Beautiful curls are the perfect complement to any look. Therefore, it is useful for every girl to know how to make Hollywood curls at home. To always look stylish, elegant and fashionable, it is not enough just to choose a beautiful outfit that will emphasize the figure, because special attention should be paid to the hairstyle.
Hollywood curls are ideal for creating a romantic and delicate look. Today, this hairstyle has a fairly large number of the most diverse options for execution. You can make not only exquisite and elegantly flowing curls, but also apply the effect of light disheveledness.
Among the advantages of Hollywood curls is the fact that this hairstyle is really universal, because it is perfect for any hair length. Most importantly, you need to acquire a few simple skills, and you will have a unique opportunity to make an elegant, feminine and bright hairstyle yourself at home.
How to make beautiful Hollywood curls?

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants to look stylish, elegant and luxurious, and one of the main factors of beauty is exactly the hairstyle. It is quite possible to make voluminous and bright Hollywood curls on your own at home.
To create such a hairstyle, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time styling or visit expensive beauty salons every morning. To make this type of styling, various methods and improvised means can be used, thanks to which it becomes possible to get a sophisticated and feminine hairstyle.
Sloppy Hollywood curls

This is one of the simplest styling methods, thanks to which you can get a natural and natural hairstyle, do it quickly and easily on your own at home.
So, first you need to wash your hair and lightly pat it dry with a towel so that it becomes damp, but not wet. Then a small amount of foam or light mousse is applied and evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands. Avoid using too much styling product to keep your hair from looking greasy and dirty.
Next, you need to gently wrinkle your hair with your hands to create the effect of slight disheveledness. At the very end of the styling, a hairdryer is used, which must have a special diffuser pad, in the absence of which it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. After blow-drying, light Hollywood curls are created with the effect of a little disheveled and negligent.
The diffuser is a special nozzle designed for drying curls after a perm. Its main advantage is that it has a large number of "fingers", and a stream of air passes through each. The result is additional volume, while the curls will not fly in different directions, which is often obtained when using a hairdryer with a simple nozzle to dry hair. Today, the diffuser is widely used to create Hollywood curls, because such a styling is not only beautiful, but it does not take much time to create it.
Iron for Hollywood curls

One of the popular ways to create beautiful curls is to use a special curling iron. First, the hair must be washed well and slightly dried so that it is damp, then it is divided into separate strands. Then the hair is curled into thin flagella and dried with a hair dryer.
To get a more lasting effect, first the hair is dried with a hairdryer, then twisted with flagella and an iron is used. The styler evenly works out each strand from top to bottom, while you cannot linger on any specific part, otherwise the curls will not turn out uniform.
Curling iron for large curls

The cone curling iron is a handy tool for getting large Hollywood curls. You can use this type of styler for both short and long hair.
The main feature of the conical curling iron is the presence of a long rounded nozzle, which does not have a clamp at the end. To make beautiful curls with it, you need to wash and dry your hair with a hairdryer, then divide it into strands, but not too thick and not thin.
Each individual strand is evenly wound in the direction from the thickened part and towards the end of the curling iron. Do not overexpose the strands so as not to over-burn your hair, 4–6 minutes will be quite enough, after which the curling iron is slowly unwound.
At the end, the strands are neatly stacked with your fingers and fixed with varnish, you should not use too much of the product, so as not to make the curls heavier. After styling, the curls cannot be combed, otherwise they will lose their attractive appearance. In case of urgent need, you can use a comb with wide teeth, but only to add volume at the roots (a light bouffant is made).
Hollywood curls for medium hair

In this case, simple curlers will be used, moreover, this is one of the most effective and first ways to get beautiful curls. Thanks to the rapid development of modern technologies, today there are a fairly large number of different types of curlers, which differ not only in the method of fastening, but also in size.
To make Hollywood curls, you can use small, large, coiled, hard, or semi-hard curls, including soft curlers. Also, thermal curlers are quite popular, which will help you quickly create large Hollywood curls. To use this method for styling medium length hair, you must first wash your hair. Then the strands are dried with a towel until they become damp. To obtain not only beautiful, but also high-quality styling, the hair is divided into separate strands horizontally and vertically. As a result, it becomes possible to wind the hair with high quality throughout the entire thickness in order to give the curls additional volume.
At the time when the hair dries on the curlers, it may start to frizz slightly. This effect can spoil the styling, therefore it is recommended to apply a small amount of hairspray to the hair at the end. It is necessary to distribute the fixing agent at a distance of 5-7 cm from the hair. You should not use too much varnish, as as a result, beautiful curls will turn into tow.
If you want to create large Hollywood curls for long hair, it is recommended to opt for curlers with a diameter of at least 4 cm. Flexible boomerang sticks will help you get playful Hollywood curls.
Features of creating Hollywood curls with an iron

It is the iron that helps to create beautiful and elegant Hollywood curls. Despite the fact that this method is the most correct, it is rather difficult to use it yourself at home, since it takes practice and skill. To get a beautiful styling, you must strictly adhere to several recommendations:
- First you need to wash your hair well, after which the hair is dried with a hairdryer.
- A hot iron will be used for styling, therefore, a special protective agent must be applied to wet strands to prevent injury during heat treatment. Also, these funds make the curls thicker, softer, well-groomed, restoring their beauty and without disturbing health.
- So that the styling lasts as long as possible and beautiful curls do not disintegrate after rain or strong winds, each strand is sprayed with varnish, but do not use too much fixative, so as not to weigh the hair down. It is important to wait until the varnish is completely dry. It is worth remembering that if used improperly, even expensive and high-quality hairspray sticks the hairs together, which will make the hairstyle look untidy. In the event that you do not allow the hair to dry well, during contact with a hot iron, the varnish will glue the strands and, as a result, stone curls will be obtained.
- To get the perfect Hollywood curls, you need to carefully separate the strands. First, the hair is divided into an even parting, after which one of the parts is divided into lower and upper (horizontally). The upper part must be pinned so that it does not interfere during operation. First, the lower part is laid, which is divided into two approximately identical curls and twisted. The upper part is screwed in the same way. By using this method, you can create volume at the top and bottom. This will produce a fairly large number of curls, and the styling will seem quite lush.
- You need to curl the curls with an iron according to a simple scheme - first, the strands are wound onto the styler from top to bottom, while the iron should be in a horizontal position. Do not hold the iron vertically, as the desired effect will not be obtained. If you use this method, you can avoid problems with the ends of the strands, because they will not wrinkle. When curling the ends of the hair, make sure that they are pointing down. Then the strand is twisted to the roots, and then the iron moves down, while you need to slightly push the tongs apart. It is worth remembering that the slower the iron moves, the stronger the curl turns out. However, to curl all curls, you must use the same pace, so that they turn out to be uniform.
To get beautiful Hollywood curls, it is not enough just to adhere to the technique of curling the strands, because in this case the size of the curls is also important. It is important that the finished curls are not too large in diameter. For example, for medium length hair, it is recommended to use a flat iron or medium length iron.
For curling longer hair, it is best to use an iron with a large or medium curling iron. For very long hair, only the type of iron that has a wide enough plate is suitable.
It is important to adhere to the above tips, which are also used by professional stylists, otherwise you can get a light, almost imperceptible wave or a very small lamb, but not beautiful Hollywood curls. To get the perfect curls, like those of world famous Hollywood stars, it is imperative to use an iron that will have the right thickness and match the length of your hair.
As soon as the curling of the last curl is finished, the most crucial moment of styling comes - you need to separate the curls with your fingers, making them smaller. And only after that the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.
Making beautiful Hollywood curls is easy on your own at home, just follow the tips above.
How to wind up voluminous Hollywood curls, see this video: