If you are going to stage the fairy tale "Teremok", it will be useful for you to learn how to make decorations from scrap materials and quickly sew costumes.
The kids like different performances. If you have a script for the fairy tale "Teremok" for children, you can stage it. Create decorations and costumes for the kids in a simple way.
How to make scenery for staging the fairy tale "Teremok"?
To stage the fairy tale "Teremok" brilliantly, you must first prepare the scenery. It is not difficult to make them, since a variety of materials at hand will be used.

If you recently bought a shower stall, do not throw the box out from under it. The material will come in handy for creating the next house. You can also use a box from a refrigerator or other large household appliances.
Here's what it takes to make the decorations:
sheets of cardboard or a large cardboard packing box;
- self-adhesive film for wood;
- scissors;
- paints;
- brushes;
- colored paper;
- chintz or other fabric.
The large box is glued or stapled on one vertical side. Take apart this place to unfold the box. Now cut each section at the top so that it resembles a triangular roof. Cut out the windows, treat them with colored self-adhesive tape.
But first you need to glue the outer parts of the walls with a self-adhesive film under a tree. To make them look like logs, cut out such circles from colored paper or from crepe. It will seem that these are logs.

Sew the curtains and hang them from the back of each section.

You need to glue colored paper on top so that it turns into roof elements. To do this, first you need to cut out wide strips of colored paper, next to them glue the elements of white paper cut out on one side in a zigzag manner. Make attic windows from the same material.

Cut out grass, bright flowers from green paper. Glue this beauty to the bottom of the house.

Cut the trees out of another large box or large sheets of paper. Then it will be clear that the house is in the forest. You can glue a lot of colored paper leaves onto cardboard or draw them by hand or using a template. Draw black strokes on the tree trunks, because this is a birch.
Bend the trunks at the bottom to firmly glue them to the base. And you will put such a sunflower made of yellow colored paper and a dark center in a cardboard pot.

You will have a wonderful performance of the fairy tale "Teremok" if you make such decorations. But simpler ones can be made if there are no large boxes.

To make such a house, take:
- plywood sheet;
- wooden plinth;
- paint;
- brush;
- colored paper or self-adhesive film;
- scissors.
Follow the step by step instructions:
- The plywood sheet at the top needs to be sawn to make it triangular.
- Attach a wooden baseboard to it at the bottom. Paint the inside and outside of this blank brown.
- When the paint is dry, use a template to apply white circles to make them look like log cuts. You can also glue white paper here, cutting it out this way.
- Decorate the cut-out window and top of the roof with adhesive tape, or glue painted colored paper here.
- Color a rectangle of cardboard to match the brickwork and double-sided tape to use it as a pipe.
When the scenario of the fairy tale "Teremok" comes to the moment that the house collapsed after the Bear came, you just need to put this building in a horizontal position.

You can make a house for a fairy tale and cardboard. To make it the most dense, glue three sheets together.
You can use children's drawings as a decoration for the forest. They will probably like to depict a birch, taking for this the real leaves of this tree.
Then, on a white sheet, you need to draw with black paint and a brush the outlines of the trunk and branches of this tree. After that, uneven horizontal stripes are drawn on the trunk.
When the dark paint dries, have the child take a birch leaf, apply a lot of paint on one side and attach it to the twig. Then you need to do this several times to cover the tree with leaves.

If the script for the Teremok fairy tale is written for the summer, then the children will use green paint. And if the action takes place in the fall, then give them a yellow one.

At this age, it is important for children to learn the name of flowers, to know how they look, to have an idea of various trees.
Now that the set is ready, it's time to get started making animal costumes. If you need to make them quickly, then you will create hats from cardboard and it will be clear where whose character is.
How to make animal masks from the fairy tale "Teremok"?

It will be immediately clear that this is a Bear. You can find a similar mask in a magazine or paint cardboard accordingly, cut out the necessary parts, glue it on the back. Then the child will be able to put on such a mask.
To know what costumes and masks to create, remember what the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale are. It:
- mouse;
- frog;
- Hare;
- Fox;
- Wolf;
- bear.
If you have a color printer, then print out the animal masks below, you will have beautiful characters. First, you specify the desired scale in order to then enlarge the photo data. After printing, it remains to cut them out, cut them on the right or on the side along the hole and insert here along the hat elastic, tying knots so that it does not pop out.
As you remember, the mouse was the first to see Teremok. This is what this character looks like.

Here are some other heroes of the Teremok fairy tale. The next frog galloped to the house. Print her portrait to make a mask.

The next to visit this shelter was a runaway bunny. Here is this cute, this hero of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Then the cunning Fox came here.

The next guest was a top - a gray barrel. Print out his mask.

The last one to arrive was the Bear, who broke into this structure.

Also, there may be another hero of the fairy tale "Teremok" - a hedgehog. Here is the mask for this character.

Costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" for children from scrap materials
If a performance of the Teremok fairy tale is planned in kindergarten, your child will play a mouse, then you will need to bring a costume. If you are not yet very good at sewing or do not have a suitable fabric, use the following idea.

Take a brown or gray hooded sweater for your child. Find suitable small fabric cuts. From these, you will cut a circle that will need to be cut in half.

Now also cut a circle out of the pink fabric, cut it in half. Sew these blanks into two gray ones.

It is best to use fleece as it is soft and non-chipping.
Now you will need to sew these two ears onto the hood of the mouse. Also, cut out an oval from this pink fleece, sew it on the front of the jacket, you get the tummy of this character.

You can also make a ponytail. To do this, use a gray or pink piece of fleece. Or take the child's tights, cut off one leg, stuff them with padding polyester and sew them to the back of the jacket. The length of this part is about 40 cm.

It will be possible to apply minor face painting, draw a nose and antennae to get such a hero of the Teremok fairy tale.

Here's how to make a mouse costume. Now, check out how to create a frog costume for this interesting story.

To make an outfit like this, take:
- green taffeta;
- scissors;
- green satin ribbon;
- threads;
- hook.
There are various ways to sew a taffeta skirt for a girl. Tie a belt around it, then start tying many strips of taffeta cut to it. You can also cut out three flared skirts and sew them on the belt. Cover the junction with the waistband with satin braid on top.

To make a hat, crochet it with green threads, then sew eyes, knitted from the same material, but also from black and white.
If you do not know how to knit, then make a cardboard hat according to the pattern presented above or braid the rim with a green satin ribbon. Sew these frog eyes from black white and green fabric here.
Watch master classes on making crafts on the theme of the fairy tale "Kolobok"
How to make a hare costume from scrap materials?
This is another hero of the "Teremok" fairy tale. If your child in kindergarten will play the role of a hare, and you have little time, we suggest making a costume quickly.
The child must have a white T-shirt. Take a piece of pink fabric or cut a circle out of it, or from an old, unnecessary item of that color. Place this blank on the front of the T-shirt and sew it in a zigzag seam on a typewriter or over the hem on your arms. You don't even need a sewing machine to create such a thing.

For the lower part, shorts or light-colored pants are suitable. You will need to sew a ponytail on them. To do this, take a piece of fur or fluffy white fabric, cut out a circle and sew it from the edges with a thread to match. Now put a little filler inside and with the same thread sew the ponytail onto the back of the shorts or trousers.
Make gloves for your child that will also work well with the outfit. For this, the following pattern is suitable for you.

Take a white cloth and place a pattern of mittens on it. Cut out four pieces. Now connect them in pairs and sew on the wrong side. Turn onto your face.
From the pink fleece, cut out blanks for the feet. You will need two sets, for the left and right hands. Sew on these details.

Of course, you need to make ears for the hare. You can also make them easily. Take the headband. Mark its length and width, cut a piece of fur to size with seam allowances. Halve it and sew on the wrong side. Then turn it right out. Pass the hoop through the hole and sew the first and second holes. Ears need to be sewn from white and pink fur and sewn onto this base.

If you don't have fur, use a fabric that holds its shape or cardboard from which you cut the ears and glue them onto a light-colored hoop.
You can make a mask for this character in the way described above, or use another. Cut a mask out of orange fleece, and then glue white blanks in the cheek area. Sew on a black fleece nose. Also, these materials need to be glued together. Glue this mask onto the frame of unnecessary glasses or sunglasses.
How to make fox and wolf costumes?

If you need to make a fox costume quickly, then such a mask and a tail will be enough. It will be clear what kind of animal it is. The tail can be sewn from the remnants of fabric or, for example, from the sleeve from an old jacket.

It remains to make the chanterelle tail. For this, a pink or orange fleece is suitable, as well as a sleeve from an old jacket. If you are using the latter method, then simply sew a piece of white fabric onto the end of the sleeve, then stuff the blank with holofiber. Sew on a wide elastic that is the same size as your child's waist.
Thus, you can sew costumes for another hero of the Teremok fairy tale. This is a wolf. For these characters, the costume is sewn one pattern at a time, it is presented below.

For the wolf only, take a gray and white cloth. From it you will make a mask and a tail, and make a nose from black. Now you need to glue the mask on the glasses or tie an elastic band on both sides in order to use it to put the mask on the child's head.

DIY bear costume
It remains to make the last character of the fairy tale "Teremok", a bear.

To create such a costume you will need:
- brown fur;
- dark beige faux fur;
- a piece of black leather;
- eyes for toys;
- elastic;
- brown lining fabric.
Two semicircles should be cut out of brown fur. When you sew them, you get a hat over the head of a child. Two small semicircles will create one ear, and 2 more will create the second. Sew them in place.

Use the light brown fur to make the face of a bear, and its nose from pieces of black leather. Glue these parts in place. Glue the toy eyes.

Cut out shorts from the fur, sew them and insert an elastic band around the belt.

From a piece of fur of the same color, you need to sew a small tail, fill it with padding polyester and sew on the back of the shorts.

Mittens should be sewn from lining fabric and fur. Insert elastic from the side of the lining, having previously stitched the fold here.

Cut claws out of black leather and glue them to the ends of these mittens.

It remains to sew a vest and trim it with lighter fur. Now the child can go to a holiday in a children's institution to become one of the heroes of a magical story.
We offer you to see how you can create a mouse costume yourself. It consists of a hat, a jacket and pants with a ponytail. You will sew ears, eyes and mustache to the hat. And to the jacket you need to sew a light trim and a red bow.

Be sure to watch the fairy tale "Teremok" with your child so that he understands the plot of this story.