Characteristics of the Majorero Canario breed

Characteristics of the Majorero Canario breed
Characteristics of the Majorero Canario breed

Historical data about the Majorero Canario breed, appearance, character traits and her health, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. In addition to their slender stature, activity, courage and speed, they have a wonderful and rare instinct that will allow them to recognize the true intentions of people. They sense the villain at a distance and understand the worthy person. Only in such a master do they see the authority of the head of the pack, and only to him do they obey: they fight for his safety, protect and idolize. The pet knows exactly how it can acquire the love of its owner, but not everyone can control it. A serious dog does not mean angry.

Historical data on the Majorero Canario breed

Muzzle majorero canario
Muzzle majorero canario

They lived in isolation for centuries and had to guard the herds. There are no predators in Tenerife. Wolves, foxes and bears are not found here. There are only rabbits. So from whom should Majorero protect the livestock and property of their owners? Naturally, from thieving people.

Only three things are known for certain about these dogs. The first is canines. Second, they have been living on the Canary Islands for a very long time - several millennia. Third, that the breed was the basis for the Canary mastiff. Of course, other bloods were mixed, but only Majorero was the progenitor. Their genes gave Preso Canario power, strength, endurance and unique color.

It is very difficult to establish contact with them. These are dogs of late adulthood. The most important thing in communicating with them is patience. The pet must clearly understand what they want from him and then he will reciprocate you. How to properly communicate with such canines? You need to make it clear that you are not a threat.

Allow yourself to be sniffed, while the owner should in no case pull on the leash, but hold it by the very end and never pull. Take your time to break the distance between yourself and the dog. Then, as if casually touch it, lightly stroke it. After some time, it will be possible to communicate closely. And then the dog will show itself as a hospitable, welcoming host. But in no case should you cross the line that was marked for you when you met.

The first description of these dogs was made by the ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder. It was written down from the words of the Moors. At the very beginning of the new era, they sailed to the Canary Islands and found there a local population who called themselves the Guanches. They were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and helped them in this Majorero.

Berbers said they were huge, ferocious dogs with fluid, feline movements. Several puppies were donated to them to establish diplomatic relations. King Fugue II really liked the animals presented to him. That is why he called these islands - dog islands. After this period, no one heard anything about these dogs.

In 1404, Jean de Bettencourt attempted to seize the islands of the Canary archipelago. In Tenerife, he faced certain problems, but nevertheless, the territory was conquered. He is considered the first European ruler of these lands. It is not clear why, roofing felts because of an unusual color, or a serious nature, but the knight liked the Majoreiro very much. He put their images on his family coat of arms.

The family of these noble people left a mark in Russian history. Augustine Avgustinovich Betancourt, at the age of fifty, was invited by Emperor Alexander I to serve on the Russian throne. He was an outstanding engineer. According to his project, a railway was built from St. Petersburg to Moscow. A large number of bridges were erected in the capital cities of the Russian Empire.

He was also the initiator of the creation of the first railway institute, which opened in 1810. Interestingly, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, Betancourt arrived in Russia accompanied by an unusual feisty dog, which he brought from his historical homeland, from the island of Tenerife. The dog of the Majoreiro breed was brought to Russia by this very man.

In the 15th century, the aforementioned islands were given to the Crown of Castile. Castile is part of Spain. And the Spaniards, not only love dogs, but work great with them. So, for this reason, they, too, could not pass by the colorful island dogs.

These dogs were surrounded by tales of fairy tales and legends. One of them says that the first Guanches came to their god, who lived on a high mountain and said: “Help us survive in such harsh conditions. There is nothing here but the ocean and rocks. Tell me what to do? God was not verbose. Silently he held out the little puppy, which the islander took in his arms. This was the first Majorero.

Outside their homeland, almost no one knows about these dogs. In Russian-language cynological publications, they are referred to as mahorero or majorero. This name comes from the name of the area on the island of Fuerteventura and has a meaning - the dog of the locals. But in Tenerife, animals are more referred to as "verdino", that is, greenish, because of the shade of their coat.

Dogs try to stick together because of a highly developed schooling instinct. In their natural habitat, on banana plantations or some allotments, they are never kept one at a time. The dogs constantly go around their territory, making sure that no outsider crosses its border. Animals are entirely focused on their owners. As the owner said, so be it. If he behaves openly and friendly with the guest, then the Majoreiro will never show aggression towards him.

They have been studied very little. On the mainland, there are only a few individuals. Outside the Canary archipelago, they are practically unknown. It is impossible to imagine Tenerife without this living history, just like without its rich nature and local population.

Description of the external standard Majorero Canario

Exterior view of Majorro Canario
Exterior view of Majorro Canario

Majorero Canario, a slightly above average dog. Square format, has smoothed body parameters and a mesomorphic constitution. She has a strong, wide neck that is out of proportion to the head, which gives a stronger and more grasping bite. A voluminous, developed chest allows the animal to be very hardy, doing without heat and water for a long time.

Sociable, active, with soft smooth movements, which makes it possible to perfectly adapt to the specifics of the mountainous terrain. Used for security purposes and livestock grazing. They remain vigilant and alert, all the time controlling what surrounds them.

The height at the withers in males is from 57 to 63 cm, and in females from 55 to 61 cm. A variation is allowed, plus or minus 2 cm. Males weigh from 30 to 45 kg, females from 25 to 35 kg.

  • Head has the shape of a cone. The upper longitudinal axes of the skull and muzzle are slightly inclined. The occipital protuberance is convex. The frontal groove is pronounced. The cheeks are smooth, the skin is close to the bone.
  • Muzzle Majorero Canario is slightly smaller than the skull. Pointed profile. The line of the nose, together with the head, forms a conical shape. Transition from forehead to muzzle, not manifested. The flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. The lips are dry, thin, dark-pigmented. Scissor bite. A straight line is allowed, but it is not desirable, because it leads to abrasion of the teeth.
  • Nose wide, black, slightly curved inward.
  • Eyes medium rise, rather small, oval in size. The cornea is colored in hazelnut or almond in flower shades, from yellow to dark brown. A pigmented outline is allowed, usually in black and gray.
  • Ears laid back, set high, located above eye level. They are of irregular triangular shape, hanging. From base to end, characteristically folded, with the auricle visible. They are double curved: adjacent to the base of the skull, slightly folded.
  • Neck - a feature of the Majorero. It is powerful, strongly muscular, conical or triangular in shape. The topline is straight, without bending, forming an almost oblique line with the chest. In length, in relation to the body, it is rather short. Its width starts from the base of the head. Has a tight-fitting skin, no dewlap.
  • Frame strong, compact, almost square, slightly longer than wider. The topline is slightly raised towards the slightly sloping croup. The back is straight, well muscled. The loin is strong. The rib cage is wide, voluminous, about 14 cm in males, and 13 cm in females. The lower abdomen is somewhat rounded, not flabby, slightly tucked up. The ribs are set rather high, rounded.
  • Tail medium rise. It is customary to stop its tip at a distance of no more than two to three centimeters. Feathered along the bottom edge. When moving, the dog dodges them.
  • Front limbs erect, look a little shorter in relation to the body, so that it appears more rectangular. The shoulders are muscular; form an open corner. More are tilted back. The elbows are close to the body. The forearms are straight and well muscled. The hind legs are straight, well standing, with wide angles. The angle of the hock joint is about 140 degrees. The hocks are not very low. The thighs are strong and well developed. Running Majoreiro is elegant, straight trot, no lateral hesitation. When chasing prey, they quickly gain speed. They move well on uneven surfaces thanks to their soft gait and strong, open toes. His gait is smooth, relaxed. Excellent jumping ability, which is of vital importance in the typical, local relief of the volcanic island.
  • Paws feline, with rounded toes that are not very close together. The pads are well developed, black. Another feature of these dogs are single or double dewclaws on their hind legs.
  • Coat smooth, neither too short nor long, with a rather thick undercoat. Soft to the touch, has a slight sheen. The skin is thick and well taut. Longer guard hairs located at the bottom of the tail, back of the thighs and in the neck. In the rest of the body, the coat is more evenly distributed.
  • Color the color of volcanic lava, with black, red, light beige or tiger veins. They can be either well-defined or smoother. White markings are allowed on the coat. The main color of the hairline is deep black with a greenish tint. There may be a black or dark brown mask on the face. Colors not allowed: black, without any stripes; white spots on the sides and back.

Characteristics of the character of Majorero Canario

Majorero canario muzzle
Majorero canario muzzle

Professional dog handlers of the Canary Islands say that it is almost impossible for a stranger to make friends with them. And you can even not think about lying around and fooling around. But these vicious and suspicious dogs, at heart, are the same as all other dogs. More than anything, they dream of a friend.

Their character is calm, balanced and alert. As a herding dog, they have a little hunting instinct. If you compare them with other domestic dogs, then of course, they are mostly more open and friendly. Majorero, the dog is not for beginners. For those who have never had a dog in their life, it is better to get a "bug". It requires consistent and competent teaching. In a relationship with an owner, the dog must feel the owner's authority. Only then will she love him, obey and obey. If you are recognized, then completely from the nose, to the tip of the tail, they will be under your command.

Health of the Majorero Canario breed

Majorero canario on a walk
Majorero canario on a walk

Majorero Canario dogs are aboriginal, they were created by nature, and the human hand practically did not interfere in their selection. Therefore, they have a strong immune system. They practically do not get sick. But in order for a dog to remain vigorous and healthy all its life, they need to be properly raised and adequately maintained.

First, it is a balanced diet. Secondly, physical activity in the right proportion. Do not forget about the year-round treatment from external and internal parasites, which, oh, how bother the animals. Vaccinations will also be of great importance. Until the age of one year, they need to be made three, and then, throughout the life of the pet, once a year.

Care Tips for Majorero Canario

Majorero canario stands
Majorero canario stands
  1. Wool need to be periodically combed out with a special comb. During the molting period, manipulation is carried out more often. They are bathed only as they become dirty, with the help of typed shampoos. Be sure to dilute the chemical, otherwise your pet may have dandruff.
  2. Ears checked and cleaned if necessary. This is not difficult to do. Apply the lotion inside the auricle, massage and wipe off excess.
  3. Eyes - do not require special care. If you wipe, then do it correctly, towards the inner corner.
  4. Teeth it is better not to ignore and brush once a month, using a flavoring paste and a special brush for dogs. Give at least cartilage and hard veins of animals for the prevention of dental plaque.
  5. Claws if necessary, it is imperative to cut with the help of special scissors for dogs.
  6. Feeding Majorero should primarily consist of lean meat (beef, lamb, goat meat, chicken, turkey) and offal (heart, lungs, liver). The rest of the diet includes cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), vegetables (carrots), dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), and eggs. In addition, additional vitamins and minerals should be given. Of course, you don't have to bother with cooking, and feed your pet with dry concentrate, which includes everything you need for the well-coordinated work of the body.
  7. Walking should be at least three times, an hour. In general, the maintenance of these animals implies private grounds so that the dog can fulfill its purpose. When they serve a person, they will be cheerful, healthy and happy for a long time.

Dog training

Majorero canario on a leash
Majorero canario on a leash

Majorero Canario, require a consistent and strict upbringing. They should feel the authority in you, or rather, you must be able to show it and deserve it. Also, the pet needs to be interested so that he wants to learn and obey. By force and cruelty, you will not achieve this. Only by persistence of character, affection and tasty encouragement can you achieve success.

Interesting facts about Majorero Canario

Eyes and nose of majorero canario
Eyes and nose of majorero canario

In the Canary Islands, in one of the villages, a shepherd grazing goats from Majorero, fell from a high cliff and crashed. Rescuers wanted to take the body, but those dogs who worked with him came and lay down next to him. For a long time they could not bear it, because the animals reasoned differently. They thought that if the owner says nothing, then he needs to be protected.

It is customary to stop the very tip of their tail at a distance of no more than two to three centimeters. This is not a whim, it has always been done that way. Dogs that do not have their tail trimmed are much weaker. They get sick more often. Another feature of the species are single or double dewclaws on the hind legs. This is considered a very ancient sign.

Purchase of Majorero Canario puppy

Canary mastiff puppy
Canary mastiff puppy

For inexperienced people, they are not suitable. You will only get big problems on your head, not knowing how to turn into animals. And those who know how to establish contact and contribute to the control of the pet, in the future, will be very happy with it. You can buy Majorero Canario only in the Canary Islands. Therefore, first you will need to establish contact with breeders via the Internet.

You need to ask about all the necessary documents, conditions of keeping puppies, vaccinations. Be sure to check out your future friend on Skype. Check the price of a pet. You can only recognize her in a personal conversation. Having decided on the choice to book a puppy, make a prepayment.

For more details about Majorro Canario, see this video: