Baile or stone apple

Baile or stone apple
Baile or stone apple

Stone apple, characteristic of the plant, composition of fruit pulp, useful properties, options for using baile and making tea.

The chemical composition of Bengal quince

Stone apple
Stone apple

The composition and quantitative characteristics of the content of nutrients, as well as organic matter, differ slightly between fresh and dried fruits. Let's describe in detail the composition of fresh fruits of the stone apple fruit.

Matum is a low-calorie food. The calorie content of the baile is 48 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - from 1, 8 to 2, 6 g;
  • Fats - from 0.2 to 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - from 28 to 32 g;
  • Water - from 55 to 62 g;
  • Ash substances - from 1 to 1, 7 g.

Vitamin composition of a 100 gram serving of pulp:

  • Carotene - 55 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid - from 8 to 60 mg;
  • Tartaric acid - from 2 to 2.5 mg;
  • Niacin - 1.2 mg
  • Riboflavin - 1.2 mg;
  • Thiamine - 0.13 mg.

Matum pulp contains other components, for example, alkaloids, glycosins, steroids, coumarins, essential oils, tannins (tannins).

Useful properties of the stone apple

Baile pulp
Baile pulp

At different stages of maturity, the baile fruit has different properties, the most useful are those fruits that have just begun to ripen. Do not forget that other parts of the plant are also rich in composition and are actively used in traditional medicine.

Let us describe those systems of the body, the work of which can be adjusted by the bail:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract … Ripe baile fruits have a laxative effect. However, the use of this fruit is not contraindicated even with diarrhea, because the substances included in the composition are able to quickly establish the work of the intestines. The best option for restoring intestinal function is dried unripe matum fruits, because contain a large amount of glycosides that destroy intestinal infections. It is believed that just one stone apple is able to rid the body of lamblia. Eating a stone apple improves appetite, significantly speeds up digestion, and helps to relieve painful bloating.
  2. The immune system … Bail contributes to the establishment of the immune system thanks to its constituent vitamins. The most important role in this matter is given to vitamin C.
  3. Skin … Matum helps to increase the elasticity, firmness of the skin, is an active agent in the fight against papillomas, psoriasis. Significantly increases protective functions in relation to the tropical sun.
  4. Respiratory system … Tea made from the fruit of a stone tree serves as an excellent expectorant, can improve the condition of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, acute respiratory infections and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Nervous system … The best effect on the nervous system is exerted by B vitamins, which are able to improve the conductivity of nerve fibers. For example, 100 g of baile contains more than half of the daily dose of riboflavin.
  6. The cardiovascular system … Cleansing blood vessels with a baile is an excellent preventive measure against atherosclerosis and ischemic disease.

In general, the stone apple has numerous beneficial properties, for example, restorative, nourishing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antipyretic, protective, antiallergic.

Contraindications to the use of baile

Sore throat
Sore throat

The main contraindication to the use of a stone apple and products from it is the presence of individual intolerance. Any exotic fruits should be used with caution, because The digestive system of the people of our continent often does not have the necessary enzymes to digest them, so it is necessary to accustom the body to new products gradually, using them in small doses.

Due to the fact that baile has an irritating effect on the throat, people with sensitive mucous membranes are advised to use its fruits with caution.

Certain parts of the plant, for example, leaves, should not be consumed by pregnant women, because they can cause abortion. Also, the properties of the leaves include a negative effect on the reproductive functions of the female body, the development of infertility is possible.

Some sources claim that the tannin contained in the fruit with long-term consumption of the fruit in large quantities can have a carcinogenic effect on the body.

How to eat a stone apple

Dried Bailey Slices
Dried Bailey Slices

The choice of fruit when purchasing depends on the purpose of the fruit. For example, for eating fresh, it is worth buying ripe fruits that have a yellowish shell. When buying a bag for long-term storage, choose unripe fruits, they are green in color.

An unripe stone apple has the ability to ripen and can be stored in a cool place for 3-4 months. To prepare matum for making tea, choose unripe fruits. They must be cut into plates and dried.

The stone apple is an excellent independent dish, but it is much more often used in combination with other food products. it is irritating to the throat. This fruit has gained widespread use in the preparation of desserts; it is added to ice cream, jelly, and fruit salads. An amazing treat - candied fruit wedges.

Drinks with baile are excellent thirst quenchers. Sharbat is very popular. To prepare 6 liters of this drink, one juicy fruit and half a lime are sometimes enough.

Baile tea

Stone apple tea
Stone apple tea

The stone apple is more widely used as a medicinal tea. It is used not only in the countries of growth, but also on other continents. On the Internet, you can find a lot of offers for the sale of matum tea from baile. Prices for this product depend on the volume of the pack, for example, 25 g can be bought for 70 rubles, 100 g - for 120 rubles, and 500 g - for 350 rubles.

Baile tea is used for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for general strengthening of the body, increasing protective functions, and also as an astringent and antiseptic in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It actively cures constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, peptic ulcer, rotavirus infection, and is effective against parasites in the intestines.

Its ability to cleanse blood vessels allows it to be used to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Rock apple tea can lower blood sugar levels and improve water balance in the body.

Bail tea can even be used instead of regular tea, mixed with other types of tea in a teapot, herbs, dried or fresh fruits can be added to diversify its taste and useful properties.

The drink can be prepared by pouring boiling water over dried fruit pieces or by boiling them in clean water for 5-10 minutes. It becomes more saturated if you let it brew.

Bail use cases

Stone apple drink
Stone apple drink

The chemical composition and physical characteristics of the stone apple provide a great demand for it in various spheres of human activity. This plant and its fruits are valuable not only in medicine and not only in the countries where it grows. Fruits, leaves, baile bark are used in cosmetology, construction, as well as for creating interior items.

Let's describe in more detail the options for using matum:

  • Household use … Individual parts of the baile matum plant have found use in the household. Due to its cleansing action, the pulp of the fruit is used as a toilet soap, a laundry detergent to fight stubborn dirt on fabrics. The seeds of unripe fruits of a wild-growing baile are enveloped in a sticky substance that is excellent for the role of household glue. Its strength also allows the glue to be used in jewelry to anchor small gemstones. The whole fruit is a source of the yellow dye used on fabrics, particularly silk and cotton fabrics.
  • Bail in construction … Cement mortars and plaster are hardened and provided with additional waterproof properties if matum adhesive is added to them. When mixed with this substance, watercolors become more resistant to external influences (moisture, light) after being applied to the canvas. The wood of the stone apple is strong enough, therefore it is used in construction, but as such it is not in particularly high demand, because does not differ in durability.
  • Stone apple in cosmetology … The use of matum pulp as a toilet soap not only perfectly cleanses the skin, but has a nourishing effect, makes the skin radiant, smooth, has a bactericidal effect, so the bag can serve as an excellent remedy for combating acne, inflammation, and rashes. An essential oil is extracted from the shell of the fruit, which serves as an excellent fragrance for hair. Rubbing this product into the roots strengthens them, fills the hair with strength and beauty. Extract from flowers serves as an important component of perfume. It is obtained by distillation.
  • The use of baile in arts and crafts … Due to the strength of the fruit shell, it is used for the manufacture of small interior items, for example, snuff boxes, caskets. Sometimes these pieces are adorned with precious metals to add sophistication. Wood is also used to create small household appliances. It does not differ in durability, but with high-quality processing it has a very noble appearance.
  • The use of matum in medicine … Baile has been used as a medicine for many centuries. Powders and decoctions are made from its individual parts. Dried fruits of varying degrees of maturity are also used to treat certain ailments. The role of this fruit for the prevention and control of scurvy is important, because with its intake, the supply of vitamin C is replenished. Decoctions made from flowers are used as an eye lotion, as well as a means to stop vomiting.

How to make tea from baile - watch the video:

The stone apple is an unpretentious plant that gives a good harvest even without special care. And its beneficial properties allowed this plant to be ranked among the most fertile fruits. In order to taste the baile and improve your health with its help, it is not necessary to go to warmer regions, it is enough to order the fruit through the website.