Find out recommendations from professional nutritionists on what foods to eat in order to lose weight quickly due to fat. Almost every person is interested in what foods can be consumed while losing weight. This is quite natural, because you want to achieve the set task as soon as possible. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to eat beans in the spring while losing weight, because this product contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates.
As you probably know, it is carbohydrates that are actively blamed for gaining fat mass today. For a long time, nutritionists have recommended that people with overweight problems stop eating beans. However, their opinion changed dramatically after a series of scientific experiments. Scientists have proven that beans slow down the processing and absorption of carbohydrates. Actually, you yourself probably already understood what our answer will be to the question of whether it is possible to eat beans in the spring while losing weight. However, let's take a closer look at everything.
Benefits of eating beans while losing weight

Beans are rightly considered a true storehouse of nutrients. Vegans actively use this type of legume as an alternative to meat. Although protein compounds in meat have a more complete amine profile, beans are marginally inferior.
Protein accounts for about 40 percent of the total mass of beans. You probably know that this nutrient is used not only to create and renew the cellular structures of all body tissues, but also to solve other problems. So, let's say the immune system uses amines to make antibodies. Today, nutritionists recommend replacing meat with beans when using a low-carb eating program.
Let's point out the most significant benefits of beans:
- It takes a leading place in the amount of coarse fiber required to cleanse the body and improve digestion.
- The composition includes substances that accelerate the synthesis of cholecystokinin. This in turn improves fat metabolism.
- The protein compounds contained in beans are quickly and efficiently absorbed by the body. It is important to remember that the energy value of beans is significantly lower in comparison with fish or meat.
- Effectively inhibits the work of alpha-amylase, thereby slowing down the absorption of starch. A clarification should be made here - this property is inherent only in white beans.
Add to all of the above the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. For example, 100 grams of beans contains one third of the daily intake of zinc, which is important for men's health.
Types of beans for weight loss in spring

So that you understand whether it is possible to eat beans in the spring while losing weight and how to do it correctly, you should understand the most popular types of beans.
- Black beans. In our country, this type of beans is not so popular, although it is very useful for the body. One hundred grams of this product contains more than 100 percent of the waste folic acid requirement. The black color is created due to the presence of anthocyanins in the composition, which can protect us from the development of cancer. Note that black beans cook quite quickly and, unlike other legumes, they do not need to be soaked. Delicate taste and special buttery structure can satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmets. At the same time, it is worth mentioning the unique aroma, which also cannot leave anyone indifferent.
- Green bean. This variety is a unique variety of legumes and the second name of this crop is green beans (asparagus or sugar). In our supermarkets, this product can be found frozen or blanched. Asparagus beans are quick to cook and just add a little water to the beans to make them ready to eat in a couple of minutes. Outwardly, green beans are green pods, and grains are located inside. Their taste can be compared to green peas. It should be noted that sugar beans contain slightly less plant fiber compared to other legumes. But in terms of the number of carotenoids, green beans are one of the leaders.
- White beans. It is white beans that are well known to many of our compatriots. This type of beans is the leader in the amount of plant fiber. In addition, it contains the product and a lot of trace elements, for example, vitamins PP, C, as well as minerals copper, zinc, magnesium. The only downside to white beans is the length of time they cook. To speed up this process, you first need to soak it, and add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil during cooking. We recommend adding salt to white beans at the final stage of the process.
- Red beans. This type of beans contains the maximum amount of antioxidants that will reliably protect you from free radicals. Everyone is well aware of these aggressive substances. We note that due to this quality, red beans inhibit the development of cancer, and also slows down aging. This product is also useful for women, as it improves fertility. It is also recommended to soak this product before cooking.
- Pickled beans. Often, when talking about whether it is possible to eat beans in the spring while losing weight, it is a canned product that is meant. Note that when canning, beans practically do not lose their beneficial properties. Thus, you can safely use beans in pickled form.
How often can beans be consumed during a diet?

Now on the net you can find a large number of different dietary nutrition programs, which are based on beans. One of the most popular is the Ducan meal and cocktail program. We will now talk about it in more detail, but for now, we note that nutritionists advise to use beans quite actively when losing weight. In their opinion, this product should make up about 10 percent of the total food consumed.
Simply put, you can safely eat beans twice during the week. The only nuance here is the indicator of the energy value of various types of beans. The leaders here are white and black beans, but asparagus is the least high-calorie among all.
Read about Ducan's "attack" diet
The essence of this nutrition program is a structured approach to the process of losing weight. In total, the creator of the diet distinguishes four stages. In the first two, there is a quick weight loss, and then the results are consolidated.
The first stage of the diet is the shortest and lasts from 2 to 10 days. The exact figure depends on how many pounds you want to lose. The list of foods recommended for the first phase is quite wide, and you can eat lean meats, fish and seafood, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. There are also three basic rules that you must strictly follow at this stage:
- Eat one and a half tablespoons of oat bran every day. This product can be replaced with green buckwheat or oatmeal.
- Drink at least one and a half liters of water.
- Take a 20 minute walk every day.
The second stage is designed to ensure the maximum rate of lipolysis processes and it is at this time that you will actively lose weight. The scheme of the second phase is extremely simple and you need to eat foods containing protein compounds, and the next day add vegetables to them. Throughout the second stage, you need to alternate foods in a similar way.
Moreover, it is not necessary to do this every other day, although if you have serious problems with being overweight, then this particular scheme is the most optimal. Again, there are three rules to follow during the second phase:
- Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day.
- The amount of oat bran consumed must be increased to two tablespoons.
- The duration of walks in the fresh air increases to half an hour.
At the third stage of Pierre Ducant's nutrition program, you have to consolidate the results obtained. The menu is becoming more diversified and almost all restrictions on food are removed. Here are the foods that you can safely use in the third stage:
- Cheese, the fat content of which is no more than 40 percent.
- No more than two slices of rye or whole grain bread.
- All fruits except grapes and bananas.
- Bacon, pork and lamb.
- Pasta, but only from durum wheat.
- Whole grain rice, but if you eat white, then limit the amount.
- 1 or 2 baked or boiled unpeeled potatoes.
However, this is not all, and during the consolidation of the results, you can periodically arrange a holiday for yourself, because you can even eat desserts. Of course, you can't eat them in the evening. You need to set aside one day a week for consuming exclusively protein products. Remained in force and the rules that you still have to follow:
- Consume two tablespoons of oat bran daily.
- The amount of water is the same 1.5–2 liters per day.
- The duration of daily walks is 25 minutes.
As you can see, not all diets are rigid. Moreover. It is nutrition programs like the Ducan diet that are capable of giving tangible results without harm to the body.
The recipe for delicious dietary bean cutlets is presented in the following video: