Learn the secret technique of how bodybuilders develop explosive strength to break new strength records. The effect is 100%. It may seem to many that explosive strength in bodybuilding is not decisive. However, it will help you get out of the state of muscle stagnation, and this indicator is still worth paying attention to. Today you can learn how bodybuilders develop explosive strength.
Explosive force is commonly referred to as the ability to overcome great resistance at the highest possible speed. Sometimes the term "starting force" is also used, which means the same parameter. By developing all types of strength, athletes improve their muscles, while making the fibers thicker. The more varied the training program, the more perfect your muscles will be.
How to develop explosive strength?

To develop explosive strength, it is necessary to lift the weights by one count, and lower it by three counts. Practical experience suggests that it is most effective to use this principle when training large muscle groups. These include the legs, as well as the muscles of the chest and back. It should also be remembered that only one exercise needs to be used to train explosive strength. Let's look at a training package designed to develop explosive strength.
Lifting the bar to the chest in a semi-squat

In an incline, take a barbell with a grip at the width of the shoulder joints, after which you need to perform a half-squat so that your back is straightened and your head is raised. Extending your legs, at the same time start lifting the sports equipment. After the bar has picked up starting speed, tuck your hands while pushing the elbows forward. When the projectile is on your chest, rise until your legs are fully extended.
Lower the projectile to the ground and start the next rep. In total, six or seven repetitions should be performed in one set.
Bench press in a prone position

Everything is quite simple here. Slowly lower the projectile for three counts, and then sharply push it up for "one". After that, lower the barbell again by three counts.
Dumbbell rows in an inclined position

The dumbbell should be on the ground near the bench. You should put the knee of one leg on a bench and rest on it with the same hand. Taking the projectile in your free hand, as you exhale, raise it sharply to the level of the thigh. Lower the projectile in three counts.
Seated dumbbell press from the shoulder joints with a twist

Dumbbells are located at the level of the shoulder joints. As you exhale, push them up and at the same time turn your hands so that in the upper position they are directed towards each other. This is a great exercise for developing your mid-deltas. It is also familiar to many under the name "Arnold press".
Jumping out of a deep squat with weights

Use dumbbells as weights. Holding the projectile in your hands, do the squat in three counts. After that, with the movement of your feet, push the body up and make sure that your arms do not bend at the same time.
This complex should be performed three times a week. It should be noted that the complex is designed for athletes with a minimum average level of fitness. This is very important as you need to be able to regulate the load. In the event that you feel that you have not fully recovered from the previous lesson, then perform this complex in the usual style, not explosive.
Do not try to work at full load if you are not completely confident in the correct technique for performing the exercises. This is very important since you probably haven't worked in an explosive style before. Failure to reach the full load level from the first day of training will not slow your progress as much as possible injury.
How to develop explosive strength, learn from this video from Borodach: