Danbo cheese: benefits, harms, recipes

Danbo cheese: benefits, harms, recipes
Danbo cheese: benefits, harms, recipes

Features of Danbo cheese production, description, composition and energy value. Benefits when consumed and negative effects when overeating. Recipes and history of the variety.

Danbo is a semi-hard washed Danish cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. It is produced in several varieties with different aging periods, but the variety is presented on the international market as Danbo Elbo. Texture - soft, springy; in the pulp there are many eyes the size of peanut grains, caraway grains are added for piquancy; color - from ivory to light yellow; taste - nutty, creamy, buttery; the smell is milky, pronounced with sourness. Natural crust - dry, smooth, ocher color, after aging, covered with white mold. It is produced in rectangular blocks of arbitrary sizes weighing 7-9 kg.

How is Danbo cheese made?

Danbo cheese heads on racks
Danbo cheese heads on racks

From 10 liters of raw materials, 1 kg of the finished product is obtained. Milk is collected from several milk yields at dairy farms and pumped into tankers. Then it is centrifuged, separated into cream and buttermilk, and mixed again to obtain the desired fat content. Pasteurization is carried out at low temperatures in order to preserve all the nutrients.

How Danbo cheese is made:

  1. The pasteurized milk is cooled to 31 ° C, lactic acid bacteria, rennet and calcium chloride are added. During production under factory conditions, saltpeter (nitrate) can be introduced to destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  2. After the kale is formed, it is checked for a clean break by lifting it with the flat side of the knife blade. A dense curd layer is cut into small pieces with a face size of 1, 5-2 cm, they are allowed to sink and mixed, maintaining a constant temperature.
  3. When the curd grains are round and uniform in size, the contents of the pan are allowed to stand and settle. The curd mass sinks to the bottom, and the whey rises to the surface.
  4. Part of the whey is drained, replaced with clean water heated to 60-70 ° C, the stirring process is repeated.
  5. After washing, the curd mass is laid out in forms, primary pressing is carried out. The blocks are cut into pieces, mixed with caraway seeds, pressing is repeated, setting the oppression.
  6. After a day, the blocks are placed in 20% brine, cooled to 12 ° C, for 24 hours.
  7. Dry the heads at room temperature. As soon as the surface becomes dry to the touch, bacterial cultures are sprayed onto it, which further imparts a red color to the crust.

The duration of fermentation is from 12 to 52 weeks. During this time, the texture becomes drier, smoother, eyes appear in the pulp due to the release of carbon dioxide. Ripening temperature - 0-6 ° С, humidity - 80-85%.

The peculiarity of the aging of the variety is that it can be removed from the chambers for a while in order to slow down the rate of fermentation or, conversely, to activate it by introducing bacterial cultures. During the aging process, the heads are selectively tested. The final qualities depend on how Danbo cheese is prepared. For example, the smell intensifies - from sour milk to pronounced yeast, the color in the section - the more seasoned the head, the richer it is.

During pre-sale preparation, the heads are cut, waxed or plasticized, wrapped in foil or cut and packaged in vacuum bags. If nitrous acid salts were used in the manufacture, this must be indicated on the packaging.

Composition and calorie content of Danbo cheese

Danbo cheese
Danbo cheese

Fat content relative to dry matter varies - 15-45%. Depending on this, the energy value also changes.

The calorie content of Danbo cheese is 461 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Protein - 25 g;
  • Fat - 28-30 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1, 6 g.

Sodium predominates among macronutrients due to salting - 510 mg per 100 g.

Unlike many varieties of fermented milk product, this one contains trans fats - 1.3 g per 100 g.

As part of Danbo cheese, vitamins are represented by riboflavin, tocopherol, niacin, a complex from group B and ascorbic acid, albeit in small quantities. The mineral composition is rich - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, manganese, iron, magnesium and zinc. Amino acids include valine, leucine, lysine, and tryptophan.

Due to the fact that many subspecies of Danbo cheese are produced, the lactic acid product can be introduced into the diet of those who are losing weight and patients who need to recover from long-term illnesses or irrational diets. The recommended amount per day is 80 g for women and 100 g for men.

Useful properties of Danbo cheese

Danbo cheese and biscuits on a plate
Danbo cheese and biscuits on a plate

It is advisable to introduce the product into the daily menu of persons suffering from eating disorders, with impaired appetite or metabolic problems.

The benefits of Danbo cheese:

  1. Strengthens the nervous system.
  2. Accelerates the absorption of nutrients, both from the cheese itself and from products consumed at the same time, normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  3. Strengthens cartilage and bone tissue, teeth, nails and hair.
  4. Increases the activity of lactobacilli that colonize the small intestine, thereby strengthening the body's defenses.
  5. Reduces the production of histamine.
  6. Replenishes the vitamin, mineral and amino acid reserve of the body.
  7. Improves the condition of epithelial tissue and mucous membranes.
  8. Stimulates the production of serotonin and maintains a good mood, makes it easier to fall asleep.

The variety is especially useful for men - it normalizes erectile function, maintains potency and slows down the natural age-related changes in the prostate gland. Helps deal with emotional instability that causes sexual dysfunction.

One of the useful qualities of the variety is that you can choose a subspecies with a reduced fat content and not give up your favorite taste, even if you need to control weight and keep fit.
