How to make a toy for a dog with your own hands?

How to make a toy for a dog with your own hands?
How to make a toy for a dog with your own hands?

You can make a dog toy from toilet paper rolls, cloth, ball, rope, and even a plastic bottle.

Dogs are mobile animals. With them you need not only to walk, but also to entertain. Having figured out how to make a toy for a dog, you will make it for your beloved animal, and the pet will be just happy.

How to make a toy for a dog - a master class and a photo

An example of a homemade dog toy
An example of a homemade dog toy

You will make such a rope for active games from scrap materials. Old things will do for this. Take:

  • fabric or unnecessary things;
  • scissors.

Take a fabric or unnecessary items and cut this material into four equal strips measuring 1 m by 10 cm. Now pull these blanks so that they become longer and the edges are curled up. Therefore, it is better to use an elastic material that stretches well.

Cutting a piece of cloth
Cutting a piece of cloth

Lay the strips in front of you and step back from the edge of each 10 cm, tie in this place on each knot. Now place the two blanks, spreading them out in the shape of a cross.

It is convenient to make a toy for dogs in the form of a rope on your knees to hold the ends of the material, and the main part lay in one position.

The beginning of knitting a rope for a dog
The beginning of knitting a rope for a dog

Now you need to tie these blanks in this way. First, put the striped one around the yellow one so that it forms the English letter S. Now put the yellow one perpendicular to the striped one, so that the English letter S also turns out. At the same time, the edges of the yellow pass into the extreme loops of the striped one.

Correct threading of buttonholes
Correct threading of buttonholes

Now you need to pull on the ends of these materials to make a knot.

The resulting knot of rope
The resulting knot of rope

Thus, weave the whole rope, at the end tie a knot and leave a small fabric tassel. You will hold this rope in the place where you tied the knot at the very beginning, stepping back 10 cm.

Here is such a wonderful toy for a dog, made with your own hands, it will turn out, and to create it you use old things that are usually thrown away.

The dog holds a rope toy in his teeth
The dog holds a rope toy in his teeth

Toy for dogs from plastic bottles

Surely in stores you have seen entertainment for four-legged pets in the form of bones.

Two bone-shaped dog toys
Two bone-shaped dog toys

These are very interesting to sew yourself. Take:

  • fleece or similar fabric;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • empty plastic bottle.

If you don't have a sewing machine, you can create this toy for dogs with a needle and thread.

First, cut out the pattern of the toy from the fabric. You can enlarge the presented one, use it.

Bone toy pattern
Bone toy pattern

You will need two parts for each bone. Open them with seam allowances. Please note that the second part needs to be cut, as shown in the photo. Add a little more allowance to these two parts, at their junctions. Since here you will need to tuck the edges in order to then insert the bottle.

Fold in the edges 1 and 2 of the workpiece and sew them. Sew the pieces together on the wrong side, then turn onto your face. Insert the bottle into the hole.

The plastic bottle is inserted into the fabric base of the toy
The plastic bottle is inserted into the fabric base of the toy

Cover it up. Can be fixed here with Velcro. You can make such a toy for dogs from a plastic bottle, leftover fabric, or some unnecessary thing.

You can make another toy for a dog from a plastic bottle.

Dog bites a toy made of cloth and plastic bottle
Dog bites a toy made of cloth and plastic bottle


  • unnecessary fabric item or cloth of fabric;
  • plastic bottle;
  • large beads;
  • elastic band or ropes;
  • scissors.
Materials for creating a toy for a dog
Materials for creating a toy for a dog

Place beads or other similar objects in the bottle so that they rattle in the container when the dog wiggles it. Wrap this container in a strip of fabric. Tie strings on both sides, make bows out of them.

Cutting off a piece of fabric when creating a toy
Cutting off a piece of fabric when creating a toy

You will get an interesting candy from a bottle for a dog. You can make these toys out of a sock.

Take a small plastic bottle and put some dry food in here. Screw the cover back on. Now place this blank on a golf course or in a sock and tie the free edge into a knot.

Candy-shaped dog toys
Candy-shaped dog toys

You can make a toy for a dog and make a dosed feeder at the same time.

Dog food falls out of plastic bottles
Dog food falls out of plastic bottles

Punch a rack out of the planks, as shown in the photo. At the top of the 1st and 2nd vertical planks, drill a hole to insert a rounded wooden strip here. Wash and dry plastic bottles. Cut in each of the two sides with a hole equal to the diameter of the rail. Use a funnel to fill the bottles with feed - less than half. Put the bottles on the rail, fix it in the holes in the plate. Now the dogs will twist the bottles with their paws to get the treat. Such a feeder for animals will become a toy for them at the same time.

You can make a similar feeder from two large flat bottles. To do this, make a hole first in the sidewall and rinse the edges so that they are not sharp.

Plastic bottle dog feeder
Plastic bottle dog feeder

On the other side of the same bottle, make a hole the size of which is equal to the diameter of the neck of the second bottle. Put this second bottle in here, cut off the bottom of it. Here you will pour dry food, which will then be poured from the second bottle. And the dog will feast on.

Toy for a dog in the form of a crocodile
Toy for a dog in the form of a crocodile

Your beloved dog will be happy to play with such a crocodile made of green fleece fabric. And the legs and ties are made of orange. Sew a semblance of a bag out of a green fabric, fold it on the back and hem with a margin. Such a fold is needed so that you then put the bottle in this chicken and stretch the orange string here. You will tie it and fix the bottle. On the other hand, the crocodile's face will be located. Sew eyes here. To make paws, sew rectangles of orange fabric to the body of the toy, and tie the ends of these strings in knots.

DIY ball toys for dogs

The dog holds a toy made of cloth and a ball in his teeth
The dog holds a toy made of cloth and a ball in his teeth

To make an octopus toy for a dog, take:

  • unnecessary T-shirt;
  • ball;
  • scissors.

You can use a tennis ball, but it is better to use a rubber one with a squeaker, such sound ones are especially popular with dogs.

Cut the shirt into horizontal stripes.

Cross made of two strips of fabric
Cross made of two strips of fabric

You will need two strips. Put them crosswise, and place the ball in the center.

The ball is inserted into the fabric
The ball is inserted into the fabric

Now wrap the ends up, tie a strip cut from a T-shirt under the ball. Cut the loose ends of the fabric on the toy with scissors to form tentacles.

Slitting strips of fabric
Slitting strips of fabric

You must have the number of stripes divisible by three. After all, you will need to weave the pigtails, then tie them up.

Braided pigtail on a dog toy
Braided pigtail on a dog toy

The octopus is ready. Do not sew eyes, fabric features on such toys, because the dog can accidentally tear off these small objects and swallow them.

Another toy for a dog is also made on the basis of a ball. You will need a tennis ball for it. Take a sharp knife and make an incision in it along the curved line already created on this object. Put some dry treat here. The dog will have to work hard to get it. You can also make a cruciform incision. Then it will be easier for the pet to get food from here.

Cutting a tennis ball
Cutting a tennis ball

Rope toy for dogs - master class and step by step photos

Such improvised means are very affordable. If you have a large dog, make an appropriately large toy for it. Take the rope rope. Wind it on 4 fingers of the palm. Do about 4 turns, then turn the work 90 degrees, twist the same amount here. Bring the end inward, make several similar turns to form such a round ball of rope.

Rope ball tying process
Rope ball tying process

You can take three pieces of a similar rope, weave a pigtail out of them, and twist them at the ends to make a kind of ball. The same entertainment is made from unnecessary knitwear.

Braided rope from pieces of fabric
Braided rope from pieces of fabric

You can make a ball out of the rope according to the previous master class, do not cut off its tip, but tie another small knot at its edges. Then the owner will be able to keep here and play with his four-legged friend.

White rope toy
White rope toy

You can weave a pigtail from a rope, tie on one and the other side along a large knot. Fluff up the ends of the rope, you get such a cute toy for a dog.

Toy for a dog made of a multi-colored rope on a white background
Toy for a dog made of a multi-colored rope on a white background

If you do not have such a rope, but want to create a rope for your beloved animal, then cut an unnecessary thing into strips of various shapes.

Cut pieces of fabric
Cut pieces of fabric

Now tie these parts, making these nice knots.

Tied tissue scraps
Tied tissue scraps

Weave pigtails out of the fabric to create a rope like this. The dog toy will now look like this.

Tied rope from burgundy fabric patches
Tied rope from burgundy fabric patches

If you have a colored rope, it will make a wonderful bright toy. Fold three sections next to each other and start braiding in the middle.

Weaving of several multi-colored ropes
Weaving of several multi-colored ropes

Now bend the product in half so that a loop forms at the top and continue to weave, but instead of one segment, use two at once.

Consecutive weaving of multi-colored ropes
Consecutive weaving of multi-colored ropes

Braid to the end, tie at the edge of the pieces of rope so that they do not come loose. You can hold the formed ring and play with your favorite four-legged friend.

Ready-made toy made of multi-colored ropes
Ready-made toy made of multi-colored ropes

How to make toys for dogs from different materials?

You can make a toy for a dog from the most unusual things. If you want your animal not only to have fun, but also to increase its intelligence, then do this.

Puzzle for a dog
Puzzle for a dog


  • plastic tray;
  • toilet paper rolls;
  • several pieces of dry food.

It is very easy to make this type of dog entertainment. Place a few dry food at the bottom of the tray, and on top place the cardboard sleeves tightly together.

Dogs have a very good sense of smell, so they will understand that there is something edible under the paper sleeves. The animal will take them away and find the treats.

You can train your dog, because it will remember this delicious entertainment and will find food faster next time.

If your favorite pet loves cucumbers, make the following garland for him. Chop these cucumbers into thick circles, make a hole in the center of each. Thread the rope here. Pull it between the legs of a table or chairs and tie it. Call your favorite dog and see how much pleasure it will have from this entertainment.

Cucumber pieces strung on a rope
Cucumber pieces strung on a rope

Make the following puzzle for each other's four-legged. To do this, cut paper towels into rectangles and place a few dry food in each. Roll the blanks into a tube and place them in the sections of an open plastic ball.

Ball for a dog made of plastic and fabric
Ball for a dog made of plastic and fabric

You will see how smart your four-legged friend is, because he will surely find goodies.

You can put the treats in the notched tray, cover the treats with balls. See how interested your dog is in searching for hidden treats.

Tennis Ball Dog Toy
Tennis Ball Dog Toy

Fold the two plastic jars so that the neck of the first fits into the opening of the other. On one you can depict the face of a robot. To make his arms and legs, make 4 holes in the bottom jar, put pieces of rope here and tie knots inside the jar. Attach the covers from the outside after making holes in them. Also fasten the rope with the knots made.

The dog bites a plastic toy
The dog bites a plastic toy

And if you want to make a toy for a dog and treats for him at the same time, then make ice cream. To do this, take milk or cream, bananas. You can add some nuts. Grind the banana with nuts in a blender. Then you need to pour this mass into cups. Stick a dog bone decoration into each.

Toy with dog treats
Toy with dog treats

Place the treat in the freezer, when it hardens, you can treat your four-legged friend.

You can make such interesting toys for dogs and entertainments for them with your own hands. You will see in detail how to make this in the next video.

The second plot tells how a toy for dogs is made with your own hands from an old sock.
