Actinidia or kiwi: planting and care features

Actinidia or kiwi: planting and care features
Actinidia or kiwi: planting and care features

The origin and distinctive features of actinidia, the creation of conditions for cultivation, recommendations for transplantation, fertilization and reproduction, interesting facts, species. Actinidia (Actinidia) is a member of the genus of lianas with a woody stem, reckoned in the family Actinidiaceae (Actinidiaceae). The number of representatives of the flora in this family reaches 360 units, but the genus itself includes up to 75, but the most famous of those grown in culture are kiwi and actinidia delicacy. All of them are distributed in the territories of the Himalayas and southeast Asian lands. You can find the aforementioned plants in Russia (in the regions of the Far East), there, in natural conditions, four species of actinidia grow - Kolomikta, Ostraya, Polygamnaya and Giralda. But China is considered to be the real homeland of lianas (its territories with a tropical climate), since most of the species of actinidia (according to some sources, up to 30) are from Chinese and Korean lands. This fruit came to European countries only in 1958.

The botanical name comes from the Greek word "aktividio", which means "ray", which was given to the plant for the radial arrangement of the columns of the ovaries. Actinidia is a liana with a shrubby form of growth, which has a deciduous mass. The height of some species may approach 30 m. The buds on the plant are completely or partially hidden in the scars of the leaf plates. The leaves themselves are located on the branches in the next order; they are solid, their edge is serrated or serrated, devoid of stipules. The foliage is painted green. The leaf resembles a heart in shape. There are some varieties with pink or yellow foliage.

A shrub is a dioecious plant, that is, when either male or female buds grow on the same bush. Some lianas boast male flowers that are located in the axils of the leaves and large inflorescences are collected from them, in which the number of buds varies from 2-3 to 12-17 pieces. Inside each of these colors, there are multiple small stamens with anthers colored yellow (for example, such are found in the actinidia colomicta, polygamous) or black (they can be seen in the actinidia arguta). But female flowers are located for the most part either singly or together in 2-3 buds, pistils and small stamens are very well developed in them.

The diameter of an actinidia flower can vary from 1–1.5 cm to 3 cm. The perianth has 4–5 petals and is double. The corolla of the bud is in the shape of a cup, most often its color is white, but there are shades of golden yellow or orange color. Most varieties do not have a flower scent, but a cultivar such as Actinidia Polygamous boasts a delicate scent.

Pollination of plants occurs by means of insects (bees, bumblebees) or wind. And only in the species of actinidia kolomikta, due to the absence of male plants, pollination with its own pollen can occur. But in this case, the yield usually falls.

After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of an oblong berry. They are very similar in shape and color to the well-known kiwi. Their color is yellowish-green, but there is also a light orange or brownish tint, there is a slight pubescence. Not all species have edible fruits, most of all the fruits of Actinidia Chinese or Delicacy Actinidia resemble the "Chinese gooseberry".

Most often, actinidia is used as a decoration for a personal plot, since the plant can wrap up the supports offered to it with its liana-like stems, therefore, it is planted next to gazebos or hedges are built. When the plant is old enough, it is a real phytowall with a high density of foliage, which has a silky sheen, and can create a dense shade. With the arrival of autumn days, the leaves of the "face" can turn pink, crimson or yellow. In winter, bared shoots with their outlines attract with quirkiness of intricacies and extraordinary graphics.

Agrotechnics for growing actinidia, planting, care

Actinidia on the site
Actinidia on the site
  • Watering and humidity. When growing actinidia, it will need to be sprayed during the hottest months of the year. Humidification is also recommended by airborne droplets. With prolonged drought, the leaves fly around. In the hot summer, the bushes are poured daily, adding 6-8 buckets of water under each. The soil around the actinidia must be regularly loosened gently and weeds must be removed.
  • Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied in spring and autumn. It is customary to use organic matter (potassium and superphosphate), as well as wood ash. Lime is never used!
  • Planting actinidia. Held in the spring. The depth of the pits is 60–70 cm, the width is 40–60 cm. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then nutrient soil, humus and superphosphate (100–200 gr.). The distance between the rows is 1, 5–2, 5 m. The plant is planted 2–3 cm below the root collar. After planting, the bush is watered abundantly and the land around is mulched with sawdust, peat or compost. As soon as the actinidia is planted, it is necessary to install supports for future shoots.
  • Cut off only those bushes that are already 3-4 years old. The ends of the shoots are pinched, and pruning is carried out all summer.

Recommendations for self-propagation of actinidia

Actinidia sprouts
Actinidia sprouts

To propagate this vine, you will need to plant seeds or use cuttings and layering.

Seeds of actinidia must be stratified for 2 months at a temperature of 2–5 degrees. Then you will need to germinate them indoors at heat indicators of 20-25 degrees. Seedlings will require shading from direct solar streams. At the end of spring, boxes with seedlings are taken out into the open air and placed in a shady place. And only the next year, in the spring, young actinidia can be planted in open ground at a permanent place of growth. Such plants (obtained from seeds) begin to bear fruit only at the 5-7th year of life, and the "rays", propagated by the vegetative method, will delight with fruits already for 3-4 years. Cuttings are cut in mid-summer from the apical branches, and they should be semi-lignified with a length of 10-15 cm and 2-3 leaves. The green part from the bottom of the twigs and the lower leaves are removed, and the upper plates are cut in half. The substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat and river sand in proportions of 1: 2 or 1: 3. The cuttings are buried at least 5-6 cm, with a 5x5 cm scheme. The soil layer should be at least 20 cm. It is important to protect the cuttings from streams of sunlight and withstand high humidity; for this, the branches are wrapped in plastic wrap. Root shoots may appear as early as 15–20 days from planting.

By the fall, the root system and shoots are developing, for the winter months the "young" are covered with dry leaves or sawdust. With the arrival of the second half of May, the seedlings need to be planted in open ground.

If lignified cuttings are taken, then they are treated before planting with root formation stimulants, but usually only 50% of the seedlings take root.

When propagating with the help of cuttings, the plants will be less than when propagating by cuttings, but this method is more reliable. At the end of spring, a long branch is selected and bent to the surface of the earth, pinned and sprinkled with soil. The shoot tip is free. The next year, in spring, the established actinidia is separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Difficulties in growing actinidia

Yellow kiwi leaves
Yellow kiwi leaves

Actinidia is practically not susceptible to diseases and is not affected by pests. If the conditions of agricultural technology are not violated, then the plant becomes invulnerable and long-growing.

However, there is a lesion with powdery mildew, phylostictosis or other diseases that cause fungi, and with them spotting appears on the foliage. Of the troubles, fruit rot, green and gray mold are distinguished (most often this is observed in the agurta actinidia variety). For treatment, it will be necessary to remove all affected areas of the vines (fruits, branches, leaf plates) and treat with Bordeaux liquid or fungicides as soon as the first buds appear on the bush and then repeat after two weeks.

When treating powdery mildew, the plant is treated with a 0.5% solution of soda ash and the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

Of the pests, actinidia can be disturbed by leaf beetles, which gnaw swollen buds, with the initial activation of plant growth. Over time, the larvae of these insects begin to spoil the pulp of the leaves, only the veins remain from the plates. You also have to fight against the moth caterpillar, which gnaws holes in the leaves of actinidia. The plant can be affected by bark beetles or lacewings. Of the methods of struggle, it is necessary in the spring to apply the treatment with Bordeaux liquid of the bush itself and the earth around it. Also, this procedure is repeated in the autumn to destroy harmful insects hiding in the soil or bark for the winter.

Interesting facts about actinidia

Kiwi fruit
Kiwi fruit

Both in ancient times and today, medicine prescribes the use of the fruits of actinidia for anemia, diseases of the digestive tract, tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases. They can cure scurvy and relieve pain in rheumatism, colitis and improve the condition with vitamin deficiency, gonorrhea and even caries.

Interestingly, other parts of the vine also have medicinal effects. The bark, due to the content of tannins and cardiac glycosides in it, is prescribed to provide an expectorant, sedative effect, and it can also serve as a hemostatic and fortifying agent.

In ancient times, in China, the fruits of actinidia were used for digestive problems, belching and heartburn, and they were also eaten to speed up the digestion of meat, or a mild mild laxative. Eating actinidia berries could get rid of parasites and cure colds.

However, despite all the medicinal actions, the actinidia fruits have contraindications:

  • cannot be used by patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • overeating will lead to intestinal upset.

Types of actinidia

Flowering actinidia
Flowering actinidia
  • Actinidia argute (Actinidia argute). The name is synonymous with Actinidia acute. This plant is the most powerful of all varieties. The native habitat is the Far Eastern lands or China, where it settles in coniferous and mixed forests. There are specimens reaching 100 years of age. Often this variety can reach a height of 25-30 meters, while the trunk diameter grows to 15-18 cm. The leaf plates are distinguished by an ovoid shape and have a sharpened apex, a fine-toothed edge, measuring 15 cm in length. This liana-like plant is dioecious. The flowers that bloom on the bush are white with a pleasant aroma. Their length reaches 2 cm in diameter. They grow singly or gather in racemose inflorescences. The fruits ripen with rounded outlines, the color is dark green, they can be eaten, but they have a slight laxative effect, the smell is similar to pineapple. The diameter of the berries can grow up to 1.5-3 cm with a weight of 5-6 grams. Fruits ripen at the end of September.
  • Actinidia kolomikta (Actinidia kolomikta). Has the popular name "Amur gooseberry". Likes to settle in forests where cedars, fir and spruce grow. You can find this variety in the lands of Japan, China and Korea. The plant is most resistant to harsh weather conditions during the winter. It can reach 5–10 m in height, with a trunk diameter of up to 20 mm. Leaves are measured in length of 7-16 cm, have an ovoid shape, along the edge with sharp serration, along the veins there is pubescence of a reddish color, leaf petioles are reddish. The leaf plates of male plants are distinguished by a variegated color - by mid-summer, at the top of the leaf, the tone changes to whitish, and then becomes pale pinkish, and ultimately its color will be bright crimson. The entire surface of the leaf is painted in yellow-pinkish or red-violet tones, and it is quite decorative. The plant can be either male or female. If the bush is female, then the flowers are painted in a whitish tone and are located singly, and if it is male, then the buds are collected in racemose inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The fruits can be eaten, their length is 2–2, 5 cm, the color is green, but in direct sunlight it acquires a reddish or bronze tint. The ripening process occurs at the end of summer.
  • Actinidia polygama (Actinidia polygama). Has many names-synonyms - "nosed", "polygamous" or "sharp-fruited". Grows in mixed forests of the Far East and Primorye. The height of the plant can reach 4–5 m, the diameter of the trunk is 2 cm, the bark on it is cast with a brown color. Similar to the previous variety. The sheet plates are elongated elliptical, with a sharpening at the top, serrated along the edge. The color of the foliage is greenish with a silvery spot. With the arrival of autumn, the leaves turn yellow. Flowers have aroma and white tint, they are located one by one. One plant can have flowers of both sexes, or plants can be washed only by male or female. The fruits can be eaten, but their taste is specific, spicy. Their weight reaches 3 grams.
  • Actinidia giraldii (Actinidia giraldii). Some botanists consider it to be a type of pungent actinidia, but this variety has larger and sweeter fruits. Under natural conditions, this variety is quite rare and because of this it is listed in the Red Book. Growing this plant on your personal plot helps to preserve this type of actinidia.
  • Actinidia purpurea (Actinidia purpurea). The plant is a very powerful vine that grows in Chinese territories. It is a dioecious species. Large fruits are purple in color and fully ripen in early autumn. Fairly low frost resistance. Only one subspecies is known - actinidia purpurea garden. Its fruits are dark-burgundy in color, their weight reaches 5.5 grams, and the length is measured 2.5 cm. The taste of the berries is sweet, the aroma is delicate marmalade.
  • Actinidia hybrid - the plant was bred by the breeder I. M. Shaitan, who was able to cross actinidia arguta with actinidia purpurea. In the process, robots appeared varieties with high frost resistance and large fruits. Then Kolbasina continued to the robot for selection.
  • Chinese Actinidia (Actinidia chinensis). It has the synonymous name of Delicious Actinidia, but also known to all of us "kiwi". In natural conditions, this vine grows in mountainous areas. The territories of Western and Central China are considered to be their native habitats. Often it uses tall trees for its growth, and can rise to a height of up to 30 meters along their branches. The leaf plates are pubescent, the upper side of the leaf is colored green, and the lower one has a reddish tone. Flowering occurs in yellow or orange buds. Fruits in large olive-green colored berries, pubescence is present. They are oblong in shape, with a pleasant aroma. The pulp has a green or yellow color, it is very soft and juicy, with an excellent taste. The fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, Chinese physicians were credited with using kiwi for vitamin deficiency, hypertension and iodine deficiency.

How to properly plant and care for actinidia, see here:
