You can make fancy dress from plastic bottles, maple leaves, padding polyester, cardboard. See how to make a carnival skirt out of plastic cups.
The fancy dress is useful for a home party, party at school, in kindergarten. You don't have to buy such outfits to look beautiful at the carnival. They can be made with your own hands from almost nothing.
Fancy dress made of plastic bottles
Almost everyone has such goodness. In a dress made of plastic bottles, your daughter will be simply irresistible at any occasion.

Dress can be made on different basis. If it is fabric, then cut off the bottom of the plastic bottles, paint these parts, then glue to this base, as in the model on the left. Create a wreath using the linen from the plastic bottles as well. And if you want to make green, you need to take bottles for it, cut off the top and bottom parts and cut this canvas in half. It turned out a canvas from which you create a new thing. A skirt can be made from bottle halves. Such masquerade costumes are decorated with flowers from the same material. See what they can be.

To make such flowers from plastic bottles, you first need to cut off the bottom, then make cuts on them and scorch this blank over a candle flame.

Then the edges of the flowers will bend and look realistic. Now make holes in the center with an awl and connect other blanks of various sizes here. You will get voluminous flowers from plastic bottles, which can then be attached to the dress.
Additionally, you can decorate this creation with an artificial stone or by attaching beautiful glass buttons inside the flowers.

Watch a master class with a step-by-step photo, from which you will learn how to make a fancy dress from plastic bottles.

To create a fluffy skirt, you need a base. If you manage to get an unnecessary lampshade, then remove its fabric, make the inside so that the girl can put on this skirt frame. Another option is to make such a base from strong wire. Create flowers from different kinds of plastic bottles, paint them, then you stick those here.
But first, you will need to additionally cover the frame with fabric.

Cut thin ribbons from the remaining plastic and glue them to the bottom of the skirt so that they hang down beautifully.
Create the upper part on the basis of the canvas, this can be a T-shirt or a topic, to which you glue flowers with a glue gun. Here are some of these decorative elements.

It remains to make a headdress. To do this, also cut out pieces of plastic, process them over the flame of the burner to give the desired shape. Then glue the flowers and create head decorations from them.

Now you can go to the masquerade ball and shine in such a wonderful outfit.

Updates can be created from a wide variety of materials. Use even autumn leaves for this. Of course, such a dress is short-lived, but it is only needed for one day.

The leaves will need to be washed, dried, and then glued to the base. A fabric is suitable for her. Make a small hat out of knitwear, and glue the leaves to it. You will get an elegant headdress. The dress can be with a long train. You will also create it from fabric.

An outfit like this is perfect if you need to bring it to an autumn holiday. You just need to place the leaves on the base tightly to each other and overlap.

Fancy dress for children can be made from other materials. For this, cardboard boxes are perfect. After all, the boy wants to feel like cowboys or become a dinosaur for a while. And you don't have to buy the material for this.
Masquerade costumes for boys

To make a cowboy costume, take:
- carton boxes;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- twine;
- glue gun;
- stick;
- wide braid.
Follow the instructions below:
- On a large cardboard box, cut out a circle with which the child will put this part of the horse's body on himself. At the bottom, using a clerical knife, you will need to cut off the bottom of the box.
- Make a horse tail out of the string and glue it in place. From a small box, you will make a head. Peel back a piece of the workpiece and cut out the triangular ears. Also from the twine create the horse's mane.
- Connect these two parts with a stick, insert it into the hole in both boxes and secure with glue. Glue a wide tape on the horse's body so that the child can attach this piece on his shoulder.
- Have him wear a wide-brimmed hat to make it clear that it is a cowboy costume.
- If you need to quickly make an outfit, then use a hat and jeans. And you will make a horse on a stick using a plastic bottle. Create the elements of the animal's face out of cardboard. Make a mane out of threads.
You will also create a dinosaur costume from cardboard. You will need several boxes of different sizes. The largest one will become the torso. It will need to cut two holes in it so that the child can pass his arms here. Glue the sides of the smaller box onto it to form a neck. Attach a small box on top, in the two holes of which glue two toilet paper sleeves, they will become the eyes of a dinosaur.
Make its teeth out of cardboard, cutting out a box in a zigzag manner in this place. In the same manner, sew the seams on the neck of this animal.

Watch a master class on making a hero's costume with your own hands
How to make a fancy dress from padding polyester?

Such carnival costumes are lightweight and will allow the girl to really soar like a cloud. To create one, you need to take:
- loose-fitting dress or pillowcase;
- scissors;
- synthetic winterizer;
- glue.
If you are using a pillowcase, make a cutout for the head and arms. Now glue these pieces of padding polyester on it, placing them tightly against each other. It remains to put on the girl white tights to turn into a cloud for a while.
For a boy, you can make a snowman costume. This also does not require a lot of materials. Take:
- two white large T-shirts;
- scissors;
- a flap of red cloth;
- synthetic winterizer.
Take your first T-shirt first. Cut circles out of red fabric and stick on it, as if they were the buttons of a snowman. Now strip the sleeves of the two T-shirts. Sew the shirts together. Then fill with padding polyester, placing it between these two fabrics.
All that remains is to insert the elastic band down and you can try on the suit.
If you want, then insert an elastic at the waist, or you will simply tie a belt for the child here to separate parts of the outfit.
You can complement this costume with mittens and a red hat.

DIY dress made of plastic cups - master class and photo
If you have a lot of such empty containers, make a fluffy skirt out of it for an outfit. As a top, you can use a jacket or a matching T-shirt. Take:
- disposable cups;
- napkins in two colors;
- garbage bags;
- stapler;
- scissors.
The skirt consists of several tiers. For the lower tier, you need 24 glasses. First connect them in pairs with a stapler, then connect them together to make a circle.

The next circle consists of 22 cups. Connect them together in the same way.
To secure the cups better, connect each to the other with a stapler not once, but twice.
Then you need to use the same tool to connect two circles to get two tiers of a skirt.

The 3rd tier consists of 20 cups. Make as many rows as your daughter needs. In this case, it turned out 7 circles. Unwind a strip from a set of colored garbage bags, pass it down through the hole formed and secure on the sides of the cups with a stapler. This will be the belt. It is needed in order to put on a skirt for a girl, and then tie a new dress at the waist using these bags.

Now you need to decorate the skirt. To do this, take the blue napkins first and cut off their corners to make a round blank.

Place it inside the cup. Additionally, it can be secured with a stapler.
The next row will be lighter. You can use yellow napkins. Thus, alternating colors, decorate the entire skirt. You have a wonderful carnival costume.

The top can be made from garbage bags. A dress made of plastic cups will allow you to make wonderful fancy dress for children. The top for the next one can be made from the same material. You can press down on each cup, glue the edges, then glue them together to make the top of the dress.

Often, fancy dress requires an addition in the form of hats. You can also make them from scrap materials.
See how to sew a costume for a matinee and an oriental dance
How to make a hat, helmet from a plastic bottle?

For such a helmet, you will need a fairly spacious container for the size of the child's head. Cut off the excess at the bottom. Then paint the helmet with gold paint or take a bottle of that color right away. Decorate with geometric shapes and red paper ribbons. This decor is glued. Make a hole in the cork and secure a bunch of red thread here.
See how you need to trim the bottles to make hats of different textures.

If you need a brimmed hat, then take a rectangular canister, cut off the top, and glue a cardboard ring as brim. For them to attach well, you will need to cut the cardboard a little along the outer circle.
Masquerade costumes will be great if you complement them with similar hats. To make a helmet, you can use the top master class or attach feathers instead of a rope. If you need a rounded hat, take a large bottle of this shape and cut the neck off. You can seal this hole. Glue cardboard boxes to this headpiece.
The same material will help you create an Astronaut costume.
Glue two plastic bottles together. Paint them silver. Cut out fire petals from the fabric and glue them to the neck of each bottle.
Glue a wide tape to this piece to make it look like a strap. The child will put on this thing, which will imitate a jet engine.
You can make an Astronaut, Alien costume out of foil. Supplement it with such a jet engine.
You can make such unusual masquerade costumes from scrap materials. If you want to see in more detail how to make a skirt from cups for a fancy dress, then check out the video below.

It will become clear to you how to make a Musketeer costume when you look at the following selection of photos.