How to make a parsley face mask

How to make a parsley face mask
How to make a parsley face mask

The composition of parsley and the beneficial properties of face products with this component. Contraindications for use in home cosmetics. Recipes for "green" masks and application rules. Parsley face mask is an effective remedy suitable for all skin types. The vegetable garden contains a complex of nutrients and acids that help to solve almost all problems associated with a deterioration in appearance. In the cold season, the cosmetic product will restore elasticity and freshness to the upper layer of the epidermis, in the hot season it will eliminate increased pigmentation and dehydration (loss of fluid).

Useful properties of a parsley mask

Parsley for making a mask
Parsley for making a mask

The benefits of a parsley mask consist of the properties of the main component and additional ingredients.

The beneficial properties of parsley when applied externally provide the richest composition of nutrients:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) increases firmness and elasticity, ensures smoothness of the skin. With a lack of vitamin A, excessive flaking occurs.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) stimulates the production of collagen, suppresses the development of pigmentation, and increases local immunity.
  • Rutin (vitamin P) strengthens the capillary walls, helps prevent rosacea.
  • Thiamine (B1) prevents sagging skin and the formation of the first wrinkles.
  • Riboflavin (B2) retains moisture.
  • Nicotinic acid (B3) relieves inflammation and redness.
  • Panthenonic acid (B5) prevents the development of irritations, it is an essential component of baby cream.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) stimulates regeneration at the cellular level.
  • Folic acid (B9) protects against external influences.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) in combination with ascorbic acid and retinol has an antioxidant effect and protects against high ultraviolet radiation.
  • The phylloquinone complex (common name) increases blood coagulability, increases the tone of peripheral capillaries.
  • Potassium and phosphorus are responsible for the color and quality of the skin.
  • Flavonoids stimulate the production of natural collagen.
  • Pectin substances accelerate the recovery process.

Action of masks with parsley:

  1. Whitening, lightening of increased pigmentation, leveling of skin color after sunburn;
  2. Stopping age-related changes, reducing sagging of the skin, increasing tone;
  3. Pronounced hydration of the upper layer of the dermis;
  4. Elimination of irritation and possible edema after microtraumas;
  5. Normalization of the sebaceous glands, elimination of excess sebum;
  6. Removes acne scars - the effects of acne.

Parsley masks help fight the appearance of purulent eruptions, since the complex of nutrients in the vegetable culture has an antibacterial effect.

Contraindications to the use of a parsley mask

Parsley mask allergy
Parsley mask allergy

Cosmetic procedures using a parsley mask cannot be performed if you are allergic to it. If, when using the product, negative reactions appear - itching in the mouth, intestinal cramps or sore throat, then you should not use the vegetable crop for cosmetic purposes. A minimal amount of constituents enter the bloodstream, and mild symptoms of deterioration of health may appear.

In case of skin reactions to parsley - redness or swelling of the skin around the lips, greens are completely abandoned to improve their appearance. In addition, other ingredients of the mask or the combined action of the treatment complex can provoke allergies.

To avoid negative manifestations, it is advisable to do an allergy test before a cosmetic session - apply a little composition on the wrist. If after 15 minutes no negative changes appear, you can apply the product to the skin of the face.

Parsley face mask recipes

The effect of a parsley mask depends on the ingredients used. The composition includes all parts of the plant - roots, stems and leaves.

Parsley mask to normalize the sebaceous glands

Low-fat curdled milk for making a mask
Low-fat curdled milk for making a mask

Dairy products combined with parsley help to normalize sebum production.

Formulations with dairy products:

  • From increased fat content … Chopped greens in the amount of 2 tablespoons are mixed with 3 tablespoons of low-fat yogurt or yogurt. To enhance the action, add 1 tablespoon of starch to the mixture - potato or corn starch, as well as oat bran.
  • For oily skin … Ordinary oatmeal is cooked in milk, only without sugar. Separate 2 tablespoons (you can add sugar to the rest of the porridge and eat it), mix with the same amount of chopped parsley and with a piece - about 15 g - of butter.
  • Against excess dryness … The amount of ingredients is the same in volume. Chopped stems (they have more juice) are mixed with very fatty sour cream or cream.
  • With a mild lack of moisture … The recipe is the same as for dry skin, but instead of sour cream, use wet cottage cheese.

If possible, the mask is made on the basis of self-prepared dairy products. In the "store" preservatives are necessarily present, the benefits of such formulations are small.

Anti-wrinkle parsley face mask

Honey for making a mask
Honey for making a mask

Fading skin needs constant care. Aggressive components quickly restore elasticity, but their effect is temporary, stimulation exhausts the upper layers of the dermis. For daily gentle care, vegetable vitamin greens are ideal as a component. Recipes for "age" masks:

  1. "Green poultice" of universal action … Mix the grated dill and parsley in equal amounts, pour boiling water over it. For 250 ml - 4 tablespoons of the mixture. Insist: in a thermos - 1, 5 hours, wrapped up - 3 hours. A gauze napkin is soaked in a warm composition and applied to the face.
  2. Honey mask … Mix liquid fresh viscous honey and chopped stalks and leaves of parsley in equal amounts. If the skin is oily, you can use honey, which begins to sugar.
  3. Egg mask … Ingredients: a bunch of dill and parsley, an egg. With normal skin, beat the whole egg, with oily - protein, with dry, limited to the yolk. The greens are crushed with a blender to a homogeneous consistency, trying not to lose a single gram of juice, a whole egg or the necessary part is introduced into the same thicket. Beat up. If the consistency is too thick, dilute with water. The egg mask tightens and helps to get rid of excess pigmentation.

An express remedy against age-related changes - medicated ice. To make it, a bunch of greens, cut not too finely, are simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. Then the herbs are removed and the broth is poured into molds. The face is wiped in the morning every day. Tones up and prevents the development of rosacea.

Parsley Whitening Face Mask

Olive oil
Olive oil

In masks to even out skin color from parsley, the tops and roots are used. Range of whitening products:

  • Dry and normal skin … Finely chopped greens are combined in equal amounts with olive oil and whipped yolk.
  • Increased secretion of sebum … The parsley is washed with cold running water and chopped. Pour into a ceramic cup, squeeze with a spoon, add lemon juice - about a tablespoon, let stand, stirring, for about 10 minutes under the lid. The juice is not decanted, a composition with pulp is applied.
  • Universal mask … Parsley and peeled cucumber in equal quantities (guided by weight) are interrupted in a blender. No additional ingredients are required.
  • For all skin types … Parsley root is grated, mixed with honey (heaped teaspoon) and 3 drops of essential oil - tangerine or lemon.

If you need to quickly even out the skin tone, then a bunch of parsley is finely chopped and applied to the face without additives. An express remedy is used under makeup.

Homemade parsley face mask for eyelid edema

Grape seed oil
Grape seed oil

The parsley mask can be applied to the eyelids. It helps to eliminate swelling and bruising.

Formulation recipes:

  1. Lotions for dark spots … It is advisable to use the tool in the morning. Fresh greens are washed with cold water and juice is squeezed out. Cotton pads are impregnated in it. You can use chopped greens for the same purpose.
  2. From edema … Make an infusion or decoction. Dry parsley tea is infused in a proportion of 2 tablespoons per 120 ml of water for an hour, fresh parsley - 40 minutes. For the broth, the herbs are simmered over the fire for 20 minutes. Use cotton pads for application.
  3. With pigmentation due to peeling … The greens are finely chopped and mixed with fat sour cream. No dispensing discs are needed.
  4. Increasing tone and elimination of rosacea … Parsley is chopped, juice is squeezed out in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and half the amount of grape seed oil. If you managed to purchase only grape seed essential oil, then 4 drops are added to the mixture.

An express remedy for wrinkles is used in the morning if the eyelids are swollen. Parsley juice is mixed in equal amounts with tea and applied using cotton pads.

How to make parsley face mask for acne

A clove of garlic for making a mask
A clove of garlic for making a mask

Parsley is injected into masks for acne due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In an acute purulent process, cosmetic compositions will not help - the help of official medicine is needed.

Types of masks:

  • With a tendency to inflammation … The parsley root is washed, twisted in a meat grinder with a clove of garlic and whipped protein is mixed in.
  • Elimination of subcutaneous acne … Fresh herbs are tamped in a glass, filling it halfway so as to get juice, pour boiling water over, let it brew for 2 hours. Greens are applied to the face, and the liquid is decanted and further used as a lotion.
  • From rosacea … The whole plant is ground in a blender and egg white is added.
  • For acne and flaking with dry skin … A bunch of chopped greens is poured with low-fat kefir or yogurt - 2 tablespoons, add a tablespoon of rose water and lemon juice. If the skin is inflamed, but there are no purulent formations, add liquid honey - a teaspoon. When it is very dry, no lemon juice is used.
  • Expressive Purifying Mask … A bunch of greens is ground in a blender along with low-fat yogurt (2 tablespoons) and apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon).

To prevent breakouts, rub the skin with fresh parsley juice up to 3 times a day. Replaces the cleansing lotion.

Rules for the use of parsley masks

Parsley face mask
Parsley face mask

The effectiveness of parsley masks depends on the correct use of the main ingredient and following the application recommendations.

Basic rules of application:

  1. Greens and roots are washed cleanly with cold water, laid out on a paper towel to get rid of excess moisture.
  2. If there is more parsley than is needed for application to the skin at a time, the remainder is frozen, separating the stems, leaves and roots. Vegetable culture does not lose its properties.
  3. Masks are not stored. Ice is used up to a week, tonics and lotions - no more than 2-3 days in a cool place.
  4. Frequency of use of cosmetics: ice cubes - daily, lotions - 1 time in 48 hours, masks - 4 times a week for dry and normal skin, 5-6 - for oily skin.
  5. The mask is applied only to a clean face. With dry skin, thorough washing with hot water is sufficient, with oily skin, it is advisable to first use a scrub or steam. Scrubbing and warming up the skin are combined if the secretion of sebum is excessive. The best homemade scrubs are made from coffee grounds or oat flour.
  6. The formulations are applied for 15-20 minutes until dry. Contact with the skin of dried mixtures is useless.
  7. Wash off the parsley masks first with warm, then cold water to close the pores.
  8. If the skin is oily, a daily moisturizer is applied after the session.

How to make a parsley face mask - watch the video:

Parsley masks can be supplemented with both therapeutic measures for the treatment of acne and salon anti-aging procedures. Before completing facial treatment during a treatment and health course, it is necessary to notify a doctor or beautician.