Not everyone knows what a 19 year wedding anniversary is. It is both pomegranate and hyacinth. See how to decorate the hall, make gifts with your own hands for a couple.
A 19 year wedding has several names. Someone thinks it is kryptonite, others think that it is hyacinth. But most are inclined to believe that this is a pomegranate wedding.
Celebrating the 19th wedding anniversary - congratulations, what to look for
The pomegranate is not in vain chosen as a symbol of this event. After all, this fruit has long been considered a symbol of love and passion. It was given to loved ones so that they could have a wonderful relationship.
This is the name not only for the fruit, but also for the stone. It symbolizes constancy and dedication. It is believed that this stone and products made from it are able to ward off adversity from the owner, awaken sexuality in him, increase courage and endurance. Also, the pomegranate symbolizes renewal. That is, if the attitude of the spouses by this time is no longer as romantic as at first, then after the 19th anniversary everything should change for the better.
Calling 19 years of marriage, it is sometimes said that this is a krypton wedding. It is a gas symbolizing light. It emits a shimmer. An analogy can be drawn with the married life of a couple who have lived side by side for so long. Their marriage is as bright as pure as krypton gas, and their feelings are enduring.
For another 19 years of marriage, some call it hyacinth. This is a beautiful flower, and a semi-precious stone is also called. It has long been considered a talisman for travelers. A husband-to-wife marriage is as durable as this stone and as charming as a hyacinth flower.

When you start thinking about what to give for a 19 year wedding, you will know you have a lot of choices. After all, you can present blooming hyacinths or make them yourself from various materials. One of the gifts can be an ornament with a gemstone hyacinth, as well as with a pomegranate. When the hostess prepares dishes, she should keep in mind that some of them must have a pomegranate. It can be a salad with these grains or a drink with the juice of this fruit.
When celebrating your wedding, do not forget to give preference to the red flowers, which symbolize the pomegranate.
Hall decor for 19th wedding anniversary - photo
You can do this without spending too much money. Many people have a light colored tablecloth at home. Place it on a chair, and in the middle place the burgundy and red canvases, symbolizing pomegranates. You will put this fruit to everyone present on a light plate. You can put red candles in candlesticks, they will also symbolize 19 years of the wedding.

The tablecloth can be made in light and dark burgundy colors. In this case, a more saturated color will be at the top, and the bottom is made of a lighter burgundy fabric. Place fruit in vases where pomegranates will prevail.

Against the background of a burgundy tablecloth, a white openwork napkin looks wonderful. Put plates on them, place a rose on each. Place bouquets of these colors on the tables.

Ideas for a pomegranate wedding can be very different. If you have sufficient funds, then you can invite musicians and order a pedestal in the form of a pomegranate. Guests will sit on chairs, and the path for the young will be strewn with burgundy rose petals.

Arrange bouquets of burgundy tones on the tables, they can include roses, peonies and other flowers of this color. Pour pomegranate seeds into some vases and wine glasses. Place several of these fruits in crystal containers.

Make different compositions where the dark red will dominate. Place them on tables. Pomegranate wine, napkins of this color will be very appropriate. You can place all this in a photo zone, so that the heroes of the occasion will then be photographed here in memory of this event.

They can pick up a composition of autumn leaves, pomegranates, rowan berries.

What to cook for a pomegranate wedding?
During the feast, burgundy-dominated dishes will be served. If you are celebrating at home in a narrow family circle, then by all means make a herring under a fur coat, and beets will be the top tier, become a dish of the desired color.
Pomegranate bracelet salad
Be sure to prepare it for this holiday. Take:
- 250 g chicken fillet;
- 3 potatoes, beets, carrots, eggs;
- a couple of pomegranates;
- 2 tbsp. l. walnut;
- 1 onion;
- salt;
- mayonnaise;
- ground pepper.
Boil vegetables until tender.
To make the beets soft, at the end of cooking, pour cold water over them, pour out the liquid after 10 minutes.
Boil the potatoes with the carrots and the beets separately. When the vegetables are ready and cool, peel them and rub them on a coarse grater in various containers.
Cook the breast until tender, cool it. To add flavor, you can add bay leaves to the meat a quarter of an hour before the end of cooking.
Boil the eggs. Cool them down. Peel the onion, chop it finely and fry in vegetable oil in a pan. Grind the walnuts in a blender.
Take a dish and place a glass in the center. This is a trick to make a bracelet-shaped salad. The first layer is the chopped chicken. Season it with salt and pepper, and add mayonnaise. Then there are the carrots, they need to be seasoned in the same way as the chicken.
Then comes the seasoned potatoes, and then walnuts. Place the seasoned half of the beet on top of them and sprinkle with the nuts. Then add the sautéed onions, leftover seasoned chicken, and top with walnuts. It remains to lay out the seasoned eggs, beets. Use a spoon to thicken the salad and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Here's what else you can cook for a 19 year wedding. If Pomegranate Bracelet salad is the main snack dish for 19 years of the wedding, then meat will become the main one.
Stewed goose with pomegranate
This dish of Armenian cuisine is called "Ho-ho". To prepare it, take:
- 10 pieces of goose;
- 3 large grenades;
- 7 onions.
Place the large pieces of goose in a deep skillet. Add some hot water and cover. After 3 minutes, remove and fry the goose until the slices are golden brown. At the same time, do not add oil, the fat of this bird will be enough. Now add a glass of hot water and simmer the goose until tender.
You will now need a second frying pan. In it, you fry the onion cut into half rings in vegetable oil with a small amount of fat. Now add it to the goose and only now add salt. It is always better to salt the meat at the end of cooking, so it will be softer.
Cook with the onion for another 15 minutes, then add the pomegranate seeds and simmer for another five minutes. This fruit will give your goose a great taste.
You can cook not only a goose, but also chicken legs according to a similar recipe. You will also serve them on the festive table.
The following can be made as a drink. It improves mood and strengthens the immune system. Take:
- 4 lemons;
- one pomegranate;
- 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- a piece of ginger root;
- a small bunch of fresh mint;
- some cinnamon and cloves if desired.
Cut the washed lemons into pieces, cover with 2 liters of water and add peeled and finely chopped ginger here. Then add the pomegranate and sugar. It remains to put mint here and cook this mass for 2 hours. You can serve the strained drink hot, it is good to drink it when it is cold outside. You can cool this lemonade and mix with a cool sprite. The result is a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail.
Not only the hosts of the celebration will delight the guests with delicious dishes. The guests will also present them with gifts. Look at simple presentations that even children can make for parents.

To prepare them, take:
- 6 tbsp. l. honey;
- 300 g sugar;
- a pinch of salt.
You will also need: sticks and silicone molds.
Place the lollipop ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is reduced to three times. Then pour it hot into silicone molds in the form of hearts, fix a stick in each. After a day, the candies will completely harden, then you can remove them, wrap them in foil, tie them with ribbons and give them.
What to give for a 19 year pomegranate wedding anniversary?
Picture of threads

This is also pretty easy to do. To do this, you will need to nail nails onto a sheet of plywood so that they create a "heart" pattern. Nail them on the outside along the perimeter of the figure. Now start twisting the burgundy thread between the carnations, so that the result is such a "spider web" pattern.
How to sew a pillow?
Even novice craftswomen can also create such a gift for 19 years of wedding. Take the pieces of fabric. It would be nice if among them was burgundy or red. Cut a heart out of this material. It will need to be sewn onto the created light pillowcase. Form a married couple from patches of different colors and sew these figures on a heart.

If the heroes of the occasion have a very small child, then, under the guidance of older relatives, he will be able to make the next gift for the parents.
Sun of love

Let the child cut a circle out of cardboard, draw his eyes and mouth. It remains to attach here along the edge of the yellow clothespin so that they turn into the rays of the sun.
If the children are older, then they will be able to give their parents such a beautiful piece of cake for their 19 years of wedding. See how to create it.
How to make a piece of candy cake?

To do it, take:
- thirty-one Konafetto candies;
- pink and green corrugated paper;
- pencil;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- satin ribbon.
Use cardboard and tape to make a slice of cake. Now paint it brown. Use double-sided tape to attach the candies to the sides, then tie them with a ribbon. Glue the flowers from corrugated paper on top.
It is really possible to make such gifts with your own hands for a 19 year wedding. If you want to buy them, then you can familiarize yourself with what it might be.

Also, invited guests or children can make paper hyacinths with their own hands and hand them over to the heroes of the occasion. After all, the second name of 19 years of the wedding is hyacinth. And here is what you can buy and present on this day.
The hero of the occasion will surely be delighted with graceful garnet jewelry. It can be: pendant, ring, bracelet. A set of jewelry with this stone will be a good expensive gift. You can also give her beautiful things in burgundy or red.
In response, the spouse will present to the spouse:
- ring with pomegranate;
- wallet made of red or burgundy leather;
- beautiful weekly with a cover of this color;
- burgundy or red robe;
- a suit, tie and shirt of a similar color;
- for a smoking man, an ashtray under a pomegranate stone or decorated with these stones will be a good gift.
Guests can present the husband and wife with garnet-colored items. It can be:
- a set of household appliances or kitchen utensils;
- collection of books;
- glasses;
- linens;
- souvenirs;
- photo album in red cover;
- collection wine.

Since this is also a hyacinth wedding, along with the main gift, you can present this flower in a pot, as well as hyacinth bulbs for the hostess to plant them herself.
These are the gifts for 19 years of wedding can be presented by spouses to each other, relatives and guests to the heroes of the occasion. We offer you to watch a step-by-step master class, from which you will learn how to make a gift for a 19-year wedding.
Check out how to make DIY ribbon hyacinths.

You can make an original gift for this and other wedding anniversaries.