What sports is better to do?

What sports is better to do?
What sports is better to do?

Find out what kind of sport is better to start leading a healthy and active lifestyle in order to maintain your health as much as possible and have a fit body. By playing sports at an amateur level, you will definitely improve your health. Why did we emphasize the word "amateur"? Everything is very simple, the professionals have one task - to win. To achieve this goal, pro athletes have to undergo tremendous physical activity and this is definitely not conducive to improving health.

If you do not know what kind of sport you can do, then it is difficult to give a concrete answer to this question. In many respects, the choice depends on the character of the person, his physical fitness and the tasks that he plans to solve. At the same time, we will try to give general recommendations that will help answer the question of what kind of sports you can do.

What kind of sports can you play as a child?

Children with basketball
Children with basketball

We can say with full confidence that it is in childhood that is the best period to start playing sports. However, this does not mean at all that this should not be done in adulthood. All people need moderate physical activity, whether it is an adult or a child.

At the same time, it is in childhood that all systems of the body are formed and physical activity will help the child to develop better and correctly. At the same time, children will not only be able to lay a solid foundation for future health, but also improve communication skills, temper character, etc.

Now in adulthood, there is high competition in all spheres of human life. If a child does not have at least the initial fighting qualities, then in the future he will have a very hard time, and sports will help develop them. In addition, classes in sports sections will help children develop coordination, flexibility, quickness of reaction, and attentiveness. Very often, boys choose team sports disciplines, say, football, hockey, basketball, etc. At the same time, much here depends on the nature of the child. If he is closed, then such disciplines as tennis, athletics, etc. will be the best choice for him.

Boys may also like combat sports. Here they will learn not only to fend for themselves, but also to improve flexibility as well as agility. Note that now very often girls also enjoy visiting martial arts sections, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, perhaps the most popular among girls are gymnastics, tennis, dancing, athletics, etc. Most of these sports will help girls not only improve their health, but also develop femininity.

What kind of sport can an adult do?

Man and woman with dumbbells
Man and woman with dumbbells

Modern man is constantly experiencing stress, chronic fatigue and the reason for adversity. Such is life now, which carries us into the whirlpool of events. Many, tired of life's problems, are trying to find an outlet in sports. In Soviet times, sports were a means of improving health, but now people also want to increase the rate of synthesis of hormones, relieve the nervous system and, of course, become more beautiful.

This is where the question arises, what kind of sport can you do? Without taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of a particular person, it is simply impossible to give a direct answer. Someone wants to increase their strength and muscle mass, choose bodybuilding. Others will prefer to spend time with friends on the football field or simply go for an evening run.

Choosing team sports, you will not only have a pleasant time with friends and like-minded people, but also improve the work of the vascular and respiratory systems, increase endurance, normalize the balance of lipoproteins, etc. scientists studied people who are fond of basketball and football. As a result, they concluded that their bones are in better condition compared to those who prefer running. It's inappropriate to talk about people who spend all their free time in front of TV screens here.

If you are not attracted to the competitive component of the sport, then you can choose swimming, running, skiing, cycling or martial arts. Moreover, the latest sports, among other things, have a centuries-old philosophy, which you can also comprehend simultaneously with physical activity. The important thing is that the sports discipline you choose is enjoyable.

What sports can men do?

Man push up
Man push up

If you want to improve your appearance and at the same time improve your health, then the choice in favor of bodybuilding will be obvious. Now this sport is experiencing a second wave of popularity, and many men visit gyms in order to pump muscles and increase physical parameters.

Regular strength training will not only help you become stronger, but will make your body more attractive by increasing muscle mass and eliminating adipose tissue. However, not everyone chooses to workout with iron. Many men prefer cardio, the most popular of which is running.

This will allow you to improve the work of the heart muscle, respiratory and vascular systems, as well as increase endurance. Running can relieve stress on the nervous system and significantly improve overall well-being. Similar results can be obtained from, say, swimming or cycling.

What sports can girls do?

Overweight girl exercising
Overweight girl exercising

We will pay more attention to this issue, since there are many articles for men on the network, but girls are left out. This is completely wrong and now we will try to at least slightly correct the current situation. Most often, girls strive to make their figure slim, fully consistent with modern beauty standards. It makes no sense to list them, since they are well known to everyone.

However, some girls want to get stronger, and this should also be remembered. If you want to become even more attractive, then you should not use various dietary nutrition programs, which in most cases turn out to be ineffective in the long term. Of course, you can lose weight with their help, but returning to the previous diet, these results will disappear.

Also, do not pay attention to the various pills, the sellers of which claim to lose weight quickly. If you think that you are overweight, then you just need to reduce the energy value of your diet and start exercising regularly.

In this case, you will be able to lose weight correctly, and not harm the body. It is not by chance that we have emphasized the word “right”. Having decided to lose weight, you only need to get rid of fat mass, while maintaining muscle mass. To do this, over the course of seven days, you need to lose no more than one kilo. This is proof that the body burns adipose cells.


The girl is walking
The girl is walking

Don't underestimate the benefits of hiking, especially if you're new to the sport. Walking is also an excellent choice for people recovering their physical fitness after a long break. Start with walking for about twenty minutes.

Moreover, it is worth walking every day. After seven days from the start of the activity, double your walking time and accelerate your pace. As your fitness improves, you can start using leg weights. A mile and a half distance will burn about 180 calories.


Jogging girl
Jogging girl

If you have been walking and you feel that it comes very easy for you, then you can start jogging. This is a great form of cardio that burns fat well. Long runs at a moderate pace can be effective for weight loss.

Try to run in a park or outside city limits. If you do not have this opportunity, find a place as far as possible from the busy traffic. If you have enough free space in the apartment and finance, you can buy a treadmill. It is better to train outdoors, though. Running on flat ground for half an hour will save you 450 calories. If you are jogging on rough terrain, then this figure will be about 700 calories.


Girls on bicycles
Girls on bicycles

Cycling can also be an excellent sport for a girl. Cycling is becoming more and more popular now. It is also a great fat-fighting agent. In addition, your thighs and buttocks will become firmer and more attractive. If desired and available, you can buy an exercise bike for exercising at home.


Fitness classes
Fitness classes

It is a modern sport that is very popular with girls. As a rule, classes are held in the hall and are led by an experienced instructor. Fitness will not only help you lose fat, but it will also help you tighten your muscles, which will positively affect the appearance of your figure.


Aerobics workout
Aerobics workout

There are several types of aerobics, each of which is a set of movements to music. On average, you can burn about 400 calories in one hour. The most popular types of aerobics today are the following:

  1. Step aerobics - performing exercises on a special step platform.
  2. Water aerobics - classes are held in water.
  3. Strength aerobics - combines elements of classical aerobics with strength training.


Girl dancing hip hop
Girl dancing hip hop

A great sport for any girl. Through dancing, you can burn about 500 calories for an hour, but also improve posture, gait and develop flexibility.

Do you want to choose the right sport for yourself? Watch this video:
