How to pump up an endomorph?

How to pump up an endomorph?
How to pump up an endomorph?

Each type of physique has its own characteristics of training. Learn how to pump up an endomorph. How to behave during exercise and how to eat? The specificity of the training process for different body types is different. Today's article will be devoted to the question of how to pump up an endomorph.

Features of endomorph

Famous endomorph powerlifters
Famous endomorph powerlifters

It should be recalled right away that there are three types of physique: ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. From a training point of view, mass gain is better given to mesomorphs. However, this does not mean that athletes with other body types will not be able to gain weight.

Very often, trainers advise endomorphs to increase aerobic load and reduce rest pauses between sets. With these steps, they want to reduce the athlete's fat reserves. Just giving such advice, no one thinks how fat can be associated with weight gain. After all, increasing cardio loads, you will inevitably have to reduce strength. Such a step will only lead to a decrease in the efficiency of mass gain.

If a person has a large mass, then fat deposits should simply be diluted with muscles and gradually the figure will become athletic. Why remove fat without gaining weight. In addition, it is very difficult for endomorphs to fight overweight. No one is now trying to argue with the fact that endomorphs have problems with being overweight. But you should always remember that weight gain and fat burning are completely opposite tasks. To burn excess fat, it is necessary to accelerate the catabolic processes, thereby inhibiting the anabolic ones.

To burn fat effectively, you need to create a calorie deficit in your body, while an excess of calories is needed to grow muscle tissue. This postulate should be remembered and other statements should not be disregarded. This works just as effectively on endomorphs as on other body types. The only difference is the speed of the fat burning process. Endomorphs are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat cells. This has happened over the course of evolution, and the only purpose of this was to ensure human survival in case of power interruptions.

Among the main features of the endomorph, the following should be highlighted:

  • Slow metabolic processes;
  • Wide bone;
  • Large and strong muscles;
  • Large amounts of excess fat.

The main thing here, of course, is the slow metabolic processes. This is not a good or bad feature, as there are pluses and minuses. The main advantage of a slow metabolism is the body's ability to store more energy and nutrients, which contributes to the growth of muscle mass, as well as an increase in fat reserves. By and large, the rate of mass gain in endomorphs is practically the same as in mesomorphs. It's just that it's not so obvious because of the excess fat.

Endomorph nutrition

Athlete sits in front of cans of sports nutrition
Athlete sits in front of cans of sports nutrition

To solve this problem, it is only necessary to speed up the metabolism, and the easiest way is to achieve this thanks to fractional nutrition. If most athletes are advised to eat about six times a day, then endomorphs should do this at least 10 times.

Thanks to this, metabolic processes will accelerate, muscles will begin to grow, and fat will be burned. It is important to remember that the more meals you eat during the day, the faster muscle tissue grows and fat stores disappear. We can say with confidence that using fractional nutrition, endomorphs will become the owners of almost all the benefits of mesomorphs. It should be remembered that at the same time it will not work to gain weight and burn fat at the same time. Directly opposite methods are used for these processes. It is necessary to try to build up muscle mass without creating additional fat reserves. In this regard, you can give a few tips:

  • Split meals into as many of them as possible;
  • Increase the amount of protein compounds consumed, based on the calculation of 2-4 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight;
  • Reduce the amount of fat in the diet by up to 10%;
  • Try to consume more omega-6 and omega-3;
  • Eat only complex carbohydrates, such as buckwheat;
  • The main proportion of carbohydrates should be consumed after a training session;
  • In the evening, use protein compounds instead of carbohydrates.

Endomorph training process

Famous bodybuilders of different body types
Famous bodybuilders of different body types

Now is the time to move on to training. Of course, training also has a certain impact on metabolic processes. Under the influence of cardio loads, metabolism accelerates, both during the training session itself and after it. Actually, the main training recommendation for ectomorphs will be similar to nutrition - exercise more often and fat will go away faster.

It should be noted that you should not rush into the gym after this advice and begin to train one of the muscle groups. You need to divide your whole body into more days to practice. When drawing up a training program, you should pay attention to three postulates:

  • The whole body will be worse in one day than the lower body today and the upper body tomorrow.
  • The 6 + 1 split scheme is more effective than the split scheme with one day's rest;
  • A double split is more useful than a simple split.

The essence of the above recommendation is very simple - load your body and eat more often to increase the speed of metabolic processes. However, one should not forget that your diet should be of high quality (more protein compounds and less fat), and the training should be reasonable (the body should have time to recover in the pauses between training sessions).

If we talk about specific recommendations regarding the construction of the training process, then we can say the following:

  • Distribute muscle groups over as many days as possible (one group trains every 5-7 days);
  • Do more basic exercises;
  • For each set, do 6 to 8 reps, 12 reps maximum;
  • For large muscle groups, pause for rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes, for small groups, one minute will be enough;
  • Use the classic approach in each training session - perform from 2 to 4 exercises, 4 approaches each;
  • In the latter approach, you can use training to fail.

For more on training and nutrition of endomorphs, see this video: