How to train a medium beam of deltas?

How to train a medium beam of deltas?
How to train a medium beam of deltas?

Find out how to get wider shoulders with the secret training techniques of professional bodybuilders. Today you will find out which exercises on the middle beam of deltas are most effective. However, it is important to develop deltas evenly and it is worth starting from this moment. If you look closely at the visitors of the halls, then many of them have an uneven shoulder girdle. Most often, the front deltas are the most pumped, and the rear is the most lagging behind.

Exercises for the volume of the shoulders

The girl trains the middle beam of deltas
The girl trains the middle beam of deltas

The main point in creating a beautiful rounded shoulder girdle is the need to load evenly all three deltas. This is the only way your shoulders look beautiful from any angle. Most often, the developmental lag of the posterior and middle deltas is associated with an incorrect shoulder position.

Simply put, if the palms are facing back, when the arms are relaxed. Here are the main reasons for the overdevelopment of the anterior deltas compared to the other two:

  1. You focus on doing the bench press and training your chest muscles in general.
  2. You often work on those muscle groups that are visible in the mirror.

At the same time, there are athletes who deliberately do little work on the anterior deltas, and focus on the middle. If you look at such an athlete from the side, then you will immediately notice the difference in the pumping of various delta sections. Before you start drawing up a training program for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is worth visually assessing its condition.

To do this, you need to photograph yourself from three angles: front, side and back. In this case, the hands should be pressed against the body, and the palms should be directed inward. In the foreground photo, the shoulder girdle should have a rounded shape or, as professional builders say, outlined deltas. If this is not the case, then the shoulders will visually appear narrow and this will ruin your figure.

An example of a qualitatively pumped shoulder girdle can be the figures of Phil Heath (with a narrow bone structure) or Jay Cutler (wide bones). To achieve this, you will need to actively perform exercises on the middle beam of deltas.

The best exercises for the middle beam of deltas

Training the middle beam of deltas in the simulator
Training the middle beam of deltas in the simulator

In order to understand which exercises on the middle beam of deltas will turn out to be the best, it is necessary to know in general terms the anatomical structure of this muscle group. The middle section of the deltas is attached in the acrominal region of the scapula and is located between the other two bundles of deltas. It should be remembered that between the departments there is a tendon that separates them from each other. The middle section of the deltas is designed to abduct the shoulder in the horizontal plane and to the side.

Thus, knowing the functional purpose of the targeting muscle, we can determine the necessary exercises for the middle beam of deltas. Note that these movements are quite complex from a technical point of view, and at first you should use a small weight of sports equipment. This will help you master their technique and minimize the risk of injury.

Arnold press

Yuri Spasokukotsky performs the press of Arnold
Yuri Spasokukotsky performs the press of Arnold

To perform this exercise on the middle beam of deltas, you need to take a sitting position. It is important that the surface is firm and that you have maximum stability. The weight of the dumbbells should be adjusted so that you can do 8 to 12 reps.

Taking sports equipment in your hands, place them in front of you, with your palms facing inward. After that, start lifting the shells up and at the same time turn them 180 degrees. In the extreme upper position of the trajectory, you should keep a 2-second pause and then return to the starting position. Make sure that the back during the entire set remains flat with a natural deflection in the lumbar region.

Barbell presses from behind the head

Yuri Spasokukotsky performs a barbell press from behind
Yuri Spasokukotsky performs a barbell press from behind

Like the previous movement, the overhead presses are basic. At the same time, the Arnold bench press is somewhat less effective, but safer. Also remember that when performing barbell presses from behind the head, you, in addition to the middle section of the deltas, also use the front.

Novice athletes should perform this exercise on a medium beam of deltas in a Smith machine to minimize the risk of injury. You can work both sitting and standing. Taking the barbell, drop it behind your head and hold it approximately in the middle of the back of your head. After that, squeeze the projectile up and remember that in the lower extreme position of the trajectory, the elbow joints should be pulled apart, forming a straight line. In order not to get injured, do not lower the projectile below the optimal location of the elbow joints. As we already said, the barbell press from behind the head is an effective exercise for the middle beam of deltas, but quite traumatic.

Swing dumbbells in a standing position

Muscles involved in standing dumbbell swings
Muscles involved in standing dumbbell swings

This movement is isolated as only the shoulder joint works. This has not only advantages but also disadvantages. The positive aspects of this movement include the emphasis of the load on the middle section of the deltas. But at the same time, you will not be able to use large weights, which is a negative factor.

Pick up dumbbells and lean forward slightly, lowering your shoulder joints. It is very important that the slope is minimal, otherwise the load will shift to other muscles. From this starting position, begin to swing to the sides. At the same time, do not try to lift sports equipment very high. It is enough to bring the dumbbells to the level of the shoulder joints. If you raise your arms higher, then the trapezoid will come into operation and take away part of the load from the deltas.

In addition, you must monitor the position of the shells. In the extreme upper position, the dumbbells should, as it were, hang in your hands. Do not try to hold them with maximum force and lift them to the level that you can hold the dumbbells. It may have seemed to you that this exercise for the middle beam of deltas is technically easy, but in practice it is not.

The basics of building a delta training program

Group training of a medium beam of deltas
Group training of a medium beam of deltas

Work on the muscles of the shoulder girdle should be done once for five or even seven days. In almost every novice athlete, the pectoral muscles and deltas are unevenly developed and therefore do not work on these groups on the same day. There should be at least two days between shoulder and chest workouts. This will maximize the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

At the same time, the deltas should be worked out at the same time as the back muscles. This is due to the fact that the functionality of the rear deltas and back is very similar. Simply put, these muscles are used in pulling and abducting the arms. Thus, while working on the back, the rear deltas will also take part in the workout, even if you don't want to.

We have already talked about training the middle beam of deltas, and now we will briefly explain the basics of training the other two departments of this group. Let's start with the back section and it is quite enough to perform 3 or 4 sets of one isolated movement to pump it. Don't think that this will not be enough. We have already noted that the back deltas are involved in almost every back exercise.

If the back delta is far behind in development, then you can perform two isolated movements in at least three sets. If we talk about the best movements for training this muscle, then there are only three of them:

  1. Cross pulls of the cable on the block to the sides.
  2. Side swings with dumbbells in a prone position (face down) on an incline bench.
  3. Swing dumbbells up in a prone position (face down) on an incline bench.

For working on the front deltas, various types of presses performed with a barbell or dumbbells are great. When working on this muscle, you need to include basic movements in the training program in order to develop additionally the stabilizers of the shoulder joint.

The choice of specific movements directly depends on the degree of training of your deltas. If they are pumped well, then it is enough to perform only presses, sometimes supplementing them with swings. When the front delts are not your forte, do one basic press in conjunction with the swing. It will not be difficult to find movements for the anterior deltas, because there are a large number of their variations. Benches should be performed in four sets of 6-10 repetitions each. Swing, in turn, do in three sets with 10-12 repetitions.

How to pump up medium bunches of deltas, see here:

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