Autumn in the country will not be boring if you make toys from natural materials with your children. You can decorate the site with such elements so that you have a great mood at this time of the year.
Autumn in the country is a great time. At this time of the year, the last harvest is harvested here, and winter plantings are made. To make the hacienda beautiful at this time of year, decorate the surrounding space so that it is pleasing to the eye.
Autumn in the country - how to create a beautiful candlestick with your own hands
At this time of year, it can be made from what nature itself provides. Going out for a walk in the nearest forest, in a clearing, collect leaves. You can find them right in the garden or nearby. Then you will create an original candlestick.

To create such cute and cozy things, take:
- glass jars;
- autumn leaves;
- PVA or glue for decoupage;
- napkins;
- candles;
- stationery rubber bands;
- brush;
- newspapers.

To make autumn cozy and beautiful in the country, start making such an original candlestick. You will need to collect the leaves first. If there are no maple ones, others will do. First, wipe them down with a soft cloth or paper towel to remove dust and dirt. Now place each similar piece of paper between the layers of the newspaper. Press down on top of this structure with books.
The sheets should now dry within a few days. You can tell when the process has finished by taking one such instance in your hand. It should rustle and be dry.

Remove the cuttings of the leaves with scissors, cutting them off.
In advance, you need to remove labels from the cans, rinse these containers and dry. If you are using PVA, then dilute it with a little water. Or grease the outside of the jar with decoupage glue. Now apply one leaf on top, pass over it with a wide brush smeared with glue.
Press with this tool start from the middle and move to the edges to remove excess air.

After gluing the first sheet, go to the second and the next. Place their edges overlapping with respect to previous specimens.

If the leaves leave in some places, you can temporarily fix them with clerical rubber bands. After the glue dries, you simply peel them off.
This thing should dry out within 24 hours. Then you can remove the gum, place the candles inside and light them in the evenings. Then you will be in a beautiful romantic setting. You can use not ordinary candles, but electric or LED candles to avoid the possibility of fire.

On the basis of a maple leaf, you can also make another original candlestick. The next master class with step by step photos will teach this. This is how the product will turn out.

- glass jar;
- brush;
- acrylic paint suitable for work on glass;
- stained glass contour;
- coffee beans or other filler;
- maple leaf pattern;
- a candle;
- natural decor (acorns, cones);
- leg-split;
- maple leaves;
- glue gun;
- a candle;
- alcohol;
- cotton wool.
Degrease the jar with rubbing alcohol. Glue the maple paper template to the outside of the jar. It is convenient to use double-sided tape or a sheet with a protective layer and an adhesive side.

Cover the outside of the jar with acrylic paint. Wait for this layer to dry. Then take a nail scissors or a needle and trace the outline of the leaf. This will help it move well from the surface.

To make the original candlestick further, carefully peel off this cardboard blank sheet. If somewhere in the free area of the glass there are paint smudges under it, then you will need to remove them with a cotton swab, having previously dipped it in a solvent.

Take an acrylic outline and trace along the inner edges of the sheet.

When this coating is dry, pour coffee inside the can and install the candle. And now you can start decorating. To do this, wrap twine around the neck of the can, glue the maple leaves to the rope using a glue gun. Also, use it to attach several acorns, bringing them together.

Now you can put the candlestick in the gazebo or place it in the house so that autumn in the country will please you, and it will be nice and cozy here.

The decor can be very different at this time of year. When decorating a personal plot, natural materials are used, which are enough in the fall. In particular, pumpkins are very popular. From small ones you can make the most unexpected things. Check out some examples.
How to decorate a summer cottage with your own hands - pumpkin crafts
See what a charming and original wreath will decorate the door. Entering the house, you will once again admire the creation of your own hands and please your family with such a wonderful thing.

To make a pumpkin wreath, take:
- wire;
- nippers;
- newspapers;
- pumpkins of various configurations;
- bunches of rowan;
- rope;
- glue gun.
The basis for a wreath can be very different. If you wish, take a wire, cut equal pieces, twist them and fix the ends so that you get a ring. You can also use newspapers by twisting them so that such a shape comes out.
Flexible branches will do as well. Any such base will need to be decorated with pumpkins by gluing them. If there is no glue gun, then stick a wire into each dried decorative pumpkin and fix them on the resulting ring. In either of these two ways, attach the rowan bunches here. You can additionally decorate the wreath with autumn leaves, acorns, nuts. Tie a ribbon to it and hang it over the door.
A summer cottage in the fall will be simply irresistible if you decorate it with pumpkin vases. Wash these vegetables, make a round cut on one side of each pumpkin with a knife and use it to spoon out the pulp with a spoon. Dry the remaining shell. Then you can pour water inside and put flowers or not fill this vessel with liquid, but place dried flowers in it.

Also, the dacha in the fall will look romantic if you create several candlesticks here. Remove the pulp from each pumpkin, dry the remaining peel. After that, you can place tall candles in the recesses and decorate the pumpkins with dried flowers, attaching them with a glue gun.

If you want to quickly make an autumn decor, then just lay out small pumpkins by placing them in a wicker basket. By the way, you can weave a basket from newspaper tubes.

If you wish, arrange them so beautifully, and place dried ears and a picture of maple leaves next to it.

To do this, take:
- Maple leaves;
- stain or dark varnish;
- rectangular plywood sheet;
- a tree branch;
- simple pencil.
Sand the plywood sheet, especially around the edges. Then you need to cover it with varnish or stain. Now, when this coating is dry, you need to draw a maple leaf with a pencil, and then start filling it with real leaves, gluing them. First you need to decorate from the edges, then gradually move to the middle.
Use a tree branch as a trunk. Place the panel on a chair, and place the autumn decor that you have prepared around it.
Such a pumpkin house looks mysteriously.

To create this splendor, you need to take a large fruit, cut off the top and remove the pulp with a knife and spoon. Using a sharp knife, scrape the outside of the skin out to make the windows and door here. Glue the artificial moss, which will play the role of small balconies, and at the top it will hide the junction of the cut lid with the pumpkin. Of course, the fruit must first be dried well inside.
Then it will be possible to install an LED candle or an electric one on batteries. The dacha in the fall will turn into a fabulous one if there are such items on it.
You can take such autumn crafts to a garden or school to impress your classmates or classmates and take first place in the competition.
While walking near your favorite hacienda, pick up acorns to help make the pre-winter dacha attractive. You will place some crafts in the house, while others you can decorate a gazebo, a fence.

Turn acorns into bunches of grapes. To do this, take:
- wire;
- awl;
- acorns without caps;
- acrylic paint;
- glue gun;
- autumn leaves.
Poke a hole in each acorn with an awl and insert pieces of wire cut into 10 cm pieces.

But first, the tip of each wire must be dipped in glue to fix it in the grooves of the acorns.
Color these blanks. Better to use paint in a spray bottle. When it dries, it remains to weave bunches of grapes from several acorns. Attach the leaves on top.
For this craft, you took acorns without hats, and for the next you will need acorns with hats.

Then you get such a frame for a photo. To do this, glue the acorns to the usual frame. And if you then plan to remove them, then you can only temporarily attach them with pieces of plasticine.
Autumn decor for giving from chestnuts
This natural material will also help to decorate the summer cottage in the fall. Make a wreath and place it over the door.

Taking a glue gun, you need to glue chestnuts, several cones, autumn leaves to the base in the form of a ring. Tie a wide ribbon on top, pass it through the ring and fix this wreath on the door.
You can also make topiary from chestnuts.

It will decorate the summer cottage outside in the fall. After all, such a product is not afraid of precipitation. But you can put this topiary in the house or on the veranda. First you need to create it. This will require:
- ceramic or other pot;
- dry gypsum;
- foam ball of the required diameter;
- chestnuts;
- acorns;
- cones;
- hot gun;
- harsh thread or twine.
To create the base for the topiary, make a hole in the foam ball the size of the diameter of the stick. Put this thread on here. But first, drip some glue into the groove. This base must dry.

Moisten the back of the branch with glue and dilute the gypsum in water according to the instructions to get the consistency of sour cream and pour this liquid into the container. Gypsum should be poured into the pot so that the top edges of 3-4 cm remain free.
Wrap the trunk with coarse thread or twine, gluing them. Using a hot gun, attach cones, chestnuts to the foam ball.
To make such elements, similar to balls, you will need to glue the thread around the chestnuts.
Glue a few turns of harsh thread to the plaster and decorate this spot with three cones.
The following tips will help you create autumn décor for your summer cottage.
How to dry flowers, pumpkins, acorns, chestnuts, mountain ash in the country?
Remember to keep your craft items dry. And for this you can use an oven heated to 60 degrees. Here you will place decorative pumpkins, acorns, chestnuts, rowan berries.
Leaves should be dried between newspapers by placing a load on top.
Ready to make pumpkin crafts out of them should sound like a rattle. When you wiggle them, the seeds inside will beat against the inner parts of the walls and rattle. And the chestnuts and acorns will become lighter, then you will understand that they are dry.
To dry the flowers, pierce the stems with a needle through which the thread is threaded. Hang this design down with flowers. Do not use oven or books to dry them. When the flowers are dry, sprinkle them with hairspray, and the petals will become denser, and the plants themselves will not crumble from the touch.
So that at this time of the year the children are not bored in the country, make crafts with them, which you can also use to decorate your hacienda.
Children's crafts to decorate the dacha

To make a turkey with such a fluffy tail, you will need to take:
- flower pot;
- eyes with pupils for dolls;
- brown paint;
- two sheets of thin foam plastic in orange and red;
- pen;
- glue.
Draw the outline of the paws and beak on the orange styrofoam with a pen, but on the red one? mouth of the future toy.

Now let the child paint the pot brown. When the paint is dry, it will glue the turkey's beak and eyes here.

Then you will need to glue the multi-colored leaves, which will become the fluffy tail of the toy. Now you can decorate a summer cottage with such a funny item in the fall.

Often hats from acorns remain from crafts, they are called pluses. Let your child help you decorate the autumn tree by creating such toys for him.

To do this, cut out circles from the fabric, fill them, collect on a thread and sew on top to make balls. You need to glue a string folded in half to each plus, and then attach the acorn cap to this ball with hot silicone or other glue. The rest of the toys are made in the same way.
Instead of balls, you can use paper or cardboard, cutting out these elements in such a way that you get such beautiful toys.

And if there are acorns, then the child will gladly paint them to get colored faces. Then you will need to use a marker to apply facial features on them.

These are acorn toys that can be made with children. These items will decorate the autumn summer cottage. They can be hung on a wooden fence, on tree branches or at home.
Arrange a puppet theater for your child, making the main characters from chestnuts. Together with you, the kid will glue eyes, a nose made of plasticine to these elements of natural material, and make hats for these funny birds out of plus caps.

And you can make snails from plasticine and chestnuts. If you also use matches, then with their help you will connect the chestnuts to make a fawn.

If you roll a ball out of white and black plasticine, you get a penguin's head. Glue it to the bottom of the inverted bump. Using plasticine, attach two black paper wings. Make paws, a nose, attach loops to hang these funny birds, and spend autumn with them in the country.

Play with the kids by creating funny gnomes. Use wooden beads for the head. Glue them to the thin end of the bumps or attach with plasticine. From felt you need to sew a cap and a scarf, as well as mittens. Put it all on the figurines.

To make autumn joyful in the country, make a bouquet of cones. To do this, color each one, glue the stems made from painted wooden skewers, and set the flowers in a vase.

And if you want to see in more detail how to make such flowers, then check out the object lesson.

And how else you can decorate the autumn cottage, it will be clear from the next video.