One of the most talked about issues in strength training is movement. Get to know Georgy Funtikov's concept of explosive powerlifting. Anyone interested in strength sports is certainly familiar with most of the opinions on how strength training should be. Someone is sure that it should be slow, others consider it necessary to separate the negative phase from the positive. At the same time, they are sure that the positive phase of the movement should be twice as fast as the positive one.
This contributes to the creation of various training systems, but almost no one can say for sure how his system is better than any other. Today you will be presented with the concept of explosive movement in powerlifting by Georgy Funtikov.
Explosive movement in strength training

Of course, this is a way of developing strength indicators, which can be understood from the name. It has been established that the strength of a person depends on the cross section of the muscle. However, it should be noted that the musculature is quite different in its structure. The conditional division of muscles into two types is accepted: red and white fibers. There is also a third type - intermediate fibers. For this reason, the question of which fibers must be hypertrophied in order to increase the strength indicators seems to be very important. Red fibers have a longer period of contraction, they are more resilient and can develop more effort. In turn, white fibers can be characterized by a shorter period of contraction, but at the same time they are able to develop a greater explosive effort, while having low endurance.
A similar division according to the color characteristic of the fiber was obtained due to the different amount of myoglobin contained in them. This protein compound in its properties is very similar to the hemoglobin of erythrocytes. It is because of the presence of this substance in combination with the peculiarities of the structure of the fibers that a certain effect is exerted on all the above parameters.
Athletes for whom strength is especially important should develop white fibers first. It should be said that this is quite easy to do - you need to work with the dynamics and working weights for which white fibers are intended. Above, we have already found out that this type of fiber gets tired quickly, but is capable of developing a large explosive effort.
Thus, the movements during training should be fast, and the approaches consist of a small number of repetitions. Do not forget that the working weight should be selected in such a way as to minimize the risk of injury. If the number of repetitions increases, and the dynamics fall, then intermediate fibers are activated, which are something between fast and slow. According to the concept of explosive movement in powerlifting by Georgy Funtikov, with an increase in dynamics and the number of repetitions, the more red fibers will be involved in the work, which in this case is not interesting to us. The principle of interaction of actin and myosin filaments also speaks in favor of the explosive style of training. It was found that during their interaction, as well as due to the presence of calcium ions, ATP plays a very important role.
As you know, this substance is a source of energy for muscle tissue. In simpler terms, the presence of ATP in muscle tissue is a prerequisite for the interaction of actin and myosin.
Thus, we can conclude that ATP is involved in the following important processes:
- The work of the sodium-calcium pump;
- The process of interaction of actin and myosin filaments;
- The work of the calcium pump.
Based on this, we can safely say that an increase in the static load on the muscles causes an almost threefold increase in ATP consumption. This substance is constantly consumed during the work of the muscles, and this process occurs in two ways:
- Transfer of phosphates from creatine phosphate to adenosine triphosphoric acid;
- With the help of glycemic and oxidative reactions (a slower process in comparison with the first).
During oxidative reactions involving lactic and pyruvic acids, which are synthesized in muscle tissues during their work, adenosine triphosphoric acid and creatine are phospholated. Simply put, there is a process of resynthesis of ATP and creatine phosphate.
It takes about 10-15 minutes to restore the body's ATP reserves. It is of this length that the pauses between approaches in competitions are, and for this reason, when performing basic exercises, you should not rest more than 15 minutes. In addition, we can say that during the specified period of time, ATP stocks cannot fully recover.
Of course, an athlete can consume large amounts of creatine or use shock dosages of ATP, which helps to accelerate the recovery of this substance. But at the same time, it should be remembered that only a running marathon runner can hold the dumbbells on an outstretched arm, since in his body during this period there is a constant resynthesis of ATP.
Thus, it can be concluded that ATP is consumed in smaller quantities at low static load. This in turn helps to save energy for the upcoming sets.
Many well-known representatives of strength sports advise to pay attention to the training of the indicator of explosive strength during training sessions. Most often, this is motivated by the fact that fast movements while performing movements may be more beneficial in terms of gaining muscle mass than increasing working weight. There is no reason not to trust their opinion, since they have achieved high results in their careers, and can tell a lot about the right training.
Today you got acquainted with the concept of explosive movement in powerlifting by Georgiy Funtikov, which explains quite a lot of controversial points in strength training.
For more information on explosive movement and training cycling according to Georgy Funtikov, see this video: