Shvungs with a bar: execution technique

Shvungs with a bar: execution technique
Shvungs with a bar: execution technique

Weightlifters need to pay great attention to the clean and jerk technique to win the competition. This article will describe five exercises that can help you improve your technique. The content of the article:

  • Shvung press
  • Shvung push
  • Push the bar into the "scissors"
  • Jerk sub-squat
  • Getting up from the "scissors"

Those who are engaged in weightlifting or cross-fit probably paid attention to the fact that on the profile resources on the network, quite little attention is paid to the technique of the push in comparison with the jerk or the take on the chest. This is probably the reason why few additional exercises have been created that can help strengthen this element. Five of the most effective will be described below.

Shvung press

Preparing a weightlifter before lifting the bar
Preparing a weightlifter before lifting the bar

It should be noted right away that the barbell bench press is a very effective, but for some reason underestimated exercise. Often, athletes consider it necessary only for the development of the muscles of the upper body. However, thanks to him, you can not only master the technique of pushing, but also get a lot of additional benefits. Due to the fact that the phases of the squat and pushing the barbell in this exercise are similar to those in the clean and jerk, you can master the correct sequence of movements and develop muscle memory, which will undoubtedly come in handy during the competition.

The athlete will be able to develop the strength to hold the core during the squat and the muscles in the legs to hold the weight. In addition, the bench press helps to work out the technique of hand movement at the time of transferring the bar in front of you to the position behind the head.

It is very important to note that the exercise can be used both for training the jerk technique and for the development of strength indicators. By giving it the proper attention, the athlete will be able to develop both of these aspects. Naturally, shvung can be included in a set of exercises that can develop technique and strength.

Shvung push

Barbell Exercises
Barbell Exercises

No less effective than the previous exercise is the jogging jerk with a barbell. It is very useful for the scissor push. It is worth noting that a large number of athletes do not like him. This is due to the fact that in order to perform the jerk shvung, an athlete must be sufficiently flexible. However, the benefits of this exercise more than pay for the inconvenience.

The main advantage of the push jerk is the development of balance, vertical squat and movement of a sports equipment. When receiving the projectile, the bar must be held overhead very accurately, for the reason that the range of possible deflection is much smaller in comparison with the push. It's just that the athlete has less ability to adjust the position of the lower body. At the same time, the push bar with a barbell assumes that all movements (pushing and squatting) must be performed strictly vertically. At the same time, the sports equipment moves up and behind the head, and the body should be slightly tilted forward. Otherwise, the athlete will not be able to take the correct position to hold the weight.

Both types of shvung can be performed independently, or used as a training exercise. A jogging jerk with a barbell can also be included in a set of exercises.

Push the bar into the "scissors" from behind the head

Raising the barbell to the chest
Raising the barbell to the chest

This exercise allows you to simultaneously develop strength and work out the push technique. It is also good for training balance to maintain correct posture. If the athlete has trouble getting the correct position, he will not be able to lower himself into the deep "scissors" due to lack of strength. The body knows its capabilities very well, and will not give the opportunity to do this. This exercise is also very effective for training other elements of the clean and jerk.

Jerk sub-squat

The athlete holds the barbell on his shoulders
The athlete holds the barbell on his shoulders

A very simple exercise, however, like the barbell jerk, underestimated by most athletes. It is important to note here that when performing a push with a barbell, quite a lot of problems arise when taking a position with a squat. This, in turn, entails an incorrect balance, when the hips begin to move back, and the weight goes to the side.

What this exercise is about is clear from the name. The lifter needs to lower himself to the squat point and then stand back. This exercise has an indirect effect on the phase of pushing out the sports equipment, which allows you to learn to take the right position and direct the effort in the right direction.

Getting up from the "scissors" followed by holding

Schwung rods
Schwung rods

As the name implies, two exercises are combined here at once. Despite the fact that they are, in fact, separate, they are closely related. It is very unpleasant for a coach to see when an athlete managed to push out a sports equipment, but could not hold the weight. This problem can be solved by maintaining weight and controlling it in an overhead position.

Holding a sports equipment allows you to train strength and gain self-confidence. When doing the hold, you can use more weight than the push.

Video about the classic and bench press:

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