The essence of eyelash perm, its types, pros and cons. Features of conducting in a beauty salon and at home, real reviews.
Perming eyelashes is a cosmetic procedure that allows any woman to get gracefully curled, eye-catching eyelashes, and for a much longer period than after using forceps. Made in compliance with all norms and rules, it does not harm either the eyes or the fine hairs on the eyelids and provides excellent results.
What is eyelash perm?

In the photo, perm eyelashes
In Soviet times, the most popular tool for giving the eyelashes the desired bend was an ordinary kitchen knife, to the blade of which thin hairs were pressed, breaking them up. Those who were afraid to deal with a sharp object used a spoon, but the result in both cases was rarely impressive - it was not possible to create a stable curl on all cilia at the same time, fragile hairs broke.
Over time, much more comfortable eyelash tweezers have come into use. After curling, they looked neater, and if the plates of the tweezers are equipped with silicone pads, then there was no harm to the hairs. Unfortunately, such curls still did not differ in durability, each time they had to be done again.
Even miniature electric devices that style eyelashes with the help of heat did not make a revolution, because in the same way they could not force the hairs to keep their new shape for a long time, and sometimes they dried out and spoiled them.
But everything changed after the introduction of perm. The new technology was based on the action of several different compounds that curved the eyelashes into a beautiful curl, fixed their shape, neutralized the remnants of the used products so that they did not have a negative effect on the skin and hairs, and in some cases additionally nourished and strengthened the eyelashes. The shape and steepness of the bend in this case depended on the selected pad, which was glued to the skin of the eyelid.
After a perm, eyelashes look thicker and fuller, and the look seems more open. Even cosmetic problems such as a drooping eyelid or too narrow a cut of the eyes are partly solved by a good curling.
Types of eyelash curling:
- Basal … The master works with only one part of the hairs located as close as possible to the skin of the eyelids. The method allows you to achieve pronounced splendor, makes the look expressive and looks almost win-win on long eyelashes.
- Curl … In contrast to the previous technique, here the artist's attention is focused on the tips of the lashes, which he curls onto miniature styling pads. As a result, even not too long eyelashes start to look advantageous, and a beautiful bend looks very natural.
- Combined … The hair is curled along its entire length, from the roots to the very ends. Using this method makes it possible to obtain the most effective and pronounced result.
Which of the methods should be given preference, the client decides together with the master, choosing an option taking into account the condition of the eyelashes, their length and density.
The price of a perm eyelash is determined by the level of the salon, the reputation of the master, and the range of products used. In small cities, the service can be obtained for some 600 rubles, and in large cities, its cost will easily increase to 4500 rubles.
Pros of the eyelash perm procedure

The procedure, unlike the "chemistry" of the times of the same USSR, is completely safe. Modern formulations do not harm the hairs and do not thin them, especially when it comes to biowaving. But it also has other advantages.
Why you should give preference to perm eyelashes:
- She is versatile … With rare exceptions, it looks good on long, medium and moderately short, dark and light eyelashes.
- She is variable … Depending on your own wishes, you can get both a soft natural bend and a catchy cool curl.
- It allows you to do without mascara … Of course, going to a gala event, you can hardly do without full makeup, but for an everyday version of make-up, curled eyelashes often look quite impressive in themselves.
- She gives lasting results … You can forget about tweezers for at least 1 month.
- She is not capricious … With curled eyelashes, you can afford a bath with a sauna, a swimming pool, playing sports, visiting a solarium, relaxing at the sea, wearing contact lenses, etc. The main thing is not to do all of this immediately after the completion of the procedure. If desired, curling can be combined with extensions, dyeing and lamination.
Note! To support the cilia, it is recommended from time to time to make masks from warm castor or other cosmetic oil, applying them to the hairs with a clean brush from used mascara, no other care after curling is required.
Cons of eyelash perm

Perming does not always go smoothly. Whether this is due to the inexperience of the master or the lack of seriousness to the procedure of the client herself, but sometimes she leaves behind a feeling of disappointment and leads to negative consequences.
Why you shouldn't rush into a perm decision:
- She can be harmful … If a novice master takes up the matter or a woman decides to resort to perm eyelashes at home, not having enough skill, the softness of the selected formulations will not save the hairs from damage, thinning, and even from loss. In addition, curling products that come in contact with the eyes cause burning and watery eyes, so some people may need to see a doctor.
- It bleaches eyelashes … Lightening by 1-2 tones will not harm the beauty of black hairs, but by nature, light eyelashes can become completely invisible.
- She doesn't suit everyone … Although exceptions are rare, they do happen. For example, very short eyelashes, after curling, begin to rest against the eyelids, causing unpleasant sensations, and look extremely unnatural and unattractive.
- It takes a long time … It can take up to 40 minutes to treat one eye.
- It's hard to neutralize … If you don't like the result, you will have to wait 2-3 months until the hairs on the eyelids are renewed and the curling effect disappears.
- It doesn't always work out … It is better for pregnant and lactating women to postpone the perm, and not only because of the possible negative effect of chemical compounds on the health of the child. Even if the doctor supervising you does not mind, hormonal changes in the body will easily reduce the result of the procedure to zero. For the same reason, it is undesirable to sign up for a beauty salon during menstruation, taking antibiotics or hormonal agents.
Note! Perms are often allergic. Before agreeing to the procedure, carefully study their composition or ask the master to do a test for individual intolerance.
Eyelash curler

Pictured is a set for perming eyelashes
How successful the experience with eyelash curling will be depends largely on the quality of the solutions with which the hairs will be treated. The number and composition of the products used in different beauty salons may differ depending on the habits of the master and the brand he has chosen, but since the procedure is always carried out according to a certain algorithm, the sets of materials required for its implementation vary slightly.
Required materials for the procedure:
- Silicone pads-curlers, with the help of which the curling will take place, which differ from each other in height, which determines the steepness of the curl (S, M, L), and in length, can be disposable and reusable;
- Glue gel for fixing the curlers on the eyelids, and eyelashes on the curlers, but in the case of disposable rollers, it is usually not needed, since they often have their own adhesive layer;
- Vaseline to protect the skin;
- Composition for shaping eyelashes;
- Composition for fixing the obtained result;
- Neutralizer for removing residues of other products;
- Composition for nourishing and strengthening eyelashes;
- Tweezers or stacks for easy handling of hairs;
- Cotton swabs for applying liquids to eyelashes;
- Cotton pads and sponges to protect the lower eyelids.
From what brand means will be used, it largely depends on how much perm eyelashes as a whole costs, but this is clearly not an item of expenditure that is worth saving on. Cheap materials will provide a cheap look to your eyes.
How is eyelash perm done in the salon?

The first step to a successful curling procedure begins with finding a specialist. Take your time to make an appointment at the first beauty salon you come across: make inquiries about its reputation, look on the Internet for photos with examples of your potential master's work, use word of mouth. The success of the entire enterprise will depend on your choice.
When meeting with the master, be sure to warn him about your allergies to certain products, discuss the expected result, select together the sizes of the silicone rollers.
On "X-day", give up eye makeup, anyway, the master will remove it before starting to curl.
How is the procedure in the beauty salon:
- The specialist removes makeup residues from the eyelids, removes dust and degreases the skin in the eye area. Experienced craftsmen take photographs of the client at this moment in order to more clearly demonstrate the difference between "before" and "after".
- The lower eyelids are lubricated with petroleum jelly, cream or moistened with distilled water and, together with the eyelashes, are covered with cotton pads or special attachments to prevent them from contact with curling fluids.
- On the upper eyelids, rollers of the required size are placed as close as possible to the ciliary edge and the eyelashes are fixed on them with the help of glue. Be prepared for a long wait, because the master will need to carefully distribute the hairs over the silicone pad, not allowing them to stick together and get tangled.
- The first composition for softening and curling the hairs is applied. If the eyelashes are thin, 10 minutes will be enough for it to act, but hard and dense ones may take up to 20 minutes to achieve a high-quality result.
- The first composition is removed with a dry cotton swab and the second is applied to fix the result. It acts at the same time as the first.
- After removing the second lotion, the cilia are treated with a neutralizer to remove the remnants of the first two compositions, as well as glue.
- If the hairs need to be darkened, at this stage, permanent mascara is applied to them, which will retain its rich color for 2-3 weeks.
- Most of the masters in the final lubricate the eyelashes with lotion to restore, strengthen and nourish them. Often this product is no longer erased, leaving it on the eyelashes.
- The silicone rollers are removed and shown to the client.
During the first days after curling, you must not wet your eyelashes with water, apply decorative cosmetics, visit the pool, gym, sauna. After a few days, the result is fixed, and the woman can return to her usual way of life without any restrictions.
Note! If during curling you feel a burning sensation or stinging in the eyes, the procedure should be stopped immediately, the composition should be washed off from the eyelashes and rinsed abundantly with running water.
Perming eyelashes at home

Kits for perming eyelashes are now on sale, which creates the deceptive impression that any woman can use them. In fact, this is not entirely true: if you have never done a perm in a salon before and have a very vague idea of this process, it is better to abandon the idea. In addition, it is very difficult to properly process the cilia on your own and prevent the flow of chemical compounds onto the mucous membrane of the eye.
But with some experience and a friend who is ready to help, you can cope with the task without the help of a beauty salon. And first of all, you will need to purchase an eyelash curler set from one of the trusted firms.
Popular sets:
- Irisk P355-01 (Russia) … Curling and fixing lotions, eyelash restoration oil, cleaning agent and curling rollers will cost you only 700 rubles. and at the same time they will serve well for improving the beauty of eyelashes.
- Wave Professional Lash Perm Kit (USA) … Contains curling agent, neutralizer, collagen conditioner. Supplemented with adhesive solvent. On the manufacturer's website it costs about 3,000 rubles, but on the Web you can find reviews of girls who bought it for 1,200 rubles. and were satisfied. Most likely, they came across Chinese counterfeits, but of quite satisfactory quality.
- Kodi Professional Eyelash Perming Set (Ukraine) … The miniature set includes everything you need: 3 types of silicone pads, curling, fixing and nourishing lotion, glue. It costs around 1,500 rubles. And although the set is inferior in size to the versions from the previous versions, the presented tools are quite enough for 20-30 applications.
- Lucas' Cosmetics CC Lashes Biolift (India) … The standard set of curler, fixer and glue remover is complemented by a nourishing and caring collagen lotion, 5 pairs of rollers and 3 applicators. It costs 2900 rubles.
- Sexy Biolash Lift Innovator Cosmetics (Russia) … The set includes several silicone curlers of different sizes, glue, 3 curling and 1 eyelash lamination, as well as a handy applicator. All this costs about 2500 rubles.
Perm at home is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the kit. Its main stages are as follows:
- Removing makeup, cleansing the skin with milk and a paper towel.
- Glue the curling roller on the upper eyelid close to the roots of the eyelashes.
- Fastening on the upper eyelash roller. To do this, the silicone pad is lubricated with glue in the sectors, part of the eyelashes is wrapped on it, they are evenly distributed over the surface and move on.
- Protect the lower lashes with a layer of greasy cream and a patch or cotton pad.
- Application of curling composition.
- The waiting period, the duration of which is indicated in the instructions.
- Removal of composition No. 1 with a cotton swab.
- Application of a neutralizer.
- Waiting period.
- Cleansing the skin and eyelashes from glue, removing rollers.
Note! Depending on your kit, the procedure may include the application of a care or laminate.
Eyelash perm results

If all the manipulations are carried out correctly and at the proper level, and when choosing the size of the curler, the length and condition of the hairs are taken into account, the result of the curling is beautiful open eyelashes, which can create both the effect of an eye-catching "doll" look, and the appearance of natural, naturally curling eyelashes. It all depends on the client's wishes.
If dyeing was used, the eyelashes additionally acquire the desired shade and clarity, if lamination - shine and strength.
How long the result will last depends on several components: the condition of the eyelashes, the thickness of the hairs, the physiological characteristics of the body, the frequency of mascara application and the quality of the composition used. But most often, the return to its original state occurs after 1-2 months. Well, even the most pliable hairs will not last longer than 3 months, since during this period the cilia are completely renewed.
Real reviews about eyelash perm

Reviews about perm eyelashes differ from the "wow effect!" to "complete nonsense!" This discrepancy is simply explained: some girls were lucky with the master and the brand, others were not; someone overexposed the composition on the cilia, someone did not hold it, and someone's dense hairs are simply extremely reluctant to be influenced by outside influences.
Find out what this procedure will become for you, you can only on personal experience. But if you decide to do it, do your best to schedule a session with a really knowledgeable professional. Without it, the risk is too great to be disappointed in the perm once and for all.
Sofia, 32 years old
I have good eyelashes, but perfectly straight. Every morning I kill a lot of time to give them at least some kind of bend … From my friends I heard not too flattering comments about the perm - they say that the dead poultice, and no sense. To guarantee it worked, I told the master that I want the maximum result. It turned out the other way around! The eyelashes curl so that it is difficult to open the eyes "full width", the hairs rest against the eyelid! Because of this, the length was slightly lost … My conclusion: the procedure is super, a real salvation for people like me, but you need to choose the roller size more carefully!
Antonina, 25 years old
The procedure itself is very unpleasant, all the time they pull on the cilia, twitch, twist, at this time it smells terribly of chemistry, the body becomes numb from a long wait. I regained consciousness for a very long time, especially since the skin around the eyes turned red and swollen. Brr! And the most disgusting thing is that in the end I was left with short, straight remnants of my former cilia! One continuous disappointment and negativity.
Marina, 27 years old
I do a perm myself, I got my hand full, it's not a problem at all. I can’t even imagine what needs to be done wrong so that the eyelashes fall out or break after curling, it’s necessary not to look at the instructions at all! And if you approach or turn to a skilled master with intelligence and caution, there is no danger at all. Only the result, and the result is excellent.
How to perm eyelashes - watch the video: