Fruit Langsat: beneficial properties and where it grows

Fruit Langsat: beneficial properties and where it grows
Fruit Langsat: beneficial properties and where it grows

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A rare Asian fruit Langsat that grows widely in Thailand: its medicinal properties and beneficial substances. Where it grows and what it tastes and color. An incredibly large number of different fruits grow in Southeast Asia, only a small part of which we are familiar with. But there are those that arouse genuine interest, and I want to know more about them. Langsat, which has been cultivated in Asia for several centuries, belongs to such a little-known amazing exotic fruit.


Is a very popular plant in Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. They began to grow him on the lands of Malaysia, because this country is considered his homeland. At the moment, this plant is grown all over the world, including countries such as Australia, Taiwan, Mexico, USA and others. Also, a very large amount of it is exported from Thailand to various countries around the world. By the way, langsat is a symbol of one of the Thai provinces called Narathiwat.

Langsat is a fruitful tree with a height of 10 to 15 meters. With a spreading crown and feathery leaves. Rough red-brown or yellow-brown bark. The flowers are dense white or with a yellowish tint, collected in bunches and placed on the trunk and skeletal (main) branches. The tree begins to bear fruit only after 15 years, but then the harvest can be removed twice a year! I would like to note that the wood of this plant has found application in the furniture industry. But since such furniture products are quite expensive, they are not in great demand.

Langsat fruit
Langsat fruit

The fruits are oval and round, slightly reminiscent of young potatoes and have a pale brown or grayish yellow rind. Most often, langsat fruits are boiled or canned, but they can also be eaten raw. It serves as an indispensable ingredient in many Asian dishes, as it has a very specific taste and will be an excellent addition to any dish. You can also make delicious drinks from them.

The fruits are easy to peel (you can even open them with your hands), despite the fact that their skin is quite dense. If you want langsat, you can buy it in Thai markets, where it is sold all year round, but its main sales season is from May to November. You can find out the season of sale of langsat without opening the calendar. It is enough just to look at the sidewalks, which are all filled with them. Fruits are most often harvested by hand, but when it is difficult to get them, they are cut off. It is sold in bunches, like grapes. The cost for 1kg is approximately 60 THB, which is equal to 60 rubles. To choose a ripe, good and tasty fruit, you need to taste it to the touch. If the langsat is hard and has a yellowish skin, then this indicates the ripeness of the fruit. Also, taste it too, because langsat can be both sour and sweet. You cannot store it for a long time, because it contains a lot of sugar. The maximum storage time in the room is 3-4 for, and 7-8 days, respectively, in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of Langsat

Langsats also have medicinal properties. They contain a lot of vitamin C, B1, B2, as well as a large amount of bioacids, which will be beneficial for your skin. In addition, they also contain carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium and iron. The fruits of the plant contain a lot of sugar, which will give you strength in case of illness.

In Thai and Chinese traditional medicine, the product is used to raise tone and increase strength during an illness. A decoction of langsat bark is used in the treatment of dysentery and malaria. And the dried langsat peel, when burned, emits fragrant smoke, which scares away all kinds of insects.

In addition, the pulp of the fruit helps to improve sleep, reduce fever and temperature, improve memory and brain activity. It is contraindicated to use it for people who suffer from diabetes. And, as with any other medicinal substance, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the use of this product in large quantities leads to an increase in temperature, and maybe to more serious consequences. So be careful! Now when you travel to Asia, be sure to buy and taste this delicious fruit.