Find out what the level of testosterone should be in girls and what to do if the upper limits of the norm are greatly overestimated, the practical recommendations of experienced nutritionists. Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, but it is also present in small amounts in the female body. In men, the testes are responsible for the synthesis of the hormone, and in women, the ovaries. In addition, testosterone is partially produced by the adrenal cortex, both in boys and girls. In the male body, testosterone determines the degree of development of sexual characteristics, and in girls it regulates sexual desire, as well as a set of fat and muscle mass.
Scientists in the course of research have found that the concentration of testosterone in the female body can significantly change with age upward. The maximum values of the hormone level in the female body were noted during menopause. The concentration of the male hormone also increases during pregnancy, and the deviation from the norm during this period can reach up to 400 percent. To determine the level of the male hormone in girls, it is necessary to pass certain tests. Today we will find out what consequences increased testosterone levels can have in women.
Normal testosterone concentration in women

As we have already noted, testosterone must be present in the female body. It is necessary for the development of the skeleton, muscles, sebaceous and mammary glands. In addition, the male hubbub helps to improve the mood of girls. But all this is possible only with a normal concentration of testosterone. But elevated testosterone levels in women are undesirable. An increase in the concentration of the male hormone in the female body can be noticed by a sharp increase in the growth of hair on the body and face.
Also, for this, you can pass tests that will show the content of testosterone. In women after ten years, the concentration of the male hormone should be in the range of 0.45-3.75 nmol / liter. At the same time, a short-term excess of this indicator is allowed. For example, testosterone levels drop sharply after menstruation and rise during pregnancy. If an increased level of testosterone in women is observed for a long time, then this is fraught with undesirable consequences, since the work of the endocrine system will be disrupted. With an increase in the concentration of the male hormone in girls, it is possible that the menstrual cycle will stop and problems with bearing the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to be tested to determine their testosterone levels.
Symptoms of high testosterone levels in women

We have already said above that an increased level of testosterone in women can be determined by some external signs:
- The appearance on the body and face of coarse hair of a dark color.
- The skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.
- Hair loss on the scalp and an increase in their fat content.
- Gradual transformation of the physique into a masculine one.
- The voice grows coarse.
At the same time, one should remember about the more serious consequences that an increased testosterone level in women can lead to:
- Significant decrease in sexual and physical activity.
- Violation and even complete cessation of the monthly cycle.
- Increased irritability and aggression.
All this as a result can lead to the development of serious diseases, for example, ovarian tumors or Cushing's syndrome. If a woman notices at least one of the above symptoms, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and examination as soon as possible.
Note that there can be many reasons for an increase in the concentration of the male hormone in women. For example, an increased level of testosterone in women is often observed in girls who decide to follow a vegetarian diet and do not consume animal foods. Also, among the reasons for the increase in testosterone concentration, one can note some diseases, long courses of certain medications, genetic characteristics of the body, etc.
Treatment of high testosterone levels in women

First of all, you should reconsider your diet, as it is not proper nutrition that is one of the most common causes of high testosterone levels in women. If you preach vegetarianism, then you should refuse this. Be sure to include fried vegetables and meats in your diet.
In addition, you need to start eating dairy products with a normal fat content, natural honey, white bread, moderate amounts of sugar and salt, soy, and vegetable oils. If you use a dietary nutrition program, then you will also have to abandon it and find another way to deal with excess weight.
Note that in such situations, most experts advise yoga classes. Scientists suggest that yoga helps cleanse the body and restore the normal functioning of the endocrine system. But you must understand that your studies must become permanent. This will allow you to always be in good shape and eliminate disruptions in the work of the hormonal system. Yoga should be done at least twice a week. Also, you can additionally start attending a Pilates class, doing it once for seven days.
If the increased testosterone level in women was caused by more serious problems, then, most likely, the use of appropriate therapy cannot be dispensed with. In such a situation, you will have to take medications that must be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation. There are also folk remedies to reduce the concentration of testosterone in girls. Among them, we note the following herbs: licorice root in combination with Mary's root, evening primrose, sacred vitex, bugs, angelica, etc.
Also among the means of traditional medicine, peppermint should be noted. Turkish scientists have conducted a number of studies that have proven that the use of only two cups of peppermint decoction per day can significantly reduce testosterone levels. Another effective plant is cimicifugu. It is a potent antiandrogen that can be very helpful in high testosterone levels in women.
Today there are many medications that can help you solve the problem of high testosterone levels. This can be, say, cyproterone, dexamethasone, digitalis, digostin, etc. ordinary glucose can also become a fairly effective means of reducing the concentration of the male hormone in the female body. However, as we said above, it is not worthwhile to self-medicate. If you find symptoms of high testosterone levels, be sure to see your doctor.
You should combine folk remedies with traditional medicine, which will solve the problem that has arisen much faster. In extreme cases, it can come to hormone therapy. However, it should be recognized that this happens quite rarely, but the likelihood of such a step should be remembered. Hormone therapy is used in exceptional cases when increased testosterone levels in women can cause serious harm to health.
Tests to determine the concentration of testosterone

If a woman assumes that there is a high concentration of testosterone in her body, then it is necessary to pass an analysis. It can be done in a laboratory where blood is drawn. The cost of such a service is low, and the results will be known within 24 hours.
However, there are several rules when taking an analysis to determine an increased testosterone level in women:
- The analysis must be taken in the period from the 3rd to the 5th, as well as from the 8th to 10th days of the menstrual cycle.
- The day before the test, you need to eliminate physical activity, stressful situations and not have sexual intercourse.
- One or two hours before taking the test, you should have a good rest and no smoking.
By following these rules, you can expect to receive the most accurate analysis possible. If, as a result, an increased testosterone level in women is found, then it is necessary to consult a doctor to start therapy.
Learn more about hyperandrogenism in women, diagnosis and treatment of this problem in this video: