For every man, it is very important to remain full of strength and energy. You will learn about foods that are on the “black list” of food, and which it is better to forget about. Men and women differ not only in external indicators, but also in all other senses. Nutrition plays an important role not only for girls, who always pay much more attention to this issue. For men, it is also necessary to remember that the foods they eat can not only harm them outwardly, but it is quite likely to spoil or even worse - “completely kill” the man in them. To increase potency, as well as to increase sexual desire and desire, it is necessary not only to eat specific dishes, but, on the contrary, to exclude from your diet about ten foods that have a detrimental effect on a man's health.
For many centuries, mankind has been looking for and continues to seek all the best means that can significantly enhance male potency. Means that affect potency and significantly increase sexual desire and pleasure are called aphrodisiacs. This name went back to the times of Ancient Greece, it reminded the Greeks of the name of the Goddess of love - Aphrodite. First of all, they include love dishes - products that significantly increase potency and form the basis of "erotic cooking".
The main functions of aphrodisiacs are the activation of sexual and erotic feelings, as well as drives; to some extent rejuvenating the body as a whole; support at the highest possible level of sexual functions; and the last one on the list, but not the last one that is necessary for a man, is an increase in potency. The most offensive thing is that the tastiest always turns out to be the most harmful to the human body. For women, this is a sweet that destroys the figure, and for men, this list is much longer and if you want to preserve masculine strength, it would be better to heed our advice and limit the use of certain foods. We agree that this will not be as easy to do as to say, because not everyone will be able to forbid themselves to eat their favorite delicacies. After all, few men can deny themselves a kebab or beer with fish, and the list of forbidden products for his health is much longer.
Product blacklist

- Beer takes an honorable first place. This drink contains not only high calorie content, but also contains phytoestrogens, which are analogs of female hormones - estrogens. Therefore, we can often observe that men who abuse beer not only get fat, but also gradually "turn" into a woman. It turns out that if you abuse this low-alcohol drink, then, as a result, you can get the inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone due to the significant production of the female, thereby inflicting a "double blow" on the male endocrine system. There is an easy way to check how much testosterone your man has in his body, just measure him thallium. A man with a male hormone norm will have a waistline of no more than 94–95 cm. The wider it is, the more female hormones in his body, and over time this can lead to irreversible consequences with potency.
- The effect of smoking on male strength. First of all, such an addiction causes vasospasm, which lasts for some time after a puff. But if the vessels are still spasmodic, and the man again “dragged on”, then this prolongs the obstruction of blood flow. As a result, you get a prolonged spasm, which severely disrupts the supply of nutrients to all organs. Such a blow, first of all, will be perceptible by tissues that feed from small blood vessels.
- Strong alcohol. It can easily be called a poison for all human organs, but for the testicles it is generally “death”. The higher the blood alcohol level of a man, the lower the amount of testosterone he has. Basically, if a man drinks, then in order to cause a hangover, but he does not think at this time that the level of testosterone in his blood decreases by 20% within 12-20 hours after a hangover. And the worst thing is that those affected by the number of drunk ppm testicles will never recover completely again.
- Effects of soybeans on male strength. Soy contains phytoestrogens - analogs of the female hormone, only plant-based. It turns out that these hormones are completely opposite to testosterone, which means that they are destructive for "male power". We can reassure you a little, if soy is used in small quantities, then it will not harm either the female or male body, because it also contains a complete protein that the body needs. But if a man abuses it in his diet, then the inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone will begin.
- Coffee. This drink does not deserve positive comments if its effects are related to male sexual health. Coffee lovers need to be more careful about their health, because a large amount of this drink can cause tremendous harm, especially to the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of the stress hormone. Accordingly, a decrease in stress hormones has a very bad effect on the male genitals.
- Soda and fizzy drinks. Such drinks contain a colossal amount of sugar, one glass of such a fizzy contains a daily dose of sugar - 6 hours, in addition, it contains dyes, flavor enhancers and many other "nasty" things that will not bring anything good to your body. And also, frequent use of such drinks will certainly lead to dehydration and impair the delivery, as well as the distribution of testosterone molecules.
- Everyone's favorite smoked meats. The danger of these products lies in the liquid smoke, which can cause toxic damage to the testicles, namely the glands that produce 95% of testosterone in the male body.
- Fat meat. The main problem is not meat and the high content of cholesterol (animal fat) in it. We cannot say that cholesterol is harmful to the male body, since it is the main component of testosterone synthesis, it is its excess that is harmful. The fact is that the male body produces its hormone in microscopic doses, only a few milligrams in a whole day, and it is clear that this requires very little cholesterol. As a result, you can eat meat, but try to choose not too fatty, because even lean meat contains about 30% fat. And also, in what company, and what delicacies you would not come across, always and in everything you need to be extremely careful and know when to stop.
- Sugar and salt. Scientists, having made many experiments, came to the unanimous conclusion that sugar and salt can be safely called the "white death". If salt, at the expense of sodium, which is in its composition, only reduces the production of testosterone, then sugar provokes the production of insulin and, as a result, insulin generally stops the production of its hormone by the male body. Also, one cannot be categorical on this issue, in reasonable doses the body simply needs both sugar and salt. Here's a tip: it is necessary to gradually replace crystalline sugar with honey or sweet fruits. Just because the male body feels the need not for sugar, but for glucose, on which sperm motility depends.
- Monosodium glutamate and its colossal amount in fast foods and chips. If you cook fried potatoes or that very hot dog or hamburger at home, then this is not very good for your body, but sometimes you can afford it. But if you eat this on the street, in a cafe, then you do not love yourself at all, and you do not value your health. In such establishments, they cook in rancid oil, which leads to oxidative processes, both in cells and tissues, which significantly disrupts the work of hormones.
- Homemade fatty milk, or cheese made from it. The main role is played by the quantity, if you drink no more than 1 liter of milk or 200 grams of cheese per day, then this amount is quite safe for you. The fact is that milk contains cow estrogen, a female sex hormone. Milk and cheese are very useful for babies and their mothers, but it is better for a man not to abuse these products.
- The last but not least important product is baked goods (pies, buns, various muffins, white and soft bread, cookies). The most useful in wheat grains are vitamins, minerals and fiber that are in their shell. During the processing of the grain, in order to achieve the marketable appearance of the flour, it goes through several stages of cleaning and completely loses its useful shell, and after that it has no benefit. Not only are products made from white flour, especially 1 or higher grades, high in calories in and of themselves, but sugar, baking powder, yeast, acids and other ingredients that are not useful enough are almost always added to them. As a result, we get a "time bomb", which gradually kill the "man" in you. Black or yeast-free bread does not belong to this category, they are completely safe for the male body.
Men, think about it, if you are not indifferent to your health, then do not expect problems, it is better to prevent them in advance. After all, your health and male strength depends only on you, on how long you intend to be full of strength and energy. To extend this period longer, you just need to get rid of bad habits, adhere to simple rules in nutrition and slightly change your diet.
For more information on what is undesirable for men, see here: