The appearance of the Kyrgyz wolfhound, appearance, character, health, how to look after: walking, which includes diet, training, interesting facts. The price of the puppies. Kyrgyz wolfhounds debit (kirghiz wolfhound) are very unique. Not so long ago, they were common throughout Kyrgyzstan. They are very hardy, loyal and brave dogs. Now, debits are on the verge of extinction due to a change in the lifestyle of the people of Kyrgyzstan. But the Kyrgyz are not giving up. They love their national breed and are trying to revive it.
The emergence of the Kyrgyz wolfhound breed

Debit, this is the livestock guard. Since ancient times, the Kyrgyz have survived at the expense of cattle breeding. Therefore, the Kyrgyz wolfhound is an irreplaceable assistant for the cattle breeders of Kyrgyzstan. This is a brave dog and can single-handedly confront such a dangerous predator as a wolf.
The Turkmen wolfhounds and Kyrgyz debits are in a fairly close relationship. These breeds are varieties of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. They were used to guard sheep. Only Turkmen four-legged shepherds worked in the valleys, and debits in the mountains. Mountains are their native element. This is understandable even from the name "debe" means the top, and "it" means a dog. This is how the name of the Kyrgyz wolfhound breed can be translated.
The first mention of these dogs dates back to the second century BC. Chinese researchers, describing Lake Issyk-Kul, which they called the warm sea, mention just such dogs. In all likelihood, these were the ancestors of the Kyrgyz wolfhounds.
According to various unofficial data, there are several hundred such dogs on the territory of the republic. There is no information about their availability outside the country. In the thirties of the last century, a significant event took place. The breed was officially recognized as the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.
On the one hand, of course, it was the success of the Soviet cynology. On the other hand, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed almost at once killed all national breeds in Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Because in each of these republics, there was and remains its own branch of wolfhounds, those dogs that we now, by mistake, collectively call the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs.
In the USSR, they really did not like to recognize national breeds. For example, all the shepherd dogs of the Caucasus, as well as the Central Asian ones, were combined into one breed. Hence the confusion, both with the exterior and with the names. One of the names of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and the Kyrgyz wolfhound, including "Alabay". It should be noted that this name is not officially assigned to the breed in any country. “Ala” in translation from Turkic means black-and-white or color. "Bai" is rich.
Black debits, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, are found in the highlands. In the midlands and plains, these are light-colored dogs. The lightweight type of Kyrgyz wolfhounds is called "magpie". It was widespread here several decades ago. "Sarah" is a redhead, "kanchik" is a bitch. Dog handlers say a bitchy, lightweight type. The first description of the Kyrgyz wolfhound was made in the twenties, XX century, by the Soviet biologist Izrailevich. For a long time, only specialists knew about the existence of these dogs. The study of the breed was greatly hampered by the privacy of the places where the debits lived. Now there are very few of them in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan. And in the south, national, workers' debits were preserved only among the shepherds. From early spring to late autumn, pastoralists roam the mountains and it is not easy to contact them.
The modern debit is the descendant of all dogs that have witnessed the entire history of Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz wolfhound, a legendary character in the history of the nomadic world, was on the verge of extinction in the era of settled life. We could lose this wonderful, courageous and loyal dog with all our hearts.
The thing is that in the seventies and eighties they tried in every possible way to get rid of them. These dogs were believed to be carriers of rabies. But, time put everything in its place. Lovers of their national breed and patriots of Kyrgyzstan are doing their best to preserve this beautiful breed. As long as there are such people, you can be sure that a great future awaits for debit.
These dogs faithfully served their owners, but at some point, people imagined that they could do without their help. It is good that now traditions and common sense have taken over, and after decades of oblivion, the Kyrgyz wolfhound is being revived.
Description of the appearance of the Kyrgyz wolfhound

Debit - large, powerful, dog, coarse and bony build with thick hair. The height at the withers in males is 69–76 cm; in females, 65–68 cm. The weight of males is 45–70 kg and bitches are 40–59 kg.
- Head imposing appearance, large, but proportional. Broad and flat in the skull. The occipital protuberance and superciliary arches are manifested. Cheekbones are embossed.
- Muzzle good volume, rectangular shape, ends with a blunt cut. The bridge of the nose is wide. The stop is not very pronounced. The lips are full and tight. Jaws and teeth, powerful. The bite is like scissors.
- Nose - large, with wide nostrils, black or with thickening of black pigment towards the edge.
- Eyes Kyrgyz wolfhounds are not very wide planted, medium, oval. The eyelids are slightly loose. Corneal color is light or dark brown.
- Ears Set on low, of medium size, drooping, triangular. They prefer to cut them short.
- Neck the debit is placed on the middle level, short, muscular. A slight dewlap is possible. The withers are well developed.
- Frame - muscular, imposing and strong. The rib cage is very developed. The back is strong and broad. The loin is voluminous. The croup is muscular, slightly raised. The bottom line is tucked up slightly.
- Tail - begins to grow low, saber-shaped. It is often stopped.
- Front limbs - Strong, muscular and parallel. The hind ones in the Kyrgyz wolfhound are powerful, with wide, muscular hips.
- Paws - large, oval.
- Coat dense, straight and coarse guard hair structure. The undercoat is dense and soft. There are debits with long, medium and short hair.
- Color. Black, white, gray, brown, red, fawn, as well as brindle, piebald or speckled dogs are widespread.
Typical behavior of the Kyrgyz wolfhound

There is a misconception that a real wolfhound should vomit everyone and everything - nothing like that. Wolfhounds are always quite calm about humans. They can show aggression towards their own kind, towards the wolf. But violent and undisguised aggression towards a stranger, these dogs are not characteristic, for the most part in the overwhelming majority. They are very calm and balanced dogs. They refer to people with an open heart.
Debit is very obedient, although he prefers to live his own mind and rarely comes into contact with a person. As a rule, the shepherd communicates with wolfhounds with gestures or short phrases. The shepherd travels several kilometers a day, together with his flock. True, a person is at the same time in the saddle on a horse, but the debit can only rely on his paws. Despite the fact that these are large dogs, they do not lag behind the horse a single step, even when galloping. You are amazed at how fast these "colossus" move.
Kyrgyz wolfhound dog health

In the selection of debits, the person did not interfere. Their working conditions and natural factors created good health in these dogs. Their average life span is not as short as for large dogs, it is twelve to fourteen years. Therefore, they rarely develop genetic diseases. Very often they have acquired diseases from improper cultivation.
This is, first of all, improper feeding. This is when people, acquiring a small puppy, feed him once or twice a day. Proper nutrition should include all the composition of substances that a dog needs at a certain stage of its development. The dog's diet must be provided rationally and in full.
A puppy at two months old should eat five times a day. By six months, you have removed one feed, and so on. Plus, the mandatory presence of vitamins, minerals, glucosamines and chondroetins, so that the animal's body can properly build bone and muscle tissue, tendons, cartilage, and so on. The Kyrgyz wolfhound is heavy, bony, and that is why such drugs are needed.
Do not keep your puppy in an apartment with slippery surfaces such as laminate or linoleum. The paws of the animal begin to move, the dog cannot move normally. Because of this, there are irreversible changes in the joints, which affects the posture of the limbs. The Kyrgyz wolfhound should walk and move exactly as much as it should be at this age. Also, small puppies or teenage dogs fall on slippery floors and can get a dislocated hip, which develops into hip dysplasia with age. It is precisely from such factors that debit should be protected.
With age, some wolfhounds have poor eyesight. In most cases, this is due to cataracts. With this disease, the lens becomes cloudy, and the dog begins to see poorly. This problem can be solved by resorting to cosmetic surgery. It is carried out quickly enough and very soon the sight returns to the dog.
How to care for a Kyrgyz wolfhound?

- Wool Kyrgyz wolfhounds have a thick undercoat. Abundant molting occurs twice a year, and can last a month. Therefore, if you want to help the dog quickly change the old "coat" for a new one, during this period, give him your time and attention. A dog that sheds naturally does not look very attractive. Regular combing will make the dog look handsome. A slicker or furminator is suitable for manipulation. More attention should be paid to combing the hair on the tail, in the areas of the pet's neck, lower abdomen and on the thighs. In these places, the coat changes the longest. It is extremely rare to bathe Kyrgyz wolfhounds, because they are not apartment pets. Shampoo should be chosen according to the type of coat. Before soaping, dilute the shampoo with water, and then rinse it off very well. Debit is best dried indoors.
- Teeth Kyrgyz wolfhounds are strong, but cleaning at least once a week will not hurt them. For this procedure, you need to buy a flavoring paste that will interest your pet. It is applied to a soft silicone brush. You can clean the dentition with activated carbon, after wetting it and rubbing your teeth. It is very useful for the teeth, letting the dog gnaw on the veins and cartilage.
- Ears debits of the natural form are cleared more often than cropped ones. Inside the hanging ears, hair can be trimmed or plucked. External cuts on the cartilage of the ear must be disinfected and anointed with healing ointment.
- Eyes Kyrgyz wolfhounds have loose eyelids. Therefore, they need to be checked regularly so that dust or plant particles get there. All mechanical damage is treated by a veterinarian ophthalmologist.
- Claws pet are shortened during regrowth. But dogs that move a lot on hard surfaces do not need such manipulation. Because they grind them down themselves. Claws are trimmed with claws or cut with a file.
- Feeding Kyrgyz wolfhounds greatly affect their well-being and formation. These dogs grow up late and good nutrition is a very important aspect in their life. If you cannot fully feed the dog, then do not start it at all. Small puppies eat five times a day, and by six months already four, by nine - three. Feeding an adult herd two to three times a day, because it is divided into subgroups. Bitches during estrus, gestation or lactation should eat three meals a day. Tripe is ideal for the Kyrgyz wolfhound. This is the so-called scar and mesh. There is a little protein in this meat, which can cause allergies. You can give raw beef, which is also very healthy. Groats, vegetables should be few. Also, sometimes you need to give raw eggs and not fatty cottage cheese. With natural feeding, fish oil, vitamins, minerals, glucosamine and chondroprotectors are added, especially during the period of active growth. You can also feed the dog with ready-made dry food, but it should be for large dogs. Its composition supports the ligaments and skeletal system of heavy animals. The dosage of the portion is indicated on the back of the package. With such a diet, a pet should always have free access to water.
- Walking Kyrgyz wolfhounds must correspond to their age and purpose. They cannot be kept in the apartment. On private land, the debit must have access to free range. That is, a fenced-in area where the dog can leave his enclosure whenever he wants. And, in general, these dogs should help herd sheep. These animals are not realized if they are not in the form and mood that is inherent in them.
Kyrgyz wolfhound training
Education for debit is of the utmost importance. The dog builds his life, obeying the hierarchical ladder, putting someone above himself, and someone below. The owner is the leader, and all family members, if possible, should be taller than the pet. There are several age criteria for upbringing.
The first training takes place as soon as the puppy gets into the owner's house. The owner sets his own criteria for behavior in the house and outside. For example, in an apartment there is a place for a dog, where it can rest, eat, and so on. On the street, the dog must obey and walk on a leash only where its owner needs it. A man, with the help of a leash, can control the dog.
The most optimal start to special classes is four to six months. The puppy has already grown up, has adapted, is familiar with the world around him and is ready to perceive and memorize the information that he will receive during training. First, there is a general course in obedience. And, only then the program for protection and protection.
Many owners are mistaken, believing that debit does not need to be taught anything, and all the qualities from birth are already embedded in it. Yes, the dog has the makings. But in order for her to know what to do in this or that case, she needs to be shown it.
Interesting facts about the Kyrgyz wolfhound
The canons of Islam, which are also adhered to in Kyrgyzstan, classify a dog as an unclean animal. But, the Quran says that a person is obliged to do good to everyone who is in his hands. The duty of a legitimate Muslim is to treat all living things and dogs well, including. All living creatures of Allah are a part of him and each animal has its own purpose in this world. The cruel attitude of a person towards each of them entails an answer to Allah, on the day of judgment.
The Kyrgyz treat and respect not only debits, but other animals as well. Horses and wolfhounds in Kyrgyzstan are taught to each other literally from birth. In no case should a debit show aggression towards a person's first assistant. Well, the horse should be completely calm, in turn, refers to the Kyrgyz wolfhound. A dog is a faithful helper and best friend, and a horse, as the Kyrgyz say, is a person's wings.
Price of Kyrgyz wolfhound puppies
A person should take a responsible approach to purchasing a debit puppy and know what he wants, what he can give to the dog. He must treat her growing and feeding correctly, constantly consult with breeders. The owner is obliged to devote the right amount of time to the wolfhound: communication, walks, training with an instructor. Such dogs are found only on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The price for a puppy is $ 300-500.
For more information on the Kyrgyz wolkodav, see the video below: