What to do if hair grows poorly and slowly

What to do if hair grows poorly and slowly
What to do if hair grows poorly and slowly

Why hair on the head can grow badly and slowly in men and women. How to stimulate the growth of hair follicles? Folk recipes, medicines, cosmetic procedures. Slow hair growth is a problem faced by both women and men. There can be many reasons for such a pathology - from poor heredity to chronic ailments that affect the condition of the curls and the rate of their growth. Therefore, before starting to eliminate this deficiency, it is important to establish the exact cause of poor hair growth.

Why does hair grow poorly on the head?

The natural rate of hair loss for men and women is 50-150 hairs per day. With such losses, the hair manages to renew and recover without consequences. On average, one hair is renewed once every three to five years. However, if the curls grow poorly or slowly, the loss becomes noticeable, and baldness may occur. There can be many reasons for this.

Why does men's hair grow slowly?

Chronic stress in men
Chronic stress in men

About 80% of men face the problem of slow hair growth or partial baldness at different ages. If they fall out profusely, and recover very slowly, then sooner or later alopecia will develop. In the stronger sex, this problem is more common than in women. This is due to the special hormonal background of men.

Consider the main causes of heavy hair loss and slow hair growth in men:

  1. Heredity … As a rule, if there were cases of baldness in the male line in the family, then there is a high probability that alopecia will manifest itself sooner or later.
  2. Hormonal disruptions … The presence of testosterone in a man's body is a factor responsible for hair growth. However, the breakdown of this hormone leads to the formation of dihydrotestosterone, an increase in the amount of which slows down hair growth and leads to a deterioration in the condition of the follicles. The decay product of testosterone acts mainly on the forehead and crown of the head. For this reason, alopecia occurs primarily in these areas.
  3. Malnutrition … If a man does not eat well, does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, then this will affect the condition of his hair. Basically, the lack of vitamins B, E, C, as well as iron, affects the hair.
  4. Chronic stress … Any stress leads to a general weakening of the immune system, and also causes spasms, impairs blood microcirculation. Hair follicles do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, their growth and general condition deteriorate, and profuse loss begins.
  5. Infectious diseases … Any infectious ailments, especially those that occur with inflammatory processes, can lead to hair loss and retardation of hair growth. Especially dangerous are protracted chronic diseases that are almost asymptomatic.

Also, hair grows poorly in men who have mechanical damage to the scalp - shaving cuts, scars, burns, etc. In places of scarring, follicles may stop forming, and foci of baldness will appear.

Why does the hair grow poorly on the head of women?

Disease of the digestive system in a girl
Disease of the digestive system in a girl

On average, hair grows 1-1.5 centimeters per month. Sometimes in women, curls can grow faster - up to two centimeters per month. If you notice that you are losing more than 150 hairs per day, as well as they began to thin out, become like a fluff, their growth slowed down or stopped, then this is a serious reason to consult a trichologist. Among the common reasons for the slowdown and deterioration of hair growth in women, doctors name the following:

  • Genetic addiction … In women, as in men, the growth rate of hair follicles can also be inherited. Race is also an important factor. The curls grow most rapidly in representatives of Mongoloid nationalities; Europeans, as a rule, have medium-length hair. Women of the Negroid race grow their hair slower than the others.
  • Unbalanced diet … Hair can stunt its growth if the body is not getting enough nutrients. The abundance of fast food, spicy, fatty foods, as well as strict diets and fasting often lead to a deterioration in the condition of the curls.
  • Various dermatological problems … Ailments such as seborrhea, lichen, dermatitis, eczema and others slow down and stop hair growth.
  • Diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems … The condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the thyroid gland greatly affects the rate of hair growth and their condition. Often in such cases, to solve the problem, you need to consult not only a trichologist, but also a gastroenterologist.
  • Avitaminosis … Usually, a lack of vitamins manifests itself in the spring season. This also affects the condition of the hair. If the body receives little calcium, magnesium, iodine, chromium, manganese, vitamins of group B, A and E, then the hair will fall out, slow down growth.
  • Stress and nervous shocks … Prolonged and severe stress is extremely dangerous for the condition of curls. It can cause not only profuse hair loss, but also various psychosomatic diseases, for example, eczema, seborrhea.
  • Improper hair care … This category includes frequent dyeing, curling, the use of inappropriate detergents and other chemical effects on curls. The condition of the hair also deteriorates significantly with frequent thermal exposure.
  • Wearing hats made of poor quality material … The general condition of the curls is affected by the constant exposure to poor quality synthetic fabric.

It is worth noting that the presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages) also negatively affects the condition of the hair and its growth.

What to do if hair grows slowly?

If your curls began to look bad and grow slowly, then, first of all, you should establish the cause of this phenomenon. Having eliminated the unfavorable factor, you can proceed to symptomatic hair treatment. There are many ways to positively influence hair - from folk recipes to beauty salon procedures.

Medicines for enhanced hair growth

Vitamin complex Perfectil
Vitamin complex Perfectil

The hair growth rate directly depends on the condition of the follicles. They are like grains in the soil from which new hairs grow. To improve their growth, it is necessary to "apply fertilizers" to ensure adequate nutrition.

If your hair grows very slowly, then perhaps the reason is that it lacks vitamins. We are talking about vitamins of group B. It is these substances that help the hairs to grow actively and be resistant to external unfavorable factors. B vitamins improve the blood supply to the follicles, eliminate unhealthy dryness of the skin and strands, and stop the active loss of curls. Vitamin B12 is responsible for accelerating the growth of hair. Vitamin A also has an important effect on the condition of the hair. It regenerates the damaged scalp, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and strengthens the curls. If there is not enough vitamin A in the body, then the hair grows slowly.

Poor blood supply to the hair follicles also affects the growth of new hair. Vitamin E is responsible for saturating the roots with oxygen. It also stimulates the appearance of new hairs.

Vitamin PP also improves blood flow in the scalp, contributing to the active growth of curls. The roots receive all the necessary nutrients and oxygen with fresh blood, they become stronger, healthier, and grow faster. Vitamin C performs approximately the same functions.

Vitamins D and H protect curls from harmful external influences. They also accelerate the growth of strands. In addition, substances such as zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, molybdenum, magnesium and iron have a positive effect on the hair. To find out what useful elements your curls are missing, you should send your hair for laboratory analysis. And only after that, start the appropriate therapy. There are a large number of pharmaceutical preparations aimed at improving hair growth. They can be divided into two groups: those that act from within the body (tablets, capsules), as well as various therapeutic masks, lotions, balms (external effects).

As for oral medications, they are primarily aimed at replenishing the daily intake of nutrients. Therefore, you should not expect quick results. About a month after the start of the intake, the balance in the body will be restored, and new hairs will begin to actively grow. Consider the most effective complexes for accelerating hair growth:

  1. Revalid … These capsules are based on vitamins and minerals to improve the condition of hair and nails. To obtain noticeable results, you should use the drug regularly for two to three months.
  2. Perfectil … Another complex of vitamins for the rapid growth of curls. A month of systematic intake is enough for the hair to begin to grow actively. Useful substances activate the body's resources and direct them to the health of the hair follicles.
  3. Lady's formula … The composition of this drug includes vitamins, amino acids, trace elements that have a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the skin and nails.
  4. Alphabet … Domestic vitamin complex, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems, including hair growth. It is a capsule of three types, contains only compatible substances. This is how the best assimilation of useful elements is achieved.

Brewer's yeast also has a good effect on the condition of the hair. They can be bought at the pharmacy in their pure form or with useful additives, for example, with sulfur. They contain B vitamins, amino acids, proteins and minerals. Such a rich composition helps to put the curls in order within a few weeks. It is worth remembering that vitamin complexes act individually, therefore it is recommended to consult a trichologist to help you choose the best drug.

Folk remedies for hair growth

Castor oil for hair growth
Castor oil for hair growth

You can also improve the condition of the curls at home with the help of folk remedies. The natural ingredients that make up the healing masks will help improve hair growth, strengthen them and make them shinier. Consider popular masks for those with slow scalp hair growth:

  • Red pepper and castor oil … Hot pepper is a proven hair growth promoter that increases blood flow to the scalp, which is best reflected in the nutrition of the roots. Mix 50 grams of red pepper tincture with the same volume of water and add 25 grams of castor oil. Mix the components thoroughly and apply to dry, dirty curls. We put on a plastic cap and leave it on the hair for an hour. Wash off with plenty of water using shampoo.
  • Castor oil … An excellent tool that stimulates the growth of hair. We heat a few teaspoons of the product on a steam bath and rub the oil into the scalp. We do a light massage with castor oil and leave for half an hour to fully absorb. After that, rinse off the product.
  • Red pepper and honey … Pepper improves blood microcirculation, and honey nourishes and saturates the hair roots with useful substances. You will need a couple of teaspoons of ground red pepper and six teaspoons of honey. Melt honey and mix with pepper. We rub the composition into the hair roots and leave to act for forty minutes.
  • Onion puree … For this mask you will need mashed potatoes from one onion, a tablespoon of lemon juice, the same amount of honey and brandy. We mix all the components and apply to the roots of the curls. We leave for an hour. Rinse off the mask thoroughly to get rid of the onion smell.

Various rinses of hair after washing are also helpful. For this, it is recommended to use a solution of apple cider vinegar, decoctions of chamomile, tansy, string, nettle and burdock. They have a mild conditioning effect and have a positive effect on curls.

Cosmetology procedures for enhanced hair growth

Head hair laser therapy
Head hair laser therapy

Currently, beauty salons offer a large number of different techniques to improve the condition of hair and accelerate its growth. Most of them are related to physiotherapy, that is, they physically affect the scalp.

Consider the most common cosmetic procedures that accelerate the growth of curls:

  1. Iontophoresis … The technique involves the effect of a galvanic current on the scalp, under the influence of which beneficial substances are introduced deep into the epidermis. As a result, blood microcirculation improves, cells divide faster, and metabolic processes are accelerated.
  2. Myostimulation … The impulse current affects the skin, activating metabolic processes, improving the state of reserve capillaries.
  3. Cryotherapy … In this procedure, individual areas of the skin are frozen with liquid nitrogen. Thus, a massage effect on the scalp is performed, and blood microcurrents are improved.
  4. Vacuum massage … A specialist installs vacuum cups to improve blood flow in the scalp, relieve congestion, and remove toxins.
  5. Darsonvalization … Small current of high voltage has a positive effect on the epidermis of the head, improving metabolism, dilating blood vessels, suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands. Ozone is produced, which saturates the hair follicles with oxygen.
  6. Laser therapy … The low-intensity laser helps to thicken and restore weak hair, accelerate its growth, and stimulate the appearance of new curls.

What to do if hair grows slowly - watch the video:

Slow hair growth can occur in both men and women at different ages. To avoid this, it is recommended to eat right, take care of your hair, get rid of bad habits. Various methods can help accelerate the growth of curls - traditional medicine, pharmaceutical preparations, salon procedures.
