Features of exercise float

Features of exercise float
Features of exercise float

Learn a very effective hamstring exercise that does not require any special skill knowledge and will work your hips perfectly. The float exercise is focused on working with the back of the thigh. Immediately, it should be noted that this is an extremely difficult exercise, therefore, in order to achieve the proper result, one should not only make maximum efforts, but also pay special attention to the technique of execution.

As for the specifics of working with the float exercise, then there are two options available: a wall bar or an ordinary bench with additional mounts. Considering that not every hall has a wall bars, let's analyze the peculiarities of execution on a bench.

Surely there is a weightlifting belt in every gym, we also need it. In particular, we will use this element as an additional attachment.

Float exercise technique

The athlete performs the exercise
The athlete performs the exercise

Fasten the belt as tight as possible to the bench to secure your shin. If you have a partner, then you can refuse the belt, because it will fix the legs.

It is necessary to descend smoothly, restrain tension due to the hamstrings and hamstrings. When you move to the lying position, you should cushion yourself with your hands. By the way, at the time of lifting, you can also connect your hands to speed up the process of reaching the original position.

Make every effort so as not to lift the pelvis up at the time of lifting. The body should be located as straight as possible relative to the thigh. To reduce the pressure on your knees as much as possible, you can place an ordinary yoga mat or blanket under them. As a rule, this method is used in case of discomfort in the knee joints.

In the future, you can complicate the exercise float for the biceps of the hip, just take a pancake or a medicine ball. There are various equally effective exercises for the hamstring, several of them will be presented below.

Deadlift for hamstrings

Athlete performing deadlift
Athlete performing deadlift

It should be noted, initially, that this is a standard exercise found in bodybuilding and powerlifting, as well as in extreme strength. For gaining muscle mass, this exercise is considered the most effective, since over 75% of the entire body is involved in the deadlift.

They take part in the work: back, legs, arms, based on this it is quite understandable why the exercise is called basic.

Moreover, it should be noted that there are a couple of types of deadlifts:

  • Classic.
  • Dead, better known as Romanian.
  • Sumo.
  • Trap bar.

The most popular is the classic deadlift, performed with a different set of legs, from narrow to medium. It all depends on personal preference.

Deadlift and curl of the legs lying in the simulator for the biceps of the hip

Deadlift technique
Deadlift technique

Deadlift with dumbbells - There is another option for performing this exercise, with a barbell. If we talk about the advantages or the effectiveness of the barbell or dumbbells, then there is no difference between them. This is a kind of option for an athlete, allowing you to diversify your workouts.

Here the load is directed to the biceps of the thigh, the gluteus muscle, plus the extensors of the lower back are also connected to the work.

As for the second exercise, lying leg curls in the simulator, it should be noted that this is an isolating type of training aimed at the back of the thigh, plus the calf muscles are also slightly involved in the work.

Regarding the advantages of this exercise, it should be noted that due to it, the bottom of the posterior half of the biceps of the thigh is thickened, plus there is an effect on the outer and inner parts of the muscles.

This significantly increases the hip visually from behind. By including the exercise in your workout, you will achieve the release of the components of the thigh, plus the relief of the legs will significantly improve. It is recommended to perform at the end of the training time. Since this will significantly accelerate the set of muscle mass after you have completed the basic exercises.

The nuances of hyperextension for the hamstrings

Muscles involved in hyperextension
Muscles involved in hyperextension

Here is a basic exercise that allows you to work out the lower back, butt. thigh, gluteus muscle. But, it should be noted that which working muscles will experience more tension depends on the chosen execution technique.

As practice shows, most athletes, performing the exercise, work out the lower back, as well as slightly the hamstrings. Regarding the work of the gluteus maximus, a small percentage of people really know the correct technique for performing hyperextension, with a load on the buttocks. Most firmly believe that at the moment they are working exclusively on the gluteus muscle. It should be noted that hyperextension is recommended for beginner athletes who still have weak back extensors.

How to correctly perform the float exercise, see this video:
