwise the face will look tired and slightly morose.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of blush. Of course, they should be present in the creation of makeup, but the choice should be stopped on neutral, calm shades. For rejuvenating makeup, a light pink blush is just perfect, the main thing is to shade them thoroughly.
  • Black eyeliner can be replaced with tea, green, or brown eyeshadows. It is necessary to draw strictly along the line of eyelash growth, while the upper corner rises slightly.
  • If shadows are used, it is worth stopping the choice on calm and soft shades - for example, golden, gray, peach, light brown. Makeup artists advise against choosing matte or pearlescent shadows. Shadows with a subtle glow effect are ideal. They are applied to the upper eyelid and carefully shaded.
  • A rich brown mascara with a lengthening effect to rejuvenate the look. Visually, the eyes will appear larger, the gaze will become radiant, open. It is not recommended to use mascara that gives additional volume, since it has the ability to make the image heavy, therefore, it adds several extra years, which should not be allowed.
  • Do not forget about the lips, you can highlight them with a pencil. You need to stop the choice only on natural shades, as close as possible to the color of the lips. It is worth remembering that dark lipsticks will only highlight imperfections. Having selected the contour of the lips, you can use lipstick or use gloss. Makeup artists advise to abandon very dense textures and too bright shades. The ideal option would be lipstick or gloss of light brown, pink, peach color. It is desirable that the gloss has an additional moisturizing effect.

To create anti-aging makeup, the most important thing is the complete absence of clear and sharp boundaries, since they not only highlight skin defects, but also speak of age.

Selection of foundation


You must adhere to the following rules:

  • Give preference to foundation of light texture, with which the tone and structure of the face will be evened out.
  • To mask acne, age spots, dark bags under the eyes, you need to choose the right corrector. This tool is applied pointwise, do not abuse it.
  • You only need to use a light powder - a semi-transparent, minimal layer is applied so that the mask effect is not created.
  • When applying powder or foundation, the area under the eyes and the T-zone must be worked out.
  • If a too thick layer of powder was applied, then sprinkle the face with plain thermal water and wait until it dries (do not wipe it off!). Visually, the impression will be created that there is practically no powder on the face.

Anti-aging makeup video tutorials:
