How to properly remove makeup from your face? Popular types of makeup removers and how to use them. TOP 13 most common mistakes when removing makeup.
Removing makeup is the process of removing makeup from your face. Girls often make mistakes when removing make-up, which lead to the appearance of early wrinkles, deterioration of the skin. Consider how to remove makeup correctly, and what mistakes women make when doing this.
13 most common mistakes when removing makeup

It is wrong to remove makeup with napkins alone!
You need to be able to properly remove makeup from your face. Makeup artists say that if you do not follow the recommendations of professionals, the skin becomes flabby over time, wrinkles appear, and it is more difficult to cope with these shortcomings.
To remove makeup is not harmful to your face, consider and do not repeat the common mistakes of other women:
- Go to bed wearing makeup … This is absolutely unacceptable. If you do not take off your makeup in the evening, it is not only inconvenient, but also unhygienic. Eyeshadow, blush and lipstick can stain bedding. At night, through the skin pores, the body removes toxins and toxins. If the pores are clogged, irritation begins, acne and pimples appear.
- Remove makeup only with napkins … Many cosmetic brands offer makeup remover wipes. They are good on the road, during the day, when there is no way to fully wash. If you use only napkins, neglecting special products, the pores will not be deeply cleaned. Rashes will appear against a background of constant pollution. Make-up removal from the skin of the face should be done with cosmetics: milk, lotion, micellar water, etc. for deep cleansing of pores.
- Do not remove makeup before washing with water … If some girls carry out make-up removal only with napkins, others only wash with water. This is also wrong, as water cannot remove makeup. First remove makeup with milk or gel, and then wash with clean water.
- Quickly remove eye makeup … Women are trying to quickly remove makeup from the eyelids, but this is not true. In a few seconds, clear the shadows and the pencil will not work. The remnants of cosmetics after such washing clog the pores and lead to the formation of wrinkles. First, soak a cotton pad in an eye makeup remover and place it on your eyelids for 10-20 seconds to soak your makeup. Thanks to this approach, shadows are easily removed without effort.
- Make an effort to remove makeup from your face … The girls are diligently rubbing their skin, trying to remove makeup. This cannot be done. When rubbing, the skin irritates and reddens, which leads to inflammation and sagging.
- Wash your face with hot water … After removing makeup, the face rinse should be warm. Improper washing leads to microburns, drying of the skin.
- Frequent use of scrubs … Some women use scrubs almost daily when removing makeup. Peeling is allowed no more than 1-2 times a week. With frequent use of scrubs, the skin loses its protective function, intensive sebum secretion begins, the pores become clogged, acne and acne appear.
- Using harsh cleansers … It is difficult for women to choose what to take off their makeup. Often they prefer cosmetics containing surfactants, which dry and irritate the epidermis. Choose products with a mild detergent base, free of alcohol and fragrances.
- Remove mascara with a cotton pad from right to left and vice versa … The eyelashes are cleaned by directing the disc from the roots to the edge with a hair, i. E. perpendicular to the eyelids. If carried along, it will not be possible to diligently clean the eyelashes, and eye irritation is guaranteed.
- Do not wash after removing makeup … After removing cosmetics with special products, you need to rinse your face. Even after thorough and correct removal of makeup, micro-particles of cosmetics remain on the face. We wash them off with clean water or strained herbal decoction.
- Saving cotton pads and cosmetics … The main mistake when removing make-up is to save on make-up remover. You cannot use 1-2 cotton pads for all parts of the face. Change them more often, otherwise you just transfer cosmetics from one area of the skin to another. Insufficient hydration of the discs is also harmful to the skin: saving makes you rub your face to remove cosmetics, which causes irritation.
- Do not peel your eyebrows … To emphasize the thickness of the eyebrows at home, women prefer not to remove makeup from this part of the face. But most eyebrow pencils are wax-based. The substance clogs the pores, and the hair “suffocates” and stops growing. When cleansing your eyes, do not forget about your eyebrows.
- Using one makeup remover for different parts of the face … Makeup remover cosmetics have a specific purpose and corresponding properties. If you use facial products to cleanse your eyelids, irritation and deterioration of the skin may occur.
In order to properly remove makeup, mistakes must be taken into account. Avoid them next time.
How to remove makeup correctly?

Consider how to remove makeup to avoid damaging your skin. The process has a clearly established order. If you want your skin to glow, follow it:
- Removing cosmetics from lips … Soak a cotton ball or sponge in micellar water and gently sweep over your lips. To remove waterproof lipstick, use a two-phase lotion or scrub with sugar and olive oil.
- Cleansing the eyes … To properly remove makeup, generously moisten discs or sponges with eye makeup remover. Apply them to the lower and upper eyelids and leave for 10-15 seconds. Use the new discs to smoothly remove shadows, pencil and mascara. Do not press or rub your eyelids: act gently by changing discs frequently.
- Removing tone from the face … Foundation, powder and other cosmetics are removed from the face with milk, gel, micellar water, etc. Remove hair from your forehead to cleanse all areas of your face. The movement of the cotton pad should be in line with the massage lines so as not to over-stretch the skin. To cleanse your face from persistent cosmetics, you will need more consumption of care products and cotton pads.
- Control rinse … Once the makeup has been removed from your face, perform a control rinse. Use purified or boiled and settled water. It washes away makeup residues and unclogs pores.
- Toning … Apply a toner to your skin. For acne, acne, use herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle, string, celandine. But many of them have a drying effect, therefore they are suitable for problem and oily skin.
- Day or night cream application … Use light, fast-absorbing products to moisturize and protect against the elements during the day. Apply oily creams at night to nourish the skin.
Introduce the listed procedure for carrying out make-up removal into a habit. You can forget some of the steps for the first week, but then get used to it and cleanse your face properly.
What products should I use to remove makeup?

To carry out make-up removal, you will need special tools. There are many types of beauty products in the markets and shops. Let's figure out what types of cosmetics exist, and how they differ:
- Foams … They have a soft, airy consistency, contain antiseptic and antibacterial components. Cosmetologists recommend the foam for problematic and oily skin, as it has a drying effect.
- Gel … Cosmetics contain mild cleansing ingredients, soothing and moisturizing agents. Use a gel for problem skin with flaking, inflammation.
- Milk … In appearance and consistency, it resembles a liquid cream. It contains emulsion wax, oils, cleaning fluids. The milk is suitable for dry skin, intensively moisturizes and nourishes it.
- Cream … Like real ones, cosmetic creams differ from milk in higher fat content. They are ideal for dry, flaky skin.
- Lotion … Alcohol-containing product, and the volume of ethanol in it ranges from 10 to 40%, depending on the manufacturer. Cosmetics with alcohol helps not only cleanse the face, but also cope with acne. It is suitable for those with oily skin.
- Toning cosmetics … The toner can be combined with a cleanser in one bottle. Its task is to narrow the pores, activate local metabolism, and restore the acid-base balance. The tonic is also used at the final stage of cleansing.
- Micellar water … The product is 95% composed of ordinary purified water with the addition of micelles - fine particles of surfactants, like a sponge, collecting dirt and grease from the surface of the epidermis. Micellar water works effectively but is softer than soap.
- Two-phase liquid … Contains oil and water phase. They work in 2 stages: dissolve makeup and remove grease. Shake the product before use to mix both phases.
Watch a video about mistakes when removing makeup:

Knowing what means and how to remove makeup correctly, keep your skin youthful. The face will always look fresh, and the sensations after make-up removal will be at their best.