What are the benefits of strawberries for women?

What are the benefits of strawberries for women?
What are the benefits of strawberries for women?

From this article, you will learn about the properties of strawberries, and what substances the body needs are included in its composition. And also, why is it so useful for women. Strawberries are one of the most delicious, juicy and healthy berries known for a long time. It has been proven that there is as much vitamin C in 4-5 medium strawberries as there is in one orange. Also, in the warehouse of this imperial berry, there is so much folic acid that it has overshadowed grapes, blackberries and raspberries. Almost all B vitamins have found their place in strawberries.

Useful substances in strawberries

Ripe strawberries on a bush
Ripe strawberries on a bush
  • Magnesium and Potassium. They are responsible for lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels in the human body and improving the robotic brain cells.
  • Iodine. It is especially needed for diseases of the thyroid climbed. During the ripening period of strawberries, when you eat them every day, you can restore the iodine rate in the body.
  • Salicylic acid. It has excellent antibacterial properties, which directly negatively affects inflammatory processes.
  • Calcium and Phosphorus. The robots of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the health of the teeth and jaw, depend on these rather important elements in the human body.
  • Vitamin C. Keeps the body "afloat" when the waves of respiratory diseases, colds and GDVI itself begin. Vitamin C, which is found in this wonderful berry, strengthens the immune system several times.
  • Copper. It is the source of collagen. This "strawberry collagen" is widely used to remove blemishes or freckles from the skin. Strawberries become an excellent helper when you want to cleanse your face, lighten the skin, or vice versa, make it more matte, silky and moisturized.
  • Serotonin - the hormone of joy. It is impossible not to mention this hormone, which is responsible for a good mood, and is a powerful enough weapon in the fight against depression. For a very long time and quite common, strawberries have been considered an aphrodisiac.

10 reasons to eat strawberries

Strawberries in a wicker vase
Strawberries in a wicker vase
  • it is a source of antioxidants;
  • an unrivaled source of vitamin C;
  • Strawberry is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic natural preparation;
  • it does an excellent job of maintaining normal blood sugar levels;
  • prevention of heart disease and arthritis will not work without this little berry;
  • an undoubted assistant in the fight against extra pounds, thanks to the anthocyanins that are in this berry;
  • strawberries also have anti-cancer properties;
  • to have anti-allergenic qualities of strawberries help - phenolic acids;
  • no dessert can be imagined without this berry, it will give any of them a “zest”, and some cannot do without it at all;
  • Strawberries are an excellent way to moisturize and supply the skin with vitamins.

There is still a lot of good to be said about this natural source of vitamins. But further in our article, we would like to tell you about the beneficial properties of strawberries specifically for women. Strawberries contain folate, or, more clearly, folic acid. It is this vitamin that is considered directly female. And one of the biggest sources of it is strawberries. It is known that only 100 grams of this berry contains 13-14% of its daily requirement for the female body. Folic acid is primarily needed by those women who decide to conceive a child, because it primarily affects the fetus itself, which gives it an excellent start for development and further life after birth. In addition, it prevents the development of fetal disorders such as cleft lip or cleft palate.

Eating strawberries a couple of times a week during pregnancy will bring you incomparable benefits. But in eating it, the main thing is not to overdo it, because you always need to remember that it is a powerful allergen. It contains beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the development and formation of fetal eye fiber.

What are the benefits of strawberries for pregnant women?

A pregnant woman sitting on a sofa
A pregnant woman sitting on a sofa
  • After eating strawberries, you can feel a slight diuretic effect.
  • This berry is able to normalize blood pressure, which is very important for many women, because mainly in the third trimester there is an increase in pressure.
  • Strawberries can affect digestion, which is important for expectant mothers, because one of the disadvantages of pregnancy is frequent constipation.
  • If you consume strawberries in small quantities and regularly, then it strengthens the immune system well, and significantly reduces a woman's tendency to colds, especially in the cold season.
  • If you have fetal hypoxia, then strawberries can play an important role in this case, because hypoxia appears precisely due to a lack of vitamins. But you should never overeat it, so as not to become stained and not cause an allergy to this berry in a child for life.
  • Chemical elements found in strawberries help to strengthen blood vessels, and this prevents uterine bleeding and the development of hemorrhoids.
  • For a pregnant woman who has problems with facial pigmentation, strawberry masks help well.
  • A decoction of fresh strawberry leaves is excellent for the speedy resorption of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids.
  • Strawberries can help pregnant women on fasting days, you just need to replace a bun or cake for lunch, for a gram of 100 fresh berries, and not overeat for dinner.

But strawberries are good for more than just pregnant women. It has a beneficial effect on the female body at different ages. Especially the fact that you can make all kinds of face and hair masks, body scrubs from it. Thanks to its beneficial composition, it prevents skin aging, tones and tightens it.

So, based on this article, we can draw a conclusion. That this berry was truly called the "Queen Berry". After all, it can be used both in medicine and for health and beauty. It is very beneficial for pregnant women. But the main thing is not to forget that everything should be in moderation.

For more information on strawberries and their beneficial properties, see this video:
