How to make a lip scrub at home

How to make a lip scrub at home
How to make a lip scrub at home

Benefits and contraindications for using a lip scrub. Recipes for making products with honey, chocolate and sugar. A lip scrub is not your usual care product. Most often, girls do not take care of them at all, in contrast to the skin of the face. In fact, this part of the face also needs the use of special cosmetic products, since the sebaceous glands do not work here. Accordingly, any gusts of wind and cold air can dry out delicate lips.

Benefits of a lip scrub

Lip scrub
Lip scrub

The main purpose of such cosmetics is to gently exfoliate dead cells, prevent drying out of very thin skin, the formation of cracks and roughness. Benefits of a lip scrub:

  • Removes dead cells … The skin on the lips cracks precisely because of the very rapid dying off of the upper layer of the epidermis and its untimely removal. When applying the scrub, all the scales are scraped off, allowing young skin to function normally.
  • Nourishes … The composition of lip scrubs contains components that prevent them from drying out and saturate them with useful substances. After applying the product, the problem of dryness disappears.
  • Prevents the formation of wrinkles … The wrinkles around the lips are not the prettiest phenomenon. They appear due to excessive dryness of the skin. After applying the scrub, the lips are nourished, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Makes lips more expressive and puffy. Dry skin tightens the lips, making them look small and unsightly. After the procedure, the dermis is smoothed and becomes more elastic, which makes the mouth puffy and sexy.
  • Protects from ultraviolet radiation … The scrub contains substances that envelop the lips with a thin film and prevent them from being exposed to the sun. Photoaging slows down.

Contraindications to the use of a lip scrub

Herpes in the active phase
Herpes in the active phase

The procedure is very beneficial and can slow down the aging process. But such funds are forbidden to be applied to the lips for certain diseases and pathological conditions.

Contraindications to using a lip scrub:

  1. Herpes in the active phase … Almost everyone knows the sore blisters filled with infiltrate after having had ARVI. This is the herpes virus, which is an infectious disease. Using a scrub will spread the herpes infection.
  2. Allergy to scrub components … Often, the remedy is prepared using honey and essential oils. Honey and all bee products are strong allergens, so if you are allergic to them, do not prepare the product.
  3. Lip damage … If you have sores on your lips, stop using a scrub. Some products contain menthol, which will burn on contact with wounds.
  4. Rehabilitation after plastic surgery … After carrying out injections of hyaluronic acid or other procedures, it is worthwhile to stop using the scrub for a while. It can lead to infection of the lips.

Lip scrub recipes

There are many recipes for preparing such products. The composition necessarily contains some kind of natural abrasive that gently grinds off dead skin. Most often, scrubs are made from sugar, honey, coffee grounds, and oatmeal. In addition, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients are added.

Sugar lip scrub

Sugar lip scrub with grapefruit
Sugar lip scrub with grapefruit

Sugar is the most inexpensive product that every housewife has in the kitchen. Crystals are simply created for grinding rough sponges. When wet, their sharp edges dissolve, which makes the procedure non-traumatic and very pleasant. The remains of the scrub can be licked off without harm to the body.

Sugar scrub recipes:

  • With mint … This remedy removes dead skin, nourishes the lips and makes them plump. To prepare a healing cocktail, mix 5 g of honey and sugar in a bowl, add a drop of mint oil. Do not wait for the sugar to dissolve; apply the product directly to your mouth. Massage for a few minutes and wash off the mixture.
  • With grapefruit … Mix a spoonful of sugar with 20 ml of grapefruit juice. Use only freshly squeezed product. Then add 10 ml of olive oil to the gruel. Apply the porridge to your mouth and massage it a little with your fingertips. The oil nourishes and moisturizes the lips, while the grapefruit makes them immune to UV radiation.
  • With aspirin … Crush an acetyl salicylic acid tablet and mix it with half a teaspoon of sugar. Add 1 ml of olive oil and glycerin. Liberally lubricate the mouth with the product and massage for 2-5 minutes. Rinse with warm water and brush the sponges with petroleum jelly or nourishing balm. This scrub is just a salvation in the winter cold.
  • Cinnamon … Take a spoonful of brown sugar and mix it with 10 ml of olive oil. Add a pinch of chopped cinnamon and a couple of drops of grape seed oil. Lubricate your lips with greasy gruel, do not rush to wash off the composition. Leave the product on your lips for 10 minutes and then massage them. Remove residues of the product with warm water.
  • With salt … Mix 10 g each salt and sugar. Use finely ground "Extra" salt, it will not damage the sponge. Then add the petroleum jelly and stir. Lubricate your lips with the ointment and massage a little. Leave it on for another 3 minutes. Remove residues with a napkin and rinse with water. Apply a nourishing balm. Do not use if you have small wounds or irritation.

Honey lip scrub

Lip scrub with honey and lemon
Lip scrub with honey and lemon

Bee nectar is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Honey contains small grains of sucrose, which exfoliates dead skin from the lips. Usually honey is combined with vegetable oils and esters.

Honey Lip Scrub Recipes:

  1. With soda … Mix 10 g each baking soda and honey. It is best if the bee product is sugared. After that, add 10 ml of any vegetable oil and average. Apply to moisturized lips and massage. Rinse off with warm water. Soda softens the mouth and makes them smooth.
  2. With orange … Mix 10 g of honey and orange juice in a bowl. It is prepared exclusively from fresh fruits before applying the scrub. Add 3 drops of grape seed oil to the mass. Apply to sponges and leave for 10 minutes. Massage this part of the body before rinsing.
  3. With lemon … This scrub brightens the skin around the lips and makes it more attractive. Smoothes fine wrinkles and removes age spots around the lips. To prepare the mixture, pour 10 g of sugar into a bowl and pour in 10 ml of liquid honey. Inject 5 ml of lemon juice. Stir the mass. Lubricate the mouth with this fragrant mass and leave for 5 minutes. Massage a little before rinsing, paying attention to the wrinkles around the lips.
  4. With petroleum jelly … Melt the honey and petroleum jelly in a water bath. Combine these ingredients in equal amounts. Add some baking soda. This mixture will foam and sizzle. Don't wait for the chemical reaction to complete. Apply the scrub to your mouth immediately. Leave it on for 7 minutes and then massage the lips. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. With vinegar … For the preparation of the scrub, only natural apple cider vinegar is taken. 10 ml of vinegar should be mixed with 10 g of candied honey. The mass is mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After that, brush your lips with the paste and massage a little. Leave the product on the skin for 10 minutes. Remove with cold water.
  6. With oatmeal … It is necessary to mix in a bowl a spoonful of powdered oat bran and a little honey. It is necessary that the mixture resemble a thick porridge.

Coffee lip scrub

Coffee scrub
Coffee scrub

Ground coffee beans are a traditional component for creating scrubs and anti-cellulite body wraps. In addition, coffee grounds can be used to make lip peels.

Homemade Lip Scrub Recipes with Coffee:

  • With olive oil … This is the easiest scrub recipe. It contains only two ingredients. Mix 10 ml of olive oil and 10 g of coffee grounds in a bowl. Stir the mixture and use a brush or fingers to apply to the mouth. Massage for a couple of minutes and leave the product on your lips for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With aloe … Place the grounds in a bowl after you drink your coffee. Peel a three-year-old aloe leaf and chop it to a jelly state. Mix coffee and aloe, evenly distribute the mixture on your lips, going slightly beyond their boundaries. Massage your skin. Leave the scrub on for 5 minutes and rinse off. Aloe heals minor lesions and chapped lips. The plant strengthens local immunity and prevents the exacerbation of herpes infection.
  • With cream … This is a nourishing scrub for very sensitive lips. It quickly relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. Mix some coffee grounds with a spoonful of heavy cream. A homemade product with a high percentage of fat is best. Place the container of scrub in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After that, lubricate the mouth with the mass and rub it a little. Leave the mixture on for 10 minutes. Remove residues with napkins and rinse with warm water.
  • With vanilla … Toss the coffee grounds and some honey in a bowl. Inject vanilla extract on the tip of a knife. Stir well and brush over mouth. Massage your skin gently and let the scrub sit on your lips for 5 minutes. Rinse off with water, after the procedure there is no need to use a moisturizing balm.

Chocolate lip scrub

Chocolate lip scrub
Chocolate lip scrub

Chocolate is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for the skin. Chocolate wraps and cellulite scrubs are very popular. But this sweetness will perfectly help remove flaky lips.

Chocolate Lip Scrub Recipes:

  1. With zest … You need to grind some dry lemon or orange zest in a coffee grinder or blender. In a metal container, break a few chocolate cubes and immerse them in a bowl of boiling water. Stir the chocolate until porridge is obtained. Add the zest and stir. While the mixture is hot, apply it to your lips and massage for 3 minutes. Leave it on your lips for another 10 minutes. Remove residues of the product with a napkin and rinse off the mask.
  2. With oatmeal … Grind a small spoonful of Hercules flakes to a flour condition. Add some olive oil. Grind pre-frozen dark chocolate in a blender. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the mouth. Massage your lips, rinse off the remnants of the product.
  3. With semolina … In this recipe, the chocolate must be melted in a water bath. Add 10 g of semolina into the liquid mass and mix. Add 2 drops of peppermint oil. Stir the scrub and lubricate your mouth with it. Leave to act for 7 minutes. Then massage for 2 minutes. Remove with water.
  4. With peanuts … A unique and delicious scrub. Take 3 roasted peanuts and grind in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting flour into melted chocolate. Approximately 3-4 pieces of chocolate (20 g) are needed. Stir and apply to lips without makeup. The exposure time is 10 minutes. Do not rush to rinse, but massage your lips a little.
  5. With soda … Melt a few slices of chocolate in a water bath. Add 10 g of baking soda and 5 ml of olive oil. Spread the mixture. Transfer the contents of the bowl to your lips and massage for a couple of minutes. Leave the scrub on your lips for 5 minutes. Remove with a tissue and wash with water.

Lip scrub preparation method

Making a lip scrub
Making a lip scrub

If you do not know how to make a lip scrub correctly, then follow a certain technique. Following these rules, you can prepare the funds as useful as possible. Rules for making lip scrubs:

  • Use only fresh food. Do not use citrus juices from packs. Prepare these ingredients yourself.
  • You should not prepare the product in advance. This can lead to deterioration in its quality and inefficiency.
  • Never use coarse salt to scrub your lips. Purchase an Extra finely ground product.
  • Sugar scrubs are prepared a couple of minutes before application. This is due to the ability of sugar to dissolve in an aqueous and oily environment, and we need the abrasive properties of crystals.
  • For the chocolate peel, use dark chocolate with the maximum cocoa content.
  • To make a honey scrub, it is best to use candied honey. It contains small crystals.

How to properly use a lip scrub

Applying a scrub to lips
Applying a scrub to lips

Lip scrub is not the most common care product, but once you try it, you will no longer deny yourself the pleasure.

Features of using lip peeling:

  1. You only need to apply the product on the lips, from which all cosmetics have been removed. If you do not use lipstick, but only apply balm, it must be washed off before the procedure.
  2. Scrub twice a week. In just a few sessions, you will forget about dryness and cracks.
  3. In winter, the product is applied in the evening, before going to bed. In cold weather, it is best to prepare scrubs with nutritious ingredients such as cream, chocolate, and olive oil. They prevent cracking.
  4. In summer, it is best to do a sugar peel with fruit acids. These scrubs nourish the skin with vitamins and protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  5. If you urgently need to go outside after scrubbing, be sure to protect your lips with a balm.
  6. Massage the lips in a circular motion, applying slight pressure. You cannot stretch the skin, this will lead to the formation of wrinkles. Enough 2 minutes of massage.
  7. Leave nourishing scrubs for 7-10 minutes, products with fruit acids for 5-7 minutes.

How to make a lip scrub - watch the video:

A lip scrub is a great tool to help you cleanse your mouth after a seaside holiday. It is at this time that the lips become chapped and lose their natural attractiveness. In winter, peeling will saturate the mouth with useful ingredients.
