Can I go in for professional sports?

Can I go in for professional sports?
Can I go in for professional sports?

Find out all the advantages and disadvantages of professional sports and why we do not recommend that you become a pro athlete. Before answering the question - is it possible to go in for professional sports, it is worth getting acquainted with several concepts. Professional sports are activities of people, organized according to certain rules, corresponding to their physical and intellectual abilities.

A healthy life is a lifestyle of an individual with the aim of promoting health and preventing various diseases. A healthy lifestyle should be understood as the concept of human activity, the purpose of which is to improve and maintain good health through physical activity and the rejection of bad habits.

Therefore, you should separate professional from amateur sports and not draw parallels between the two. If you visit the gym in order to improve your health and strengthen the muscles of the body, then this can be safely considered a healthy lifestyle.

What can professional sports give to a person?

Man on gymnastic rings
Man on gymnastic rings

Professional sports can play a unifying role in society. In addition, it acts as a kind of center for testing the physical capabilities of a person. In other words, professional athletes are ready to sacrifice their health to achieve their goals, constantly being under the threat of injury. These people test themselves and the capabilities of their bodies, giving all their strength to achieve victory.

Surely no one will dispute the fact that playing sports at a professional level requires a person to be highly responsible. Gradually, you develop the habit of working with maximum dedication to the limit of your possibilities. If you are ready for this, then you have already answered the question - is it possible to go in for professional sports?

Athletes often discover new capabilities of the body and deeply learn psychology. By playing sports, you will learn to go all the way to the very end, although this is possible in everyday life as you age. However, athletes need to master this skill as quickly as possible in order to win.

Pro-athletes cope with a large number of diseases more easily than ordinary people. This is due to the ability to mobilize all the resources available to the body to fight the disease. An ordinary person in such a situation simply turns to the help of doctors and medications.

If you haven't played sports before, then the hardest part is getting started. It is very difficult to force yourself to exercise daily. If you visit the gym for yourself, then you can skip one or two workouts. This is unacceptable in professional sports. The more training experience an athlete has, the stronger his muscular memory is and, after a long period of inactivity, he is able to return to his original form in a short time. Perhaps you already know the answer to the question - is it possible to go in for professional sports, but we will continue.

The positive aspects of playing sports

Girls with fitballs
Girls with fitballs

If you want to know whether it is possible to go in for professional sports, then you need to understand what the positive and negative sides of this activity are. Talking about the positive aspects of professional sports, many immediately talk about fame and the opportunity to make good money. One can agree with this, but every athlete goes a long way to recognition. Moreover, not every person becomes a professional. This can be hindered by various circumstances. Let's find out how sports can affect various body systems.

Musculoskeletal system

Schematic representation of the spine
Schematic representation of the spine

At the moment of a person's movement, muscle contractions occur in his musculoskeletal system. This process directly depends on the coordination of the work of the nerve centers. Our every movement is born in the brain. Scientists are constantly researching various aspects of human sports activities and are always discovering something new.

So they were able to establish that under the influence of physical exertion, at first it is not the muscles that get tired, as it might seem right away, but the nervous system. During constant training, the cells of the muscle tissue (fibers) increase their transverse dimensions. This process is commonly referred to as muscle growth or muscle gain.

At the same time, the number of myofibrils, which are the contractile elements of the muscles, also increases. Under the influence of stress, muscle tissues consume a large amount of oxygen and other nutrients, and the concentration of special enzymes necessary for energy production increases. With regular moderate sports, you can strengthen your joints, but excessive loads, typical for professional sports, have a negative effect on the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

The cardiovascular system

Heart with dumbbells
Heart with dumbbells

Thanks to the work of the heart muscle and the vascular system, all tissues of the body receive oxygen and nutrients. With regular exercise, the heart has a stimulating effect. As a result, this organ becomes more resilient. When the process of muscle contraction proceeds, the walls of the vessels are compressed, and blood enters the heart faster. Moderate exercise is an excellent means of preventing varicose veins and thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Respiratory system

Girl performs breathing exercises with dumbbells
Girl performs breathing exercises with dumbbells

The lungs of pro athletes are very different from those of the common man. First of all, this concerns the bronchi, which are dilated. This allows new air sacs, called alveoli, to open. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the useful volume of the lungs. Also, new blood vessels are created in light athletes, which makes it possible to improve the oxygen supply of all body tissues.


Girl with apple and tape measure
Girl with apple and tape measure

Sports activities have a positive effect on the entire body, including metabolic processes. The nitrogen balance in the body of athletes is shifted in a positive direction. Recall that nitrogen is contained in protein compounds. Scientists have found that nitrogen promotes vasodilation, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. It should be noted that all the positive aspects described now apply only to moderate physical activity.

The negative consequences of doing professional sports

Girl in the gym
Girl in the gym

So that you can decide for yourself whether you can go in for professional sports, you should also remember about the negative aspects of this activity. To begin with, professional athletes experience the most powerful emotional stress, and not everyone is able to cope with them.

With professional sports, things are quite complicated and it is difficult to say unambiguously how it affects the human body. If you answer yes to the question - is it possible to go in for professional sports, then in a short time you will be able to see all the positive and negative sides.

A lot of experiences in professional sports are due to the fact that not everything depends only on the athlete. Now sport is heavily commercialized and an athlete can be undeservedly deprived of victory due to "undercover games". This fact also cannot be discarded from shields. However, all this can temper character, although it can break a person. This is the main reason that only strong personalities remain in sports. If a person is acutely experiencing all the unpleasant moments in life, then it will be extremely difficult for him to achieve great success in professional sports.

However, not only from an emotional point of view, sports can harm the body. For many years we have been told that sports can improve health and prolong youth. However, in recent years, the number of diseases, especially of the cardiovascular system, has been increasing.

Some scientists speculate that this may be due to the sports boom that has been seen in the past. Of course, now there are a lot of other harmful factors that negatively affect the human body. However, sport can be counted among them, although no one does it. Now we are talking about professional sports. If you paid attention, while talking about the positive aspects of sports, we noted that they are possible only with moderate exercise. At the same time, everyone understands perfectly well that in professional sports, with a moderate approach to loads, it is impossible to achieve great heights.

In any sports discipline, there is a high risk of injury, which, although they will be healed, will make themselves felt with age. You shouldn't go far for examples. Many people know the actor and master of martial arts - Jackie Chan. During the filming, he never used the services of stuntmen in all his films and performed all the stunts on his own. During his film career, he had many fractures and now Jackie Chan cannot get out of bed without performing special gymnastics.

Excessive physical exertion that the body experiences at a young age cannot pass without a trace. Vitality is depleted, and at a certain moment, their lack will make itself felt. All professional athletes understand that their body is quickly depleted, and injuries will not remain in the past and will remind of themselves. Any sport on a professional level can be harmful. It is not necessary to cite boxing as an example, which, in fact, is a real fight, in which athletes inflict damage to each other of different severity. For example, no one beats anyone in football, but any professional footballer has a lot of injuries in his career. First of all, these are the knee joints. Probably there are no players who did not have problems with the meniscus. You must understand that there is a very fine line between the possible benefits or harms of sport. You can only see her up close, but not from a distance.

Where to start playing sports, see this video:
