How to cook dogwood compote for the winter?

How to cook dogwood compote for the winter?
How to cook dogwood compote for the winter?

Summer is in full swing - it's time to harvest dogwood. Prepare a delicious, refreshing dogwood compote for the winter and even in the middle of the cold its taste will remind you of hot summer days.

Jar with dogwood compote top view
Jar with dogwood compote top view

Cornelian compote for me is the taste of childhood. I remember how in the summer we rested with "hares" on the Black Sea coast, and my mother gave me such compote to drink. Until now, the fresh, sour and slightly tart taste of dogwood awakens in me a feeling of peace and happiness. If you live in a region where dogwood grows or you can buy it, be sure to take yourself a kilogram or two to cover the dogwood compote for the winter.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 27, 1 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 Can
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Cornel - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1-1, 5 tbsp.

Recipe for step-by-step preparation of dogwood compote for the winter

Dogwood berries in a jar
Dogwood berries in a jar

Rinse the dogwood berries, remove the crushed or spoiled fruits. We put the berries in pre-warmed sterile jars. To make the taste of the compote rich, fill the cans by about a third.

Sugar is poured into a jar with berries
Sugar is poured into a jar with berries

Pour sugar into each jar. Depending on your preferences, put sugar on a three-liter jar from 100 to 200 g. The same is true with a liter container - from 3 to 5 tablespoons of sugar per jar. I don't really like sugary drinks, so I keep it to a minimum - half a glass, which is about 100 grams.

Cornel and sugar are poured with boiling water
Cornel and sugar are poured with boiling water

Pour boiling water over the berries and seal immediately. Additional sterilization of this workpiece is not required.

The dogwood jar is filled with water
The dogwood jar is filled with water

We wrap jars with cornel compote and leave for a day to allow it to cool completely.

When the dogwood compote is infused, it acquires a very beautiful rich ruby color. You can store such a compote for a year in a cool, dark place: a pantry, basement or cellar.

Jars with ready-made dogwood compote
Jars with ready-made dogwood compote

A refreshing, uniquely tasty dogwood compote is ready for the winter. Send cans for storage in the cellar and enjoy the taste and aroma of summer in the most severe frosts.

See also the video recipe:

Dogwood compote for the winter a simple recipe
