How to lose weight in the stomach and hips?

How to lose weight in the stomach and hips?
How to lose weight in the stomach and hips?

Learn the secret techniques that will allow you to make a perfect figure in just a couple of months and get rid of fat from problem areas. Many people today are overweight and are trying to get rid of it. Most often, it all starts with the use of various diet programs that do not very often bring a decent effect. Especially the problem of excess weight is relevant for girls, because according to the existing canons of beauty, a woman should not have a lot of fat in her body.

After fruitless attempts to get the desired result with the help of diets, girls begin to look for effective exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and thighs at home. Why in particular for these body parts in the first place? Everything is very simple, because it is the hips and abdomen that are the most problematic areas.

At the same time, not every woman is ready to force herself to do exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and hips at home, however, it should be understood that fat will not disappear by itself and you need to spend time and effort fighting it. In addition, you will have to go in for sports in the future in order to keep yourself constantly in good shape.

What kind of sport to do to lose weight?

Girl with dumbbells
Girl with dumbbells

Today there is a fairly large selection of different types of fitness that will help you lose weight. If you just want to keep yourself in good shape, then running, shaping, yoga, etc. is enough. Note that when choosing exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and hips at home, you need to do this depending on the need to adjust the weight of a particular part of the body.

Now yoga is becoming more and more popular, allowing you to effectively maintain shape and correct your weight. At the same time, it is better to practice yoga in the section under the supervision of an experienced mentor. This is a rather difficult form of fitness from a technical point of view, just like Pilates, bodyflex, etc. However, you can practice at home, for which you need to find video tutorials.

It is very important to choose the right load, as otherwise you can harm your body. We also recall the importance of adhering to an appropriate nutrition program. While playing sports, you do not have to adhere to a strict diet, but you still need to make certain changes in the diet. First of all, you need to reduce the energy value of the diet and start eating healthy foods. However, this is a very broad topic and today we will talk about exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and hips at home.

Equipment for effective homework

Bbw in the mirror sees slim
Bbw in the mirror sees slim

Today we will talk about how to effectively play sports at home with a minimum amount of sports equipment. All you need is a rug, a narrow bench with hard upholstery, dumbbells. This will be enough, although we recommend purchasing sports gloves so that you do not damage the skin on your hands while working with dumbbells.

Exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and thighs at home should be performed at least three times throughout the week, making one day off between sessions. Fitness experts believe that the optimal times for sports are from 11:00 to 14:00, and evenings from 18:00 to 20:00. Obviously, the benefits of doing belly and hips slimming exercises at home can only be obtained with regular exercise.

We also recall that the body has the ability to adapt to any stress and any set of movements can be effective for one or two months. After that, it is worth making some adjustments to your training program, replacing part of the exercises. It is very important to get a permanent effect and to progress the load. It is best to exercise at least a couple of hours before eating or sleeping. For your workouts to be successful, you need to motivate yourself and work with desire. Problem motivation should not be, because you want to always look attractive in the eyes of men?

Slimming exercises in the abdomen

Twisting scheme
Twisting scheme

Most girls have serious problems with losing weight in the abdomen. Moreover, this problem may become relevant for you even if it does not exist at the moment. The female body is designed in such a way that fat stores are mainly created on the abdomen and thighs.

You can give advice to all girls who decide to lose weight - do not only do exercises for the abdominal muscles. Excessive strengthening of the press threatens to make the waist bulky. Let's take a look at the most effective and popular abdominal exercises.

  1. Classic crunches. This movement is designed to develop the large abdominal muscle and is performed with a small amplitude. Take a supine position with your lower back firmly pressed to the ground. The legs must be bent at the knee joints, and the hands must be joined in a "lock" behind the head. While inhaling air, lift the top of the case. Return to the starting position as you exhale.
  2. Reverse crunches. The starting position is the same as the previous movement. Actually, it is performed practically the same way, only it is necessary to raise not the upper part of the body, but the pelvis.
  3. Exercises for the development of oblique muscles of the press. Sit on a chair and do body turns. You can also use all types of twists to work out oblique muscles, but you should rotate the body.

Slimming Exercises

Dumbbell lunges
Dumbbell lunges

First, you should visually evaluate your legs and decide where you need to lose weight - in the hips or calves. By developing the muscles in your legs, you can not only get rid of fat, but also eliminate the laxity of the skin.

  1. Exercise # 1. Take a standing position with your hands on your waist. Begin to lift one leg by bending it at the knee joint. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times on each leg. After that, you should rest for 15 seconds, and repeat the movement. As a result, do eight sets.
  2. Exercise number 2. For the muscles in the front of the thigh, as well as the buttocks, lunges are very effective. When performing the movement, always keep your hands at the waist, and when it becomes quite easy for you to do the exercise, use dumbbells.
  3. Exercise number 3. The most difficult thing in terms of losing weight is the inner thigh. These muscles are not so actively involved in walking and often women have problems here. Lie on your back and raise your legs. After that, start spreading them apart. It is very important to ensure that the legs do not deviate from the vertical plane.
  4. Exercise number 4. To develop the muscles on the outer thighs, you need to lie on your side. After that, lift your straight leg. Do 8-10 reps on the right and left legs.

To get rid of fat in the calf area, you can use jogging in place. You can also take a supine position and bend your knee joints, pull the socks towards you.

Slimming exercises in the thigh area

Breeding straight legs lying
Breeding straight legs lying

The hips are also one of the most problematic areas for girls. To lose weight in this area, do the following exercises.

  • Exercise # 1. Take a supine position with your hands on your buttocks. Raise your straight legs and start spreading them. In this case, the muscles of the thigh must be in tension all the time.
  • Exercise number 2. Standing on your knee joints, straighten your feet and lower your arms down. Begin to descend to the feet on the left side of them, tilting the body to the right. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
  • Exercise number 3. Stand straight with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints, and turn your toes outward. With your arms outstretched in front of you, begin to squat slowly. In the lower position of the trajectory, hold for a couple of seconds, after which you can return from the starting position. It is very important that the muscles of the buttocks and thighs are tense at all times.
  • Exercise number 4. Lie on your side with your upper arm and leg bent. Then place your upper leg in front of you, resting it on the ground, and slowly begin to understand the lower one as high as possible. Repeat on the other side. This movement is great for strengthening the inner thigh muscles and should be done continuously.
  • Exercise number 5. Get on one knee and put your hands on the ground. Begin to move the second leg to the side and upward and, having reached the extreme upper point of the trajectory, perform its circular movements.

Slimming exercises in the buttocks area

Glute workout
Glute workout

Every girl dreams of her buttocks being firm and toned. The exercises we'll talk about will help you with this.

  • Exercise # 1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs apart. Holding the back of the chair with your hands, squeeze any object between your legs with the strength of your thigh muscles. Hold it for 60 seconds, then relax and repeat the movement.
  • Exercise number 2. Kneeling down, place your hands on your waist. Begin to descend first to the left and then to the right buttocks. Perform the movement until fatigue appears in the muscles of the buttocks. Note that when going down, you do not need to sit on your buttocks. It is very important that the muscles are tense all the time.
  • Exercise number 3. Stand near a wall and lean on the back of your head and back. Bend your knees and sit in a squat position for 60 seconds. If you cannot withstand such a load immediately, then reduce the time. Then you will have to gradually increase it and bring it to a minute.

Modern life is fast paced and sometimes it is very difficult to find time to take care of yourself. However, try to do it. The exercises we have considered today for losing weight on the abdomen and hips at home will help you look beautiful and always be in great physical shape.

How to lose weight in the abdomen and hips you will learn in more detail from this video:
