What to do and how to train if you need to develop explosive strength? Find out the secret training scheme for fast muscle fibers. Today we will talk about a training plan for the development of explosive strength. Often this indicator is underestimated by athletes, which is very bad.
Explosive strength training structure

Before doing each strength exercise, you should take about 10 minutes to warm up. Unfortunately, very few athletes give this issue the attention it deserves. You need to overcome the temptation to quickly move to the strength part of the training and warm up your muscles well.
Thanks to a good warm-up, you will be able to prepare your muscles for intense physical activity, increase the effectiveness of the entire training session and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, the warm-up helps to increase the mobility of the joints, which are subjected to strong physical stress when working with weights.
Warming up your lower body can increase the mobility of your hips, which are the joints most commonly injured in athletes. It will also lead to the strengthening of the lumbar spine. This explosive strength training plan has four phases:
- Basic;
- Firming;
- Growth;
- Peakova.
Main phase
This phase should be seen as a transition between the high volume and low intensity work that most athletes are used to, to more serious work. At this stage, you should focus your attention on getting your body used to working with large weights. All exercises performed in the initial phase of training contribute to the solution of the four most important tasks facing the athlete.
Some of the movements are designed to strengthen the weakest areas, such as the ligaments of the lower spine, buttocks and lower back. Of course, all these muscles have decent strength, but it is not enough for effective training. Other movements will allow you to qualitatively load large groups of muscles and make them develop. In addition, a training plan for developing explosive strength includes accelerated movements to improve technique. You will need the ability of the muscles to generate a lot of effort in the shortest possible time.
Strengthening phase
The second phase of the training program got its name for the reason that at this stage the athlete will have to perform a set of more complex exercises with greater intensity. Their implementation is based on the exercises performed during the main phase.
The loads will increase, and the duration of the entire complex will decrease. The second phase of training represents a transitional stage from fundamental strength training to advanced.
During this period, attention should be focused on comprehensive training, which implies short pauses for rest (no more than 10 seconds). This will enable the athlete to work with more weight without reducing the volume of the session or increasing its duration. So, for example, when doing the main set of exercises, you can work with a weight of 8RM with two repetitions, and after a short rest, you can perform a movement with 5RM two more times. In other words, you will be able to work with a 5RM weight for eight reps in a slightly longer period of time than it takes to work with an 8RM weight for the same 8 reps.
During the second phase, you will have to do more exercises compared to the first phase. By this time, your body will already be more stress-resistant, which will lead to the ability to alternate exercises more often. You need, as before, to shift the emphasis on fast execution of movements and abandon the bodybuilding style you are used to, in which all exercises are performed slowly. The set of exercises will be improved in comparison with the previous one.
The set of exercises used in the second phase requires a decent amount of strength from the athlete, but it can well be completed by beginners. Thanks to this, muscle tissues will be able to experience strong oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) and stress. All this in total will prepare the muscles for serious work at the last stage of training during the peak phase.
Growth phase
Already by the name of the third phase, you can understand that during this period you will be able to notice a significant increase in the size of the muscles. The increase in muscle mass will be more noticeable if the athlete increases the number of exercises in his training program. Thanks to the first two phases, the athlete can now work with significantly higher weights.
During this period of time, you should focus on increasing the volume of training and increasing strength indicators due to the growth of muscle mass. First, you will do exercises with high weights and small rest pauses, and then the length of the pauses will increase, and the working weight will decrease.
For example, in the deadlift, you perform three sets, followed by two sets of movements with five repetitions. During the final two sets, you will use less weight of the sports equipment, which will effectively increase your explosive power.
Peak phase
The final step in your explosive strength training plan is the peak phase. Now the athlete has to focus on performing one-time sets of movements. In this case, the working weights will be quite large.
This stage of training is essential for the development of explosive strength. It is no coincidence that this phase was called "peak". The athlete in this period of time will be able to lay a powerful base and then take advantage of the results of his labor.
In the peak phase, you have to eliminate one set of movements. This will speed up the recovery process of the body, which is very important at this stage of training.
Learn more about how to develop explosive power in this video: