Secrets of the effectiveness of the diet on the water. Benefits, contraindications and prohibitions. Menu for one day and one week. Reviews and results of weight loss. The water diet is a special way of losing weight, which does not involve food restrictions, but corrects, according to special rules, the amount of liquid you drink per day. The bottom line can be expressed as follows: you drink a lot and therefore lose weight.
Benefits of a Proper Water Diet

Undoubtedly, water is very important, because we are simply saturated with it. The supply of fluid in the body should be constantly replenished, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided: without it, a person dies in 3 days. It is impossible to oversaturate the body with water, everything that is superfluous will come out naturally.
If you follow the rules, then a water diet will not do harm, only benefit:
- Reducing weight … And not due to the loss of fluid, you will just use it in an increased volume, but due to a decrease in appetite. Since the stomach is full, there will be no hunger.
- Body cleansing … The functioning of all organs of the body is associated with water. With its help, nutrition reaches the cells, and also there is a release from decay products. Slags and toxins do not come out on their own, they are carried away by water. Just as we wash away the external dirt from ourselves, the water washes us from the inside, cleanses and thereby heals.
- Lower blood pressure … Pressure surges are often caused by a lack of fluid in the body, because the vessels either narrow or expand, allowing blood to fill the entire circulatory system. Compliance with the correct drinking regime solves the problem with high blood pressure.
- Regulation of body temperature … This is especially important in hot weather for everyone, but primarily for hypertensive patients or those with heart problems. For this reason, adhering to a water diet is recommended during the warm season.
- Improving the functioning of internal organs and joints … Insufficient fluid intake affects the condition and functioning of all body systems, and a sufficient amount of it will help them recover.
- Rejuvenation … Water is an important component of the metabolic process, it triggers regeneration. The moisturized cells of the body are rejuvenated by being saturated with fluid. The skin gets rid of wrinkles, and the hair and nails delight with beauty and health.
Important! You should follow the water diet for no longer than one month, after which, without completely reducing your water intake, you need to take the same break.
Contraindications to losing weight on a water diet

Any diet should start with a visit to your doctor and getting permission from him. General medical contraindications for a water diet are:
- Pregnancy and lactation … Those who are expecting the birth of a baby or are breastfeeding him should neither exhaust themselves with any diets, nor consume anything in excess of the norm. All experiments - after the state of the child ceases to directly depend on your state.
- Hypertension … Those who have high blood pressure should be attentive to their drinking regimen, and not follow thoughtlessly fashionable novelties and recommendations, and the amount of fluid consumed must be discussed with the attending physician. Not enough water - and the kidneys will no longer cope with the elimination of toxins and waste from the body, which will cause an increase in pressure. And if there is a lot, then this can lead to edema and leaching from the body of potassium and magnesium, which is so necessary for hypertensive patients for the work of the heart.
- Kidney disease … Fasting is absolutely contraindicated for such people! They must consume at least 3500 calories per day, otherwise their body will begin to consume its own proteins. This process will be accompanied by the release of toxins, which will increase the burden on the kidneys.
- Diseases of the urinary tract … If the consumption of fluid increases, then its excretion from the body also increases, which is difficult for people with such diseases.
Remember! To understand whether you are drinking enough water or not, you can donate blood for a fingerstick test and look at the HCT (hematocrit). If it is increased, then you should drink more fluids. And if, on the contrary, it is lowered, then less.
How to lose weight on a water diet: all the secrets
In 99% of cases, excess weight appears against the background of overeating with insufficient fluid intake, moreover, it is pure water, and not tea, coffee, juices and other drinks. We often confuse the feeling of thirst and hunger, eating something when we should drink. The water diet helps to solve this problem. Along the way, with getting rid of extra pounds, the body is cleansed, healed and rejuvenated, and the appearance improves. But all this only happens if the water diet is followed correctly.
Basic rules for a water diet

Each diet has its own characteristics and rules. Water in this regard is absolutely not burdensome. In order for your efforts to have a positive effect, you should remember and observe the implementation of several points.
For weight loss, you need ordinary drinking filtered non-carbonated water at room temperature. Carbonated or table mineral is not suitable, as it stimulates the appetite. You can not drink distilled (it is not alive), as well as flowing from the tap, in it, in addition to the hypothetically possible presence of harmful microorganisms, there is a lot of chlorine and iron salts.
It is impossible to thoughtlessly drink water as much as possible, so as not to provoke the appearance of edema. The amount of liquid is calculated in different ways. Beginners need to start with a more gentle regime - at the rate of 1 liter of water per day for every 30 kg of their weight. That is, if you weigh 90 kilograms, your daily allowance is 3 liters.
For those who have already followed a water diet, you can use this algorithm: multiply your weight by 40, and you will get the volume of liquid in milliliters (90 kg x 40 = 3600 ml). The second option is to divide your body weight by 20, and get the amount in liters (90 kg: 20 = 4.5 liters).
Consider also the fact that your weight will change over time, and then you should change your daily water intake.
Drink it in small sips, slowly. The first intake - in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, this will give you vigor. And then - 30 minutes before each meal. People achieved the greatest effect by drinking 500 ml of water (that is, 2 glasses) at a time. On average, each person eats three meals a day. That is, if you drink 2 glasses half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, in total this will give one and a half liters.
Knowing your daily allowance, calculate how much you still have to drink: for example, 3 liters - 1.5 liters = 1.5 liters. Spread the remaining one and a half liters evenly throughout the day: drink a glass at least an hour after each meal and instead of snacks when you suddenly feel like eating. The last fluid intake should be 3 hours before bedtime, after which you should not eat anything.
Remember! Too much fluid is just as bad as not getting enough fluid, so don't try to drink more than you've calculated for your weight.
What can be done on a water diet

In this article, the phrase "water diet" does not mean fasting, that is, drinking only water in the complete absence of other drinks and any food. Therefore, there is a need! Moreover, on a water diet you can:
- There is everything combined with everything … That is, you can, if you really want to, combine potatoes with meat, and you don't have to forget about what the sausage tastes like. Naturally, do not overeat. But there are no restrictions in the choice of food, you will lose weight, because you will eat less due to the lack of hunger.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables … By including them in your diet to the maximum, you will provide your body with nutrients with a minimum of calories and additional fluid.
- Acidify and vitaminize water … For example, adding 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon, orange, tangerine or grapefruit juice to a glass of water. But don't use more than one fruit a day! You can also add ginger or mint.
- Sweeten the water … Add a teaspoon of honey to one glass.
- Replace part of the water … For high-quality green tea (it contributes to weight loss, as it enhances metabolism and removes excess fat from the body) or fresh fruit juices prepared by you personally.
Important! To prepare the body, take a fasting day the day before the start of the diet. Observing a special diet, do not forget to exercise. Exercise will improve both your figure and your mood.
Prohibitions on a water diet

If you do not follow this peculiar "safety technique", the diet will not be beneficial, you can even harm yourself. Therefore, keep in mind that, while on a water diet, you cannot:
- There are flour, fatty, sweet, fast food and semi-finished products … Water is not a panacea. Try not to overeat to get real results. And having felt an irresistible desire to gain extra calories, drink so that the feeling of "emptiness" disappears in the stomach.
- Drink lots of drinks … If you drink your rate, then you will not want extra fluids. But if you first drink tea, coffee, juice, and then decide to start your daily rate of clean water, then it may turn out that there is no place anymore. Therefore, the use of additional fluids should be monitored.
- Drink cold water … If you do not want to get a sore throat or give shock therapy to your stomach, drink liquid at room temperature. In addition, tooth enamel is damaged from the cold.
- Drink immediately before, during and immediately after meals … So you will not receive benefits, but inflammatory processes in the intestines and dysbiosis, because the water you drink, immediately mixing with undigested food and gastric juice, will change their composition (the concentration of gastric secretions will be diluted, and fatty foods, for example, will harden). This will cause an acute indigestion: it will be more difficult for the stomach to process food, the protein will not be absorbed, but will simply rot in the intestines. Better to chew everything thoroughly, moistening with saliva.
- Drink more than 2 glasses at a time … Sometimes you can see the recommendation to drink 1 glass of water in the morning before meals, in the afternoon - 2 glasses, and in the evening - 3. This is not just not useful, but even harmful! With three glasses of liquid at a time, you will simply stretch your stomach, and you will want to eat more and more often.
Important! There is a formula for calculating the minimum required amount of liquid per day: multiply your weight by 30 ml (for example, 90 kg x 30 ml = 2700 ml), that is, with a weight of 90 kg per day, the body should receive at least 2.7 liters of water.
Water diet menu for 1 day

The water diet is often called the lazy diet because it doesn't require much effort. Just drink more liquid according to a certain scheme, do not overuse high-calorie foods - and that's it. But if you want to achieve the best results in a shorter time, then combine this diet with a fractional meal.
Here is a sample menu for one day:
- Breakfast … Drink 2 glasses of water before meals and eat a plate of oatmeal (or cottage cheese) flavored with walnuts, raisins and honey. After 1-1.5 hours, drink freshly squeezed juice or green tea with toast. A stricter option is a glass of water.
- Lunch … Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal, and then eat some kind of fruit (citrus, kiwi or apple, it is better to exclude bananas, they are too high in calories). You don't need to drink anything - remember that for this, at least an hour should pass after eating!
- Dinner … For half an hour before him, drink 2 glasses of water and then dine without any restrictions, except for these: be sure to have a first course, borscht or soup in your diet, and everything you eat for lunch should fit in one plate. You do not need to drink anything, and do not drink any liquid for another 2 hours.
- Afternoon snack … Drink 2 glasses of water 30 minutes before it and eat a fruit or sandwich. You can drink something else at least an hour after you finish eating.
- Dinner … Drink liquids 30 minutes before it (1 or 2 glasses, calculate the amount, taking into account your daily allowance) and eat whatever you want. Don't drink for 2 hours. Then you can drink water, juice or green tea, but remember that the last drink should be 3 hours before you go to bed.
In the intervals between meals, you can drink water, getting the right amount of it up to your daily allowance.
Remember! For inspiration, visualize your progress with a visual graph and track the process of losing weight, noting the amount of fluid you drink. You can use your smartphone by downloading the appropriate application (there are many of them, just enter “control of the water you drink” in the search box and select the one you like).
Examples of meals with a water diet for a week

Usually, the water diet is designed for 1 month with renewal after an at least long break. But there are strict options, the main principle of which is to drink only water and eat only low-calorie foods. They are designed for those who want to bring themselves back to normal in a short time, for example, in 7 days, and get rid of not too many extra pounds.
Food examples:
- Breakfast … Half an hour before it, drink 2 glasses of warm water in small sips. Then eat protein foods - low-fat hard cheese, eggs, cottage cheese. You can only drink water, not earlier than an hour after eating.
- Dinner … Drink 2 glasses of warm liquid again half an hour before meals. Next, allow yourself a plate of vegetable soup and a slice of boiled chicken breast. Drink water one hour after meals.
- Snacks … Arrange them whenever you feel like eating between meals. Drink some water first. If after half an hour you still feel like eating something, allow yourself some dried fruit or not sweet fruit.
- Dinner … Again 2 glasses of water half an hour before eating steamed meat or fish and vegetables. Drink some water after an hour.
Make sure that you drink your daily fluid intake, calculated according to your weight. The last fluid intake is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
During these 7 days, the use of sugar, salt, coffee, cereals (complex carbohydrates) is excluded.
You will lose a maximum of 10 kg in a week, and 3-4 of them will return when you switch to your usual diet. Any express diet is not suitable for those who need to lose 15-20-30 kg or more.
Results of the water diet

A water diet will save you 2-3 kilograms per week. This is not a quick result, but it is not dangerous for your health and your beauty.
The exclusion of most nutrients and a sharp jump in weight, characteristic of many diets, have a negative effect on the appearance: the hair grows dull, becomes brittle, the skin is flabby, saggy. With the loss of a large number of kilograms, it is sometimes possible to get rid of hanging folds only by surgery. The water diet is devoid of such disadvantages. The liquid used will not allow you to lose weight dramatically, and the skin, without losing turgor, but on the contrary, having received freshness and elasticity, will have time to tighten itself.
The intake of vitamins and nutrients with a water diet does not stop, you just limit the amount of food, because you drink more, but not its quality. Your food continues to be balanced and varied. This is good for both physical health and peace of mind - you can not beat yourself up for weak willpower by eating a piece of chocolate. It would seem a trifle, but it is important for feeling the quality of life, a positive "fighting" attitude and getting the desired effect.
As a result of a water diet, you lose weight slowly but surely, without harm to health, without mental anguish and, importantly, without large financial expenditures.
Important! Useful habits of drinking water in the morning half an hour before breakfast and in the evening 3 hours before bedtime, as well as drinking the feeling of hunger without eating it with snacks, can and should be instilled in yourself forever. Even if you have already reached your optimal weight for you and are no longer going to sit on a water diet for the sake of losing weight, they will help you stay in an acceptable clothing size for you and not gain extra pounds in the future.
Real reviews and results of the water diet

All reviews about the water diet are usually positive, because good results and not burdensome for the budget simply cannot but please.
Maria, 35 years old
After the birth of three children, I got fat and could not lose weight in any way. Babies require care, and there is no time for themselves. Everything on the run - personal care and food. Grabbing whatever comes first, and snacking on whatever and when I got it, I ate myself 20 kilograms of excess weight! I don't have time for fitness clubs, and my finances do not allow such spending. I heard from a friend about the water diet and decided to try it. I began to taste gradually: at first I drank water in the morning and in the evening, then I taught myself to drink it before each meal. Eliminated grabbing food from the refrigerator, replacing them with a glass of water. So gradually and completely imperceptibly for myself, I dropped 10 kilograms. I will not stop there and will continue to fight for beauty, especially since it is not difficult at all!
Galina, 54 years old
I am a gourmet, I love to eat well and pay for it with excess weight. Already I got used to him, not everyone can be skinny, besides, I am so comfortable. But with age, the metabolism slows down, and therefore the weight began to gain faster, the pressure increased, and shortness of breath appeared. I can't refuse delicious food, and my husband will be against the lack of familiar dishes. I decided to look for a suitable diet and came across water. At first, when I saw the name, I thought it was water starvation, and decided that such a mockery of myself was not suitable for me. But after reading it, I realized that everything is not difficult and not scary. I decided to try it. Now, after 5 months, having got rid of 15 extra pounds, I confidently recommend everyone to lose weight on a water diet. I ate sweets, and sometimes saltiness. But in moderation. And I lost weight!
Carolina, 40 years old
Counting calories is not for me. In general, as a philologist, I am not adapted to calculations. And as a sweet tooth I cannot live without sweets and cakes. But the 56th trouser size will make anyone think. I thought about it and found a convenient way to lose weight: slowly but surely and without unnecessary spending. Even taking into account my dislike for the regime and time frames, the water diet did not bother me at all. I just drank a glass of water half an hour before meals and an hour after. And that's it! I didn't even comply with my drinking norm - well, I can't drink so much, but I don't want to force myself. Therefore, I drank as much as I drank without disgust. In small sips and thinking about how this water, my beloved, cleanses and energizes me. And that along with it extra fat comes out of me. And, I must say, the results please me: 5 kilograms in 2 weeks. I will continue to lose weight on the water, it's not difficult! Recommend!
Watch the video about the water diet:

A water diet for weight loss does not require large expenditures, it has practically no contraindications. Compliance with all the rules will ensure you lose weight without any dietary restrictions. And cleansing and rejuvenating the body will be a pleasant bonus.