Formal interpersonal communication

Formal interpersonal communication
Formal interpersonal communication

The main aspects of formal interpersonal communication, its standards and areas of application. Specific varieties and rules that restrict this type of interaction. Formal interpersonal communication is a type of interaction between people that is accepted within society and is used for strangers or acquaintances whose conversation does not deepen to an emotional level and is purely informational in nature. Limited by rules of conduct and etiquette, which are generally accepted and binding.

Description of formal interpersonal communication

Business as formal communication
Business as formal communication

Communication is the most important type of interaction between individuals, without which it is very difficult to imagine existence and personal growth. It is essential in all aspects of human life. Depending on where a person communicates, two main types can be distinguished: formal and informal. The main difference between the first is the presence of many different attitudes, which limit a person in judgments and denote a specific framework beyond which one cannot go.

Another name for formal communication is role-based. That is, a specific role in society is taken into account, which regulates the relationship and ethics of behavior between two people. Each individual has a peculiar imprint of the society where the person grew up, the conditions in which he is at the moment, and the powers that are assigned to him. He performs some kind of role in relation to his interlocutor and occupies a position that requires an appropriate attitude towards himself. That is why we can say that the formal type of communication is performed within the prescribed roles for everyone.

For example, a person works in a high position and communicates with his subordinate as a boss, requiring him to fulfill his job duties. Here you need to treat him with respect and listen to his opinion unquestioningly. Suppose that a subordinate lives next door to this person and often meets with him near the fence, discussing seedlings, the weather, and even general leisure. The second option will be limited to informal interpersonal communication, from which the roles of boss and employee are removed. Without these masks, they are completely equal in conversation.

That is why it can be argued that formal interpersonal communication regulates business relationships, which are influenced by a number of bureaucratic factors. It is very limited and obeys a host of rules and regulations and accepted standards that must be adhered to.

Differences from informal communication

Meaningful conversation as formal communication
Meaningful conversation as formal communication

Communication is a rather multifaceted process, and in each individual case it differs from a similar one, so some nuances should be highlighted. They represent the main differences between the two types of interaction that are most often used in society. Consider the features of formal communication:

  • Target … Every formal conversation, whatever it may be, has a specific purpose, to which communication is reduced. That is, they either want to receive some useful information from a person, or they need to convey something important to him. In both cases, the conversation is limited to these goals and should not move to other aspects. If a formal conversation does not have a specific purpose for which it is conducted, then it can no longer be called such. Formal communication is a tool with which they fulfill their work needs or solve everyday issues. If there is no need for the end result of such a conversation, it does not even arise. That is why purpose is the most important attribute of formal interpersonal communication.
  • Content … What people talk about during a formal conversation also plays a huge role. This should be an unambiguous conversation that clarifies some working points for one or two interlocutors. Depending on the specific goal, its content should be related to work or those relationships in which people are. The discussion should cover specific aspects of the work. The questions are laconic, and the answers are short and meaningful. There is no place for bright humor or other noticeably brightening circumstances. Exceptionally dry informational conversation, which should be as useful as possible for one or all of the interlocutors.
  • Status … Necessarily taken into account in formal interpersonal communication. A person must distinguish and understand the role of the interlocutor and, depending on it, build his attitude, equating his own status. It is governed by generally accepted rules of conduct, ethics of communication and working relationships. That is, a respectful and courteous treatment is obligatory, which does not allow a person to express his own opinion, but serves only as a mask for obtaining the necessary information or service.
  • Emotionality … One of the most important differences between formal and informal types of interpersonal communication is the emotional component in the conversation. For the first, this is completely uncharacteristic. Expression of facial expressions or with the help of words of your subjective attitude to a person or other factor is absolutely unacceptable in formal communication.

Varieties of formal communication and their characteristics

Formal communication is fairly monotonous, and it is rare to highlight specific differences in one form or another. Most often classified by scope. Depending on who the person interacts with and what he wants to achieve from a particular conversation, three forms of formal communication can be distinguished.


Affability as the Role of Formal Communication
Affability as the Role of Formal Communication

This is actually communication, the rules of which are dictated by conditions. At this particular moment, a person plays his role, and in relation to it, his interactions with others are built.

For example, if a woman is a beautician or consultant and communicates with a client at work, she will use professional language, remain polite, courteous, smile and do her job. Even if she doesn't like the interlocutor too much, she is forced to smile and look friendly, as she is obliged to this by her performing role.

Role-based communication is designed to remain on the defense of emotional responses where they are highly undesirable. In addition, by properly building a template for interacting with people (for example, customers), you can achieve good professional results.

A cordial and welcoming attitude will affect the attendance of the salon / store / market and improve marketing performance. So, we can say that role-based formal communication is a unique tool that, in skillful hands, turns into a powerful means to achieve your own goals.


Business form of formal communication
Business form of formal communication

This type of formal communication consists in a rigorous discussion of facts that relate to a common cause. Only dry data is used, which must be communicated to the interlocutor. The purpose of business communication is always the same - material or professional benefit, which is achieved by interacting with other people who work in the same area. Often, business communication is presented in the form of negotiations, where all the questions of interest to the parties are distributed laconically and point by point. Actually, with their help, a detailed informational acquaintance is carried out. The data is transferred from one person to another, while it is as compressed as possible to the limits of the importance and value of each proposal. For example, a person works for a large company and must instruct subordinates about a new project. That is, in business language, he will explain everything that is provided in such cases. The presentation of thoughts is as laconic as possible, comparisons and comic digressions are not typical.


Fleeting conversation as a form of formal communication
Fleeting conversation as a form of formal communication

Used to meet their needs in routine life and minimal interaction with people. That is, in each individual case, it has its own function. As soon as it is fulfilled, communication with this person stops.

At the same time, there are no specific statuses that determine the equality of the interlocutors. The possibility of pre-planned future meetings is also excluded.

The most striking example can be a second conversation in the elevator "Which floor are you?" or on the bus "Pass, please, for the fare." At the same time, it does not matter at all who this person is, higher or lower in status. He will always remain just a passer-by.

Only the general rules of etiquette and behavior with strangers regulate functional formal communication. They keep their distance between the interlocutors and bring their share of politeness and courtesy even in such a second conversation.

Basic rules of formal communication

The focus is usually formal communication
The focus is usually formal communication

As mentioned above, rules are the foundation of formal communication. By default, it is assumed that all participants in the conversation are familiar with them and adhere to them equally.

To make the features a little more specific, there are several basic rules for formal communication:

  1. Distance … There should be both physical and psychological distance between the interlocutors. That is, you cannot get into the soul, ask about personal things or go to closer levels of communication. The conversation should flow in one direction and not go beyond the leading topic. It should be borne in mind that the interlocutor may not be comfortable opening up during such a formal conversation and this will provoke an unwanted reaction or cause negative impressions. And this will at least spoil the image.
  2. Pragmatic … When conducting a formal conversation, you should always remember its purpose. You cannot deviate from the topic or shy away from direct answers. Such a conversation is extremely informative and supportive, therefore it should be as concise and pragmatic as possible. You should not deliberately prolong the conversation or show absent-mindedness.
  3. Focus … For formal interpersonal communication, the conversation is one-pointed. That is, the conversation moves in a certain direction and does not touch on other topics. The nature of communication is transmitted from his goal, and as soon as it is achieved, the need to continue the conversation disappears by itself.
  4. Emotional blockade … Formal interpersonal communication does not affect the level of feelings. That is, people do not even come close to assessing their impressions, analyzing the behavior of the interlocutor. Moreover, there is no emotionality in the conversation, if you do not take into account professional rude humor or seconds costs.

How to go from formal to informal communication

Humor as a transition to informal communication
Humor as a transition to informal communication

First you need to find out and determine for yourself why you need to do this. In some cases, formal communication is designed to protect the human emotions of people in those professions who are forced to communicate a lot with others. This is a kind of mask for preserving your inner world from strangers who may even involuntarily invade it. But in some cases, such a transition is simply necessary. For this, it is important to observe several aspects:

  • Reciprocity … It is impossible to switch to informal communication from only one side. This is necessarily a reciprocal process, which is accompanied by mutual consent and purposeful behavior and actions. That is, the interlocutor must also be interested in such a transition, or at least not mind.
  • Gradualness … Naturally, it is impossible, after long-term communication at a formal level, at one fine moment to come up to a person, slap on the shoulder and speak like your best friend. This takes time, or maybe you shouldn't count on such an outcome. You should start with small, gradual questions, polite phrases that are half good manners and half genuine interest in the other person's life.
  • Humor … Oddly enough, but the first on the way to informal communication will help a positive attitude and an opportunity to laugh at together. You should start with small work moments that may seem comical or funny to many. If a person makes contact with the help of humor, then there is undoubtedly a chance to establish informal communication.
  • Priority … Many people may not like the transition to informality because of the risk of losing the business value of conversations. That is, if you communicated with a person for a long time solely out of necessity, then you need to start that way. You should first find out all the working moments and goals for formal communication, and then proceed to "rapprochement".

What is formal communication - watch the video:

Both formal and informal communication have their own areas of application. They successfully serve as tools for interaction between people of different categories and do an excellent job. Formal communication is designed to solve everyday and work moments with people whom you do not want to let into your life, but you still have to interact with them. It represents etiquette in action and testifies to the level of education of each individual person.
