Healthy sports

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Healthy sports
Healthy sports

Find out which workouts and sports sections are best for developing your body and maintaining excellent health. Most people today lead a sedentary lifestyle, although the situation is gradually beginning to change for the better. Many modern specialties involve sedentary work, which negatively affects the body. Moderate physical activity helps to normalize the work of all body systems. Today we will tell you about sports that are good for your health.

The benefits of playing sports

Active and cheerful people
Active and cheerful people

Through regular exercise, you can save yourself from many problems in old age. Active people are less likely to get sick because their immune systems work as efficiently as possible. They do not have problems with being overweight, they always look healthy and fit. Sports also helps to better resist stress, which is quite a lot in modern life.

Physical activity accelerates the production of endorphin hormones, which have a positive effect on the nervous and vascular systems, as well as the heart muscle. In a person who regularly goes in for sports, endurance increases, the balance of lipoproteins is normalized, and due to an increase in the useful volume of the lungs, diseases of the respiratory system are rarely observed.

Sports can be an excellent means of preventing varicose veins, because blood flow increases under the influence of physical exertion. This leads to the fact that the blood washes all tissues of the body and uses the smallest capillaries. This also increases the elasticity index of blood vessels. In addition to all of the above, sport allows you to temper your character. Regular physical activity will help you get rid of laziness and bad habits. At the same time, you should remember that all the words said now are true only in relation to amateur sports. We have repeatedly noted that physical activity should be moderate. However, in professional sports, they will not allow you to achieve maximum results.

How to do sports to improve your health?

Girl doing stretching
Girl doing stretching

When deciding to start playing sports, you need to consider various factors. For example, if a person has chronic diseases, he should not engage in some sports disciplines. Before we talk about sports that are good for health, it is worth mentioning the rules for drawing up a training plan. Here are the main ones:

  1. Set a specific goal for yourself.
  2. It is necessary to exercise regularly.
  3. It is necessary to be patient, as not every goal can be achieved in a short time.
  4. There should be no contraindications to practicing this or that sports discipline.

If you need to eliminate excess weight, then you should exercise often and for a sufficiently long period of time. At the same time, the duration of your classes should increase gradually. If you just want to maintain your physical shape, then during the week it is quite enough to conduct two sessions.

Also, when choosing a sport, you should take into account your age.

  • From 20 to 30 years old, strength training, exercises that develop flexibility and improve the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, for example, dancing, fitness, boxing, are perfect.
  • After 40 years, you should think about back health and yoga or Pilates will be an excellent choice. You can also use cardio exercises.
  • After age 50, it is recommended to walk and exercise moderately in the gym.

Useful sports for weight loss

Girl, dumbbells, apple and tape measure
Girl, dumbbells, apple and tape measure

Nowadays, many people strive to lose weight, but at the same time they forget that in order to achieve their goal, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. In addition to switching to proper nutrition, you also need to exercise. Now we will tell you what sports are good for health and weight loss.

Here you have a wide choice, since there are many sports disciplines that contribute to the reduction of adipose tissues. We can recommend combining cardio with strength training. This will not only effectively burn fat, but also gain muscle mass. As you know, muscles require a lot of energy, even during rest. Gaining muscle mass, you speed up metabolic processes and the body is forced to burn fat in order to get enough energy.


Swimming muscles
Swimming muscles

It is one of the best weight loss sports. At the same time, swimming is very good for your health. You will not only be able to strengthen all the muscles in the body, but also correct posture, improve the functioning of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and relieve the load on the spinal column.

To get the maximum health-improving effect from swimming, you need to do it three times a week for at least half an hour. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the required pace and intensity. Also remember that it is important to warm up well before starting exercise. Swimming can get rid of 400 calories in 45 minutes.


Male cyclists
Male cyclists

More and more people are giving preference to this health-promoting sport. Exercise three times a week, taking at least half an hour of walks. In addition to actively reducing adipose tissue, cycling helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks. In winter, you can train in the gym on an exercise bike.

Walking at a fast pace

Man and woman are engaged in fast walking
Man and woman are engaged in fast walking

Don't underestimate the benefits of walking fast. It is a great sport that is good for your health and can make your figure slim and attractive. The peculiarity of walking is the fact that you can practice anywhere and at any convenient time. Walking can be recommended for people who have problems with the heart muscle, the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the legs and the spinal column. An hour's worth of exercise will burn about 200 calories.


People jogging
People jogging

This sport can be an alternative to walking or a more sophisticated version of it. For weight loss, it is most effective to run at an average pace for long distances. In 30 minutes of training, you can burn up to 600 calories.

How to lose weight quickly by playing sports?

Girl with training loops
Girl with training loops

Almost any kind of sport will be beneficial to health, if the training is organized correctly. Many people choose a gym and achieve great results. When deciding to start practicing in the gym, you should remember that the training program should be individual.

People often make the mistake of trying to find universal programs and techniques. This is not possible, since each person's body has its own characteristics. We recommend that you seek the help of a professional trainer who will help you create an effective training program.

At first, you just need to work on all the muscles of the body throughout the entire session. The body must adapt to new working conditions. Gradually, your athletic form will improve and at this moment it is necessary to divide the whole body into two or three muscle groups. At each workout, you need to devote all the time to one of them.

All exercises should be performed in three sets, each of which will have from 10 to 15 repetitions. Before the main part of the workout, it is important to do a 10-minute warm-up to prepare the body for serious stress. Note that you need to eat at least 120 minutes before the start of the training and not earlier than 60 minutes after its completion. Each lesson should last no more than an hour.

A very effective way to lose weight is to combine strength training with cardio sessions. Working on aerobic simulators will improve the performance of the heart muscle, as well as the respiratory and vascular systems.

Many people wonder how long it takes to lose weight. I want to say right away. That quick results are simply not possible. You must be patient and exercise regularly (2-3 times a week). If you were previously far from sports, then you should start with two workouts a week throughout the week, the duration of each should be at least half an hour.

Shorter sessions may not be effective because the muscles will not have time to work well. It should also be remembered that the body does not immediately activate the lipolysis processes. Initially, carbohydrates and glycogen are consumed for energy, and only after that fats begin to be burned.

After a few weeks with two workouts, you can add another activity to them. It is not worth exercising more often, as the body needs time to recover. Muscles grow only during rest. If you do classes often, then you will overtrain, which will have a negative effect on the body.

We have already noted that many sports are healthy and can help you lose fat. It is up to you to choose a sports discipline, because you should enjoy the exercise. However, if you started to play sports, then you should reconsider the howling diet. Both weight loss and muscle gain are only possible with a combination of regular exercise and a proper nutritional program. If you want to lose weight, then the energy value should be low. People looking to build muscle should eat a lot. However, it should be useful, and the calorie content of the diet is correctly selected.

Nutrition is a very important component of effective sports and this is the topic of more than one article. Today our task was to tell you about what kinds of sports are good for your health. I would like to believe that the information we have provided today will be useful to you.

For more information on the healthiest sports for health, see this video:
