Acid peeling: features of the procedure

Acid peeling: features of the procedure
Acid peeling: features of the procedure

What are the benefits of acid peeling? How to carry out the procedure correctly? Find out the features of acid peeling to maintain beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Peeling is a cosmetic procedure during which the upper layers of the epidermis are separated and rolled away. The skin is freed from old keratinized and dead cells. As a result, the epidermis becomes perfectly smooth and its natural color returns.

Acid peeling - what is it?

Girl after acid peeling
Girl after acid peeling

With the help of various acids, you can quickly cleanse the skin of the face from the manifestations of age spots, mimic wrinkles and eliminate the signs of aging.

Taking into account the degree of aggressiveness of acids, the effect on the skin of the peeling procedure is also determined:

  • Superficial peeling carried out using weak acids - lactic, glycolic, fruit, salicylic. These substances have a mild effect on the epidermis and only dead upper cells are removed. This procedure has a whitening effect, while harmful substances are removed from the surface of the epidermis, and the metabolic process in the upper layers of the skin is improved.
  • Medium peeling has a rejuvenating effect. After this procedure, the skin becomes even and perfectly smooth. For this type of peeling, stronger acids are used - for example, retinoic acid.
  • Deep peeling helps to quickly get rid of both small mimic wrinkles and ugly scars remaining after acne. This cosmetic procedure is performed only in specialized medical institutions, as it is classified as a surgical procedure. During the procedure, an aggressive substance such as phenolic acid is used.

Features of the acid peeling procedure

The girl gets acid peeling
The girl gets acid peeling

Such a cosmetic procedure as acid peeling has a strong rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face, while its general condition is significantly improved.

Acid peeling is recommended in the following cases:

  • for the care of aging skin, with the appearance of signs of aging;
  • with hyperpigmentation;
  • to remove acne scars from the skin surface;
  • with enlarged pores;
  • to eliminate the consequences after acne treatment;
  • with ingrown hair syndrome.

Acid peeling is recommended for young girls to maintain a radiant and even complexion, tighten pores, eliminate acne and other types of rashes.

Due to the regular use of this cosmetic procedure by women in adulthood, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced, the elasticity of the epidermis increases, and the natural healthy color of the skin returns.

Contraindications to acid peeling

Applying acid to the face
Applying acid to the face

Any peeling procedure for the skin is quite stressful, which is why there are certain contraindications:

  • the presence of herpes, in the acute stage;
  • if you are allergic to acids that will be used during the procedure;
  • with injured and inflamed skin;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • while carrying a baby and breastfeeding;
  • owners of very sensitive skin.

Types of acid peels

Explanation of chemical peeling
Explanation of chemical peeling

Depending on what acids will be used during this cosmetic procedure, there are several types of peeling.

Fruit acid peeling

Girl holding fruits for peeling
Girl holding fruits for peeling

This type of peeling is one of the most delicate and gentle. Thanks to the action of natural fruit acids, the skin is effectively cleansed, cells are saturated with valuable microelements, and a tonic and whitening effect is provided.

After the procedure of fruit-acid peeling is carried out, there is no need for additional restoration, while it can be performed at any time of the year.

This type of peeling is recommended for the removal of fine mimic wrinkles, for the treatment of acne, for smoothing and whitening of the facial skin. During the peeling, only natural acids will be used - citric, tartaric, malic.

Peeling with mandelic acid

Peeling mandelic acid
Peeling mandelic acid

This type of peeling is ideal for any skin phototype - from light to dark. This procedure can be performed at any convenient time, regardless of the level of sun activity.

Peeling with mandelic acid is recommended for the treatment of acne and comedones, for the care of sensitive and thin skin. Mandelic acid is obtained exclusively from natural bitter almond extract, which has a mild hypoallergenic effect. This procedure helps to suppress Staphylococcus aureus, and has practically no contraindications.

Peeling with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid for peeling
Salicylic acid for peeling

The peeling procedure using salicylic acid is the most effective and can be applied at any age. Suitable for both women and men.

Peeling with salicylic acid can quickly remove expression lines and pigmentation. This treatment is ideal for treating rough, porous, acne prone and oily skin. The condition of the skin on the heels, knees and elbows is significantly improved.

Salicylic acid has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of comedones, and significantly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Peeling with lactic acid

Lactic acid formula
Lactic acid formula

This type of peeling is recommended for the care of aging, dry and aging skin. The full course contains about 4-5 procedures, depending on the severity of the problem, should be carried out several times during the year.

Lactic acid has a mild effect, does not provoke allergies, swelling or redness. After this type of peeling, the skin is smoothed, even color, elasticity and firmness return.

This type of peeling is recommended for up to 30 years, until deep wrinkles appear. At an older age, peeling with lactic acid will be used as an additional or preparatory stage before more serious procedures.

Peeling with retinoic acid

Retinoic acid on the face
Retinoic acid on the face

Peeling with retinoic acid is recommended for mature skin care. This type is considered average, because during its implementation, the deeper layers of the skin will be involved.

This procedure is highly effective and is recommended for women over 35 years old. After its completion, it will take several days to recover. In the event that peeling with retinoic acid will be done independently at home, you must first consult with an experienced beautician.

The result will be noticeable immediately after the first peeling procedure, while the achieved effect lasts 3-4 months.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid for peeling
Glycolic acid for peeling

This type of cosmetic procedure is ideal for any skin phototype. Peeling with glycolic acid can be performed at any age.

Cosmetologists advise using glycolic acid to remove expression lines, folds, unevenness, acne, pimples and return the skin to its natural healthy tone.

The effectiveness of this cosmetic procedure is very high - the skin becomes even, firmness, elasticity and youth return. During the procedure, no unpleasant painful sensations or feelings of discomfort appear.

If this type of acid peel is to be carried out at home, all precautions must be taken. It is advisable that the peeling with glycolic acid is carried out only by an experienced cosmetologist.

Literally after the first acid peeling procedure using glycolic acid, positive changes will be noticeable - the skin acquires an ideal appearance.

How to do an acid peel at home?

The girl touches the skin after peeling
The girl touches the skin after peeling

Today it is possible to purchase a ready-made peeling that you can use yourself at home. The most popular are peels from well-known cosmetic brands, which may include various acids - almond, lactic, salicylic.

Those peels that are intended specifically for home use have a mild effect on the skin, unlike professional products used in beauty salons.

You can buy a peeling mask or peeling cream at a cosmetic store, or opt for an acid peel. Depending on the manufacturer of the product, its cost will also fluctuate.

Homemade fruit acid peeling

Carrying out fruit acid peeling
Carrying out fruit acid peeling

You can do an acid-fruit peeling yourself, since this type has practically no contraindications, the skin has a delicate and mild effect.

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to take any fruit, for example, lemon, or use a combination of several acids. Berries and fruits that are available are taken - for example, apples, raspberries, strawberries. The ingredients are ground with a blender until a gruel is obtained, after which it is applied to previously cleansed skin.

After 10-15 minutes, wash yourself with warm water and apply any emollient cream to your skin. This type of peeling is recommended at home once a week.

Thanks to the regular use of the fruit-acid peeling, the skin becomes smooth and perfectly even, the pores are narrowed, and the problem of blackheads is solved, since some acids have a whitening and cleansing effect.

Acid peeling for feet

Acid peeling for feet
Acid peeling for feet

With the help of this cosmetic procedure, you can get rid of a variety of foot skin problems, which include:

  • ingrown nails;
  • corns;
  • swelling;
  • rough skin;
  • corns.

To get rid of the above problems, it is recommended to take a course of acid peeling.

Today, you can use peels from various cosmetic companies, which improves the process of blood outflow, quickly relieves fatigue of the legs, the skin becomes velvety, soft and smooth.

For a pedicure, an acid peeling procedure is often used not only by professional masters in beauty salons, but also at home. Even on your own, you can easily peel, while it becomes possible to no longer injure the delicate skin of the feet with hard files in order to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Fruit acids quickly and easily cope with this task.

Due to its quite affordable price, everyone can afford this cosmetic procedure. The use of special peeling products helps to keep the feet healthy, leaving the skin soft and well-groomed.

At first, it is best to entrust this procedure to professional craftsmen, and after gaining experience and a little practice, carry out it yourself at home. The result will vary depending on the acid used during the peeling.

A cosmetologist tells about acid peeling to maintain facial skin tone in this video:
