Diet by the hour for spring weight loss

Diet by the hour for spring weight loss
Diet by the hour for spring weight loss

Learn how to use your time to actively burn fat. Excess weight not only makes a person less attractive, but also negatively affects the functioning of the body. It is quite understandable that many people try to fight fat and use various means for this. Most women, having tried various dietary programs, suggesting serious restrictions in food and a significant decrease in the energy value of the diet. Didn't get the expected effect.

At first, the progress is noticeable, and the weight will quickly drop, but then everything returns to its previous state. However, the worst thing here is that after using such nutrition programs, health conditions also deteriorate. Today we will tell you about the diet by the hour for spring weight loss and are sure that you will definitely like the results of its use.

The basic principles of the diet by the hour for weight loss in the spring

Girl with cutlery and tape measure in a plate
Girl with cutlery and tape measure in a plate

It should be noted that there are several types of diet by the hour for spring weight loss. We will now look at the general principles, and then we will talk about some of them in more detail. This is a fairly simple nutrition program that does not require serious volitional efforts from you.

For the first five days, you need to eat every two hours. Then, for ten days, eat as you are used to, but you must give up flour and sweets. During this period of time, it is allowed to use fruit sugar and diet bread. As a result, at the first stage (five days), there is a rapid weight loss, about three kilograms. Over the next 10 days, you record the results obtained. Then this whole cycle is repeated.

Of course, you should be patient, as you won't be able to achieve quick results. However, this is a plus for this nutrition program. If fat burning occurs at a high rate, then the body slows down the metabolism. This is the main disadvantage of rigid diets. When you use an hourly diet for spring weight loss, the body is not exposed to severe stress and the lost kilos are guaranteed not to return to you in the future.

This nutrition program is perfect for those who love precision in everything and do not want to feel hungry. One of its main advantages is the absence of strong restrictions on food and you do not have to change your tastes in food. It should also be noted that this diet will help you not only lose weight, but also get rid of some diseases of the digestive tract.

According to nutritionists, when using a meal interval of two to four hours, it helps to reduce the total caloric value of the nutrition program. This fact is due to the fact that in such a short time the body cannot synthesize the hormones that cause the feeling of hunger. It also leads to the fact that the body ceases to create stores of fat.

Another prerequisite for observing a diet by the hour for spring weight loss is water. Throughout the day, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid. Since the metabolic rate is higher in the process of losing weight, it is necessary to ensure the rapid removal of toxins. This is exactly what you need liquid for.

Diet by the hour for weight loss in the spring of Delabos

Delabos's Book of Diet by the Hour
Delabos's Book of Diet by the Hour

As we said above, food by time is gaining popularity today. One of the most effective hourly diets for spring weight loss is the nutrition program created by Dr. Allen Delabos from France. Very often it is called a chrono diet, which reflects its principles. Thanks to this diet, you will be able to mobilize the body's internal reserves to fight fat.

Alain Delabosus, when creating his diet, proceeded from the fact that at different times of the day the body systems show not the same activity. This applies to the production of all enzymes, including digestive ones. If you adapt your nutritional program to the biological rhythms of the body, you can get excellent results. In such a situation, you will not only get rid of fat, but also will not harm the body.

It has been established that from 6 to 9 am the body is able to actively assimilate fatty foods. This suggests that you should eat foods containing fats for breakfast, such as butter, chicken eggs, cheese, etc. But sugar in the morning should not be consumed, since high glucose levels will lead to a state of drowsiness.

From 12 noon to 14.00, it is necessary to actively consume protein products. Eat meat, fish, and poultry at this time, combining it with a starchy side dish (potatoes, beans or rice). And again it is worth giving up sweets.

The next time period - from 16 to 17 hours can be considered the best time for an afternoon snack. Since insulin is intensively synthesized in the body during this period, dried fruits, nuts or fruits should be included in the diet. A small amount of chocolate is also allowed.

Dinner should be scheduled for 18-19 hours and at the same time do not overload the body. Protein foods are perfect for this, as well as fresh or stewed vegetables. Serving size is another prerequisite for this meal plan. When calculating portions for lunch, you need to add 100 to your height. For example, if you are 165 centimeters tall, you can eat 265 grams of meat or fish.

But to calculate the size of the evening portion, the formula is used - height - 40. If we return to our previous example, then in the evening with an increase of 165 centimeters, you can use 125 grams of fish (meat). You may already have noticed that Dr. Delabos's Spring Weight Loss Diet is extremely simple and does not require restricting food. To stick to this nutritional program, you only need to increase your self-organization.

Cruise's 3-Hour Spring Weight Loss Diet - Menu

The girl with the clock eating
The girl with the clock eating

Another variation on the hour-long nutrition program developed by Jorge Cruz. The most important benefit of this diet is the ability to lower the concentration of the hormone cortisol. This substance, in addition to the ability to destroy muscle tissue, is also responsible for the process of creating fat deposits in problem areas of the female body.

You probably already understood from its name that you have to eat food every three hours. This will help maintain normal blood sugar levels and prevent spikes in blood sugar. At the same time, it should be noted that the rate of metabolic processes increases, which is extremely important for losing weight.

You will have three main meals and snacks throughout the day. There are no restrictions on food at all, which makes this diet by the hour for spring weight loss very attractive. But it also has its own rules that you must remember. Half of a standard plate with a diameter of 23 centimeters must be filled with vegetables and fruits. In turn, the share of sources of carbohydrates and protein compounds should account for 1/4 of the plate. Also, one teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil must be added to this portion.

This rule applies to the main meals. There should be three of them throughout the day. The bulk of carbohydrate-rich foods should be consumed early in the day, and in the evening, protein and vegetables should be emphasized. Among other things, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

You probably noticed that water is mentioned in almost every dietary program. This is understandable, because it not only removes toxins from the body, but also helps to increase the rate of metabolic processes.

Diet by the hour for spring weight loss: recommendations

Clock in the form of a plate with food
Clock in the form of a plate with food

It is very important to maintain immunity when using any dietary nutrition program. To do this, you must try to eat a minimum of heavy fatty foods. The same can be said about various semi-finished products, which are better to be excluded from the diet altogether. If you find it difficult to immediately abandon these products, then do it systematically.

Look for dairy products that contain lacto and bifidobacteria. They are able to perfectly stimulate the immune system. You should also introduce a maximum of vegetables and fruits into your nutrition program. We recommend using only whole grain bread, as it is good for the body. It is also necessary to eat nuts and seeds, but do not get carried away with these products. They should be on your menu regularly, however, in small quantities.

Vitamin C is an extremely effective stimulator of the immune system. If in summer and autumn there are no problems with vitamins, then in the spring we are constantly haunted by vitamin deficiency. The richest in ascorbic acid are rosehip decoctions, sauerkraut, and citrus fruits. These products are available in the spring.

If we talk about minerals, then in the spring the body needs primarily selenium and zinc. Excellent sources of zinc include beef, organ meats, pumpkin seeds, and legumes. Selenium, in turn, is included in sunflower seeds, seafood, and is also found in whole grain cereals.

Whatever diet by the hour for spring weight loss you choose, you must completely forget about alcoholic beverages, sweet soda and other high-calorie foods. Butter and chocolate should be consumed in limited quantities.

Once again, I would like to remind you of the need to drink enough water. Many people overlook this and make a serious mistake. Avoid pickled and spicy foods, as they dramatically increase your appetite. To get rid of fat as soon as possible, an hourly diet for spring weight loss should be combined with exercise.

About nutrition by the hour, says nutritionist Kovalkov below:
