The appearance of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound, appearance, characteristic behavior and his health, how to look after: walking, diet, training. Puppy price. Buryat Mongolian wolfhounds hotosho are considered sacred animals in their homeland. They are calm and calm in any situation - even if manna from heaven falls from heaven. But, sometimes dogs still remind others that they are vigilant, guard dogs. Some incredible power emanates from the hotosho. They do not come across as frightening animals, but even from afar they can force themselves to be respected. Dogs fascinate with their philosophically human attitude to life. They are dreamers and wonderful helpers for people. They cannot be approached as companion dogs, they are real campaigners.
The emergence of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound breed

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds or buryat-Mongolian wolfhound were bred exclusively in Buddhist monasteries. Of course, they performed some kind of security function, but the most important thing was different. These dogs have tan markings above the eye sockets - yellow eyebrows. Buddhists still believe that this is another pair of eyes that allows you to see through a person.
Such a dog can determine whether a person is good or bad. The Zoroastrians also had great respect for dogs, which had a so-called second pair of eyes. They believed that even if the dog is asleep, it still sees what is happening around. There was one more belief. When a person was dying, a dog was allowed to his body, which lay down beside and did not let evil spirits near the deceased.
The remains of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds were discovered during excavations of the Hunskoye settlement. This is the Ivolginsky region of Buryatia. These findings confirm that the khotosho are even more ancient than the Tibetan mastiffs.
The indigenous Buryat line of canines was widespread in the territory of Buryatia. Buryat dogs never grazed sheep, mostly they guarded the house. Among the Buryats, it was considered a bad omen if a dog grazed sheep. People said that then, male power would leave the clan. Such dogs are distinguished by their economy, because they left the house and children on them, in addition, they have serious protective working qualities.
Mongolian dogs are very similar to Buryat dogs. Because in the thirties of the last century, the Shenehen Buryats left that territory of China, to Inner Mongolia and naturally took their beloved dogs with them.
We owe the revival of the hotosho to the childhood dream of Nikolai Batov. His grandfather was returning from the Austrian captivity, having gone through the First World War. Approaching his native Verkhneudinsk, as Ulan-Ude was formerly called, wolves attacked it. He was saved by a huge black dog with yellow eyebrows. This story was told to little Kolya Batov by his mother. Grandfather died at the front of the Great Patriotic War. Nikolay decided to resurrect the dog of his childhood dream and imagine, he did it!
For the restoration of the breed line of these dogs, people need to be grateful to Marika Teregulova and Nikolai Batov. If not for these two people and many of their associates and followers, we would never have seen hotosho. After all, this breed was considered almost extinct, lost. The painstaking work of these people brought excellent results.
This dog has many names. It is called "durben nyudetei hara nohoy" in translation from Buryat - a black dog with four eyes. It is also called the "dog of the Huns", but the correct name is "hotosho" or "hotche", which means it is a yard wolf.
Once upon a time, in ancient times, it was these dogs that looked after, guarded, and, if necessary, nursed children. The men grazed cattle or went hunting. The women were engaged in household chores, and hotosho made sure that the children did not go beyond the boundaries of the territory they could see. If the fool was flirting, then the dog would come up to him and gently nudge him back towards his home. This is probably why the people of Buryatia at the genetic level have a respectful and even tender attitude towards these furry giants.
Description of the appearance of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Khotosho is a primitive, large, powerful, strong, bony dog, of a rude build. The height at the withers in males is 70–75 cm, in bitches is 66–69 cm. The weight of males is 47–66 kg and bitches are 42–56 kg.
- Head - proportional to the body, rather large. The skull is enlarged. The bump on the back of the head and the arches above the eyebrows are from personally manifested. Cheekbones are embossed. The forehead is flat.
- Muzzle - developed in volume, rectangular, but shorter than the head, with a blunt ending. The bridge of the nose is wide. The stop is short. The lips are full and tight. Jaws and teeth, powerful. The bite is like scissors.
- Nose - large, wide, always only black.
- Eyes the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is not large, oval. The eyelids are not tight. Amber or brown shades are desirable.
- Ears set on neither high nor low, of medium size, triangular hanging on slightly raised cartilage.
- Neck - not tall, with powerful muscles and slight dewlap. The withers are well developed.
- Frame - massive with well-developed relief muscles. The ribcage is very developed, well descended and protruding forward. The back is well muscled. The loin is of moderate length, slightly protruding. The croup is muscular. The bottom line is stretched slightly.
- Tail - begins to grow high, twisted like a sickle.
- Front limbs - of strong build, muscular and parallel. The hind legs of the hotosho have a wider stance than the front ones, with wide, muscular thighs.
- Paws - large, oval, with membranes.
- Coat - dense, straight and coarse guard hair structure. The undercoat is dense and soft. Hotosho can be long-haired, semi-long-haired and short-haired.
- Color - widespread black and tan. They can be black, brown, zone-colored gray, red, fawn, copper-red, fiery red.
Typical behavior of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Khotosho are unusual dogs. At first glance, it may seem that they have an evil, quarrelsome character, but this is completely wrong. An uninformed person may think that this wolfhound is slow-witted. Nothing of the kind, the Buryat-Mongol has brains, God forbid, every dog, and not only.
But the mobility and jumping ability of these heavyweights is delightful. This huge dog moves very easily and quickly. And how they love to play! Khotosho has a very strong nervous system. The dog knows how to establish clear boundaries, through which no one dares to overstep. "Buryats" are not inclined to sort things out with their teeth.
Khotosho breeders say that these dogs need to be very carefully introduced to the world around them. On the one hand, they need to show new people, dogs, that is, they need to socialize.
On the other hand, you need to do it carefully and slowly, because these are dogs of late adulthood. They cannot take in information as quickly as, for example, the German Shepherd. And this must also be taken into account.
Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound, like plasticine. It easily fits into the shape that the owner wants to give it. They feel great with their families and when kept on the street. Dogs are not intrusive, but responsive to affection and attention.
Health of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Khotosho, these are primitive dogs, roaming for centuries with tribes of people, they have a very ancient ancestor. Consequently, nature has worked on their natural selection and the creation of good health. In addition, for their size, these animals are centenarians. There are individuals that have lived for fourteen and sixteen years. Therefore, they practically do not have hereditarily transmitted diseases, and if they occur, then it is extremely rare.
The most common diseases that are common in heavy canines are hip dysplasia. For the timely detection of the disease, the pet should be regularly examined by a veterinarian. The dog is first examined tactilely, and then an X-ray examination is prescribed, which helps to determine an accurate diagnosis. From the degree of dysplasia, procedures are prescribed. With a mild course, the doctor will prescribe a therapeutic treatment. It consists in taking internal and external medications, massage and other physiotherapeutic procedures. Severe stages of dysplasia are treated first with a surgical operation, and then therapeutically. As a rule, such dogs cannot be completely cured, and they are by no means knitted. In this way, it is possible to meet less often hip dysplasia in future litters.
Since the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is a very late-growing dog, he needs careful and careful care. First, nutrition is essential. Not only its composition, but also the regularity of food and portions. Lack of vitamins and minerals affects the poor formation of the skeleton and internal organs. An overfed animal will gain weight. Due to its presence, limbs can be deformed. Excessive physical exertion has a very bad effect on the dog's body. All these factors will affect not only health, but also hotosho's exterior.
Remember that large dogs, including the Buryat Mongolian wolfhound, are prone to indigestion. Therefore, the most important rules are: do not feed the dog before the walk, do not give him plenty of drink after the walk, and portions of food should not be excessive.
As the dog ages, it may develop vision problems. Basically, this is a clouding of the lens - a cataract. This defect is eliminated by surgical intervention and after a while the animal sees perfectly.
Lifetime vaccination of the dog is important, which protects it from many diseases. Also, regular treatment for fleas, ticks and worms will prevent many troubles.
How to care for the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound?

- Wool khotosho thick. These dogs molt twice a year, from two weeks to a month. Therefore, the pet, during this period, requires increased attention from its owner. Of course, the dog can shed itself, but at this time, it will have an unsightly appearance, and when kept at home, leave a lot of hair in the apartment. It's up to you to decide, but it is better to regularly comb the dog until the molt is over. The Buryat Mongolian wolfhound will feel better and look good accordingly. You can purchase a slicker for the procedure. But, it is not as effective as the furminator, which copes with this task faster. Such a tool captures a much larger number of fallen hairs without damaging new ones. More often it is necessary to comb out the hair on the tail, neck along the lower abdomen and on the thighs of the animal. Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds need to be bathed more often if they live in an apartment, about two or three times a month. The shampoo is chosen according to the type of coat hotosho. Its concentration must be diluted with water. Do not use undiluted detergent concentrate. You will upset the PH balance of the skin and the dog will develop irritation and dandruff. All soap products must be thoroughly washed off.
- Teeth must be cleaned regularly. Soft brushes and flavoring pastes will help you with this manipulation. As a preventive measure, let your dog chew on specially designed bones and toys. Natural bones and sticks of trees, it is strictly forbidden to give. The dog not only grinds the enamel of its teeth on them, but can clog the intestines with them and even damage the walls of the stomach.
- Ears hanging molds are often cleaned due to their poor ventilation. In addition, thick hair grows inside the ear of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound. For better ventilation, the auricle can be trimmed or plucked out. All external damage to the cartilage of the ear is disinfected and smeared with herbal ointment, which heals wounds well.
- Eyes Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds have slightly drooping lower eyelids. Therefore, dust or foreign particles get into them faster. It is required to inspect them regularly and wipe them if necessary. If mechanical damage is found, immediately take the dog to the veterinary clinic to an ophthalmologist.
- Claws the animal must be regularly shortened when their length grows longer than it should be. Some dogs do not need such manipulation, since they grind them themselves on hard surfaces, moving around a lot. Claws are cut with claws. They can be cut with a file or a coarse file.
- Feeding Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds depend on the preferences and capabilities of their owners. Of course, if you do not have enough funds for a full-fledged hotosho nutrition, then it is better not to start it at all. After all, how a dog eats, so it feels and looks accordingly. Only by looking at the condition of the pet's coat, you can determine whether the dog is receiving full-fledged foods. If you want to feed your dog with natural food, then the daily rate of meat per day should be from eight hundred grams to one and a half kilograms, if it is a large dog. Khotosho meat is not boiled or fried, it must be raw (scalded or frozen). The rate of admixture of cereals, no more than two hundred grams. All cereals must be cooked. A couple of times a week, you can pamper your dog with a raw egg and not fatty cottage cheese. Natural feeding requires mixing a tablespoon of fish oil into the food, and a separate intake of vitamins and minerals.
- Walking hotosho apartment maintenance, should be at least one hour, twice a day. On the street, dogs love to run and play. Therefore, give them a sizeable dog company to play with. “Buryats” living outside the city should have space for free walking.
Training of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

When teaching hotosho, it is better to use the "carrot" method than the "stick" method. In the modern world, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound has the appointment of a guard and guard dog. Also, the representatives of the breed are wonderful companions and bodyguards. Their highly sensitive sense of smell and good intuition are great for finding missing people in extreme circumstances. Buryats and Mongols often use these dogs even for hunting.
Interesting facts about the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Khotosho very late form physically and psychologically. Males mature later than bitches, only by the age of five or six. And bitches, by virtue of their reproductive function, "bloom" earlier, by the age of three or four years of age.
The appearance of the representatives of the breed takes on different features depending on the color of the coat. Therefore, they are somewhat similar to the Newfoundland, Bernese Mountain Dog and Labrador. But, if you look at the animal, in general, then not only in the coloring of its "coat" manifests its diversity. Khotosho is independent like a Caucasian, a water lover like a Newfoundland, and playful like a Labrador.
There is a wonderful work by the writer Boris Kostyukovsky, entitled "A Trip to the Sun", about the life of the Buryat boy Andreika. In this story, it is also written about the Buryat-Mongolian wolf-dog, who has been taking care of Andreika since the age of four, and the description ends when the boy goes to school. His four-legged friend accompanies this boy everywhere, nurses, protects. Once, in a blizzard, he even saves his life. The dog covers the boy from the snow and leads him to the people.
Price of Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound puppies

The best nurseries in Buryatia. The price of a puppy is $ 900-1500. More information about the breed is presented below: